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Ghostbusters The Next Generation part 4 (MMF/FF


2nd Level Red Feather
Sep 25, 2004
The Ghostbusters drove back to headquarters to regroup and come up with a battle strategy with their troll situation. Beth went upstairs to take a shower, because she felt icky after being groped by ghosts. While she showered, the five met in the basement, where Richard presented a large dome shaped object, no bigger than a thermos.

“What is that asked David, looks wicked”.

“Is it a cappuccino machine asked Jane, does it make espresso”?

“No answered Richard, it’s correct term that Egon gave was, ghost bomb”.

“So, what does a ghost bomb do asked Jake, blow up ghosts? Hell, it’ll make our job easier. Just one touch of a detonator and KABOOM”!

“I’m afraid it’s not that simple explained Richard, this is a very dangerous weapon, and we’ll need to use two proton packs to give the bomb enough of a charge to seal up the portal that brought the trolls here to our world. Egon said so in his journal, it’s a measure of last resort. Which evidently, we still don’t know where or how they got here”.

“Not exactly chipped in Amanda, we know they were first sighted at the Mansion outside town, and the PKE readings I got were minus eleven”.

“Good said Richard, that means the portal has got to be somewhere in or outside the mansion. We need to get over there at once and find it quickly”.

“Good plan, but how do we know if the trolls are even back in their world or still in ours asked David.

“An excellent question, David smiled Richard, we’re going to divide into two teams. Team one will tour around the city and upgrade our PKE’s to get a higher frequency, and the other team will go to the mansion and try to find the portal, and then wait until further notice. If we find no trace of the trolls, then we’ll enter the portal and go in together, all of us”.

“I don’t know Rich said Jake, there might be terrible things in there, worse than trolls even”.

“Oh listen to big bad assed Jake scoffed Jane, you chicken shit”.

“Screw you, Jane, we don’t know what we’re dealing with here, Rich”?

“I know Doug, but it’s the only option we have insisted Richard, and I don’t see any other way to go about this”.

“Okay said Amanda, you guys go search around town, Jane and I will check out the mansion”.

“Yeah, like last time snickered Doug, when you two had a little game of l

“Eat me Doug snapped Jane, last time they had us at a disadvantage because we didn’t have our proton packs. And don’t you dare ever tell anyone that you saw me half naked, or I’ll personally remove your ball sac”.

“Duly noted, Baby Jane” Doug scoffed back, he loved being a smart ass.

“Okay, knock it off warned Richard, I know the old ghostbusters never bickered like we do, and things need to change around here for the better”.

“Okay said David, can I go with you, Richard”?

“Of course, Dave, we’re counting on ya man” cheered Richard, clasping him on the back.

“I’ll take my car said Doug, you guys take Ecto after dropping the girls off”.

“Why can’t we take our own car asked Jane, is it not cool enough”?

“Think about it, Calamity said Doug impatiently, if you leave your car in the lot, them bastards are gonna know somebody’s waiting for them inside, and there goes the element of surprise”.

“He’s right, Jane said Amanda, we have to let Richard drop us off”.

“Okay agreed Jane, sounds smashing”.

She turned her gaze toward Jason and then put her arm around him.

“Be careful, little brother, do everything Richard says and keep your eyes wide open”.

“Anything else asked Jason impatiently, time’s running out”.

“Yeah, be sure you’re back by nine so Amanda and I can tuck you in and read you a bedtime story sneered Jane sweetly.

“Do I get milk and cookies too said Jason sarcastically.

“Yes sweetie said Amanda walking over to the younger Ghostbuster and giving his cheek a little pinch, do you remember how yummy yum my cookie wookies are”?

“For crying out loud, will ya leave the kid alone said Doug with a sigh of exaggeration, it ain’t his fault he’s the runt of the liter”.

Thirty minutes later…..

Richard, Doug, Jason and Beth scurried about town, troll hunting, but not having much luck. Meanwhile, Amanda and Jane wandered through the big scary mansion, by themselves.

“This is like the Munsters house said Jane in disgust, so many cobwebs and dust, it’s a tad bit spooky”.

“I know admitted Amanda, but it is very fascinating”.

“What’s fascinating, Ace”?

“The supernatural, it’s just so beautiful” said Amanda with glee.

“No Amanda, stilettos are beautiful, my hair when I get a perm is beautiful, Brad Pitt is beautiful. But ghosts, ghouls, and spectors, not so much”.

“Never mind said Amanda, I know that I need a boyfriend”.

“Well what about Richard, he likes you, and vice versea. I can tell by the way you look at him noted Jane. He’s cute too, and very smart”.

“Yes he is agreed Amanda, but I don’t want to risk putting our professional relationship in jeopardy”.

“What professional relationship asked Jane, we bust ghosts and trap them. And every now and then we have to form a troll hunting party, but it’s not like we’re a law firm dealing with rich left wing conservatives corporation types”.

Amanda thought about it for a second, and then lost her train of thought, when she heard a noise downstairs. Jane heard it too, and the pair raced downstairs with their proton blasters ready.

“It’s coming from the kitchen whispered Amanda, follow my lead”?

Jane nodded and raised her blaster, then followed her blonde friend towards the kitchen. Amanda counted down from three with her fingers, very slowly so that she could give Jane a head’s up before kicking in the door. After the count of one, Jane kicked the door in and they aimed their proton blasters into the kitchen.

No trolls, just six spooks and class four vapors.

The two women bravely entered and blasted away, as the sounds of proton charging went zapping all across the kitchen. The doors closed right behind them too, making it clear they’d be awhile.

Meanwhile, Ecto 2000 was making it’s rounds in the city…

Richard drove Ecto, while Jason rode shotgun with a PKE meter in his hands.

“Rich, are you sure that you set this meter right asked Jason

“Yes, Jay, I even checked the frequencies twice, it’s all good buddy”.

“Well, I keep getting minus twenty eight on the screen here frowned Jason, what does that mean.

Richard sighed, and slowed down the car, going five miles under the speed limit.

“It means, no sign of troll activity he admitted, they must’ve flown the coop”.

“Well, it’s been over an hour now, we haven’t heard from the girls and no word from Doug and Beth either”. I’m going to call the Jane’s cell and see what’s up he added.

Sending a signal to Jane’s two-way, she responded within seconds.

“Good news and bad news, baby brother. Good news is that Amanda and I caught about ten ghosts with three traps, which isn’t a bad day’s work”.

“SO, what’s the bad news asked Jason.

“The bad news is that they slimed us, and we need CLEAN CLOTHES boomed Jane.

Both Richard and David, winced as they heard Jane’s loud scream.

“Your sister is nuts man replied Richard rubbing his ear, I almost regret putting her on the team”.

“Tell me about it agreed David, she should’ve seen her when we were kids”.

“Richard, it’s Amanda. Sorry about Jane’s outburst, but she’s got slime in her hair and isn’t quite herself right now. If you would be so kind to drive back to Central, and bring us some jeans and shirts, we’d really appreciate it”.

“Consider it done announced Richard, but damn, first Beth and now you two”.

“Thank you, Ritchie said Amanda sweetly, you’re a sweetheart. Well, I gotta go now, Jane and I need to go rinse our hair out back where the pump is, luckily it’s not freezing outside”.

“They hung up and Richard turned Ecto around and instructed Jason to call Doug and ask him to go to the mansion, as soon as they grabbed fresh duds for Amanda and Jane, they’d find the portal and go in together”.

Back at the mansion, Amanda and Jane had just rinsed the slime out of their hair, which was slightly damp now. Their uniforms were covered in slime, with just a few spots on their boots. And they waited on a outdoor wooden bench for the guys to show up. Their proton packs were off, lying right beside the bench with three full ghost traps. Jane smoked a Camel 9, while Amanda wiped the slime off her glasses until the lens popped off.

“Shit she cursed, another pair ruined”.

“Don’t worry, you can buy another one, just take it out of petty cash said Jane.

“But that’s company money said Amanda, I can’t do that”.

“And your glasses got ruined on the job, that makes the company liable added Jane with a smirk.
“Point taken said Amanda as she dropped her broken glasses after having no use for them now, we have to burn these uniforms when we get back to Central. That is, if these uniforms make it back to Central”.

“What do you mean by that, Amanda asked Jane.

Before Amanda could answer, they saw Doug’s car pull up in front of the mansion, then he and Beth got out and walked up to the two slime clad uniformed women.

“What the hell happened to you, two” asked Doug with a slight chuckle.

“You don’t want to know stated Amanda, trust me”.

“Where are our clothes, Doug” demanded Jane.

“What clothes, I didn’t even know you needed some replied Doug, I guess Richard must be bringing em, your brother said they were heading back to Central”.

“Good said Amanda, hopefully we’ll make it back in time”.

“In time for what, Amanda demanded Jane, you’re making me paranoid. Is this slime gonna contaminate our bodies or what”.

“No, not our bodies said Amanda, just our uniforms”.

Beth stepped forward and to make small talk with Amanda and Jane. Then she couldn’t help but notice that Jane’s pant legs were a little short, exposing her thick tan socks.

“You may want to think of getting a new uniform there, Jane she noted aloud, pointing to the pant legs, which were now slightly above the socks.

“That’s odd said Jane, my pant legs always have gone down to my shoes, what the hell”?

Amanda bit her lip, this was not good. Then she looked down and noticed that her pant legs were up to the tops of her socks as well.

Doug gathered up the three traps and opened his trunk, placing them inside and then closing it shut. Then he rejoined the ladies and took note of the ladie’s uniforms.

“Damn, you ladies got some high waters there, waiting for a flood joked Doug.

“Shut up Doug snapped Jane, our uniforms are just a little shorter than we seemed to recall”.

“Well in any rate, success ladies and gentleman, now whatta we do”?

“Find the portal and go in after the trolls, since you guys couldn’t locate them, that’s plan C said Amanda.

”Alright, so then what is plan B” asked Beth?

Then Amanda and Jane felt their pant legs rise up to just below their knees. Then felt their sleeves roll up to their elbows. Jane gasped, and realized what Amanda had meant, their uniforms were shrinking due to the ecto plasma residue that covered their outfits.

“Why are our uniforms shrinking demanded Jane, just cause we got a little slime on them”?

“That little slime doesn’t take kindly to fabric explained Amanda, it slowly deteroriates it”.

“Oh shit, it’s starting to tighten around my hips and chest winced Jane.
Doug give us your keys, we’re going back to Central to change”.

“Hell no protested Doug, I don’t want any ecto plasma on my seats, but I will bring ya a blanket”.

He turned back to go to his car while the girls sucked in their guts.

"Yeah admitted Amanda, our slime covered uniforms would take the leather right off his seats. I think we better go inside right away she added.

"I'm afraid to walk said Jane, my uniform could tear right off my body if I take one step. It's too fucking tight".

Then she cursed and a look of horror came over her face.

"Oh damn, my bra just popped off’.

“Mine too whined Amanda, I hope Richard gets here soon”.

“Now what, how much time do we have asked Jane.

“We have about five minutes began Amanda before these clothes-

Then she stopped as she felt her uniform split down her front and back like a banana peel, Jane’s uniform did the same. Both girls instinctively covered their breasts as they only had on their underwear, socks, and boots.

“Rip off stammered Amanda, exposing our half naked selves”.

“Let’s get outta here before someone sees us whined Jane, as she felt vulnerable at her state of undress outdoors in the cool night.

“Somebody has already seen you began Beth with a grin, but then again you saw me in my underwear, so fair is fair I guess she chuckled.

Doug forgot about the blanket and admired the sight of his two female colleagues. He liked Amanda’s dark blue panties, but he really loved Jane in her red satin panties more. He was really attracted to the 5’11” brunette, and he secretly jerked off to her in his spare time.

“Don’t just stand there, you jackass cried Jane, give us something to cover ourselves with”.

“Well now said Doug, looks to me that you are both doing a good job of covering your twins there, and he gave a chuckle after that statement.

“Too bad there’s not a reporter or camera man on scene added Beth, because imagine what the headlines would read on Monday. Ghosts Bust The Clothes Off Ghostbusters thought Beth aloud, make a good article, eh”?

“Yeah agreed Doug, it would”. Then he whipped out his digital camera and snapped a picture of his two panty clad associates.

“Yoooow shrieked Amanda, as her eyes bugged out.

“No pouted Jane, you bastard”!

Doug started laughing, as he saved his snapshot. Then his grin faded when he realized that Amanda and Jane forget about covering their bosoms, and started to chase after him. Doug started to run around the lot, with the girls not too far behind with their breasts juggling away.

“Get back here shouted Amanda, you big pervert”.

“Give us that camera called Jane, I’m gonna kick your nuts in”.

Doug made a break for his car and hopped inside, locking the door behind him. The girls fumed, and decided to make a break for the mansion, hoping their would be clothes inside the bedrooms or at least they could wait inside until Richard showed up.

“That prick rasped Jane, having the audacity to photograph us in our underwear like that”.

“I know admitted Amanda, but we’ll deal with him later. I say we got upstairs to the bedrooms and try to find some clothes. I’m feeling rather exposed here, Jane.

“Ditto, ditto agreed Jane, thank God our feet aren’t naked though, because I just had a pedicure this week and the last thing I need is to be running barefoot on pavement”.

“Well, I may’ve never gotten a pedicure but I shudder at the thought of running barefoot like a hillbilly” said Amanda.

The two girls walked upstairs with their boots clunking against the old floor. They each searched the bedrooms, and couldn’t find anything.

“Damn, not one dress or nightgown in this big ass house” fumed Jane.

“Did you recall any clothes in the basement asked Amanda, maybe there’s something down there we can use. Or hell, a blanket we can tie around our bosoms”.

“Sure shrugged Jane, worth a shot”.

Amanda and Jane walked down to the basement and looked around, but couldn’t come up with a single stitch of clothing. But they did see a glowing mirror against the wall. Being curious paranormal investigators, they walked closer for a better look. But then they both felt themselves getting sucked in and they gave a yelp. A white light blinded both of them. When they could see clear again, they found themselves lying on a huge fur skinned rug, three sets of big boot clad feet. Slowing looking up, they looked right up into the faces of Gretchen, Button, and Shorty. They were now in the troll’s world.

“Look who’s back said Shorty with enthusiasm, it’s that blonde brownie who tricked us at the shoe marketplace”.

“Indeed said Button, and then zapped us with those strange lightning weapons”.

“Speaking of strange, they look quite odd in just their knickers and footwear noted Gretchen.

“No matter said Button, let’s have more fun with them”.

Amanda and Jane both screamed as they felt the troll hands grab their limbs and carry them away.

Back in the real world…

Beth and Doug sat outside of his car and were quietly waiting for the girls to come out of the mansion.

“They seemed pretty upset, Doug replied Beth.

“Aw hell, I’m gonna delete this photo explained Doug, I was just joking around with them. I mean, it’s not my fault their uniforms ripped off their sexy bodies”.

“True said Beth, but you could’ve been more sensitive about their exposed nakedness”.

“Me, a sensitive man scoffed Doug, why should I be sensitive when women just treat me like shit”.

“Not all women are bitches began Beth, and I happen to find a sensitive man quite sexy”.

She smiled at Doug when she said that, and the buffoon Ghostbuster couldn’t help but smile back.

“Well, I suppose I could try to be a little sensitive said Doug with as much old school charm as he could muster. And maybe throw a little sensitivity your way too he added with a wink.

Beth smiled and got real close to him, their faces only mere inches apart.

“That’d be very sweet, Douglass, but there’s only one small problem she said softly.

“And what would that be Bethany Babe” asked a cocky Doug?

Beth got real close to his ear and Doug felt his cock slowly rise.

“I don’t fratanize with my clients, sorry stud”.

Doug felt himself get knocked down from the cloud Beth had put him on and then sighed in frustration. Then he saw Ecto pull up into the lot and Richard got out, as did Jake. In Richard’s arms were two tee shirts and two pairs of jeans.

“Where are the girls asked Richard, I got clean clothes for them”?

“They’re inside said Beth, if you note the ground over there, you’ll see their torn uniforms, which shrunk and split from their bodies”.

“Well, let’s get them dressed and then check out the house said Richard, we need to find that portal to the troll’s world, because we had no luck finding them downtown”.

The four walked inside to go find Amanda and Jane.

Back in troll world….


Both Jane and Amanda were in the troll’s dungeon and were standing on the floor, and laughing loudly in unison. Their wrists shackled to chains that hung down from the ceiling, keeping their arms up with their armpits exposed. Scarves were wrapped around their ankles to keep them from kicking, while the trolls gave them an encore of tickle torture. Gretchen and Button tickled both of the girl’s armpits, while Shorty tickled each of their bellybuttons with his digits.

“This is such fun crowed Button, tickling both of these strumpets at the same time”.

“Ha chimed Gretchen, indeed brother, I love to watch these two shake in their boots”.

He hands moved from Amanda’s armpits and down to her sides, Amanda’s laughter went off the scale. Button followed suit and did the same to Jane’s sides, and the tall brunette roared as well. Then they’d stop, tickle the armpits, and then go back to the sides.

“TEEEHEHEHHEEHEHEHEHEHE STAAHAHAHAHAAAAAP cried Amanda as tears began to form in her eyes.

“We cannot do that replied Button, we can’t stop”.


“Nope said Shorty, it’s what mischevious trolls like us do best”.

The girls continued to laugh, and Shorty decided to be sneaky and slide his fingers up Amanda’s panties and tickle right above her thighs. The blonde shook her head and tried to move away from the troll’s intentions, but it did no good.

“EEEEHEHEHEHEHEHE STAHAHAAHAAAY OUT OF MYEHEHEHEHE UNDERWEAR she exclaimed. For months, she had wished some guy would get in her panties, being that she hadn’t ridden on the sex bike in almost a year.

Button also decided to get fresh and reached from behind Jane to tickle her D cup boobs.


Gretchen watched as her brother copped a feel, and noticed how erect Jane’s nipples were. She stopped tickling Amanda and began to massage Jane’s nipples with her thumb and index finger. Her eyes lit up as she heard a few moans escape from the tall brunette’s mouth.

“Ooooh, a bit anxious are we taunted Gretchen, is this dungeon a bit too cold for your melons, dearie”?

“Hey, watch this said Shorty, this lass doesn’t have melons but she does have big peaches”.

He cupped both of Amanda’s boobs and made them bob up and down in a rhythm.

“Don, don, don, don, don, DON recited Shorty as he pretended that he was shaking maracas.

Button smiled and did the same to Jane’s boobs, and started to shake, rattle and roll.

“Don, don, don, don, don, DON he chimed, don, don, don, don, don, don, DON”!

Both girls had toned down their laughter and found themselves start to moan more at being breast molested. Amanda shut her eyes and even snorted a few laughs as her boobs were tickled again. The three trolls got a kick out of it, and snickered at their captive’s silly-ness.

“Ha retorted Gretchen, she sounds like a piggy. Speaking of piggies, perhaps we should take off their boots and stockings, and have some fun with their feet”.

“No cried Jane, don’t”!

Amanda shook her head and looked quite scared, the three trolls all huddled together to decide on dibs.

“Alright declared Button, I get the taller girl, you two take the blonde”.

“That’s not fair protested Shorty, why should we share one fair maiden when you get one all to yourself”?

“Because I’m the oldest troll insisted Button, but if you’re gonna whine like banshee, how about one of you takes the feet and the other can have the toes”.

“Does that include the toes on the other girl too asked Gretchen

“Sure sighed Button, whatever will make you two happy. Now enough bickering, let’s do this”.

The three trolls carried a big table towards Amanda and Jane. The table was all black, but it had leather straps for restrainment purposes. The girls nervously stomped their boots against the ground, this wasn’t good.

Back in the other world, inside the mansion….

Richard, Doug, and David walked all over the big house, David held the PKE meter, while Richard and Doug held their proton blasters high and ready. There was no luck upstairs or in the kitchen, being that Amanda and Jane had busted all the ghosts from earlier in there. Aside from the mild damage that the girls did, there was no sign of them or the trolls.

“Where are they asked David fearfully, where’s my sister”?

“Yeah, her and the Amanda banana ain’t around noted Doug, think the fairy tale freaks got em”.

“Well, we still haven’t checked the basement yet said Richard, let’s head there now and maybe we’ll find the portal”.

The three made their way downstairs, and to no avail they found nothing or no one.
However David started to get high readings from the big rectangular mirror, which didn’t have the glowing look that it had when the girls crossed over.

“That’s it exclaimed Richard, this mirror is definitely the key to their world”.

“Alrighty then, so where’s the on button at” asked Doug looking doubtful.

“I have no idea said Richard, but let’s take this back to Central and analyze it there, we’ll figure out how to open the portal there”.

He looked at David who still looked concerned for his sister and dream girl. Being the lead Ghostbuster, he put a hand on the young man’s shoulder.
“Don’t worry Dave, from what I saw earlier when we intervined, it seems the trolls don’t want to cause the girls any permanent harm”.

“Yeah, Davy chimed in Doug, tickling ain’t that bad, well unless you’re ticklish of course”.

“Well that puts me in that category replied Richard sheepishly, it’s my weakness. Anyway, let’s get this back to headquarters, we haven’t a moment to lose”.

In the troll’s realm, the girls were about to lose their shoes….

Amanda and Jane sat on the big table with their arms still hanging from the chain attached to the ceiling, while the trolls strapped their ankles down. Jane bit her lip as she felt Button unlace her boots. She looked over at Amanda who winced as she felt her boots get tugged off her feet.

“Please begged Jane, not my feet again”.

“But we love feet insisted Button, aside from collecting shoes of course”.

He pulled off Jane’s right boot, which came off with a loud popping noise, since she’d been in them for about five hours now. Then off came the left boot, and Jane instinctively wiggled her long toes in her wool tan socks. Amanda was in the same boat too, now in her gray gym socks. Button and Shorty went to add the girl’s shoes to their collection, and Gretchen stood in between both girls.

“Now which pair should I remove first, hmmmm she pondered with placing a hand on her stubby chin.

Both girls just gulped and prepared themselves for the worst.

“Actually, I can’t decide, so it’ll be both pairs at the time decided Gretchen.

The female troll began to roll down Amanda’s gym socks, until they were off at the heels, and then did the same to Jane’s socks. Then she seized the tips from their socks, and used one hand to pull both pairs of Jane, and the other hand to pull off Amanda’s pair. In less than five seconds, four socks whizzed through the air, but were caught by Button and Shorty and instantly sniffed them.

“Hmmmmm began Button, warm, sweaty-

“AND SMELLY cried Shorty, ha, ha, ha”!

“Nooooo whimpered Amanda, curling her now naked toes.

Jane fidgeted her feet trying to slip them out of the leather strap, but it was too tight. She gave a squeal as she felt Gretchen grab both her big toes to keep both feet side by side.

Tossing the socks to the floor, the two male trolls rushed at Amanda’s narrow size eights and Jane’s high arched tens. As the trolls raked their nails on the bare feet before them, the two ghostbusting gals started laughing hysterically once again.


“EHEHHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHE STOP TICKLING MEHEEHHEHEHEEHEHEE YOU MONSTER roared Jane as Gretchen tightened her grip on the girl’s toes, with Button tickling each sole quickly and efficiently.

“Cutchie cutchie, hutchie, hutchie teased Shorty as he worked on Amanda’s left foot, tickling it with both of his hands. Then he grabbed all five of Amanda’s toes and bent them back so that he could tickle the undersides of each exposed digit.


“Indeed noted Shorty, I can tell by the way your skinny arse bucks like a wild stallion”.

He continued his assault, and then Gretchen remembered their deal about who got dibs on what.

“Alright, let’s quite enough, Shorty, my turn for her toes”.

Shorty released his grip and Gretchen grabbed Amanda’s toes with one hand and used her other five nails to tickle all five toes on her left foot. Amanda squealed and arched her head back, it was too much for even one toe to be tickled, let alone all five.

“Awwww, does that tickle asked Gretchen sarcastically?


“If you think that’s bad, wait til you feel my Ten Toe Tickle Technique sneered Gretchen sweetly

Using all ten of her fingers, Gretchen gently tickled all ten toes with her nails. Amanda started to cough a few laughs and her laughter began to soften due to the fact that her throat was getting sore from laughing so much. Gretchen then turned her gaze toward Jane, who was getting both feet tickled by Shorty and the toes on her right foot being tickled by Button.

“Alright, you two take the feet, and I’ll take the toes” ordered Gretchen.

Button and Shorty nodded eagerly and each took a foot in their paws. As the two male trolls tickled each one of Jane’s soles, Gretchen used her Ten Toe Tickle Technique on Jane’s toes like she had done to Amanda. The taller girl wiggled her toes like mad as she giggled incoherently. Gretchen saw the wiggling toes and licked her lips.

“Ya know, all this torture is making me hungry said Gretchen. I think it’s time for me to eat some piggies, muah ha, ha”.

“NOOOO moaned Jane, DON’T”

Jane’s toes clenched in fear at being devoured by this crazed troll. Gretchen stuck out her pointy tongue and let it graze across all five of Jane’s toes on her right foot. Jane giggled and tried to move her toes out of harms way. The feeling of the troll’s warm tongue was beyond unbearable, but Gretchen was persistent and licked each toe efficiently while moaning in delight.

“Mmmmmmm, delicious she purred, now the other five piggies”.


Jane snorted a few more laughs as her other toes were molested. Then Gretchen went to the other foot and repeated the procedure. After the toes had an equal tongue bath, Gretchen kissed the tops of Jane’s feet and directed her attention toward Amanda.

“Don’t even think about it, warned Amanda.

Gretchen smiled slyly and took both feet in her hands and massaged them, which Amanda couldn’t entirely dislike as foot rubs were one of her favorite treats.

“Now doesn’t that feel good asked Gretchen, when I rub your feetsies and tootsies”?

“A little admitted Amanda, even though you’re a troll”.

“Well, this troll has something better to massage your feet with, and it even gives a good lubrication too”.

And then like a Cobra, Gretchen snapped her head down at Amanda’s right foot and hungrily sucked all five of her toes.


Gretchen laughed and then sucked her other five toes and gently bit them.

“Nibble on tootsies, nibble on tootsies, the perfect treat is a pretty pair of feet that I sniff with my nose and then suckle on toes”!

And then she took both of Amanda’s big toes into her mouth and sucked long and hard like a porn star giving a blowjob.

“OOOOOOOOHOOOOO Teeeeheeeheeee OOOOOH moaned Amanda, as she never had her toes sucked before and found it torturous yet pleasurable at the same time. The more she moaned, the harder Gretchen sucked. She turned to see Button and Shorty helping themselves to Jane’s big feet. While Button sucked all five of Jane’s toes, Shorty licked every inch of the sole. The female troll shook her head, so much for their deal.

“Alright, now what should we do asked Gretchen.

Shorty sniffed Jane’s soles deeply and then grimaced.

“Well their feet do smell wiffy he replied, should we clean them”?

Button sniffed Jane all over from her head to her toes, also noting their perspiration that covered her gorgeous body as well.

“Yeah, let’s have the maidens wash em good”.

“Splendid cheered Shorty, now for the troll dust, sis”.

Gretchen gave the girls direct eye contact, lifting both their chins up to her eye level.

“It’s bath time, lady lasses”.

She clouded them both with a toss of dust, which sparkled when it hit the girls. Amanda and Jane both saw stars and then felt very sleepy. Half awake as they felt their bonds get loosened and then felt hands caress the fabric of their panties.

“I love this material cooed Gretchen as she ran her fingers along Jane’s red satin panty clad tush, it’s so soft just like her skin”.

“And the yellow haired vixen has has nice choice in undergarments noted Button, it feels like cotton”.

“Well, let’s take off their knickers and get them into the tub suggested Shorty.

Button and Gretchen looked at each other, nodded, and then rolled off Amanda and Jane’s underwear, leaving both girls naked as the day they were born. The trolls laughed as the girl’s immediately put both hands in front of their crotch to conceal their nudity.

Then Button threw Jane over his shoulder, pinched her bare ass, and then carried her down the hallway to a room labeled WASH ROOM. Shorty and Gretchen grabbed Amanda’s limbs and followed their brother. Once they got inside, the trolls dipped both girls into a huge tub big enough for three people. Amanda and Jane lowered themselves into the warm bathwater, and then felt one of the trolls pour a bucket of warm water on the heads. Laying their backs against each other, the girls had their eyes partly closed, while moaning at how warm the water was.

“How are you feeling, Amanda murmured Jane.

“I’m naked groaned Amanda, I haven’t a single stich of clothing on my body”.

“Me too agreed Jane, those damn trolls saw me naked, how icky is that”?

Then the door opened and three skinny troll maidens entered, all wearing matching white outfits and they surrounded the two pale bare naked girls.

“Oh my, they are beautiful cooed one of them.

“Yes, and they also look dirty”.

“So let’s make them all nicey clean again”.

Amanda and Jane began to whimper as they felt four troll hands grab them and start to furiously scrub their bodies with brushes and washcloths. One of the trolls picked up Jane’s feet and held them up high above the water and then pull her toes apart.

“Look at that filthy in between her toes, hand me that small paintbrush”.

“Nooooo whined Jane, not there”!
But the brush went in and got every inch of skin between her long slender toes, which wiggled like made as they were scrubbed. Amanda felt a washcloth scrub her belly and her legs. But when one of the maidens spread her legs apart and looked in wide wonder at her holy O, she immediately knew what was in store for her.

“Please she murmured, if you have a heart, you want do that”.

“Sorry, tawny, but your jinky dinky, needs to be cleaned”.

And the washcloth went straight down in the tub and into her pussy, making Amanda moan softly as she began to orgasm in the tub and slowly lose more and more consciousness. Jane continued to laugh while they scrubbed her hair, neck, feet, legs, breasts armpits, and passed out within minutes as she was done being bathed as well. Amanda smiled as she finished her climax and felt her back get washed. Then Jane felt herself go into a state of arousal when she felt her breasts get fondled along with a washcloth going deep into the water.

To be continued…..
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