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Day 4 - Wagon Trouble

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Marcy, narrowed his eyes for a time at the labrynthian, taking mental notes of several bits of bodily language, but still unable to lock in on any particular uncertainty. It looked like it was going to be a gamble. But he wasn't going to raise his bid, or fold his hand so easily.
With a shrug, he said "I thought that my starting offer was more than adequate for a key, especially one that holds absolutely no value to you. But if you'd rather wander around trying every lock with it until you find what it's to--while being pursued by authorities I might add, and trying to maintain a low profile by acting as suspiciously as possible?--then I won't argue. Good day then."

He turned and began to walk toward the wagons, taking careful note not to look behind him. If she were going to keep it, he'd have to find some other means of getting it off of her. If she had any sense, however, and accepted his initial offer, he could begin lowering his bid from there.
The prospect of late-night trial-and-error over several nights, in a hostile environment, with the possibility of authorities being a real concern did not seem to her like exiting this exchange victorious. This key was obviously valuable to the Eboniaan for some reason or another; it seemed she should at least try to discern some idea of what the key unlocked.

"It can't be very important to you if you're willing to let it go over a failed bluff," she called after him. "I don't think either of us is going to get what he wants unless you start to cooperate some with me."
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"Cooperate?" Marcy replied incredulously, pivoting on his heel. "I've made my offer. And regardless of what the key is worth to me, it is worthless to you. If anyone lacks 'cooperation' its you!" He pointed his finger at her with finality, as he returned to his ulterior train of thought and began to walk away.

He didn't have anything of particular value in the wagon itself, so even if she did figure out what the key opened, the endeavor would be a fruitless one. Still, there was the fact that another key was being made, and would be shipped here in a few days for the would-have-been-manager. His housing had once again been secured indefinitely, and in that purpose the key was relatively meaningless now. But he'd rather have it than risk Erimosi breaking in, and having at his things, worthless as they may have been.

But knowing what she would be doing with the key, and when...all he would have to do is lay in wait until he caught her at an opportune moment. In the dark of night, when all foul deeds are done, the threat of a scream would be more than enough to force his barter.
He seemed especially willing, perhaps even eager, to walk away, leading Erimosi to fear that, perhaps, the key really wasn't of any great importance, even to him. Why had she stolen it in the first place? Was she not above compulsive crime by now? Something had gotten to her, and she needed to regain control of herself--but, for the time being, the key and how to get some value out of it.

As potently as she disliked it, it appeared she would need to concede somewhat. "Alright," she said, defeatedly, to stop him. "The key may be worthless to me, but so is your offer. I could get myself into town by nightfall, and money is never a problem." (She could not help saying this with subtle, hopefully undetectable smugness; she was satisfied with her achievements.) "What else would you consider to be worth this key?" She began to contemplate what she might even want from him.
Minh guessed that whomever Katrina had been yelling at had been responsible, in some way, for creating this mess. "Who was that, who were you shouting at a few minutes ago?" Minh asked the giantess, hoping to identify and pursue the responsible party.
Katarina struggled a bit, as she re-adjusted the beast on her shoulder, careful to maintain it's weight in such a large crowd. She seemed unnecessarily apprehensive, but she had her reasons; she was intentionally trying to avoid the specific means in which the Labrynthian had caused her distress. She would rather keep her ticklishness a secret from someone as renowned as the ringmistress of a tickle-centric circus. As to her most recent question however, she genuinely had no answer.
"I...I don't know...A pointy-ears-person...a librarian?" She stammered, quickly remembering to specify a gender. "But not the pointy-ears-man! It was woman, in scraggly clothes."

Marcy paused turned toward Erimosi with a hand on one hip, and rolled his eyes as she tried again to wring something else from him.
"I never offered you money, so I suppose I should be relieved you don't require any. What I offered was clothing--of a finer variety to help you blend in; nothing you could swipe easily from the clotheslines around here--and a cab ride into town so that you wouldn't ruin them. But since you insist on giving me such a hard time..." He added with a smile. "I've decided that I require something else, in addition to your worthless key."
He pondered a moment, before placing his elbow in the palm of his opposite hand. "You know the magician, as I seem to recall? The two of you are both vying for some sort of talent position, trust?" He placed an index finger on his chin. "I want you to talk him into doing a performance tonight. Though you won't exactly be around to assist him, it will keep the others occupied well into the night, and see to it that the early morning hours are ours."

((Taj, are you having trouble jumping in? If you're unsure of how to proceed, I can offer some suggestions))
"I want you to talk him into doing a performance tonight. Though you won't exactly be around to assist him, it will keep the others occupied well into the night, and see to it that the early morning hours are ours."

"That shouldn't be a problem." It seemed to Erimosi that the magician was always doing performances.

Seeing that it had done her little good and furious with herself for getting into hot water over something so trivial, she was no longer shrewd and allowed him the authoritative position between them. It helped that his stipulation was fully sensible for the both of them.

"What shall I do once he's convinced?"
"Stay to the woods, and I'll meet you at the pond around sunset with the necessary telegram and a change of clothes to send you on your way. The reservation is for the 'Gilded Chablis' Inn, under the name 'Mercy or Marcy'. Don't ask." He rolled his wrist passively as he continued.

"Once you've convinced the magician to perform, I'll stall the cab that the manager's share to and from town long enough for you sneak onto the back. Once you're in town, the managers will have no reason to suspect you of your involvement with the incident on the grounds, and you might even have a spare moment to audition if you catch them in a good mood. If you by chance are able to convince them of your talent, your presence on the grounds will be validated and no one will think you a criminal. Except for the phauxnorse...that may take a bit of dealing with..."

He tapped his chin for a moment before adding, "We'll worry about her once your name is known, and cleared. In the meantime, try to avoid her notice; that shouldn't be hard, she's fairly oblivious to anyone less than the height of a mountain. So for now, the key?"

((Once I have you and Valerie in town, I can play a number of NPCs to help stall for time while I find a new 5th player. Taj, while they're engaged there, I'll find something for you and Katarina to do on the fairgrounds. I'm thinking something fun and rope-related...))
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"Alright." She pulled the key from her torso piece and weakly gave it to him. It all sounded pretty secure, and she immediately began plotting possible routes and courses of action in her mind to further its security: be seen as little as possible; take a roundabout course through the wagons or travel the perimeter of the grounds and then dart straight through?; would it be wise to let her guard down at the pond or to stay relatively hidden and low-profile?; "What should we do if I can't persuade the magician?--not that that should be a problem."
"Who was that, who were you shouting at a few minutes ago?" Minh asked the giantess, hoping to identify and pursue the responsible party. "I...I don't know...A pointy-ears-person...a librarian?" She stammered, quickly remembering to specify a gender. "But not the pointy-ears-man! It was woman, in scraggly clothes."

"Labrynthian..." Alex corrected, finally stepping forward and gave Katarina a reassuring look. He then turned his attention to the new manager and continued. "Labrynthian by the name, Erimosi." He again turned and looked up at the nervous looking Phauxnorse. "Katarina, you should find a place to put that horse down now." he suggested loudly enough for his voice to reach her ears. "It appears to be quite upset from it's travels." Without waiting for a response he turned back to the well dressed woman before him and bowed slightly. "Alexander Willoughbee..." he offered never breaking eye contact. "magician extrordinaire and..." he added pointing to the destroyed hand rail, "...part time carpenter." He waited for a response as he gazed quickly around the small band of people...
Marcy, quickly plucking the key away from Erimosi's fingers, gave a passive shrug.
"I suppose that isn't my concern. But I should think that if he's disinclined to trust you, he's a wiser man than I." he reached into his shirt pocket and retrieved the telegram, folding the top edge slightly, before tearing the time stamp and address from it.
He handed it to her, with a flagrant wave of the wrist. "Also, you might come up with a stage name for yourself if you do meet the ringmaster in town. Last I saw, your pointy-eared associate was hell-bound toward the havoc you'd wreaked. I wouldn't be surprised if he gave up your name to save his pet giant. Now, stay. Here." He said emphatically as he turned to walk away, eying the key in his palm. It seemed different from the one he carried on his own person. . .
"I see." A voice called from over the chaos, parting the sea of bodies with his hands as he pushed his way toward the epicenter of destruction at Katarina's feet. "Don't you think it seems a tad suspicious that a phauxnorse has been implicated in property destruction, and a 'magical' carpenter happens to appear? What's more, another labrynthian whom I've certainly never heard of is said to have caused the incident? I will not stand for these shenanigans! This is clearly a fraud." The heavily accented Englishman looked from the phauxnorse to the labrynthian to the oriental.
"You men, secure this big-and-tall, and get that steed out of her hands; It's worth more than any of your salaries. And the rest of you, get out of the way. But you--" He pointed his finger at Alex. "You stay. I have a few questions for you."

An ambulance had come up the dirt road, and in short order carted away the only man who could have given an eye-witness account of the preceding incident in which he was injured. . .

((I'll get to the fun part in my next post. Waiting to have some blanks filled in first.))
Alex calmly stared back at the man, his expression unchanged by the strange man's accusations. He had been around Aygomen long enough to know that some humans were still prejudiced against Larynthians. "A magical carpenter?" he asked, amused by the new comer. "I assure you sir, there is no tricks to my carpentry. Strictly tools."

He took a step back and viewed the man carefully. "I dare say it also suspicious for one to accuse someone of a fraud when one was not about during the situation." He shuffled his cards as he continued, "Usually one accuses another when trying to divert the attention from themselves." He looked up at the man, his expression unchanged. "Were you somewhere in viewing distance when all this took place? I never heard your approach when I arrived and I can assure you..." he said with a little smile, "...I have excellent hearing."

Alex watched the efficiency of the medics as they loaded the injured into a wagon and quickly made their escape. He let out an exagerated sigh as he continued to shuffle his cards, unnerved by the man. "Before I induldge your sleuthing questions..." he said, never taking his eyes from the man, "I need to know what authority you have here. I have resided in the area for some time now and do not recognise your face. Tell me strange one..." he asked, his shuffling increasing with speed. "Are you the law?"
"The law indeed. I am the acting manager and financier of this circus. The reason perhaps you've not seen my face is because I stay in my office, barring absurd circumstances such as this, and will not debase myself by living out in the wilderness with the like of you laborers. And I've not seen an 'Alex' anywhere on my payroll, so I'm inclined to believe that if you've been around the grounds for some time, it has not been as my employee. Which raises the question once more of where you came from and why you are here?" He straigthened his vest, a little flustered by the impudence of this common rogue. "But what use has an innocent man of what authority I hold? I'm inclined to believe from your suspicion that you yourself have something to hide. But enough talk, the horse, gentleman." He motioned again at a small band of laborers to begin getting it down.

They fumbled over one another a bit in the narrow space, but within a few minutes they'd assembled ladders, rope, spare bits of board, and dowels into an intricate frame work to hold Katarina up, and begin securing a safe route down from her shoulders. Using a steep pair of ladders, braced against either of her shoulders, they began to tie the uppermost rungs around her arms, and the lower rungs to bits of board and dowel to form a third ladder between the two they'd brought along, constructing a sort of staircase for the horse to walk down. Two men held the ladders from the bottom, while another climbed the stairs to tie a harness around the neck of the horse and begin escorting it down. But when it came to the edge of the wagon roofs, it resisted, fearful of the tightness of the space. With a thrash of its head, it tore its reigns from the hands of the laborer, placed its hooves onto the wagon roof, and jumped over the small housing structure, galloping off toward an arbitrary direction with no particular purpose.
"Dammit!" The laborer yelled, as the other two abandoned their posts at the foot of the makeshift staircase to pursue the colt. The third was left with an arm full of rope, standing eyelevel to Katarina, who stared back in confusion as to what he was to do.

Her arms free of the struggling burden that had just escaped her once again, she held the ladders amiably for the remaining laborer, and watched with a befuddled pout as he began to tie her wrists to the rungs of the two ladders.
"Sorry miss, But I've got my orders." He said apologetically, as he began to take the boards from between them as he descended. Upon reaching the ground, two more laborers took hold of the ladders, and pulled them behind her, which pulled her hands upward and behind her head as if she were being arrested. The third laborer climbed the ladder and began to tie her wrists and elbows together.
Alex used the opportunity presented him and gave a single, respectful nod. "Correct, I am not as of yet employed by the circus. As a street performer I had hoped to find someone of importance to arrange a meeting, or a deal if at all possible." Alex had lightened his tone and began to regret his previous words with the man. If this was the one in charge then he might have just greatly hindered his chances of employment. Since there was no need to turn back now, he continued his introduction despite the commotion. "Alexander the Great!" he said loudly, beaming about the small crowd as if they were paying any attention to him. "Magician and Illusionist extrordinaire! Trained by some of the most well known performers in the country!" He gave an eloborate bow and straightened up once again. "My talents have awed many an audience in the Glenn dear sir and now...I offer them to this most wonderful attraction!" Alex was exagerating of course but one of the things he had learned early on was to sell himself...and sell himself as large as possible.

His smile faultered though when he saw Katarina being restricted by ropes. He approached the small band of men and tried to prevent them from carrying out their tasks without much success. "Stop!" he exclaimed as he was shoved rudely about by the stronger men. Giving up he returned to the acting manager and pleaded the Phauxnorse's innocence. "Stop at once! She has done nothing wrong other then cause some easily repairable damage!" He watched in shock as she was restrained as if on display for the entire countryside to see. "She works for you!' he exclaimed angrily pointing towards the Phaux...who was now completely immoble. "If there are more Phauxnorse around to witness this act, they will surely come to her aid!" He was lying, having not seen another giant since the circus first arrived. In fact other then Katarina there had never been a giant seen around these parts for some time. The humans having cleared other races out to keep the land for themselves. But hopefully the hermit like manager would believe his story of others being nearby...
The shrewd man rolled his eyes, as Alex went on trying to sell himself. He had more pressing matters to tend to at the moment.

As the magician suddenly came to the phauxnorse defense, he saw his opportunity to finally break away and return to his work. "I'm fully aware that she works for me. It is precisely why I will not have the authorities involved in these matters, and why she will not be deported. The daylight grows pale, as does my patience, Mr. 'The Great,' and I've a cab to catch if I'm to make it to town before sunset. How is this?"

He held his hand up to stop the men who were leading Katarina away.

"If you can gather sufficient evidence that this woman is at no fault, nor that you were involved with the other labrynthian in question, and that your sudden appearance on the grounds is not indeed some manner of con, then the phauxnorse will not be punished. However, if it is proven that she negligently destroyed these properties, or that you had some means of involvement with this chaos, then I'll have you arrested. I'd like to involve the police as little as possible, but I'm a man of precious little time. If you cannot acquire these evidences by noon tomorrow, then the police and the courts will be tasked with finding either of you innocent or guilty, and I will return to the duties for which I am paid."

He dropped his hand and waved the men to continue escorting Katarina from the dwellings. "The phauxnorse is to remain in custody overnight. If either you or she are missing tomorrow, then our arrangement is voided, and the legal authorities will intervene. Good day to you, sir. Ms. Nguyen, a word?" He motioned toward Mihn, as he proceeded to leave the wagons.


Marcy had overheard the 'litigation' as it had taken place, having crawled underneath one of the wagons to find a suitcase he was certain must have been kicked underneath in all of the scuffling of the last half hour. He'd peaked inside, and found a number of fine articles--some of which suited even his own taste--and even a bottle of wine. Satisfied with his find, and trying to find some means of escaping unseen, he'd had little choice but to wait for the two men to finish their conversation. He'd seen the large feet of the phauxnorse being led away by...firemen? Or some manner of men with ladders, and the conversation between the familiarly inane voice of the notary/acting-manager/financier and the magician he'd met this afternoon. He saw his opportunity, and at hearing the man leaving, he reached from under the wagon to tug on the pant-leg of the magician.
"Pst!" He whispered. "Meet me at the vendor's stands. I can help you. Come alone." And with that he withdrew from the wagons, exiting from the opposite side on which Alex was standing, and taking the long way around to the rear of his own cabin, took a few fine dresses from the suitcase, and stashed the remaining loot through the cab window. He found a paper bag to place the dresses in, and carried them off toward the thief's nest, stopping rarely to feign conversation, and making sure that no one was watching or following him.

((EE, here come the specifics of arranging the conversation between Erimosi and Alex. If you're ready?))
((Val, getting ready to slide an interrogation your way.))
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((Yes, I'm entirely ready.))

Erimosi, with little else to do and altogether nervous about the entire business, passed time watching over the circus once more from her secluded place, although a bit further back into the woods now to avoid being seen. Even with her ears, she could only hear so much, mostly indistinct chatter. She was able to watch Katarina's apprehension and an apparent standoff of some sort between the magician and some big-wig type.
Marcy reached the edge of the grounds, and did a sort of jogging pivot as he approached, thrusting the bag toward her and shooing her further back into the brush.

"These should be fine. Hurry and change so I can arrange your meeting with the magician. I told him to be by the vending stands in a few minutes, and he's supposed to have fairly good hearing; but whether or not he listens remains to be seen. At any rate, hiding in plain sight is better than scuttling about the forest. There's a team of men who have been tasked with sorting this mess out: two are chasing a horse, three are keeping Katarina in custody, and I think three or four more are searching the grounds for a 'pointy-ears-woman in scraggly clothes.' "

He jostled the bag again, prompting her to take it.
"Now, when we get to the vending stations, try to act casual. Don't look about or move your hands too much. I'll see to it that the magician keeps his head, so don't say anything until I tell you. Savvy?"

((EE, I'll let you decide what Erimosi's new clothes look like. Remember though that they came from a person who is both shorter than her, and with conservative taste. Nothing too daring, eh?))
"The phauxnorse is to remain in custody overnight. If either you or she are missing tomorrow, then our arrangement is voided, and the legal authorities will intervene. Good day to you, sir. Ms. Nguyen, a word?" The acting manager motioned toward Minh as he proceeded to leave the wagons.

Minh, who had been questioning the phauxnorse when the manager had arrived, followed him as they left the immediate area. She wanted to make a good impression on the circus owners, so she knew that it was important for her to find out whether the giantess was telling the truth about the incident.

((My availability over the next few days may be limited because of severe weather conditions.))
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Alex realised the man was hardly listening to him and shook his head in resignation. Not only did he not have any employment still, but now he was being held accountable for the mishap. He should have listened to Marcy and just stayed away from the whole thing. As he stood debating how he was to get the proof of innocence in less then twenty-four hours, he felt a distinct tug on his pants.

To his surprise was Marcy laying in the dirt under the wagon. Marcy was already talking before Alex could even come up with a statement. Something he was growing very accustomed to as of late. But he listened quietly with furrowed brow. "Pst!" He whispered. "Meet me at the vendor's stands. I can help you. Come alone." Before Alex could respond the strange man had already dissapeared from sight. Alex quickly looked about to see if anyone else had witnessed the conversation but the area was already almost deserted, save a few labourers wandering about.

Seeing no other option on finding his proof, Alex made his way as casual as he could to the venders area, his ears attuned to any strange sounds that would notify him of Marcy's presense. He stood quite still behind one of the shops and listened. He turned his head in the direction of a muffled conversation being held in the woods but the trees and the whispers made it impossible to hear any articulated words. His curious nature almost got the best of him to investigate, but remembering his task he thought better of it and remained where he was until Marcy had arrived...
((hope it doesn't rain out your fourth of july, Val. Don't worry about slow replies, we're at a decent pace so far.))

Marcy arrived a few minutes later, ((presumably with Erimosi in tow, but however you want to make your approach is fine)) nudging the magician's elbow with his own, but not making direct eye-contact with him as he engaged him in secret.
"Ok so, don't make a fuss. I realize your associate's gotten you into a bit of hot water, but selling her out now will only weaken your own chances of getting that audition you're after." He said quickly, but with a calm, low tone. "Keep your head. You need to establish something like trust with that persnickety bastard, and I've a plan to do it. Starting with this 'investigation' of his...we'll make it look like someone was trying to rob the woman who was here before, and carried her off somehow. I have a few of her things to leave a trail off into the woods, and we can make horse tracks if we need to to make it look like she was carried off. He'll undoubtedly be more focused on what happened to her than what itchy-fingered pickpocket caused Katarina's accident."

He paused, waving Erimosi closer, so that she wasn't out of the loop on these proceedings. "We keep her name off the lips of the investigation, and we make you disappear for an evening--long enough to worry our overseer with something more important. He'll undoubtedly recruit some manner of nightwatch hereafter, and probably bribe or blackmail the lot of us to keep the proximity of these 'robbers' a secret and keep his sales figures unimpeded." He turned to Erimosi. "While you're in town, assume a stage name, for a while at least. Long enough for him to forget that Alex fingered you as the one fleeing the scene before. Get close to him, or the ringmistress, or some such person of authority, they'll all be there in the hotel. Come with them tomorrow by coach, and have a wander around the grounds. While they're distracted with you, Alex and I will be covering your tracks, and in exchange, you're to request the services of an illusionist to improve your stage show. We haven't one on hand, they'd have no choice but to reel in Alex, once we've proven him innocent. So to summarize, we brush you under the rug," he points his thumb to Erimosi, "We get you off the hook, and create a necessary diversion," he pointed his thumb to Alex, "and at length the two of you are in a far off better position that where we've started. All you have to do is keep your wits about you, and follow my plan. I'll be around to make sure nothing goes off schedule, and be underfoot when you need me."

((meanwhile, near the offices))
The notary and Mihn had reached the mobile office, and it was only then, with certainty that the labrynthian was out of earshot, did he begin to discuss his plan.
"The phauxnorse seems protective of this 'Alex,' assuming that is in fact his real name. Do you recall how she specified that a labrynthian was responsible, but suddenly decided it was a woman labrynthian? We may have very well caught her in a lie at that; and she wouldn't know if she were harboring a criminal or not. I can't risk marauder's roaming my grounds--I need the truth of what happened from her. If there was indeed some strange woman with her, where did she go, and what did she do that apparently frightened her into causing all this damage. Furthermore, what had they to gain from busting up a few wagons? I'm told that you have very persuasive fingers; I'd like her...'questioned' in the morning. I will interrogate the labrynthian myself, keeping them separate and unable to corroborate any fictitious accounts. We'll compare notes, and question them again once they've presented their evidence that evening. I've a nose for inconsistencies. But I need to know with certainty what the facts of the matter are. Will you assist me in this? I can certainly make it worth your while?"

His true concern was due to an incident earlier that afternoon. He'd gone to relieve himself in the woods, and returned to his office to find some papers disturbed, a window opened, and the drawer with the lock-box ajar. He may have very well intervened in a robbery, and soon after he'd been accosted by the noise of splintering wood, screaming, and the braying of a horse This time, he'd locked the office door, and followed the crowds of people until he came upon Katarina and the wake of her destructive kicks. If she'd been intended to cause some sort of diversion, he needed to know by whom, and for what purpose. If his suspicions were correct, circumstances could be growing rather dire on this isolated patch of ground...
So first he would decide Katarina's innocence, then discern the integrity of the magician.
((Cripes, I'm sorry for the delay, guys. I'm beat right now, totally don't have the presence of mind to contribute right now. But I'm still here, which I emphasize because we all must be having separation issues by now. You'll hear from me in the morning.))
Marcy, Erimosi observed, certainly was one for quick thinking. All the logistics appeared to be in place, if Marcy knew as much as he claimed to, so it seemed it would be up to her execution. That would not be an issue; she was well practiced. Her main concern was making herself seem valuable enough to them to warrant having her requests catered to. She would feel the situation out when she got there.

"Right. That all sounds in line--so long as you're sure that these people will be where you say they will be." Inbetween thoughts pertaining to this cover-up job, she was troubled with thoughts of the unhappiness she must have caused Alex, not knowing of his ties with the giantess, and how upset with her he must have been. Erimosi was not soft, but she wasn't so careless as to trample over someone so unimposing as the magician if she could help it. "And I'm sorry about the Phauxnorse girl. I wasn't aware you were close."
"And I'm sorry about the Phauxnorse girl. I wasn't aware you were close" It was custom for the Labrynthian to not hold grudges against their own kind and Alex was too concerned about other things to demand forgivness. He dismissed the statement with a small smile of appreciation and responded, "Right now my concerns are for proving her innocense...and my own."

He turned to Marcy and quietly asked, "So what is it you propose? Time is of the essence as you may have already guessed." While he listened, he began shuffling his cards. Something he had taken to when stressed or nervous...
((Taj, not really sure how to respond to Alex. But I don't want you to think I'm ignoring you. I thought I had Marcy spell everything out in my last post?))

"Erimosi, is it? If there's a tavern within walking distance of their rooms, they'll most certainly be there assuming they aren't already unconscious in their rooms. Mr. Notary has a bar in his suite, so you're not likely to see him out rubbing elbows. Unless he's incredibly drunk, in which case, he'll be too inebriated to be of any use. Mihn will be your best bet; sweet talk her into arranging an audition for you. Oh, one more thing. As of yet, the manager who was supposed to have begun working today has been little more than a rumor. Any formal paperwork she would have brought with her from the central office in The Capital. Tonight, before the front desk closes, ask to use their phone. I can give you the number to the foreman's office, and he'll phone the notary from there, but you're to inquire as to the whereabouts of a 'Mercy' whose last name I don't recall. Impress upon him that you're a friend of hers from back home, and that you haven't heard from her in two days. He'll call Notary at the hotel, who will phone the front desk, and receive word of her making a reservation for earlier this afternoon. He will then be expecting her tomorrow, though she has gone to who-knows-where today, and thus her absence will incite the necessary diversion of suspicion." He paused, fanning himself with his hand for a moment as he caught his breath.
"Meanwhile, the magician and I will begin 'finding' the evidence of foul play around the camp's perimeter. We'll report our findings in the morning, implicating that this missing manager was in fact on the grounds today--or yesterday, by then--but never checked in for her assignment due to...forces unknown. Or some-such. The concrete evidence that there is in fact a missing person will undoubtedly obscure your little robbery, and Katarina's property damage. Magician, for the time being go see to Katarina. Let her know you're fighting for her, and most of all, tell her to keep her mouth shut about the woman in the blue dress. But I'll suppose they'll need to know who the porter was delivering luggage to...I guess we could always say that she was sending her things ahead. It would strengthen the notion that she was en route, so long as they don't find out that she ever made it to the grounds. I'll let you pick over the messier details."
The notary in charge of the circus explained to Minh that he thought the phauxnorse's story about the labyrinthian was inconsistent, that the magician Alex might have actually prompted the giantess to create a distraction to cover up some crime. He wanted Minh to put her talents to use in ferrting out the truth, talents that she had honed in the legendary pleasure palaces of Shanghai but which she had not had recent opportunity to deploy.

"I would be happy to do whatever is needed to help keep criminal elements out of the circus," she told the manager, while trying not to appear overeager. "What sort of compensation did you have in mind?"

((My 4th was good, thanks.))
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Pic of the Week
Congratulations to
*** brad1701 ***
The winner of our weekly Trivia, held every Sunday night at 11PM EST in our Chat Room