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Battle of Lorraine


TMF Expert
Sep 16, 2008
Battle of Lorraine


No one remembers how the war started, but Commander Celeste of the Paxim had no doubt which side would emerge victorious. She and her Paxim soldiers were graceful, beautiful, and deadly, though few would ever accuse Celeste of humility. Then again, modesty was never one of the traits of the Paxim race. In their own words, they were very self-assured of their own superiority, though many would use harsher words.

Their technology was advanced, and they were lethal with long ranged weaponry. Paxim snipers were feared among all the races, as one shot from their powerful mirth rifles would incapacitate a foe with ticklish laughter miles away before they even knew what hit them.

They were patronizing on a good day, cruelly condescending on a bad one. The Paxim thought little of the poor, unenlightened fools which made up the other races; part of this was due to the emphasis on aesthetics in Paxim culture. The Paxim were picturesque beauties, flawless ivory skin and fashionable outfits – the beautiful battle was their manta. Expert marksmanship and defensive tools were their go-to weapons, and were a proven and effective commodity.

The flip side to that was that hand-to-hand combat was something they were comparatively weak against, since they couldn’t shake the belief that such primitive combat styles were beneath them. Commander Celeste wondered if those beliefs would bite the Paxim in their battle to come against the boisterous and brazen Boudo, as she scowled at the monitors in the control room, as she saw the chaos and the carnage exploding around the once-beautiful capital city of Alase on the planet of Lorraine. This was why the Paxim had to win.

It would be beyond shameful to lose such a sprawling city to such unrefined ruffians such as The Boudo; they really were a disgrace to any true warmongering species. Celeste stood in front of her monitors, arms crossed as she watched the Boudo horde manoeuvre. After watching for a few moments, the Paxim commander turned her head away and sniffed with disapproval; to use the word ‘manoeuvre’ felt like she was giving these lawless savages far too much tactical credit.

If they had any discipline at all, she failed to see it. Their armies dissolved into a dozen uncoordinated mobs the second they made contact with Paxim forces. The cliché was that no plan survived first contact with the enemy, but the Boudo’s plan seemed to fly to pieces as soon as they were out of earshot of their hulking brute of a leader, an especially tall Boudo woman named Tomoe.

The Boudo were a horned red-skinned species, whose aggressive expansion policies reminded much of the galaxy of a virus. They were big gangly things, a mess of long limbs and muscles. Just watching their foul features on the monitor upset Celeste’s sensibilities immeasurably. Celeste honestly couldn’t think how else to describe them than as a rabble of unevolved, undisciplined madwomen. Celeste turned her nose up at their ragtag armour; all mismatched and faded, just sandals and scraps of cloth, really.

Fashion, art and science clearly was a foreign concept to them, though they (like base primates) used some kind of tickle-inducing sticks, though they were so backwards they seemed to prefer using fingers anyway. They were fearsome when within arm’s length, (probably due to their unwashed stench) but Celeste didn’t think much of it. Just stay away from them! How hard could it be! She shook her head dismissively as she saw a handful of her scouts make contact with the Boudo weapons. The Boudo should just hurry up and let themselves be beaten by their superiors. Honestly, it would do them some good to learn from the Paxim's shining example.

To lose to these Boudo screamers… it was unthinkable, Celeste decided. She wondered why the Paxim would have to dirty their hands dealing with these Boudo brutes, and she found herself having difficulty remember exactly how and why the conflict had started. It probably started the same way all the other wars had. War was second nature to the races now, just as tickle-torture weaponry was. There was no questioning it, it was just how the universe was.

In her introspective moods, Celeste sometimes wondered why it seemed there could never be peace in this universe. It was as if tension and tickling were sowed into the very fabric of the universe. All conflicts were solved through orgasmic tickle battles here, as that was the only way to achieve true victory and submission. She was no philosopher, but she had to wonder if there was another party constantly manipulating the others into tickle-war. New tickle weaponry would be leaked, conspiracies would be unravelled, and assassination attempts would be made like clockwork whenever peace between races seemed to be close at hand. It wasn’t just the Paxim and the Boudo too, every intergalactic conflict seemed to stretch on and on, only ceasing when a new war with a new enemy would begin. Celeste would never claim to being religious, but she wondered if there was an omniscient force in this universal who seemed to enjoy the sight of women squirming and struggling in an internal giggly conflict.

She admired her outfit for today; thigh-high yellow boots that matched her long blonde hair, black nylons, a matching mini-skirt and lacey top that exposed her underarms. She knew she made a stunning sight on the battlefield with her slender figure and comely features, and half the battle was aesthetics. She smiled as she admired her pretty yellow fingernails. If there really was something out there would watching, she was damn sure that she and her Paxim soldiers would put on a show for them.

Battle was an art, and once the barbaric Boudo hordes besieging her camp had tired themselves out, she would orchestrate a symphonic counterattack, as beautiful as it was lethal.

A voice in the command room shook Celeste from her reprieve.

“Commander Celeste, we’ve captured a scout who broke through out formation,” Captain Astra, a blue-haired woman whom Celeste admired for her stoicism as well as her ruthless attitude to tickling. Celeste had sparred with Astra regularly during her training days, and the blue-haired belle had given as good as she got. Just the sight of Astra’s varnished blue fingernails sent shivers down Celeste’s spine as she remembered their last sparring – It had been about a month ago, and Astra had outpredicted her and nailed her with a blast from her tickle-pistol. As Celeste held her stomach and tried to curl into the fetal position, Astra had pinned her down and took no prisoners as she teased everywhere from belly to breasts.

“Would you like to handle the interrogation, Commander?”

Celeste smiled. The hot-blooded excitement of battle was thrilling, but an interrogation was her favourite way to remind wayward races like the Boudo of Paxim superiority.

“Acknowledged. I’ll handle it myself. You’re in charge, Captain Astra.”

Astra nodded, and with a knowing smile. “Have fun, Commander.”

“I always have fun showing a lesser race their place.”


“Sanctimonious assholes. Those fucking cowards!”

Commander Tomoe was not one to mince words, and she was definitely not one to worry about swearing at a time like this The red-skinned Boudo commander was tall, even for her race, as she bellowed out orders in the midst of the carnage of battle, ducking her head as shot from rifles that would incapacitate her with laughter whizzed about and ricocheted off walls in the crumbling city. Tomoe had forgotten why this city was so damn important, but right now she had bigger concerns. She had little respect for ‘commanders’ who hid behind their armies, so she was leading battle from the front, an spasm-inducing tickle sword at her waist and Boudo warriors at her back. Tomoe wasn’t afraid though, if anything, she revelled at the sight of the chaos around her. This was what she lived for – the thrills of battle. The spoils of war were good too, as Tomoe would be quite elated to get herself a nice, pink-haired, pampered, Paxim princess as a tickle-slave too.

The Boudo and their fast-paced tactics had taken a lot of ground, but the remaining Paxim fortifications were stubborn, as their energy shields, turrets and snipers made them nigh-impenetrable; but Tomoe had a plan. It seemed like all the other races underestimated the Boudo for the cunning and their battle sense, but Tomoe was more than happy to be the one to prove them wrong. The cocky Paxim forces would be sitting on their asses, expecting their defences to hold, but Tomoe had just the answer for that.

Tomoe ducked into a side corridor, gravel crunching under her sandals as she sprinted down through the street, a dozen warriors at her heels. There was a sniper nest on the building opposite, and Tomoe was planning diving straight into that hornet’s nest.

The Boudo commander was tempted to storm the nest with a headlong assault, as she saw the flimsy door that seemed to be the entrance to the nest, but she thought better of it after a moment. She gestured at two of her more agile comrades and told them to scale the walls so they could attempt a two-pronged assault. Kiriko, a dark-haired minx who liked daggers smiled and nodded eagerly at this plan, and Hana, a mouthy smaller girl whose name was who loved shoving her spear around, mumbled a quick “fuck, yeah!”

After waiting a few seconds for the climbers to get into position, Tomoe grinned at her troops and nodded – they all charged headlong for the door, smashing it into the splinters as they burst into the room. The Paxim guards in the room were caught totally off-guard; there was even one stupid pansy who had taken off her boots to apply a fresh coat of nail polish to her toes, talk about misplaced priorities!

“Tickle ‘em silly!” Tomoe howled, as her comrades screamed out similar phrases as they slashed into the room, slicing and dicing with their weapons. The orange-haired girl with her boots on the floor was quickly pounced upon and tickled into submission by Boudo nails raking up and down her soles. A green-haired woman with a tickle-pistol holstered at her hip jumped backwards reflexively as Tomoe swung at her, but before she could lift her weapon a second swipe to her ribs stunned her long enough for a second slash at her stomach to force her to double over.

Laughing loudly, Tomoe bundled the green-haired Paxim bitch into her arms, and shook her wildly till the pistol slipped from her fingers. The other Paxim obviously recognized Tomoe as the leader, so they launched the main brunt of their weapons at her, but they didn’t seem to recognize that Tomoe had smartly gotten herself a shield, as the green-haired girl squealed and squirmed with each blast.

The Paxim were quickly becoming overwhelmed, though they had blasted two of Tomoe’s girls with a few lucky shots. The snipers on the rooftop quickly came rumbling down the stairs to offer their beleaguered teammates some support, but Tomoe’s climbers knived them in the sides as they running down the stairs, so they tumbled down the stairs writhing in laughter as Kiriko and Hana snickered with glee.

There was only one soldier left now, a silver-haired woman who bore a captain’s badge on her breast. Tomoe’s blocked a blast from her rifle with her green-haired shield, and tossed the limp and giggling woman at her. The soldier hadn’t expected Tomoe to be capable of such a feat of strength, and her green-haired ally knocked her to the floor.

The gasping Paxim captain struggled to her feet, and picked up a feather-sword from one of Tomoe’s fallen giggling comrades.

Tomoe’s grin widened. “Stand back, she’s mine,” the Boudo commander said. “Let’s see what you got.”

“I will put you down… feral dog,” the captain snarled.

The captain swung wildly at Tomoe, but the Paxim commander easily dodged it, and counter-struck with a swipe of her own feather-sword into the exposed armpit. The Captain spasmed and almost dropped her sword, but managed to recover quickly.

Tomoe smiled, this Captain was just like all the others, only perhaps with a bit more spirit. They only knew how to fight with their fancy toys in their hands. “Is that it then, Captain?”

The blade swung faster this time, but Tomoe expertly parried the strike and landed another blow, this time along the Captain’s thighs. Now the Captain was limping.

“You seem feisty, Captain, I think me and my girls will play with you for a bit before finishing you off…”

“You monsters!” the silver-haired woman growled, as she lifted her sword to strike again, but Tomoe was too quick for her, darting back and away from her range.

“Enough of this. I want to hear you laugh…” Tomoe laughed, after dodging a few more of the captain’s clumsy strikes. Tomoe put some real force into her next few slashes, and disarmed the captain on the fourth strike, knocking the sword away. She reached with her arm for the Captain’s ankle, and pulled her up by it, so the captain was hanging upside down. The grunting and cussing captain struggled, but she was too weak from the earlier strikes to put up any real resistance.

“Strip off their uniforms tie ‘em up with the bolas. I’ll have a word with the Captain here…” Tomoe said, and every Boudo in the room smiled, as all they knew exactly what she meant.


“When will you Boudo fools learn… this is what you get for fighting against your betters…”

Celeste smiled at the beautiful sight before her. The red-skinned Boudo was finally in her proper place. The dark-haired Boudo warrior had been stripped of her rags and her weapons, and she lay completely naked with her arms and legs tied to opposing ends of the table. They had blindfolded her to accentuate the experience, as the Paxim were all about the little touches.

The red-haired girl who lay moaning and gasping on the table was a scout who had initially broken through their lines, but quickly found herself outnumbered and captured. Three Paxim soldiers assisted Celeste as she conducted her interrogation.

They knew the best way to torment a rowdy, wilful creature like the Boudo was to turn her own animalistic desires against her. They had stoked the Boudo’s fire, tantalizing her body with giant ornate Paxim feathers to a devastating effect. The Paxim feathers could not stand up against Boudo's feather-blades, but they were very potent in the right hand hands.

“Please… nohoho more…” the red-skinned Boudo girl gasped as a pair of feathers stroked across the sole of her left foot, causing her entire leg to jerk. “It’s too much…” she closed her eyes in confusion then forced them wide open when a feather stroked across her bare belly.

“Do you have something to say to me, Boudo scum?” Celeste said, revelling in the other girl’s misfortunes as she hungrily watched the way the feather teased between the Boudo’s legs and brushed against her genitals.

“Plehehehease! I, ohhhhhhh…” the Boudo moaned mid-sentence as a pair of feathers fielded by Celeste’s suddenly flick across her exposed nipples. Her entire body jerks, and then she screams harshly as a feather licks up her right side and slides across her armpit.

The squirming Boudo girl was a mess of nervous energy, as she squealed and tossed back and forth as if doing so could make her ignore the sensations. She was so backwards, like her entire species, Celeste though dismissively, as she slid her feather in circles around those perky red breasts. The nipples were quickly hardening, it was only a matter of time now, till the foolish girl put her desires in front of her Commander. She shook her head violently as a feather trailed down her side, while another feather slipped between her toes. All the while, the feather in between her legs continued to tease her womanhood. Celeste grinned, and spun the tips of the feathers right on those rock-hard nipples.

“How much longer should I keep you waiting? An hour? Two? I bet you’d love to me to grant you release…” Celeste crooned, flicking the moaning Boudo’s girl nipples with her feathers. “But you have to earn it… now tell me what I want to know!” she said sternly, pulling away as the red-skinned girl tossed her head from side to side in sexual frustration.

“I tohohold you! I dohohon’t know anything! Plehehehease! Leheheheht me cuhuhuhum!”

“You must know something…” Celeste said, with mock sweetness, as she teased the areolas. “Tell me something… and I can give you… something…”

“I know… something,” the Tudou girl whimpered uncertainly. “About Tomoe…”

“If you be a good girl and tell me, you might even get release…” Celeste smiled, as she dropped the feathers and tugged on the red-skinned girl’s nipples tantalizingly, making her squirm in unrealized ecstasy. “Now tell me…”


“Tell me. When you’re ready, of course,” Tomoe grinned at the Paxim captain whose will had undergone a major battering. The silver-haired beauty was as naked as the day she was born, and ganged up by four Boudo not including Tomoe, the Paxim captain was having a difficult time telling which way was up. Her arms were pulled up by an ebola rope, and two of the Boudo sat on her legs, their heavy frames keeping her from kicking and prevented much movement. And it was clear the flustered Tomoe captain wanted very much to move, as her frustrated laughter was constant and shrill. Yet every time the moans threatened to drown out the laughter Tomoe would gesture and her girls would step it up a notch.

“She’s moaning too much, girls. Let’s make it even worse for her!”

A pair of Tomoe’s girls were slathering their tongues all over the captain’s soles, popping her silver-painted toenails into their mouths, while their fingers across the pale ticklish soles in front of them. The pleasing sensations from the sensual licking and nibbling was constantly being countered by the scribbling of nails along soles, so the Paxim girl could never quite enjoy herself.

“Plehehehease! Nohohoho! It’s tohohohohoo much!”

“Too much? You heard her, she’s not satisfied! Make it extra good for the pampered princess here!” Tomoe guffawed, as the Paxim captain desperately shook her head.

The two girls along her upper body was a special flavour of hell too; they took a side each, and spent their time kissing and licking along the Paxim girl’s pale neck, teasing along the armpits, or worst of all, lapping and teasing the hardened tips of her perky nipples. The hazy Paxim captain would always let out a little squeal as the mischievous Boudo girls softly scratches the undersides of the nipples and delicately swirled their nails around the areolas that were so sensitive to stimulation. With all their tongues and fingers, the Paxim captain was a mess of over-stimulation as her breasts and sides were assaulted by the pinching, poking, and licking of her baby-soft skin.

“How does it feel now, Captain?”

“Gohohohod, too good!” the captain squeaked, as she ground her hips in aroused frustration.

The worst of all was, of course, Tomoe herself, as she stood in front of the girl’s spread legs with her feather-sword; the feather-sword was sliding in and out of her slit, tantalizingly slowly so the edges of the sword tickle-stimulated at a snail’s pace. Every time the feather seemed to be a bit too pleasurable for Tomoe’s taste, she would remove it from the Captain’s throbbing womanhood and run it up and down her thighs or along her tender buttocks instead, to her eminent frustration.

“So tell me everything you know about your commander… you give me what I want, and maybe you get what you want… everybody wins…” Tomoe smiled wickedly, as the captain gave another frustrated whimper as the feather-sword twirled along her nether regions.


“How could they have broken through our lines so quickly? How?”

Common lore was that Paxim did not get angry – they were too advanced to be driven by such petty emotions, but there was no doubt that if Commander Celeste was not angry, she was experiencing a moment of extremely tranquil and serene fury. The Paxim command room was a mess of activity, as trooper carrying weapons and armour ran to and fro.

And understandably so; the Paxim defensive perimeter had been flawless with its turrets and sniper nests. Yet somehow their defences had been breached. Needless to say – Commander Celeste was less than pleased.

“Tell me how did those Boudo dunderheads manage to sneak through our lines?” Celeste spat, as she marched down the hallway towards the armoury, blue-haired Captain Astra at her heels.

“Hard to confirm for now, Commander,” Captain Astra was saying, as she thumbed her way through fields reports in her arms. “But it looks like they got hold of our uniforms and just walked straight past our turrets. Once they got close, those melee weapons they love so much made short work of our forces.”

“The Boudo have red skin – are our snipers colour-blind? Why weren’t they spotted?” Celeste snarled in exasperated discontentment – Paxim soldiers did not get angry, merely exasperated.

“It’s a dusty city, Commander. And you don’t shoot your soldiers just because you they look like they might have a rash.”

“Boudo soldiers are, on average, a foot taller than Paxim ones,” Celeste said, spittle flying from her mouth in a decidedly-unladylike fashion.

“They probably slouched,” Astra shrugged. “I don’t have the answers, Commander.”

“Fine,” Celeste growled, as she slammed a fist into the wall. “Let’s forget about the how. What’s our current situation?”

“Boudo continue to spill through the deactivated turrets. Our initial defences are holding… but they need help.”

“Get down there and take command, Captain. I’ll join you shortly.”

“Beauty in battle to you, Commander.”

“And you,” Celeste nodded.

As the blue-haired form of Captain Astra and her high-heeled boots left disappeared from the vicinity, Celeste punched in the code to her private armoury.

Few Paxim warriors trained with melee weapons, and Celeste had to confess she was a bit out of practice with this particular weapon, but she had confidence that this would be the turning of the tide in this untidy, chaotic, mess of a battle. They really were unworthy of a power of such power and grace.

Now to meet her foes, and rout them like the feckless dogs they were.


Captain Astra’s long blue hair clung to her face as she and a dozen Paxim soldiers constantly gave ground outside the main entrance of the Paxim command centre. There were just too many of them. They would launch blasts from their tickle-guns, but the Boudo at the front of the swarm had stolen the Paxim’s Energy shields, and were bouncing the blasts right back of them. The Paxim girls were in a desperate retreat, and any girl that couldn’t keep up was swallowed by the horde, screaming and laughing as she was gang-tickled by a half a dozen red-skinned Boudo warriors – numbers were that much in their favour.

Thankfully Astra had come prepared, and a few strategically placed tickle-grenades took out the Boudo shield-bearers, though by then most of the Paxim girls were running low on ammunition. Picking up feather-swords and feather-spears from giggling and twitching Boudo who had fallen, they stood their ground as best as they could with such unfamiliar weapons in their hands.

Was this to be the Paxim’s last stand on Lorraine? Captain Astra wondered, as she was strung up on a wall like all the others, stripped of her weapons and her clothing.

No. Commander Celeste is still out there. She can turn the tide, Astra thought, trying to keep her emotions under control as she felt a Boudo’s eager tongue lap across her blue-painted toes. Oh, she hated it when they teased her feet like this… tickling she could take, but the stubborn, insistent pang of arousal was something else. She felt the tongue slide between her toes right when another Boudo was starting to lap along her pale belly button and her blue eyes closed in conflicted ticklish bliss.

Then she heard a crackle like a thunderstorm and her sharp eyes sprang open, a smile on her face. She recognized that sound. It was the Paxim lightning-spear could turn the tide of the battle, a spear that could launch tickle-blasts from its head – it was the perfect weapon to deal with the Boudo. She knew Commander Celeste would-

The tongues invading her toes became too much to ignore, and Astra slumped back, grinding her hips, and coherent thought for the captain became difficult.


The Paxim lightning-spear hummed in her hand, as Commander Celeste, with her blonde hair billowing out behind her, dispatched Boudo after Boudo with blast or slash. The long spear allowed her to parry reckless swipes from the Boudo trash that passed for their weapons, and her energy blasts gave her a decisive advantage. She had thought her way through dozens of Boudo warriors, the sight of her blue-haired captain strung up across the end of the room spurring her on, but before she could reach Astra, a booming voice halted her in her tracks.

“Commander Celeste!” the coarse voice made Celeste’s title sound like an insult. Celeste turned to the window and saw on the sparse, smoking ground below, lay Commander Tomoe, with a gaggle of Boudo brutes around her.

“I’ll deal with you later, Boudo fiend!” Celeste yelled, as she turned back towards Astra.

“Running away from me? And they said the Paxim were brave!” Tomoe roared, patting her toned stomach, and all flock of sheep all laughed along with her. “I challenge you to a duel! Come and show me if you Paxims are as mighty as you boast!” Tomoe howled, as she beckoned to Celeste.

The blonde Paxim commander grit her teeth, and leapt from the balcony to meet her foe in the ground, lightning-spear sparkling with energy. A blast from the head of the spear neutralized a pair of screaming Boudo grunts, till the two commanders were face to face.

“Glad you could make it,” the muscular and forboding red-skinned Tomoe grinned, with teeth like a shark.

“Why would I miss this opportunity to make a dumb brute like you my slave – you need to learn from your betters!” Celeste shouted, as she aimed with the spear and launched a blast of tickle-energy at Tomoe. The hulking red girl was faster than she looked, and ducked her head in time to dodge the blast. Then with a growl, she sprinted forward with dangerous intent, feather-sword in her hand.

Celeste barely got her guard in time to meet the slash with her spear, though the jolt of the impact sent ticklish shockwaves through her body that made her knees shake. The blonde-haired captain countered with a jab to the ribs with the spear, but Tomoe parried, and landed a glancing blow on Celeste’s rear that sent violent shivers creeping up her spine.

“You’re better than I thought you would be,” Tomoe grunted, as Celeste landed a blow on her shoulder that almost made the great red-skinned woman drop her feather-sword.

“Oh? You’re worse than I thought you would be,” Celeste sneered, as she swung at Tomoe’s neck, but the Boudo Commander nimbly darted back.

“You really do represent your people well: beautiful, arrogant, and so very stupid,” Tomoe said, with a bellowing laugh, and Celeste felt a chill on her neck as all the Boudo barbarians around them screamed with laughter too.

“Shut your mouth, Boudo scum,” Celeste said, taking a blast with her lightning-spear.

Tomoe ducked her head, but the laughing continued. “You never wondered why I lured you down here, did you? Look at the floor, nimrod!”

Aware this could be one of the Boudo’s dirty tricks, Celeste tried not to take her eyes of Tomoe as she subtly glanced at the ground, and the Paxim Commander was shocked to recognized the mines planted right along her high-heeled boots.

“You walked right into our little minefield, Princess,” Tomoe grinned, from a safe distance away, as Celeste felt a violent detonation of sensations.

Where the smoke cleared, Tomoe was surprised to see the blonde Paxim commander was still standing, though she was noticeably shaking slightly.

“You can feel them, can’t you? And it looks like that plump, ticklish ass of yours took the worst of it,” Tomoe said, patting her muscular stomach and roaring with laughter. The laughter was quickly erased as a blast from Celeste’s spear missed her by inches.

“I’m… stihihil fighting!” Celeste gasped. Tomoe had not been wrong. Celeste could feel that her teeth were clenched in a very tight smile, and that tears were forming in her eyes and beginning to trickle down her cheeks.

As an added insult to injury, the mines themselves were Paxim weaponry – the Boudo blunderers would never have been capable of manufacturing such technology. It was clear that the Boudo has commandeered it when they made their initial raid through enemy lines. The mines were disruptive traps that, when triggered, sent tiny, little spider-like nanite creatures which wreaked ticklish havoc on their stunned victim. Trying to brush them away was pointless – they were designed to be difficult to remove, and violently slapping at them might only spread them to other region

“Sure you can stand, Princess?” Tomoe said in mock concern, as she waved her feather-sword in her hand.

Celeste’s knees shook, as every half-second brought a new sweep of the feather between her buns. She couldn’t quite count how many there were, as that required too much concentration that she currently had, but she knew there were definitely at least have a dozen that had flown up her yellow skirt along her thighs and butt; and Celeste was so ticklish there, that it would have taken a superhuman effort merely to resist one soft feather nestled in the sensitive crack of her bum, but with half a dozen mechanical perpetrators… all sliding their feathers all over her cheeks, and teasing every inch of skin beneath the panty line… The little nanites knew exactly how to tickle her, focusing on the spots that made her squirm and snicker the most – it was what they were designed to do.

Celeste though diving head-long back into the battle with Tomoe would allow her to take her mind off things, as the Paxim commander commenced a series of desperate attacks with her lightning-spear, but the ticklishness of her butt had left her winded and distracted, so her strokes lacked the power and placement before, and Tomoe easily dodged them. Any Tomoe’s slashes were as lethal as before, as she landed spasming strikes to many a vulnerable body part. Concentration on the battle was impossible when it felt like the feather had free reign underneath her clothes, teasing her skin and forcing out fresh giggles every time they brushed along a new spot.

“Don’t you see.” The blade licked across Celeste’s neck, and made her squeak.

“This game is.” The sword slid across the back of Celeste’s knees, and dropped her to the ground.

“Already.” The Boudo’s weapon swept from stomach to breast in one motion, with devastating ticklish effects.

“Over.” The blade jammed under into Celeste’s womanhood, and spun, the barrage of ticklish sensations so strong that even the great Commander Celeste fell unconscious.

“You’re my slave now, blondie,” Tomoe grinned, staring down at her panting and still-giggling foe. “Victory to Boudo!” she bellowed to her warriors, who took up her chant.

“Come with me and take this city!”
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