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Simply, Maria ! F/F (Go figger !)


TMF Expert
Sep 27, 2001
Don't know how I neglected to post this one gang !

Maria stormed furiously into the gym, hoping to catch that redhaired bitch, Janine, alone. If there were people still there with her, so much the better ! The little latino streetfighter only stood 5’5” tall, but with her street-wise ways, she was damn certain she was going to wipe up the gym floor with the svelte, 5’10” redhead ! She’d seen her flirting with her boyfriend in the College Commons and nobody, but nobody, was going to get between her and her guy.

Janine may have been taller, but Maria’s 36DD breasts and full, wide hips gave her the weight advantage over the slim gymnast. “She’s such a shy, demure little thing that she’ll probably start begging me from the first slap !” she thought with the full force of her violent hispanic temper. “I’m gonna beat that bitch so bad she’ll probably leave the college! Then I’m gonna humiliate her so she’ll know not to mess with me !”

The tall redhead had just finished a great workout and was toweling down the thin sheen of perspiration from her leotard clad body when Maria burst into the gym.

“YOU ! BITCH !” Maria screamed as she strutted confidently across the large gym.

“Oh ! Hi Maria !” Janine said sweetly as she tossed her towel aside and stood to face her, barefoot on the tumbling mats. “Whatever has you in such a state ?” she asked with concern.


Janine giggled and said “Well…Joey is cute, and I flirt with all the guys. But to tell you the truth, I think YOU’RE cuter than he is !” she said as she flashed a coquettish smile at the angry girl.

For a brief instant, Maria was taken aback by the complement. But her red hot temper rose to the surface quickly. “DON’T YOU TRY TO BUTTER ME UP ! WHEN I’M DONE WITH YOU, YOU’LL WISH YOU’D NEVER SEEN ME OR JOEY !”

“Maria, honey, you need to calm down ! Why must you always be so angry. Relax a little, and enjoy life !”

Having had enough of this cutesy-girl’s goody-goody prattle, Maria growled and launched herself at the slimmer girl; prepared to slam a well timed punch into her too perfect abs !

Just as she was ready to pummel the redhead, Janine danced quickly to one side and Maria spun around foolishly, falling to her knees on the mat !

“GODDAMN YOU !” she cursed, getting up from her knees she prepared to street-grapple. Once she got her arms around the skinny, freckle-faced wench, she’d squeeze her till she begged to be slapped !

Growling, she extended both arms and charged the calmly waiting Janine. Just as she was about to wrap her arms around her, Janine easily grabbed her wrists, rolled back onto the mats, planted her long bare feet against Maria’s hips and sent her flying through the air; landing flat on her back with a WHOOSH !!! as the wind was knocked from her sails!

Shaking her head to clear it, Maria rolled to her hands and knees. Her dark eyes burned with hatred as she took a few seconds to recover her breath.

Unfortunately for Maria, she didn’t know that Janine was not just a great gymnast with a sweet disposition. She held black-belts in judo, jiu-jitsu, and tae-kwon-do ! Her training would not permit her to hurt the angry girl, even though she could have taken the cute little hispanic out on her first charge. But, with the gentle way, she would wear the woman down until her anger subsided, or she didn’t have the strength or breath to continue. She could already see that Maria was short on breath, but still long on anger.

From her kneeling position, Maria lunged at her opponent, hoping to tackle her around the knees ! Janine nimbly vaulted out of the way at the last second and Maria went crashing to the mat on her gorgeous chest ! For the second time in as many minutes, Maria was again gasping for breath. Her ferocious anger was now fueled by hot flashes of humiliation ! This little Barbie-doll was making her look like a complete fool and she hadn’t even laid a hand on her !

“Now Maria,” Janine tried, “…you must calm down and relax ! You might hurt yourself!”

The little latino was too short of breath to hurl the curses she felt growing on her tongue. With evil intent, she noticed that Janine was standing in between the parallel bars and the heavy-bag; effectively trapped where she couldn’t get away ! Running with her last ounces of strength, Maria charged towards Janine and launched herself into the air; trying for a flying tackle !

As if her body were made of jello, Janine oozed flat to the mat and shot under the flying hispanic ! With her target so swiftly gone, Maria could not avoid the heavy bag and slammed into it with the full force of her anger ! She dropped to the mat like a stone !
Her eyes crossed, she swayed on her pretty butt for a few seconds, then collapsed to the softness of the mat ! She was out like a light !

“OH DEAR !” Janine exclaimed, “…now she HAS hurt herself !” Surprisingly, Janine was really attracted to the sexy little woman and would never do anything to hurt her. She had to do something to stop her anger and calm her down ! It was obvious she would have to subdue Maria until her anger cooled.

She checked to make sure Maria was not injured, then rolled her onto her back. With swift, freckled fingers, Janine undid Maria’s heavy leather belt and slipped it out of the waistband of her faded blue jeans. With tender care, she rolled Maria back over and pulled her wrists behind her. She crossed them in an “X” and used Maria’s belt, looped many times across and around to firmly bind them together. Closing the buckle firmly in place, she gently rolled her over onto her back once more.

For a moment, the girlish redhead regarded the still panting latino. She had beautiful, dark, long hair. Her full hips and large breasts were bisected by a narrow, waspish waist that made her a pleasure for anyone to look at ! Even now, with her breasts proudly jutting out and her tummy stretched taut, she looked darkly beautiful. Her blouse had pulled from the waistband of her jeans and Janine could just see her smooth taut tummy and cute little innie belly-button. She couldn’t resist the urge to stroke her long nails across the very soft skin below Maria’s belly-button.

A soft whimpered “MEEHEHEEEEEP !” came from the mostly unconscious girl and Janine grinned with wicked delight when she noticed the corners of the girl’s full lips curl up in reaction ! She knew now how to drive Maria’s anger from her !

She thought of using a jump rope to bind her ankles together, but with what she’d just witnessed, she didn’t think she’d need it ! She straddled Maria’s thighs and waited for her to come back around to the land of the living.

Blearily, Maria finally blinked open her eyes and shaking her head to clear the cobwebs, did her best to figure out where she was at ! She was unable to move her arms or legs and had no idea she’d just knocked herself silly.

“Wha…wha…” she tried.

“Now Maria dear, I want you to relax. You’ve just given yourself a frightful bump on the head !”

As her eyes cleared, Maria focused on Janine’s face gazing down at her with what looked like real concern. Then, realizing her condition, her anger flared forth again !

“UNTIE MY HANDS YOU BITCH !” she rasped throatily as she tugged at her bound wrists.

“Not until you calm down !” Janine instructed. “The only reason you should be angry with me is that I haven’t flirted with YOU yet ! I TOLD you I thought you were cuter !” As Janine finished, she lightly stroked her nails in little circles around Maria’s navel.

“HEYYYHeheheheeeeeee !!! Wha… wha. Whaaaaaahahahaaat are you doing ???”

“Oh nothing,” Janine teased, “…just getting rid of some of your anger and teaching you to enjoy life !”

“CUT Iiiiiiheheheeeeee OUT B…B…Bitch ! Thaahahahaaat T ….!” Maria quickly clamped her lips shut before she could utter that word !

“That ‘what’ dear ? I couldn’t hear” she teased as her nails scribbled wider and wider circles.

Maria HATED to be tickled ! It was a weakness she saw in herself that she thought she’d grown out of ! Valiantly, she supressed the giggles that were chortling their way up from her tender tummy and hammered at her tightly sealed lips. She quivered in her supression for she knew that if she let them escape, her adversary would discover how helplessly ticklish she was ! Shame and humiliation battled for her emotional attention ! She’d had her ass whipped by this spindly little redhead and that caused her shame. And now she was being tickled like a little girl and the humiliation was almost overwhelming!

Janine could tell by Maria’s quivering tummy, tightly clenched lips, and tightly shut eyes that her little Latin beauty was VERY ticklish. She popped open a couple of the buttons on Maria’s blouse, exposing more sensitive bare tummy, and used both sets of fingernails to tease that tender, ticklish area. Janine flashed a bright, white smile as she watched in fiendish mirth as Maria tried to hold in the laughter.

“OH !” Janine exclaimed, “…you were about to say that this TICKLES weren’t you ?”

That little tease was all it took ! Maria burst forth with high pitched, girlish giggles as she tried to deny the obvious.

“Noooooooohohohohoooohahahaaaaaa !!!! Naaahahahaaaaat Meheeeheheheheeee !!”
She squirmed and tried to buck Janine off with her hips, but the sexy gymnast had legs like iron and would not be budged by a giggling little girl !

With a loving leer, Janine poised her fingers on both sides of Maria’s well defined ribcage and fiendishly proceeded.

“Well, then, THIS won’t affect you then, will it !” she said as she furiously tickled the helpless woman’s ribs !

“BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!” Maria bawled as Janine went from teasing tickles, to all out tickle-torture ! She bucked and squirmed, and writhed and wriggled but could not escape the redhead’s long, tickling nails.

Janine kept up her assault for a full 10 minutes until she had reduced Maria to a mewling, gasping mass of ticklish woman with tears of laughter streaming down her cheeks. Her little latino had no fight left in her and could barely muster the strength to breathe, much less escape her attacker.

“That’s my good little girl !” Janine cooed. “Now isn’t this much better than destructive anger ?”

Maria would have responded with a vulgar retort, but she was making every effort to draw air into her oxygen starved lungs. It tickled too much ! Another wave of helpless humiliation washed over her psyche as she realized she’d been truly beaten and dominated. What she hadn’t yet realized was the hot latin blood that coursed through her veins also pounded relentlessly into her rapidly hardening nipples.

As Maria gasped in an attempt to recover, Janine was busily teasing her once again.

“What other ticklish delights do we have here ?” she asked as she plucked away at the buttons on Maria’s blouse. She peeled it open to reveal a lacy black bra which barely contained the laughing woman’s gorgeous breasts ! Sliding it down over her arms, she tucked it up neatly under the small of Maria’s back; leaving her laughing and gasping on the mat nearly topless. With lustful delight, Janine could see that Maria’s nipples were becoming quite hard ! Little poles that held up tents of lacy silk betrayed the helpless woman’s increasing arousal.

“OH ! Those are heavenly !” Janine gasped with real conviction, “…much more beautiful than my tiny boobies !” she gushed.

Emotions that she had never before experienced crashed like lightning through Maria’s mind ! It wasn’t bad enough that she’d been beaten and tickled into submission. But now she was being complemented and for some perverse reason, it was endearing her to the winnowy redhead !

“Hmmmm !!! I’ll bet those are ticklish too !!!” she teased.

With her last ounce of resistance and anger, Maria barely squeaked out a reply.

“F…hahahaaaaaa..fuuuuhahahuuuuck yoooooohooooohooooo bitceeeeheheeee !”

“Oh, I’d love to dear !” Janine squealed with delight, “…but let’s have some more fun first !”

An electric jolt of unholy lust jolted through Maria’s body ! She had nothing against loving other women, but the thought of making love to this woman who had just defeated her was so perverse it excited and repelled her at the same time. Maria didn’t have much time to dwell on these conflicting emotions as Janine chose that moment to start tickling the tops of her breasts with her wicked, long fingernails.

Maria gasped one huge breath of surprise, then dissolved in a torrent of breathy giggles as Janine tickled her heaving breasts ! In a delicious dance of erotic intensity, they jiggled and danced from side to side as Janine teased them with evil delight. The redhead could see that Maria’s nipples were threatening to burst open her silk bra. But she didn’t want to let them loose from their confines just yet ! She had another fiendish trick up her sleeve.

She let Maria’s giggling recede until she was at the panting for breath stage, then shifted her body to lay across Maria’s now quite lifeless shins.

“Now I wonder what sort of fun we’ll find here ?” she giggled as she started to unlace Maria’s tennis shoes !

When Maria finally realized Janine’s intent, her brain exploded with conflict ! She had to surrender ! She had to submit ! If that cute little Barbie-doll got those fingernails on her bare feet she would go absolutely insane ! On the other side of this mental conflict was a cheering section of naked, redheaded cheerleaders, all looking exactly like Janine, cheering “YES ! YES ! TICKLE THOSE PRETTY FEET !!”

Janine plucked off Maria’s left sneaker and was delighted at the joy she beheld ! The latino’s feet were unbelievable soft and buttery looking ! Round heels, wrinkled high arches, growing slightly broad at the balls, and ending in pudgy, cute little toes that begged to be adored !

She wasted no time in stripping the other foot just as naked, then stared in lustful anticipation for a few heart-stopping moments before bringing her long, wicked nails to bear !

Maria tried begging before Janine began tickling her helpless soles. But she was already lost in the pre-giggles of those that know they are about to be wickedly tickled that all that came out was “NOOOOOOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!”

Janine didn’t know if she was more turned on by this than Maria was, but she didn’t care! With loving, tender, caresses, she began to trace her long nails up and down her new friend’s incredibly soft soles !

Maria’s body arched upward in hilarious torment as she squealed out her unstoppable laughter ! She had never laughed so hard in her life, nor for so short a period of time !
After a few VERY loud squeals, her body shook violently with silent laughter as her tender bare feet received the tickling of her life !

Janine lovingly tickled Maria’s wriggling bare feet for only about five minutes. She knew this was pure tickle-hell for the gorgeous latin girl ! With lustful delight she looked back over her shoulder to see Maria’s dark hair flailing back and forth as she finally lost her battle with anger !

But what made Janine shudder with her own uncontrollable, perverse lust, was when she saw the rapidly darkening stain that grew from the top of Maria’s faded blue jeans ! She had tickled the poor woman so much that she’d wet herself !

Maria’s mind snapped with the overwhelming humiliation that she’d just been tickled into wetting herself like a little girl ! Her shame beat back and destroyed that angry young lady that so soon before had wanted to wreak havoc upon her teasing little redhead ! That bevy of naked cheerleaders in the back of her mind were waving their pompoms and cheering her on as they bounced up and down in her mind.

Janine smiled wickedly, and couldn’t stop her teasing banter as she drove the anger and hatred out of her new friend. “Oh goodness ! Someone’s had a little accident !”

Maria mewled and laughed as she felt Janine unsnap her jeans and peel jeans and panties completely off her body. With tender love, the redhead used her towel to clean up any moistness that remained. When that fluffy towel rubbed against Maria’s dark mound, her eyes flew wide open and she literally screamed with delight.


Her body writhed and jerked so forcefully that Janine was afraid she might hurt herself again ! Thunderous waves of unspeakable delight wracked the young latinos body as Janine rubbed and tended to her with the fluffy towel ! Violently, Maria arched her full hips and slammed against Janine’s hand, forcing her to rub her harder with each thrust !

Muscle-wrenching minutes later, Maria collapsed in a pool of sweat upon the mat. Her sexy body still shaking and twitching with the ecstasy of her fulfillment. Janine was so caught up in the beauty of her sexual rapture that she too, could stand no more.

In a frenzy, Janine peeled her leotard from her body. She rolled Maria over and unbound her quivering wrists and flicked open the snap holding her bra !

Maria still quivered in unspeakable delight as her orgasm continued with the delicious little aftershocks that none hoped would go away.

Janine’s healthy thighs wrapped around Maria’s protruding hipbone as her lust began to overtake her. “Now my friend” she cooed in Maria’s ear, let’s see how ticklish these hard little nubbins are !” Delightfully, Maria’s hips rubbed up and down the curly red fur of Janine’s deliciously wet mound.

Maria groaned in ecstasy and submission as Janine locked her lips upon hers and began to tickle her painfully hard nipples !

As Maria’s undulating hips worked her to her own submission, Janine breathed heavily into her ear, “Now isn’t this much better than angerrrrrrrr !!!!!” she hummed as she lost control of her own seething lust !
you are an awesome writer, love to read all your posts.
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