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TMI Tuesday -- 7/12/11 -- Go Your Own Way.


Level of Raspberry Feather
Jan 31, 2008

1. Look around you and name 3 ordinary items that could be used sexually.

2. What is one of the best things you've done so far this summer?

3. What is one thing you have yet to do this summer that you want to do?

4. What is your favorite comfort food?

5. What is the most bizarre thing someone has ever asked you to do sexually?

6. How much of your online personality transcends into your real life? What’s the biggest difference between the two?

7. What sexual act could you not live without?

8. What is on the wall in your bedroom?

9. What is your most hated chore on your household chore list?

10. What quality do you value most in a man/woman?

Bonus: What would you do differently if you knew no-one would judge you?
1. Look around you and name 3 ordinary items that could be used sexually.

Hmm. I guess it would be the bottle, the ball gag and the pictures of various people on the walls. :D

2. What is one of the best things you've done so far this summer?

Just had the best weekend with tklee88, fireguardian and filthyweasel. Best fucking weekend ever.

3. What is one thing you have yet to do this summer that you want to do?

Go swimming.

4. What is your favorite comfort food?

Cereal. It makes me so happy.

5. What is the most bizarre thing someone has ever asked you to do sexually?

Being involved in the kink community, nothing surprises me anymore. So nothing really stands out. :shrug:

6. How much of your online personality transcends into your real life? What’s the biggest difference between the two?

I honestly don’t know. I try to be myself as much as I can, on or offline. I’d have to ask those who know me. But I’d say the biggest difference between the two would be typing. :D

7. What sexual act could you not live without?

There isn’t a single sexual act that I couldn’t live without. I could survive without any sexual acts. It would be a long, boring life though. 

8. What is on the wall in your bedroom?


9. What is your most hated chore on your household chore list?

Probably dishes, because its just so never ending. But I don’t mind cleaning most of the time.

10. What quality do you value most in a man/woman?

I would say I value connection.

Bonus: What would you do differently if you knew no-one would judge you?

I would be naked. Like, all the time.

1. Look around you and name 3 ordinary items that could be used sexually.

A spoon, A ruler, A gallon jug of ice water.

2. What is one of the best things you've done so far this summer?

Gone to a very nice dinner with a friend.

3. What is one thing you have yet to do this summer that you want to do?

Go rockclimbing

4. What is your favorite comfort food?

A basic diner meal. Club, some fries, soda and a piece of pie

5. What is the most bizarre thing someone has ever asked you to do sexually?

Clown Rape.

6. How much of your online personality transcends into your real life? What’s the biggest difference between the two?

I think about half of what my online personality is seen as matches who I am, with the biggest difference being I think I come off as more approachable in person, and have a better sense of humor then Online Myriads does.

7. What sexual act could you not live without?


8. What is on the wall in your bedroom?

Shelves of books, a number of old advertising signs, some artwork.

9. What is your most hated chore on your household chore list?

Scrubbing floors

10. What quality do you value most in a man/woman?


Bonus: What would you do differently if you knew no-one would judge you?

Walked away when I should have.

1. Look around you and name 3 ordinary items that could be used sexually.
Ooh, a tough one right out the gate! Hmm... ummm, a video game controller... a hot sauce packet... annnnd... some napkins? :shrug:

2. What is one of the best things you've done so far this summer?

I installed this in my truck a few nights ago. It was my Christmas present from a few years ago, and it was sitting in my closet collecting dust. I was intimidated that it would be too difficult for me to do (Plus, I needed to buy a wiring harness!), but I was wrong! :D

3. What is one thing you have yet to do this summer that you want to do?
Rip out all the grass in my 10' x 10' backyard, and replace it with concrete pavers. It's simply too damn hot, plus I hate anything that involves grass or landscaping.

4. What is your favorite comfort food?
I'm embarrassed that I had to look up the definition for "comfort food". For the longest time, I've misinterpreted its meaning. :facepalm2:

For me, it would be pasta with marinara sauce and Italian sausage, heavily seasoned with real, cut garlic.

5. What is the most bizarre thing someone has ever asked you to do sexually?
Allow them to cut me with a knife and lick my blood. :shock:

6. How much of your online personality transcends into your real life? What’s the biggest difference between the two?
The majority of it. Online, I try to be ME me, just translated into text. The biggest difference is that I'm much more eloquent through text than I am verbally.

7. What sexual act could you not live without?
The orgasm! :D

8. What is on the wall in your bedroom?
Sadly, our walls are bare, save dust. Many times, GirlsDoItToo will get ambitious and tell me she wants to decorate, and I'm the sourpuss who either doesn't want to use the energy, or I don't think we have enough money to spend on the decorating resources to where I won't feel guilty, later. I think this is something I want to change before the summer is up...

9. What is your most hated chore on your household chore list?
Any of them? lol Seriously, I'm gonna say yard-work. I'd sooner get the urge to rob a liquor store with a banana before I got the urge to cut grass. The fact that the majority of my grass gets cut by someone else is the one thing I like about living in an HOA. However, they're not responsible for the little 10' x 10' square inside the fence line, which we're responsible for. Hence the reason I want to tear it out and put concrete tiles in its place.

10. What quality do you value most in a man/woman?
Most? Another toughie... My priorities have frequently changed over the years, and it's hard to narrow it down to most important when there are so many things I find important... clean, drug-free, ambitious, affectionate, responsible, faithful, non-smoking, self-respecting, sexually-charged, not a dead-beat... this list is not all-inclusive, and could go on and on. The simple answer is that I don't know. :shrug:

Bonus: What would you do differently if you knew no-one would judge you?
The one thing that keeps coming to mind is to go to school for professional wrestling. It's not fear of judgment for the act, so much as being judged for paying over $1400 for schooling, when I'd be paying for skills that can seriously get me injured, and where I'd most likely never do anything beyond small, independent shows where it's doubtful that I'd even be paid for performing.
1. Look around you and name 3 ordinary items that could be used sexually.
cellphone on vibrate; pillow; ear of corn

2. What is one of the best things you've done so far this summer?
I had a session with Switch Nikki at The Dominion during my visit to L.A.

3. What is one thing you have yet to do this summer that you want to do?
Attend a gathering.

4. What is your favorite comfort food?

5. What is the most bizarre thing someone has ever asked you to do sexually?
drink her urine directly from the source

6. How much of your online personality transcends into your real life? What’s the biggest difference between the two?
I'm much less talkative in real life

7. What sexual act could you not live without?

8. What is on the wall in your bedroom?
a painting and two posters

9. What is your most hated chore on your household chore list?
cleaning the bathroom

10. What quality do you value most in a man/woman?

Bonus: What would you do differently if you knew no-one would judge you?
I refuse to answer on the grounds that it would incriminate me. :p
1. Look around you and name 3 ordinary items that could be used sexually.

Well, I'm not really one for sexifying household objects so this isn't gonna be very interesting. I have...shoes for the foot fetishists, pictures of chicks grabbing other chicks' boobs for anyone who likes girl on girl boob grabbing, aaaaand Scotch tape that, in massive quantities could be used for some kind of bondage...for a very weak person LOL

2. What is one of the best things you've done so far this summer?

Started a new job, but I expect my summer will be getting MUCH better very soon :D

3. What is one thing you have yet to do this summer that you want to do?

See my beautiful wives :bubbleheart: and destroy the Rhino :lion:

4. What is your favorite comfort food?

Strawberry ice cream

5. What is the most bizarre thing someone has ever asked you to do sexually?

I've kinda been the bizarre one in my relationships LOL

6. How much of your online personality transcends into your real life? What’s the biggest difference between the two?

Aside from some playful habits :p I think I'm pretty similar online and in person. I don't really feel any need to be different in one place than the other. It probably would be best to ask some of the people who know me the best what the differences are if there are any.

I do find it interesting when people find out that I have a pretty bad temper they're usually very surprised. Apparently that's not an aspect of my personality that really shows online OR in person when I'm with this crowd.

7. What sexual act could you not live without?

I don't think there's any one thing I couldn't live without except affection as a whole. I am a very affectionate person, physically and otherwise, and I must have it in return, sexually or not.

8. What is on the wall in your bedroom?

White paint. I'm SO chic.

9. What is your most hated chore on your household chore list?


10. What quality do you value most in a man/woman?

Integrity. No matter how many mistakes a person makes or how many flaws they have, if they keep their integrity in tact they're gonna be okay.

Bonus: What would you do differently if you knew no-one would judge you?

Say exactly what I think.
1. Look around you and name 3 ordinary items that could be used sexually.

Cell phone, pen, scissors

2. What is one of the best things you've done so far this summer?

Friends visit.

3. What is one thing you have yet to do this summer that you want to do?


4. What is your favorite comfort food?

Depends on my mood.

5. What is the most bizarre thing someone has ever asked you to do sexually?

Nothing fazes me any more.

6. How much of your online personality transcends into your real life? What’s the biggest difference between the two?

I'm about the same.

7. What sexual act could you not live without?


8. What is on the wall in your bedroom?


9. What is your most hated chore on your household chore list?

I don't hate household chores. I hate living in squallor more.

10. What quality do you value most in a man/woman?


Bonus: What would you do differently if you knew no-one would judge you?

Probably more tattoos.

1. Look around you and name 3 ordinary items that could be used sexually.

Phone, tape and a leash. :p

2. What is one of the best things you've done so far this summer?

Went swimming. I need to do more of that and I shall. :bounce:

3. What is one thing you have yet to do this summer that you want to do?


4. What is your favorite comfort food?

Homemade chicken noodle soup with mashed potatoes.

5. What is the most bizarre thing someone has ever asked you to do sexually?

Hmmm. I had a guy who wanted to have sex with my armpits once. Although I can't really say anything was too bizarre because not a lot shocks me. :jester:

6. How much of your online personality transcends into your real life? What’s the biggest difference between the two?

Actually? A lot of it does. Anyone who knows me can vouch for that. I'd say the biggest difference though is that I, um, hell, I don't know. :jester:

7. What sexual act could you not live without?

Tickling. :upsidedow

Ok, ok. Oral sex is up there too. :excited:

8. What is on the wall in your bedroom?

Which wall? I've got shelfs, pictures, etc...

9. What is your most hated chore on your household chore list?

Dishes. :flatstare:

10. What quality do you value most in a man/woman?

The ability to laugh. Trustworthy is also on my list.

Bonus: What would you do differently if you knew no-one would judge you?

I'd be naked. A lot.
1. Look around you and name 3 ordinary items that could be used sexually.
rockstar, body butter, rose

2. What is one of the best things you've done so far this summer?

going to Canada!!!!!
3. What is one thing you have yet to do this summer that you want to do?

Go swimming.

4. What is your favorite comfort food?

Ice cream :D

5. What is the most bizarre thing someone has ever asked you to do sexually?

facials, anyone?

6. How much of your online personality transcends into your real life? What’s the biggest difference between the two?

I feel like I'm basically the same in person as I am online...haha

7. What sexual act could you not live without?


8. What is on the wall in your bedroom?

broadway posters

9. What is your most hated chore on your household chore list?

Laundry...I despise it!

10. What quality do you value most in a man/woman?


Bonus: What would you do differently if you knew no-one would judge you?

sing in public haha
1. Look around you and name 3 ordinary items that could be used sexually.

Maybe I'm just not very creative... but I cannot find a single thing.

2. What is one of the best things you've done so far this summer?

Went geocaching with a few friends. Was fun.

3. What is one thing you have yet to do this summer that you want to do?


4. What is your favorite comfort food?

Food? Don't have one. My comfort drink is coffee, however.

5. What is the most bizarre thing someone has ever asked you to do sexually?

Well, I've never been asked to do anything that people would consider bizarre.

6. How much of your online personality transcends into your real life? What’s the biggest difference between the two?

Not much. Online, I act like an aggressive know-it-all. In real life, I am very against confrontation, and avoid it like the plague. People walk all over me.

7. What sexual act could you not live without?

Any and all.

8. What is on the wall in your bedroom?

Various posters I've collected over the years. Some artwork from an art class some years ago that I failed at miserably.

9. What is your most hated chore on your household chore list?

I don't really hate any, really. The one I don't really care for is organizing in general. Cleaning I can handle, but organizing just annoys me.

10. What quality do you value most in a man/woman?

I don't know.

Bonus: What would you do differently if you knew no-one would judge you?

I'd probably leave my house more often.
Once again, thank you CrystalLight for posting these very fun threads!! :rainbowbounce:

1. Look around you and name 3 ordinary items that could be used sexually.

Sour cream and onion chips, a pair of scissors, and a pair of tweezers.

2. What is one of the best things you've done so far this summer?

Gone to the beach in NC :)

3. What is one thing you have yet to do this summer that you want to do?

Go to Washington D.C. and visit some friends!

4. What is your favorite comfort food?

Biscuits and gravy :cuddle:

5. What is the most bizarre thing someone has ever asked you to do sexually?

Continue to pump their tiny cock, off and on, for over 4 hours. And still no orgasm resulted. Pft. :manicd:

6. How much of your online personality transcends into your real life? What’s the biggest difference between the two?

I feel more comfortable online to discuss sexual, erotic, and kinky things...whereas in real life I am more conservative.

7. What sexual act could you not live without?

Masturbation :blowkiss:

8. What is on the wall in your bedroom?

True Blood poster, my HUGE poster of Eric Northman :aww: (a gift from my sister!), and some different prints of my favorite paintings I bought on my travels to Italy :)

9. What is your most hated chore on your household chore list?

Folding laundry and fucking putting it away. That sucks. :doublefinger:

10. What quality do you value most in a man/woman?

Just someone who doesn't take things too seriously and can laugh at themselves and just life in general :blowkiss:

Bonus: What would you do differently if you knew no-one would judge you?

Not shave as often ;) Shaving is annoying and sometimes I just don't feel like it. But I am mortified and would NEVER go out into public with hairy she-man legs!
1. Look around you and name 3 ordinary items that could be used sexually.
electric tooth brush,hair brush(spanking), and petroleum jelly.

2. What is one of the best things you've done so far this summer?
Getting more paid fetish photo shoots!

3. What is one thing you have yet to do this summer that you want to do?
I'd like to go kinky camping with my pet.

4. What is your favorite comfort food?
I hate to sound like a stereotypical Southerner, but Fried Chicken, Mash Potatoes, and OMFG Biscuits!

5. What is the most bizarre thing someone has ever asked you to do sexually?
Hmm this is hard. Oh yeah I posted on FetLife in a mommy/daddy group. I said I would like to be a mommy and a daddy sent me a message saying he wasn't a little, but wanted to have a mommy daddy sexual relationship.

6. How much of your online personality transcends into your real life? What’s the biggest difference between the two?
Actually I am a lot more reserved in real life then I am online. I am shyer in real life too. My online personality only really shows up when I'm doing kinky play.

7. What sexual act could you not live without?

8. What is on the wall in your bedroom?

9. What is your most hated chore on your household chore list?

10. What quality do you value most in a man/woman?

Bonus: What would you do differently if you knew no-one would judge you? I do whatever I want right now because I don't care if people judge. I use to care and then I realized the only person that was really truly able to judge me was myself.
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1. Look around you and name 3 ordinary items that could be used sexually.

Bunch of roses, rubber exercise tube, glass of iced tea.

2. What is one of the best things you've done so far this summer?

Vacation at the lake.

3. What is one thing you have yet to do this summer that you want to do?


4. What is your favorite comfort food?

Fresh baked bread and homemade soup.

5. What is the most bizarre thing someone has ever asked you to do sexually?

It was so disgusting I don't think I can say.

6. How much of your online personality transcends into your real life? What’s the biggest difference between the two?

I would say that in some ways my personality from online is the real me, and what the outside world, the professional world sees - the shy nerd girl is the fake.

7. What sexual act could you not live without?


8. What is on the wall in your bedroom?

White walls, moon and star stuff.

9. What is your most hated chore on your household chore list?

Lawn care

10. What quality do you value most in a man/woman?


Bonus: What would you do differently if you knew no-one would judge you?

Stop mowing my lawn and buy goats to just eat the grass! [giggles]
1. Look around you and name 3 ordinary items that could be used sexually.
1. My vibrator. It's sitting on my table.
2. Ruler. Mmm!
3. Candles. Wax play, anyone?

2. What is one of the best things you've done so far this summer?
Zoo with my boyfraaaand and his kid. :)

3. What is one thing you have yet to do this summer that you want to do?

4. What is your favorite comfort food?
Chocolate milkshake from McD's.

5. What is the most bizarre thing someone has ever asked you to do sexually?
Oh Jesus...are you serious?
I can't say...he might see it.

6. How much of your online personality transcends into your real life? What’s the biggest difference between the two?
I don't really know...this almost seems like a question you would ask someone else about me...ya know?

7. What sexual act could you not live without?
Swallowing. I fucking love that.

8. What is on the wall in your bedroom?
Some artsy fartsy flower painting that matches my bedspread.

9. What is your most hated chore on your household chore list?

10. What quality do you value most in a man/woman?
Man: Sense of humor
Woman: Honesty

Bonus:What would you do differently if you knew no-one would judge you?
1. Look around you and name 3 ordinary items that could be used sexually.
Hmmm... tough one. Webcam, pencil with eraser...Tostitos?

2. What is one of the best things you've done so far this summer?
Went and visited with some rather cool people recently; epic time was epic!

3. What is one thing you have yet to do this summer that you want to do?
Engage in one of my best friends' bachelor party, the best man and I are to be the planners after all. :D

4. What is your favorite comfort food?
A tie between Gushers, grapes and Lays BBQ chips

5. What is the most bizarre thing someone has ever asked you to do sexually?
I don't kiss and tell :p

6. How much of your online personality transcends into your real life? What’s the biggest difference between the two?
It's the other way around with me; I present who I am online as I am offline because I want people to see me as Big_Dogg85 and Big_Dogg85 as me - I choose not to wear a mask so what you see and understand is what you get, take it or leave it. :)

7. What sexual act could you not live without?
This is a fair and open question :p (I'm being picky and choosy, so sue me :p ) Handjob

8. What is on the wall in your bedroom?
Several Toronto Maple Leafs posters, a poster of the Stanley Cup itself, a Pink Floyd poster board, a Periodic Table of Mixology drinks poster and a Towers of Power drinks poster.

9. What is your most hated chore on your household chore list?
Cleaning out and cleaning up a dirty, smelly fridge...

10. What quality do you value most in a man/woman?
Respect, particularly of the self but also of others.

Bonus: What would you do differently if you knew no-one would judge you?

I don't know if I would do anything differently...in a backwords way I want people to properly judge me, to come to their own conclusions about me. I am who I am and, while it took me a VERY LONG time to get to this point, I am truly proud of who I am, how I present myself, what I've become and what I stand for. If they find me unsatisfactory in any way after judging me then that is fine, but unless it is an egregious flaw that I acknowledge as being so, an individual or group's judgment of me won't change who I am. Like I said earlier, this is me: take it or leave it.

Good to have the TMI Captain back at the helm! (I'm glad the Snail took point last week to assist but I don't trust the helmsmanship of someone who doesn't consistently drive. :p :p :p )
1. Look around you and name 3 ordinary items that could be used sexually.

An extension cord.
A bottle of dish soap.
A tiny statue of Lord Voldomort.:firedevil

2. What is one of the best things you've done so far this summer?


3. What is one thing you have yet to do this summer that you want to do?


4. What is your favorite comfort food?


5. What is the most bizarre thing someone has ever asked you to do sexually?

I'm mostly the weird one... But a girl asked me to have sex with her bosoms one time.

6. How much of your online personality transcends into your real life? What’s the biggest difference between the two?

Well, I don't have a moustache in real life.

7. What sexual act could you not live without?

Vagina stuff.

8. What is on the wall in your bedroom?

A creepy Japanese poster my little sister gave me. I have to keep checking to make sure it isn't alive.:xpeepsofa

9. What is your most hated chore on your household chore list?

Laundry. Fuck laundry.

10. What quality do you value most in a man/woman?

In women, a sense of humour. In men, a similar sense of humour.

Bonus: What would you do differently if you knew no-one would judge you?

I'd probably pee on things more.
1. Look around you and name 3 ordinary items that could be used sexually?

a paper clip, AA battery, and an air brush kit

2. What is one of the best things you've done so far this summer?

having steamy, dreamy relations in the back row of the movie theatre...she wouldn't stop hollering though...lol

3. What is one thing you have yet to do this summer that you want to do?

finish my renovations in my house...

4. What is your favorite comfort food?

crunch 'n munch, baked spaghetti, and butter pecan ice cream

5. What is the most bizarre thing someone has ever asked you to do sexually?

to stand her up upside down, and me pulling her up and down like weights...best exercise I had in my life...LMAO

6. How much of your online personality transcends into your real life? What’s the biggest difference between the two?

no difference...I am the same fool yesterday, today, and forevermore

7. What sexual act could you not live without?

erotic tickling...nothing like giving them 2 for 1 feelings...

8. What is on the wall in your bedroom?

poster of Walter Payton over my bed, and Triple H on the other side of the room

9. What is your most hated chore on your household chore list?

laundry...cuz it takes too damn long to do

10. What quality do you value most in a man/woman?

initiative in a woman....someone who knows what she wants, and waits for no one to get it

Bonus: What would you do differently if you knew no-one would judge you?

nothing, whatcha see is whatcha get...your opinion means nothing to me
1. Look around you and name 3 ordinary items that could be used sexually.

Paintbrushes, a wooden spoon, cord.

2. What is one of the best things you've done so far this summer?

So far it's been days out with the family.

3. What is one thing you have yet to do this summer that you want to do?

A battle of unheard of proportions. :lion:

4. What is your favorite comfort food?

The only food that makes me feel better is sushi. I feel extra happy when I'm eating it. :D It has a close follower with cream of broccoli in a bread bowl.

5. What is the most bizarre thing someone has ever asked you to do sexually?

Ler them. It's bizarre when I know in my core I'm a lee.

6. How much of your online personality transcends into your real life? What’s the biggest difference between the two?

I have to have a more goofy/ happy go lucky personality on the forum because I have a very, very dry sense of humor (and way of speaking) and it ALWAYS comes off as sarcastic...or doesn't come out at all when I type. So I've pretty much left that facet of myself out of the forum.

7. What sexual act could you not live without?

Using bondage.

8. What is on the wall in your bedroom?

Paintings of crows and a metal sculpture-ish wall hanging.

9. What is your most hated chore on your household chore list?

I can do ANYTHING, usually happily, but man do I hate taking the trash out.

10. What quality do you value most in a man/woman?

In men, I value kindness/compassion and sense of humor.

In women, I value the ability to not become a jealous bitch. I dunno if this is the quality I value most in them, but I can tell you if they fulfill this it probably means they have a lot of other great things going for them too. :D

Bonus: What would you do differently if you knew no-one would judge you?

I would be a lot more honest with people in how I feel about things.
1. Look around you and name 3 ordinary items that could be used sexually.

Weed, electric toothbrush, power chord

2. What is one of the best things you've done so far this summer?

I've had so many adventures it's hard to name one. Shrooms were a good one. I'm about to go see Animal Collective next weekend and I'm sure that'll be one of the biggest highlights.

3. What is one thing you have yet to do this summer that you want to do?

IFD + Rhino REUNITE!! And then there will be no moar Rhino.

4. What is your favorite comfort food?

Anything my Mamaw cooks.

5. What is the most bizarre thing someone has ever asked you to do sexually?

Stick two fingers up a butt and try to find that special spot.

6. How much of your online personality transcends into your real life? What’s the biggest difference between the two?

I think I'm fairly similar to my online persona. Though, I'd say I'm a better communicator online.

7. What sexual act could you not live without?

Tickling. Duh.

8. What is on the wall in your bedroom?

I don't have a bedroom. I couch surf.

9. What is your most hated chore on your household chore list?

All of that shit.

10. What quality do you value most in a man/woman?

Honesty. A sense of humor. The ability to communicate and connect. Patience because I'm a lot to handle sometimes.

Bonus: What would you do differently if you knew no-one would judge you?

Fetish videos.

Say EXACTLY what I'm thinking and feeling.
1. Look around you and name 3 ordinary items that could be used sexually.

Masking tape, extension cords, and a leather belt.

2. What is one of the best things you've done so far this summer?

Can I count NEST? :D

3. What is one thing you have yet to do this summer that you want to do?

Fly up North and put the three young ladies of IFD in their place. :dom:

4. What is your favorite comfort food?

My mom makes these amazing pork chops with mushroom and onion gravy, and serves them along with mashed potatoes that are concocted with sour cream and cream cheese. Best thing in the world.

5. What is the most bizarre thing someone has ever asked you to do sexually?

Pretend I was a certain wizard whose name rhymes with Larry Slaughter. :p

6. How much of your online personality transcends into your real life? What’s the biggest difference between the two?

I'm a lot less talkative and friendly in person... At least, I am until I get to know folks a little bit. Then I'm pretty much the same.

7. What sexual act could you not live without?

Um... Sex?

8. What is on the wall in your bedroom?

Absolutely nothing. Rhinos don't decorate.

9. What is your most hated chore on your household chore list?

Raking up dog poo in my back yard.

10. What quality do you value most in a man/woman?


Bonus: What would you do differently if you knew no-one would judge you?

No one, as in not even a court of law? Heh. Anything I damn well pleased. :p
1. Look around you and name 3 ordinary items that could be used sexually.

My cat. My e-cig. My cat's feather toy thing that looks like a fishing rod. It's curved. :eek:

2. What is one of the best things you've done so far this summer?

Eat Tater Tots.

3. What is one thing you have yet to do this summer that you want to do?

Mila Kunis.

4. What is your favorite comfort food?

I don't ever really need comfort food as I'm constantly on a caffeine high and feel nothing but bliss.

I do like bacon though.

5. What is the most bizarre thing someone has ever asked you to do sexually?


6. How much of your online personality transcends into your real life? What’s the biggest difference between the two?

I'm pretty much exactly the same. I'm basing this off of people who've met me from here in rl.

7. What sexual act could you not live without?

Foreplay. And the part where the penis goes into the vagina.

8. What is on the wall in your bedroom?

Two Asian painting hanging things.

9. What is your most hated chore on your household chore list?

Fucking cat liter.

10. What quality do you value most in a man/woman?


Bonus: What would you do differently if you knew no-one would judge you?

Admit that I watched, and actually enjoyed just one episode of Glee.
1. Look around you and name 3 ordinary items that could be used sexually.

Belt, Computer, Beer bottle

2. What is one of the best things you've done so far this summer?

Surprisingly enough, bought a wedding dress.

3. What is one thing you have yet to do this summer that you want to do?

Read 10 books. (On book 4 now.)

4. What is your favorite comfort food?

Ice cream
5. What is the most bizarre thing someone has ever asked you to do sexually?

Nothing's been that weird.

6. How much of your online personality transcends into your real life? What’s the biggest difference between the two?

I am a little snarkier online, but otherwise, I'd hope I'm pretty similar.

7. What sexual act could you not live without?
A vibrator.

8. What is on the wall in your bedroom?

Two pieces of art: one painting with a saxophone, one photograph of children's hands in a circle with pretty henna designs.

9. What is your most hated chore on your household chore list?

I hate vacuuming.

10. What quality do you value most in a man/woman?


Bonus: What would you do differently if you knew no-one would judge you?[/QUOTE]

I'd dance more. It's not a pretty sight when I try dancing, but if I didn't feel so ridiculous it might suck less as an experience.
What is one of the best things you've done so far this summer?

-Visiting the bambino.

What is one thing you have yet to do this summer that you want to do?

-Go to the beach, go to an amusement park, road trip. I wanna do a lot of stuff lol

What is your favorite comfort food?

-Mac and cheese is pretty damn good. Not that Kraft shit. Real mac and cheese.

How much of your online personality transcends into your real life? What’s the biggest difference between the two?

-I'm way more careful of what I say online than I am in person these days.

What is on the wall in your bedroom?

-A birthday card from my dad.

What is your most hated chore on your household chore list?

-I never clean my apartment until I start worrying that I might be turning into a hoarder. I'm not a fan of vaccumming, but all chorse suck really.

10. What quality do you value most in a man/woman?

-It's hard to pick just one. I guess when I really think about it, understanding and compassion are what I value most.

Bonus: What would you do differently if you knew no-one would judge you?

-Ha. I'd do a lot of things, but it'd end up with people thinking I was crazier than I already am.
1. Look around you and name 3 ordinary items that could be used sexually.

Bandana, flashlight, leash

2. What is one of the best things you've done so far this summer?

Hockey tournament in Boston

3. What is one thing you have yet to do this summer that you want to do?

Go to the zoo

4. What is your favorite comfort food?

Goldfish, dulce de leche flavored anything

5. What is the most bizarre thing someone has ever asked you to do sexually?

Tickle them

6. How much of your online personality transcends into your real life? What’s the biggest difference between the two?

Aside from posting on a fetish forum, I'm more reserved online

7. What sexual act could you not live without?


8. What is on the wall in your bedroom?

A painting

9. What is your most hated chore on your household chore list?

Mowing the lawn

10. What quality do you value most in a man/woman?

Honesty and the ability to communicate like an adult

Bonus: What would you do differently if you knew no-one would judge you?

Never ever wear pants....ever

1. Look around you and name 3 ordinary items that could be used sexually.

Cherry Limeade (not the 2 liter bottle, but the liquid inside.)
Telephone cord
Television remote

2. What is one of the best things you've done so far this summer?

East Coast Road Trip

3. What is one thing you have yet to do this summer that you want to do?

Been gang tickled by like 10 people. LOL

4. What is your favorite comfort food?


5. What is the most bizarre thing someone has ever asked you to do sexually?

I am drawing a blank. LOL

6. How much of your online personality transcends into your real life? What’s the biggest difference between the two?

A good bit of it. In RL offline (work), I am in complete control and pretty much everyone does exactly what I tell them to do. Online or rather in my kink life (on and offline)- I kinda get off on being a bottom/ submissive. I love the loss of control and I love being dominated by my hubby. I need it!

7. What sexual act could you not live without?


8. What is on the wall in your bedroom?


9. What is your most hated chore on your household chore list?

Cleaning the bathroom

10. What quality do you value most in a man/woman?


Bonus: What would you do differently if you knew no-one would judge you?

Pierce and TAT myself up. EVERYWHERE!
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