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The Book Of LOL: Tormentor's Kiss


3rd Level Blue Feather
Feb 15, 2006
This story is going to be featured in a collection of stories from authors on the TMF but since some of us are loyal to tickletheater, I decided to put this story up here so you can read it here as well.

I'm weager to know what you think of it.

The Book Of
The Tormentor’s Kiss​

The athletic young woman made her way down the long hallway, she wore a pair of blue jeans, pink socks, and a black turtleneck shirt. Her golden brown skin alternated from light to dark as she passed each doorway on the third floor of the old Victorian house. Her hair was long, braided, and hung past her shoulders in two great ropelike loops.

She walked down the corridor in the manner of a woman on an important mission. Her face was determined, her eyes were focused on her objective, which lay at the end of the hall; a doorway which leads up to the final level of the house, the attic. The young woman padded silently as she neared the doorway, holding the only key to the portal. She inserted the key, twisted, and the door swung open.

“Marvelous,” she cooed as she made her way up the stairway. The steps were covered in dust, the railing and walls were equally painted with a layer of the distasteful material. When she reached the top of the dust laden attic, she disappeared into the dark corners, and the sounds of her shuffling through boxes and items of different sorts, as well as the occasional sneeze, began to populate the darkness.

An hour later she descended from the attic, dust covering her jeans, her hair peppered with the stuff, carrying a large box. She smiled, pleased that she had accomplished her objective.

The two young women watched as their cousin set the huge box down on the table. They were twins, with dark purplish brown skin, and short, dark curly hair. They wore jeans, and brown or gray shirts, with white socks. They had their feet rested on the table where the cousin had lain the box.

“Dee...What the Hell is that?” the one in the brown shirt asked indignantly, “I hope it’s worth you putting that dusty box right in my view of the T.V.”
The cousin smiled, “This, Ajani, is a very old game.”
“Game?” the cousin in the gray shirt asked, her ears perking up, “what kind of game?”
“It’s an old game, Kea, I think it’s from Spain,”
“Have you ever played this game?” Ajani asked her skepticism evident.
“No,” Dee replied.
“Then why should I?”
“Oh come on Ajani,” Kea nagged, “Just go with it. I’m sure its okay.”
“I don’t need to be playing some old shit.”
“You needn’t be an ass about it Ajani.” The cousin scolded. “If you don’t wish to play, you don’t have to.”
“I won’t,” Ajani hissed as she pushed the box away with the ball of her foot. The box slid past the table edge and fell, Dee caught the box in time to save it from crashing to the floor. She glared at Ajani, who was as indifferent as any human could appear. She then glanced at Ajani’s size ten wide feet crossed at the ankles. Without a moment’s hesitation, Dee scribbled her short nailed fingers along her cousin’s soles.

“Shit!” she screamed, and pulled her feet back toward her, glared at Dee as if she had uttered a blasphemy to God, and let her tongue loose.
“You idiotic muddafugga! You know damn well I’m ticklish what the Hell you tickle my damned feet for?”
“Oh shut up Ajani,” Kea said as she elbowed her sister in the ribs, Ajani threw her head back in sudden shock and squealed.
“Stop it sis!” Ajani squealed.
“Keep going Kea,” Dee commanded as she grabbed her cousin’s ankles and began dragging her nails up and down the wide, plump socked feet. “It’s amazing how different you two are Kea, You don’t curse at all, and your sister, it’s like someone broke the dam!”

Ajani’s feet flexed, curled and thrashed as the young woman tried desperately to extricate her ankles from her cousin’s vice like grip. But it would prove nearly impossible with her ribs now being tickled by her sister. Ajani pulled her legs, flailed her arms, and doubled over, unleashing a torrent of laughter and swearing the likes of which no man had yet seen.

“Stop...STAAAP!!!” Ajani squealed as she tumbled to the floor, her twenty titillating assailants still frolicking upon her sensitive form.
“Not until you play the game!” Kea exclaimed as she began dancing her fingers along her sister’s armpits.
“I don’t wanna play that fuckin’ game!” She roared just before falling into another fit of roaring laughter.
“You’re going to play it,” Dee said as she slipped off her cousin’s socks and digging into the meaty flesh of her soles.
“Fuck No, I Ain’t Doin’ It!”
“Oh, you will. If not, then Kea and I are going to have to resort to less usual measures.”
“Have it your way...” Dee said.

Thirty minutes later, Dee and Kea had tied up Ajani in one of the second floor rooms. Her hands and arms were shackled to the floor, and her feet were sticking through a table, such that her soles faced the cieling. The scent of ivory soap filled the air.

Ajani was giggling insanely as she tried to focus on something else besides the sensation of her soles, tingling from the foot washing that her sisters had given her. She knew now, that once they had finished of playing their game that they’d come back to her. As if to oppose her own belief, Kea and Dee entered the room, carrying two small bottles of honey.

Ajani’s jaw nearly fell through the floor when she saw the honey bottles with the little bears. Her eyes filled with terror and her feet started tingling violently.
“Oh no, come on man! Nah, don’t do that!” Kea and Dee walked right past their victim and took their seats at each foot.

“SHIT! You bitches! Why the fuck do you do this to me all the time?”
“Because we don’t like ghetto girls.” Kea quipped.
“And because you act like an ass.” Dee added.
“AAGH, FUCK YOU!” Ajani cried, “Don’t you fuckin’ dare put that honey on my feeEEEEEET!!!” It had already begun. Kea and Dee squeezed the liquid out of the bottles and soaked Ajani’s feet in honey. They then began to massage the honey into her soles. Ajani’s toes made this no easy task as they kept wriggling, flexing and curling.

Five minutes later, Ajani was practically crying, tears ran down her cheeks, though her grin betrayed any hint of sorrow, unless it would be sorrow for her torment. Her feet had been left alone, airing out somewhat. Dee and Kea sat on the floor watching their victim as they patiently waited for the honey to dry a bit more.

Five more minutes passed before the two young women creeped up quietly, like panthers stalking prey, and flicked their tongues on the foot facing them. Ajani’s feet curled almost instantaneously.

“OOOH NOOO!!!” She roared as she felt the tongues flick once over her soles, then again; and again; and finally go into an all out licking festival. “NOOOOO!!!”
Kea and Dee were going at it, their tongues lapped up the honey on their screaming relative’s constantly mobile soles. “STAAAAAAHAHAHAAAAAAAP!!!”

In the great hall of an old dark castle, a tall man stared out the window, his black hair hides his face, his hands are stuffed in his pockets, and the light envelops him in the darkness o the great chamber. A woman enters the room, travels toward him, then stops.

“Laphar,” the woman in the dark cape addressed the man in the black foot length coat. She was tall, pale, with black hair that hung at her shoulders. Her eyes were dark, maliciously dark. She stood behind the man who faced the window. Her voice was almost a whisper; a tormenting, lustful whisper.
“Yes?” he replied in a deep base filled voice. “What is it Yazabil?”
“The game has been found,”
“I know,”
“...You were right,”
“I know.”
“...Do you not enjoy being right?”
“Not if it means the downfall of my brethren and sistern.”
“Those people are not your family,” she said as she wrapped her arms about his shoulders, “they are worthless.”
“They are valuable.”
“No, you are wrong my love.” She said as she kissed him on the shoulder. He turned his head to the left, his skin was a charcoal color, his nose hooked downward, his eyes were like opals. His thin lips were curled in what could have been a sneer, exposing his white sharp teeth.
“That is the problem with you, Yazabil, you fail to understand, my creator has endowed me with a blessing, a curse, and all in between. I am always correct, never incorrect, and I because of this am damned.”
“They won’t die,” Yazabil whispered. “They’ll take command, but never will they succumb to relative mortality.”
“We are the victims of relative mortality.”
“You are the victim of eternal stubbornness.”
“Only because I am right,”
“Of course,” she stretched her neck to kiss him on the cheek, he turned away.
“If you want something, you have to work for it,”
Yazabil released Laphar and walked to his front. She stretched her neck, and kissed him on the lips. He returned the gesture.

“AAUGHAHAHAAA!! STAAAAAP!!” Ajani roared as Kea and Dee sucked the last of the honey off of her toes. Kea and Dee looked exceptionally pleased with themselves. Ajani was too weak from laughing for so long and so hard, that she could only threaten to hurt her sister and cousin, but those threats were always clipped by her laughter.

“I think she’s had enough.” Kea said.
“But I think that she needs onem ore thing. But, we need to make a call.” She grinned at Dee who understood immediately. They took out their cell phones, and turned them onto vibrate. They put the phones into the legs of Ajani’s jeans, just under the buttocks, and at the inner thighs. Then they left the room. Ajani looked around and stewed in her own fury.

“Now, those bitches are about to play that game I’ll bet.” Moments later, the sound of two calls coming into the cell phones broke the silence of the room, followed by the sensation of the phones vibrating bodies against her thighs. Ajani’s eyes nearly bugged out of her head, But there was nothing she could do but shake her rear and head furiously.

“Roll a number,” Dee said as she handed Kea the dice.
“Two,” she said after the dice came to a stop.
“Pick a card,” Dee ordered. Kea did as she was told.
Los Libros Del Misterias
dearest child who plays this game, beware;
Such fantasies you had before, I beg you, leave behind;
The game we play is not a game for the faint of heart,
Such terrors soon to plague you, will surely rock your mind.

“How...odd.” Kea said.

Ajani had manage to buck hard enough to break the table which held her, and pull her arms out of the bonds that held her to the floor. She stood, considered going into the nest room and beating up Dee and Kea, but then went to the window and stepped out onto the balcony. She looked at the sky, in the distance she could see a dark stormcloud heading her way. She dug in her jean pocket, pulled out a black & mild cigar, and lit it. She puffed at it while she angrily cursed her sister and cousin.

“Damn lesbos, can’t keep their fuckin’ hand’s off me...shit...hate bein’ tickled...” As she continued to puff on her cigar, a dark figure emerged from the background, it came right up to her back and stopped. The figure wrapped its arms around her middle, leaving enough space for her not to feel it, as she stared at the clouds.
“Fuckin’ bitches...” Moments after she spoke, the figure pulled her back into the room.

The scream interrupted the game and Kea and Dee shot back down the hall to see what had happened. When they arrived, they found Ajani curled into a ball, while six little fuzzy black creatures jumped and crawled all over her. Ajani was a laughing mess. Tears rolled down her cheeks, her eyes practically rolled back in her head, and she begged the creatures to stop. But they wouldn’t.

“Oh my god,” Kea cried, “Ajani, what is this?”
“If she knew she’d tell us...” Dee said, as she picked up a chair and swatted one of the beasts out the window. It made a great squealing sound as it sailed into the street.

Kea screamed as she fought one of the beasts that had turned its attentions to her. She pulled it off her thigh, and tossed it down the hallway. She could see it’s bright red eyes as it moved toward her in the darkness. She bolted back to the room where she and Dee were playing the game. She slipped to the floor and scrambled into the doorway just as the creature leapt over her, just missing her leg. She shut the door before the beast could get in. The creature began banging on the door. She sighed with relief and sat on the bed.

“Hello,” the deep voiced man said from his spot on the ceiling in the corner of the room. He stooped as if he were on the floor. His skin was as black as coal, and his clothes were as black as his skin. Kea’s eyes went wider than two saucers when she saw him.
“Oh my God!”

Dee took the final little beast and slammed it into the wall until black blood oozed from it. She let it drop to the floor and she walked out into the hallway, the still madly giggling Ajani in tow.

“Go to your room, get your sneakers and some socks.”
“I wouldn’t have toohohoh...if you and my sister didn’t go lesbo on me again...”
“We can’t help it.”
“That you love tickling the shit out of me, or that you and my sister are more crooked than a Nazi jammed in a pair of cogs?”
“Neither, we can’t help that we’re so sadistic.”
“Bitches...” She said as she opened her door.

Dee made her way down to the room where they had been playing the game. She found the beast that had chased Kea, and with a single swing of her foot, sent it tumbling through the hallway, screaming all the while. Dee opened the door, and gasped.

Kea giggled insanely on the bed while Laphar, who had lain her out on his lap, danced his fingers along her torso, delicately exciting every nerve ending in her body. He looked up at Dee, lifted an eyebrow and then went back to work.

“Laphar!” She hissed.
“Hello Dee.”
“WHO THE FUCK IS THIS?” Ajani cried as she entered the room in her socks.
“My, she has quite a foul mouth on her doesn’t she?”
“Fuck you nigga.”
“In your dreams dear. So, my dear Dee, how have you been?”
“What are you doing here?”
“Exploring the earth for now.”
“Why are you here dude?”
“My world is going to conquer yours.”
“What the fuck is he saying?”
“What do you mean?”
“The Titillare is preparing to lay siege to the Earth, and they will lay waste to the human race.”
“Who the fuck is this nigga?”
Laphar reached out his left hand, and wiggled the fingers. Ajani doubled over laughing. She fell on her side, kicking and screaming.

“What is the Titilare?”
“Remember when you were in University? The cloaked individuals who took Kiki and Lena?”
“Oh God NO!”
“Yes, and the worst part was, I couldn’t warn you not to start the game.”
“What’s wrong with the game?”
“The game was a trap, sent by the titillare.”
“Oh yeah, Jesus says Hi.”
“How long do we have?”
“They are already here.”

There was a great whining sound, like metal rubbing upon metal, then a great boom, and the whole house shook. Laphar released Kea and walked out of the room, and back to the room with the balcony, where Ajani was earlier, followed by Kea, Dee and Ajani. The four of them went out on the balcony, and saw people running around screaming. People being tossed through the air by large silver tentacles reaching from the dark clouds overhead.

“Ah, and it has begun.” He turned to the three women. “I would advise you three to make tracks while you can. And if you do happen to be taken into my world, find the Hysterim before the Gargali or Knismon find you. If either of the other two locate you, you may never leave.”

Ajani didn’t waste any time, she leapt off the balcony, and slid down an eave, and dropped into a bush, and she shot off down the street.

“Well, it seems that that young lady certainly doesn’t waste time. Well, I must be off.” Laphar turned to the west and leapt into the air, two huge black leathery wings burst from his back, and he sailed into the sky.

Dee just stared, “I know he didn’t just leave us here...”
“Did that guy just fly?”
“I want to fly...”
“Okay, look, Kea, we have got to get out of here.” Dee went to the doorway and began heading down the stairs.
“Dee, who are those guys?”
Dee stopped, “What do they look like?”
“They’re dressed in black, and they have hoods.”
“Where are they going?”
“Around the front! And they’ve got Ajani!”
“Kea, come on!” Dee screamed; the terror of what would come in her voice, “We have to go now!”
“My sister!”
“We can get her back, but first we have to leave this place before—”

The knock at the door silenced all. Dee’s heart skipped a beat, she looked at the doorway, and she could hear Ajani’s laughter as the hooded men came closer. The knock came again, harder this time, and the door fell from its hinges. A tall slender man in an outfit worthy of the Spanish Inquisition stepped inside. Behind him, four other men held Ajani’s limbs and let their fingers explore the wild young woman’s body. They struggled with the thrashing woman, but they enjoyed their struggle all the same. Their grinning white faces said all.

Dee crept back up the stairs and into the room where Kea stood. She put her index finger to kea’s lips and directed her to the balcony. The sound of boots on the steps echoed through the hallway, higher than the sound of the tickled Ajani on the floor below.

“Jump,” Dee ordered.
“You have to or we’ll never save Ajani.”
The boots reached the top of the stairs. Dee looked back and screamed at the figure looming in the doorway. The tall figure wore a golden mask and had gold fingertipped gloves. The figure steped into the room and in three easy strides, it had its hands at Dee’s neck. Kea looked at Dee, and then at the figure holding her, and decided then, to run. She leapt over the balcony, tumbled down the eaves, an landed in the bushes. She took off running, and disappeared into the suburb.

“Hello, Diana...” the figure whispered.
“Who...are you...”
“Izmaal,” the figure whispered. “And you, are a delicacy...like your cousin who is devoured below us. As you will be, for ever and ever...amen.”
“You don’t think I don’t know who you are?”
“Izmaal, why me?”
Izmaal’s hand pinched her ribcage, “such power, we hunger, and our hunger will be quelled whence all mankind is devoured.”
“But you have power already,” Dee begged as she felt Izmaal’s fingers walking around her sides.
“We can not devour ourselves, we will still need to devour,”
“Buhaha...But youhoho...”

“Do not fight it,” Izmaal whispered as he tilted toward the floor, and more hands grew from his form, and began dancing all over Dee, “allow yourself to be devoured.”
“No! NOHO!!” Dee wailed as the fingers frolicked about her body; removing her shoes, her socks, her shirt, her pants, probing toward all her skin, and exciting the nerves, and making her explode with laughter.
“For ever...”
“PLEASE STAAAHAHAAAP!!” She begged as tears rolled down her cheeks, and the darkness of Izmaal’s form spread along the floor, enveloping her.
“And ever...”
“I BEG OF YOUHOOHOOO!!” She squealed as the darkness swirled about her shoulders, blending with her dark hair.
“Amen.” Izmaal said just before he buried his face into Dee’s own; his dark form like a huge blanket upon her; her muffled screeches, shrieks and squeals danced in tandem with both the dances of the hands that scoured her body with their gold tipped fingers, and her thrashes and flails whose form could be perceived under the thick, carpetine form of the dark beast on the floor.
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