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Jenni The Clown: Nice Suit F/M (device)


1st Level Red Feather
Jun 25, 2007
Jenni had many talents. This was true. And today, she was discovering that she was quite the seamstress. Her clown costumes were all purchases from a nearby Halloween and party store and sewing had never interested her before. She caught on pretty quickly though, and after a few hours, she was almost done.

Jenni sat at a desk in her second bedroom, which she had transformed into an office/work area. The bright pink and sky blue satin pieces were going together well. In fact, if they weren't different colors, it would have been hard to tell where they met each other. Jenni's work was seamless to pardon the pun. She was having to guesstimate the size. None of this would work if she made it too tight. It would be a one piece suit when completed, with a zipper running the length of the back. Jenni took a breath, sipped from a can of Pepsi, and turned to see what would be the inner mechanism. It was a strange sight... but it would more than serve it's purpose. And it would fit right inside the fabric. The mechanics were beyond her. She wasn't an engineer, but some old college friends of hers were willing to help her out (and keep quiet about the curious device).

Now it was time to find a test subject. Luckily for Jenni, she had a profile on a popular dating site. She hadn't checked it in a few days, so she was bombarded with messages from at least 47 young men. Most were just lewd comments about her boobs. 9 or 10 of them were booty call requests. 4 of them were actual in depth messages. One of those 4 caught her eye. His name was Connor. He looked cute enough. A bit of a baby face but definitely in his mid-20s. He was curious about her Clown shows and asked a couple of questions. He also expressed an interest in her Master's in psychology, saying that she seemed to be a woman of many skills and layers. She felt flattered. She opened up his profile. He was 26. He played football in High School and seemed to be in good shape despite being a bit on the skinny side. He had good taste in movies and music. He had a crap job working for a local BBQ joint but Jenni wasn't worried about such things. She messaged him and before long, had a date set. Tomorrow night would be very interesting.

Jenni had dressed casual for the date. She had her dark hair back in a ponytail. A little make-up but not too much. She wore a black cut out mesh top that showed some cleavage but was still classy, and a pair of tight blue jeans. She was meeting Connor at 9 at a local tavern near the outskirts of town. She wasn't used to places like this (The meeting place was Connor's idea) and she got more than a couple looks when she walked in. It was a dive bar for sure, but not without it's charms. The Jukebox had a good deal of classic rock listed on the screen and it was the first bar Jenni had entered in a while that didn't just have sports playing on the various TV's. She walked up to the bartender, a young lady in a white tee and shorts with short blonde hair.

“Hi, I'm Jenni.” She offered her hand.

“Anna.” The bartender shook it. “Looking good, girl. What can I get you?”

“Whatever she wants is on me.” A man in his late 30's sitting nearby offered. Jenni was appreciative, but didn't like accepting drinks from strangers.

“Thanks a lot, Hon, but I've got it.” She smiled and ordered a Jameson neat. The man gave her a look. Normally Jenni didn't mind being stared at, but there was something off about this guy. She was about to say something when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned to see Connor behind her. He wore a thin grey shirt and black khakis. His dirty blonde hair was slicked back and he had a hint of facial hair. This guy looks like he belongs on the cover of a country album, Jenni thought to herself. Not that she had any problem with that.

“You're cuter in person than you are in your pics.” She told him as he gave her a calm smirk.

“Well, I don't think there is a picture of anything that would do you justice.” He fired back.

“Ooo, a sweet talker.” She smiled. “First round's on me. What's your poison?”

“Whatever you're having. I assume that's whiskey.” He looked down at her glass. Jenni beckoned Anna and pointed at her glass so the bartender knew what to do. When Connor and Jenni both had their glasses, Jenni motioned towards an empty table.

“Shall we?” She asked.

“Actually, I was going to suggest we sit at one of the tables outside if that's okay. The moon's awfully bright tonight.” He responded.

“Sweet talker and a romantic. Let's.” She put her arm around his. “Lead the way.”

The two made their way outside and made themselves comfortable at one of the chairs outside. Jenni couldn't deny the intimacy as they were the only customers out there.

“It's so peaceful out here.” She said. “I normally go to bars that are more downtown.

“I don't like crowds.” Connor told her. “I like the idea of a bar where...”

“Where everybody knows your name?” She grinned.

“Exactly.” He answered with a chuckle. Jenni liked the sound of his laugh. “Do you mind if I smoke?” He asked as he pulled out a pack of Marlboro lights.

“Only if you have one for me.” She sipped her whiskey.

“You smoke?” He looked a little misled. “It didn't say that on your profile.”

“It's rare. Only sometimes and only when I'm drinking. Maybe twice a month.” She explained. He handed her a cigarette and lit it for her.

“Thanks.” She took a hit and exhaled softly. “So... be honest, why did you message me? Of all of the other women on there, what struck you about me?

“Well... as cheesy as it's gonna sound, you came off as very unique.” He answered her, leaning back in his chair. “So young and already starting a career in Psychology. And the whole clown thing. That really caught my attention.”

“Uh oh, you're not afraid of clowns, are you?” Her voice was slightly mocking in tone but her playful smile enchanted him.

“Oh no. Not me. I just didn't think that people still did that in this day and age.”

“There aren't many of us.” She assured him “And most are men, but yes, it's still a thing. It helps that this isn't a small town as well. There are a lot of people and a lot of families.”

“So what got you into that?”

“Let's just say that I like making people laugh.” She answered.

“A highly intelligent clown who likes whiskey and looks like Aphrodite was challenging herself.” He observed.

“Better stop with the flattery or you're gonna make me blush, Connor.”

“Oh, how terrible that would be.” He chuckled again.

“So tell me about yourself.” She requested.

“What would you like to know?” He asked.

“Whatever you would like to tell me?”

“Gonna psychoanalyze me?”

“Maybe.” She took another drink and batted her eyes.”

“I guess I'm not that good at this.” He admitted.

“I'll make it simple. What turns you on?” She asked non chalantly.

“Excuse me?” The query clearly took Connor by surprise.

“What do you like in bed?” She rephrased the question.

“That's pretty direct.”

“I don't believe in wasting time. Plus, let's face it, it's better for two people to know what to expect from each other beforehand if there is a chance that they might find themselves in bed together.”

“And you think there is a chance of us ending up in bed together?” He finished his cigarette.

“I'd be lying if I said I didn't think fucking you would be fun.” She leaned in. “You're good looking. You've got a nice sense of humor and fashion. And your message earlier gave me the sense that you are a man who respects women and that's rare. So... what turns you on?”

“Well, I don't really know what to say.”

“You clearly don't mind tits since you messaged me.” She pointed out.

“Doesn't every guy?”

“Every guy with good taste.” She joked. “But yeah, that's pretty general. How do you like a woman to act?”

“I'm not that experienced to be honest.” He said, rubbing his knees nervously. I've only been with 2 other girls and there wasn't much adventure, you might say.”

“Anything you think you wouldn't do?” She sat back and crossed her legs.

“No pain.” He said right away. “But other than that... I don't know.”

“Come home with me.” She invited. “I'll show you some... adventure...”

Jenni led Connor inside her house. His heart was beating fairly quickly. He was very attracted to her and had never received such a lascivious proposition.

“Have a seat” Jenni motioned to the couch. “Want a beer? I have Bud Light and Coors.

“Bud Light sounds good. Thank you.” He sat on the very cushiony piece of furniture as she went into the kitchen. He looked around and admired Jenni's taste. She was clearly a cheesy horror movie and lite rock fan. The woman had a poster for Evil Toons right next to a poster of Peter Gabriel. This made him smile as he never thought he would see two such objects next to each other. She came back carrying two bottles. She took a seat right next to him on his left side and set the bottles down on the coffee table in front of them.

“Whatcha smiling about?”

“Your unique decorating sense.” He answered. She looked at the wall and smiled as well.

“I like what I like and I don't like normal.” She confessed. “So unique, different, one of a kind... those are all things I like to be thought of as.”

“You are definitely those things and more.” He took a drink of his beer. She took a swig from hers as well.

“Thank you.” She leaned in. “So, are you feeling... adventurous yet?” She whispered, letting her warm breath flow against the side of his neck before planting a couple of soft kisses against the sensitive area. He shivered at the second kiss and when she delivered one to the area just above his collarbone, he squirmed a bit. “What's wrong, baby?” She asked softly.

“I guess I'm a little ticklish.” He told her.

“Oh? Well, I'll try not to rattle you... too much.” She resumed kissing his neck. She placed a hand on his thigh and scratched sensually. He squirmed again.

“Man, it must be worse than I thought.”

“Yeah, you seem to be more than a little ticklish.” She said, struggling to hide her excitement from him. “You know what, I think we should explore this a little.”

“What do you mean?” He wore a bewildered expression.

“Come'ere, Sugar.” She wrapped her right arm around him, holding onto his. Connor immediately felt somewhat backed into a corner, but he let her proceed. She placed her left index finger on his chest, and began to drag it about, twirling it aimlessly about his torso. The fingernail circled his nipples and he shuddered. It traveled to the area under his left arm and he squirmed as the corners of his lips curled. “It's okay. Relax.” She comforted him. The nail went down to his stomach, and things got a little more intense. The nail on the sides of his belly made the stomach muscles jerk and twitch. When it got to his lower tummy, he shook, trying to stop from laughing. Jenni knew she had found a spot and added a second finger.

“Heheheh okay!” He said, pushing her hand away.

“How are you feeling?” She asked.

“I haven't been tickled like that before.” He said. “I mean, usually you think of tickling and you think of it as being... rougher, I guess. Like clawing and pressing... or...”

“You've never been tickled gently before?” She asked, trying to clarify.


“Did you like it?” She wondered out loud.

“I don't know. I never used to like being tickled.” He replied.

“Well, who used to tickle you?”

“Mostly my brothers and sister. We would play wrestle when we were kids.”

“Well, that's probably why you didn't like it. You were tickled in a competitive capacity. It wasn't out of affection.”

“I think you may be right. I actually didn't mind it much when you did it. It was actually kind of... hot... in a way.”

“Would you like me to tickle you again?” The light made her eyes almost glow. He looked into those eyes and felt hypnotized by her beauty.


Jenni's bedroom was huge compared to the rest of the house. She had clearly chosen the best room of the house. There was a large king sized bed covered in red sheets and the walls were adorned with all kinds of fairy tale knick knacks and various odd and ends. Her Master's degree was framed above the door and her humongous dresser had enough room for more than a couple of wardrobes. She clearly was making enough dough by day. Connor followed her inside and she gently sat him on the end of the bed.

“Strip.” She said simply. “For this to work, I need to be able to reach everywhere on your body.”

Connor blushed a little and removed his shirt. He had a six pack but wasn't too cut. His torso was overall average but Jenni wanted to see more. She smiled.

“Keep going.”

He lost his shoes and socks next. His size 10 feet looked remarkably soft for men's feet. He also had somewhat long toes. Then, he undid his brown leather belt and pulled down his pants.

“Nice undies.” Jenni smirked. “They look snug.”

He didn't know how to respond. He inhaled and exhaled, and slowly pulled down his underwear to reveal a semi boner. He was clearly still a bit excited from Jenni's touches earlier.

“I like your body.” Jenni told him.

“Can I see yours?” He asked.

“All in good time. I think that if I am clothed when I tickle you, it will add an additional feeling of helplessness on your end. Lay back, Sweetheart.” Connor didn't question her. He laid back on the bed. She moved towards him and lifted his left foot by the ankle. “Let's see if you can keep from laughing.” She started to slowly ruffle her nails along his sole and instep. He immediately grinned but tried to hold in the giggles that her touch was inspiring. “I know this tickles, Connor.” She told him. “That's why you are trying to pull you foot away.” He shook his head no and she chuckled. “Oh, are we a stubborn boy all of a sudden?” She began wiggling his toes and he yanked his foot right out of her hand.

“Oh my! Looks like we have uncovered something of a tickle zone.” She moved and sat on his legs, facing his feet. “Lay back so I can continue.” he was reluctant but he obeyed all the same. She looked at his toes and wondered how best to get a reaction from him. She considered a game of This Little Piggy but it seemed so unoriginal. She gave him a couple quick flicks of her finger against his arch as she thought about it, bringing some soft, contained chuckles out of him. But it wasn't a real laugh. It tickled but was bearable. She knew the weakness lied in his toes. She grabbed the toes, scrunching them a little between her fingers, and let her nails tickle the stems of all 10 toes at once.


“Tickle tickle toesies.” She chirped. She had the spot but wanted more out of him. She thought about it and remembered that softness was the key. She climbed off of him and reached under the mattress to find a long, blue feather. She then sat back on his ankles, held his toes back, and swept the feather underneath them.


“There we go.” She swept the feather slowly back and forth, back and forth, while Connor giggled like a mental patient. “This is certainly a problem area for you.” She teased as she feathered the defenseless digits. She soon stopped and moved over to Connor's right side.

“That tickled really bad.” He told her.

“I know, baby. How about a nice tickle?” She lowered the feather to his penis and drew it along a vein on the underside.


“Yes sir, nice and ticklish.” Jenni smiled as she watched the organ stiffen from the feather's loving kiss. Before long, she was looking at the Eiffel Tower. She leaned her head down and kissed his scrotum with a soft peck as she had done with his neck before.

“No!” He jumped.

“Mhmm.” She responded knowingly. “No boy can stand my lips down there.” She moved her head down as if she was going to kiss him again and he pulled his body away. She cackled.

“Psych! I was just messing with you.” She smiled. “Listen, I want you to do something for me. I love tickling. I mean really love it. It gets me so fucking wet tickling boys like you. Girls too. And I have a new toy I have been working on. I want to test it on you.”

“What is it?” Connor asked. Jenni got up and walked over to the dresser. She opened the top drawer and pulled it out. It was the same object that she had been working on the day before. She laid it out on the bed. It was a one piece jumpsuit.

“It's a tickle suit.” She informed him. “It's made for the male form. I plan on making a woman's suit as well but I want to test it. Do this for me and I will reward you with a world class blow job.” She puckered her soft puffy lips at him as a tease.


“Yay!” She clapped her hands. “Okay, it's unzipped in the back so you should just be able to climb right into it.”

She was right. Connor put the suit on and it fit surprisingly well. He quickly realized what he was in store for as he felt the inner mechanisms inside the fabric. Jenni hopped up and grabbed an object from the table. It looked like a tablet.

“Okay, now the suit is designed to be controlled by this remote. There are little vibrators and feathers that are located near certain common tickle spots but I control the intensity with this device. Are you ready to try it?”

He nodded yes hesitantly.

“Okay, test drive. Your underarms seemed a bit on the touchy side earlier so let's start there. Lift em up. Like an airplane.” She gazed at the screen on the remote control as he complied with her request. On the screen, there was an image of a spread eagle male form, with little color changes around certain areas of the anatomy commonly regarded as ticklish spots. She pressed a button near the armpits and selected the number 3 on a 1 to 10 scale on the right side of the screen. Connor instantly felt 5 small feathers dancing in the wells of his armpits.

“Heehhehheeeheehehehheeheh” He struggled to sit still.

“Nice reaction! I know it works, at least. Let's up the ante a bit. She hit the 8 button and the feathers spun faster, dipping in and out of the hollows with mechanical precision.

“HehehHehhHehHHEhhhHEHEhehHEhEHhehHEhE No MohHOOHohHOOHohRE!”

Jenni giggled at the ridiculousness of the situation (and Connor's panicked facial reactions). She eventually hit a button turning the feathers off.

“That was awful!” He said. “I couldn't even bring my arms down.”

“Oh shit!” Jenni realized. “That must have been what all of the extra cables and locks were.” She silently praised her friends at the college. “They lock whatever part of the body is being tickled into place. Your arms locked up like folding table legs once the device was activated. Hahaha! That's genius!”

“I'm glad you're amused.” Connor said sarcastically.

“Oh, don't pout.” Jenni frowned briefly. “Lighten up.” She selected the lower stomach area on the digital effigy and hit the 6 button. Connor felt 3 small egg vibrators shaking against his tummy. One just below the bellybutton, and 2 on either side of the belly.

“Fuuhuuhuhuhuhuuhuhuhhuck hehehahahahahhahhahahhahahaahhahahhahaha!”

“See? It takes more muscles to frown than to smile ya know.” Jenni joked. She saw tears forming in his eyes as she cranked it up to 9. The vibrators moved up and down and sided to side in 3 inch boundaries, covering most of the tummy. “Oh my, you're a mess, Connor.”

“TUHHUUHHUHURN IT OOHOHHOHOOHOHFFFF!” He shouted amidst maniacal laughter.

“Okay, okay, don't get your panties in a bunch.” She turned the device off.

“I don't think I can take anymore.” He whined.

“We're not done yet, Sweetie pie.” Jenni told him. There is one more thing I am curious about. She selected the genital region and pressed 3. There had been a kind of codpiece adhering to Connor's penis and testicles. When Jenni turned it on, it felt like little ants were marching in waves up and down the balls and that oily fingertips were softly stroking his penis.

“Jehehehehehhehesus Chriihhihihihist!”

“That bad, already, huh?” Jenni giggled. “It must suck to be a boy. Tickle tickle.” She turned the device up to 10 and Connor screamed so loud that Jenni feared a neighbor might call the police. She turned the device off and laughed hysterically at Connor's extreme reactions. “Oh, that was so much fucking fun!” She waltzed over to the bed, setting down the remote control. “Okay, you can take it off.”

Connor didn't waste any time unzipping and yanking himself out of that damned torture uniform. He stood naked before Jenni, trembling still from the costume's effects. Jenni cooed at him.

“Oh, you poor baby, you took that like a trooper. Momma's proud of you.” She walked up to him and pushed him onto the bed. She crawled on top of him. “Don't worry. Jenni always keeps her promises.” The bosomy vixen pulled herself off of the naked boy and stood at the foot of the bed. She started humming a bawdy tune as she stripped off her top, freeing the Illinois Two, as it were. Her glorious breasts hung free and firm for Connor's eyes. She then unbuttoned and shimmied her way out of her jeans, eventually turning her rounded backside to him as she slipped off her panties. She turned to face him.

“You like?” She saw his erection. “I guess so.” She smiled happily as she climbed back onto the bed. She laid on top of him. “Will you do for me as I do for you?” He nodded, understanding her implications. She turned her body so that the two were in the 69 position. Her bald pussy rested on his lips and she took his solid member into her mouth. Connor was suddenly transported into another world of pleasure. Jenni was a woman who spent a lot of her time studying the human body and how to elicit certain gratifying responses from the opposite sex. Her tongue did most of the work, gliding over those most tender areas. Connor was obliged to return the favor, seeking out her clit and taking the wonderful knot between his lips, suckling softly. Jenni quivered above him, letting him know that he was on the right track.

“You found my happy place...” Jenni said to him between gasps “Let me find yours.” She fit his 8 inch erection into her mouth, relaxing her throat to allow room. Connor moaned. He knew what it was to feel such a warm, moist hold on his manhood as she enveloped him. Sure enough, her tongue found every delicate patch of skin and manipulated hi till his legs were shaking with pleasure. Soon, Jenni's inner tickle monster took over and she brought her fingertips to that wonderfully exposed scrotum of his. He giggled into her pussy, sending waves of vibrations into her.

Jenni was addicted to this man's body now. She found the most ticklish areas of his testicles and began an affectionate assault on them, drawing plenty of giggles and tremors from the responsive young man. She bobbed her head, allowing her lips to tighten around him but letting some saliva run down his shaft so that he would feel the coolness on his most sensitive areas when her mouth wasn't providing sensual comfort.

Connor discovered a new technique, gliding his teeth over the swollen lump in Jenni's groin. She shivered and pulled her mouth away.

“Oh fuck! Connor...” She panted. Connor had found a tactic that worked and he refused to let up. Within seconds, Jenni had an explosive orgasm as her body tensed on top of him. “No fair.” She shook her head. “You weren't supposed to get me that fast.” She looked at his gigantic erection. “No more Ms. Nice Girl.” She took him into her mouth and went back to tickling his balls furiously.


“That's right! Say my name, Tickleboy!” She surrounded his balls and taint with fluttering nails and loving pokes and prods.

“Oh...” He shuddered as he felt his climax building. He was beyond the point of no return now and Jenni knew it.

“Say it! Gitchy goo!” She brushed his asshole and tickled his groin relentlessly.

“JENNI!” He cried out as he came into her mouth. She swallowed like a pro, taking in every pump of semen as it came. He wriggled like a worm on a hook from the intensity of the orgasm and the pleasure that her lips delivered. “Stop! Stop!” He pleaded. She finished lapping up the last of his juices and smirked.

“I broke you, Connor. You couldn't handle me.”

Connor felt exhaustion and panted heavily. Jenni climbed off of him, laid down beside him and pulled the covers over their naked bodies.

“Stay with me tonight.” She pleaded as she held him. “And thank you for a first date to remember...”
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