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“Apt Pupil”


4th Level Red Feather
May 7, 2001
by Strelnikov
Copyright 2007 by the author

Author’s Note: This story is a sequel to “Old Custom”.


The last guests in the dining hall had cleared out an hour ago, and the kitchen cleanup was just about finished. Meghan Williams checked her watch – 1:30 PM. She scanned the kitchen again and signaled to her co-worker Meredith McKay. Meghan and Meredith had kitchen cleanup detail today – they had come in at 11:30 AM.

It was another normal Sunday at Lakeshore Lodge, a small family resort on the south end of Sparrow Lake in the Muskoka region of Ontario. The staff was small too, just eight college-age girls. The place catered mainly to budget-conscious families with children. It was run on the so-called American Plan, with housekeeping and all meals provided as part of the package – that meant that the moms got a vacation too. It was a mom-n-pop operation; the proprietors, Bob and Sue McKenzie, were the third generation of owners, taking over after Bob’s parents retired.

Bob McKenzie ran the food service – he was a balding middle-aged guy whose impressive bay window suggested that he liked his own cooking just a bit too much. He had four staff members to help him in the kitchen – the girls were also the waitresses during the meals. The girls worked with their hair done up in pony tails, in jeans, sneakers, aprons and pale blue t-shirts. The shirts were printed in dark blue with a stylized Canada goose and Lakeshore Lodge – the staff uniform, such as it was. There had been regular uniforms in Bob’s father’s time, but profit margins were too thin now to allow such niceties.

This was Meghan’s first summer on the staff at Lakeshore Lodge – she had started just last week. She was slender, a little taller than medium height, with shoulder-length wavy dark brown hair, gray eyes, and the sort of fair skin that freckles on the way to a suntan. She was a work in progress, pretty enough but no great beauty. In a few more years, she would be absolutely stunning. Meredith was 19 yrs old – this was the second summer here. She was a petite girl with a cute shape, a summer tan, bright blue eyes, silky shoulder-length blonde hair, and the wholesome good looks that one associates with “farmer’s daughter”.

Tammy Reid and Andrea Turner had come on at 10:30 to help Bob with the cooking and to set up the dining room for the guests’ noon lunch. The guests normally thinned out to a few stragglers by 12:30, so the girls on the early shift were through until it was time to start the dinner preparations.

Bob looked up at the wall clock in the kitchen. “OK, girls,” he said. “We’re through for now. See you at 5:30.”

Meghan tossed her soiled apron into the laundry bin by the kitchen door. “OK, Bob,” she said. She looked outside. “Doesen’t look like the rain’s gonna let up anytime soon,” she said to Meredith. “Looks like we’re gonna have to amuse ourselves indoors.”

“Maybe tickle Ashley,” Meredith said, grinning. “She’s got such a pretty laugh,” she said as she took off her apron.

“Ashley’s off today, remember?” Meghan said. “Holly too.” Sundays were easy days for the staff, just one day into the new week, so two of them could take the day off. The girls had an off-day rotation schedule so that everybody got a chance at the more desireable off days.

“Oh, you’re right,” Meredith said. “Well, there’s always somebody around here who needs tickling. I’ll make do.”

Tickling was a staff tradition at Lakeshore Lodge – it had started the first summer the place was open, back in 1946. Every year since then, the returning employees had initiated the new kids. For most, it was something fun to do in their off time. Ashley loved to be tickled, and the others were always happy to oblige – they enjoyed making their friend laugh her head off. Some of them, like Meredith, became... enthusiasts.

But Meghan still had mixed feelings about it. Her older brother Adam tickled her feet until she was raving, did it often, and had for years. She had hated it, which of course just encouraged him, and she had never seen the attraction in making another girl scream like a howler monkey. She had joined in to fit in, and found that tickling could be fun, but she wasn’t very good at it. She still didn’t much like being tickled. She got a rush off it – endorphins released by the laughing – but while it was happening, it drove her crazy.

The two girls left by the back kitchen door and headed to the staff bunkhouse behind the lodge, hurrying a little in the drizzling rain. Like all other buildings on the site, the bunkhouse – fondly known as “The Swamp” by its residents, for reasons lost in the mists of time – was a white clapboard structure with a red shingle roof. The ridgeline ran east-and-west, perpendicular to the shoreline. On the south side was a screened-in porch, a necessity for evening comfort due to the region’s notoriously ravenous mosquitos.

Andrea and Tammy were chatting on the porch, sitting side by side in two of the stackable white plastic armchairs when the other girls entered. Andrea was a pretty girl about medium height, with nice curves, wavy shoulder-length brown hair, brown eyes, and a touch of olive in her complexion. Tammy was the same physical type as Meredith but a little taller, Celtic-looking with fair skin, long dark brown hair, dark brows and lashes, green eyes, a girl-next-door face and a cheerful smile. Like Meredith, both of them were 19, and here for their second summer. They had changed into shorts after they finished work. Their bare feet were propped up on the seats of facing chairs.

Meredith quickly reached down and tickled their feet. Both girls squealed and jumped.

Tammy rolled her eyes. “You’re gonna kill us all, Meredith,” she said.

“She’s a regular tickle monster,” Andrea said. “And I thought my sister was bad!” Andrea’s sister Melissa had discovered years ago that tickling was an ideal chastisement for her pesky little sister – it left no marks, and nobody took it serious. But that also made it the ideal way for Andrea to get even with her bossy older sister. Melissa and Andrea had been tickling each other for years.

“You’re both bad,” Meredith said. “The original sadistic siblings. There were times last summer, I thought you were gonna tickle me to death!”

“We didn’t tickle you any more than anybody else,” Andrea protested. “Still don’t. Mostly we tickle each other.” She grinned. “But we really enjoy tickling you – great laugh, great reactions, and you can’t control it at all.”

Meredith turned to Meghan. “I had to learn Advanced Tickling, and learn fast,” she said. “Just so I could get even.”

“Well, you learned, right enough,” Tammy said. “And not just for revenge either, or you wouldn’t do it so much.” Meredith loved to tickle – she was the most fiendish of them all. She had the nack for it, and could get the most amazing and enjoyable reactions. She made every one of her co-workers laugh hard, and laugh often. All of them agreed that a good tickling from Meredith was an experience to be remembered.

“Everybody needs a hobby,” Meredith said. “Anybody want to watch a movie?”

Meredith and Meghan kicked off their shoes, and all four girls went inside. The residents of The Swamp left their shoes in cubbies outside on the porch to minimize the amount of dirt they tracked in. Or at any rate, that was the reason they gave if anyone asked.

The floor was bare planks, polished smooth by 60 years of sweeping and mopping. The joists and rafters were uncovered, exposing the inside of the plywood wall sheathing and roof. Along the north wall, aligned with the windows, were four double bunks, with two footlockers at the end of each and free-standing wall lockers against the walls in between. On the south side, just inside the door, was a wall mounted telephone next to a whiteboard for messages, and a small wooden table with four bent-cane chairs. The west end of the room had two bathrooms, with a washer, dryer and linen cabinet filling the space between the doors. The east end of the building, closest to the lake, was furnished with a mock-Turkish rug and a battered sofa with four matching arm chairs, rust-speckled chrome tubing and upholstered in green vinyl. Between the windows on that end was an entertainment center: TV, VCR, DVD, and a boom box stereo.

They shuffled through their collection of DVDs, but none of them held much appeal – they had all seen every movie more than once. Meghan gave up and walked to her locker to change clothes.

Tammy flopped down on her bunk – she had the bottom space, second from the bathrooms. “What a crummy day!” she said. “I think I’ll take a nap. Somebody wake me up in about an hour.”

Meredith changed too, and got a book out of her footlocker – a generic romance, something to occupy her time without requiring any thought. She sat in one of the armchairs to read. Andrea had a needlepoint project going – she took another chair and got to work. Meghan found a deck of cards and laid out a solitaire game on the table.

The rain picked up a little, the sound of it falling on the roof got louder. Meredith and Andrea were still occupied, Tammy was breathing softly on her bunk, fast asleep. The solitaire game hadn’t worked out – Meghan scooped up the cards, shuffled and started over.

The second game didn’t work out either, or the third. Meghan yawned and stretched. She checked her watch – almost 2:30. Melanie and Melissa ought to be finished with the housekeeping pretty soon.

Melissa was the first to arrive – she nodded to the others and changed into shorts. She was two years older than her sister, a little taller, but there was a strong family resemblance. Both girls had the same build, coloring and features – even their tickle laughs sounded similar. Melanie Laurier was right behind. She was the other new kid, 18 yrs old, an attractive brunette with a few lighter highlights in her curly hair, a great figure, bright hazel eyes, long dark lashes and a deep summer tan. She had grown up bilingual in a Québéc border town – she sounded like a New Englander, not a Canadian, because she had learned English at her Yankee mother’s knee.

“Lively group, eh?” Melissa remarked.

“Got that right,” Melanie replied. “I’m getting sleepy just looking at ‘em.”

“Tammy’s asleep,” Meghan explained.

Melissa checked Tammy out, flat on her back on her bunk. “Are you gonna let her saw logs all afternoon?” she asked.

“Not if you have a better idea,” Andrea said cheerfully.

Melissa grinned. “As a matter of fact, I do,” she said. “How d’you want to do it?”

Andrea went out onto the porch and returned with a coil of clothesline. “Let’s use this,” she said.

Meghan scooped her cards into a pile and drifted over to watch. This was the real reason for the barefoot rule – it made tickle attacks a lot easier.

Andrea made a loop and slip knot in one end of the rope. She took a turn of rope around the steel tube frame that supported the upper bunk over Tammy and pulled the loop downward, giving herself plenty of slack. Melissa positioned herself next to Tammy’s ankles – suddenly she grabbed both ankles and lifted up. Andrea slipped the loop over Tammy’s ankles, then grabbed the other end of the rope and pulled hard. Melissa kept her hold and pulled too, shifting Tammy toward the end of the bunk. Tammy ended up with her feet up, ankles roped together and against the underside of the frame.

“Wha– ” Tammy started. “OH NOOO!” she wailed, wide awake now. “NOT THAT!”

Andrea knotted the rope around the support. “Save your breath,” she said.

“You’re gonna need it,” Melissa added. She tied Tammy’s big toes together with string.

“OK, you got me,” Tammy said glumly. “Get it over with. Hehe! HAHAHA! HAHAHA-HAHAHA-HAHAHAHAHA!”

Melissa had the right foot – she scratched between Tammy’s toes, tickling between each pair, getting a wild burst of ticklish laughter each time. Andrea had the left – she held Tammy’s toes back and tickled the soft skin underneath, then the stretched out soles. Tammy arched her back and laughed her head off.

Andrea released the toes and covered the arch and heel with tickling nail flicks. Melissa drew triangles, squares and other tickling shapes on the arch and heel, then counter-rotating circles with a single nail each. Tammy laughed like a madwoman, tears of laughter running down her cheeks. Andrea held back Tammy’s toes again and tickled side to side on the stretched out sole, paying special attention to the crease in the middle. Melissa tickled a sole again, two handed – Tammy’s toes twitched and curled as she laughed and laughed.

“That looks like fun,” Meredith said. “Save some of that for me, eh?” Meghan glanced around – the others were watching the fun too. Melanie was on her right, Meredith was behind and slightly left.

Melissa looked over at Meredith. “Find your own,” she said. She speeded up, tickling Tammy’s sole mercilessly. Andrea tickled in the back of Tammy’s arch and onto the heel, getting great reactions and stream after stream of helpless laughter. Neither tickler missed a stroke – Tammy’s face turned red as she laughed at the top of her lungs.

Suddenly Meredith grabbed Meghan from behind – her ankles were hooked out from under her, and down she went. She ended up on her tummy on the floor, with a weight on her hips. Hands grabbed her ankles and pulled – she was trapped in the figure-four leg lock, upturned feet perfectly positioned for tickling.

“Hey! Get off!” Meghan yelled, trying to buck her attacker off.

“Nope, Melissa’s right, I need to find my own ticklee,” Meredith said from her straddle position, raising her voice over the sound of Tammy’s laughter. “Time for you to laugh!” She got down to business, guitar-chording both of Meghan’s heels.

“HAHAHAHA! HAHA-HAHAHA!” Meghan laughed, squirming and struggling. Meredith drew circles on both heels – Meghan’s laughter went up a notch. She traced circles in Meghan’s arches – Meghan laughed like mad, tears of laughter running down her cheeks. Meredith worked her way up both arches, then scratched a sole in the exact center, along the crease. Meredith switched to the other sole crease, tickling with a single nail. Meghan laughed helplessly, squirming and struggling – she knew what was coming next.

Meredith flicked her well-manicured nails on the balls of Meghan’s feet, just behind the big toes – Meghan arched her back and laughed at the top of her lungs. Gratified by the response, Meredith gave Meghan a good two minutes of tickle torture, getting great reactions and a flood of laughter.

A short break, just enough to catch her breath – Tammy wasn’t laughing any more, the sisters must have finished with her. But Meredith was far from finished – she held Meghan’s toes back and scratched lightly under them, tickling the soft skin, and Meghan laughed with wild abandon. Meredith released the toes and tickled both soles two-handed, watching the toes twitch and curl, then down the arches to the ticklish heels. Meghan bucked and squirmed and laughed her head off. Her feet were sensitized by the tickling – she didn’t have a sweet spot any more, so everything Meredith did drove her wild.

Meredith tickled Meghan’s heels and arches, getting great reactions and wave after wave of helpless laughter. She tickled up the arches to the soles, making the toes twitch again, then held the toes back and tickled the stretched out soles. Meghan laughed and laughed, musically, helplessly, face red, tears streaming – she was losing it, right on the edge. Meredith shifted one hand under the right toes, the other to the left heel, and countermarched both hands, tickling from toes to heels and back. Then holding Meghan’s toes back again, Meredith attacked the balls of Meghan’s feet, tickling mercilessly. Meghan laughed herself breathless.

“Good one!” Andrea said – she recognized art when she saw it.

“It was OK,” Melissa allowed. “But we could do better. Right, Tammy?”

Meghan gasped for air and blinked away tears. Just OK? It had tickled horribly – even Adam couldn’t have done any better, she thought indignantly.

“You really think so?” Meredith demanded. “Watch this!” She gave Meghan’s soles another flurry of nail flicks, enjoying Meghan’s sudden wild burst of laughter.

“Let her go, Meredith – she’s had enough,” Melanie said.

Meredith quit and dismounted. Meghan giggled weakly, rolled onto her back and took a long shaky breath. “That tickled... so much... ” she gasped out. “I’ll get you... for this... ” But Meghan knew that the threat wouldn’t dissuade Meredith, or anybody else for that matter. It’s hard to get even when your technique sucks, she thought.

The other girls were going on like the tickle fest was nothing out of the ordinary – and it wasn’t, Meghan realized. They kidded Tammy, critiqued the tickling techniques, exchanged good-natured threats of more to come. Melanie gave Meghan a hand up and looked her over. “You OK?” she asked.

Meghan winced – her abs were pretty sore from laughing. “I’ll live,” she said.

“You’re pretty new at this, Meghan,” Melanie said. “And you seem to be above-average ticklish too. Is it getting to you?”

“Don’t worry about me, Melanie,” Meghan said. “I’m used to it – my brother tickles me all the time.”

“Yah, mine too,” Melanie said. The sky was lighter – maybe the rain was finished for a while. A ray of sunlight broke through the clouds, reflecting off the wet grass. “Looks like it’s clearing off,” she observed.

Meghan checked her watch – 2:55 PM. “Let’s see if anybody wants to go swimming.”

The girls changed into their bikinis, gathered up their towels and stepped into their flip-flops. They stopped at the kitchen to get trash bags – the guests were pretty good about not trashing the place, but the little kids sometimes forgot. Then down the gravel driveway past the south end of the lodge. A broad avenue was cut into the woods to the right, perpendicular to the drive. Another clapboard building stood there – “Oriole”, looking like the Bates Motel, a prime example of 1950’s motel architecture. Its long side backed up against the woods on the west.

They continued across a gravel road to the beach. On the right was a playground with swings, monkey bars and so forth, and past that the white clapboard boathouse, its ridgeline parallel to the beach. Beyond the boathouse, bordering the beach on the south, was a patch of scrub willow. The boat dock was on the south end of the beach. They were lucky, or the mom-guests had been vigilant – all they found was a few discarded soft-drink cans near the boat house.

The sun was out in full force by then. The guests were coming out to the beach, kids and their moms mostly, the women probably relieved not to be cooped up indoors with bored, whiny kids. The girls left the beach and walked north past the Lodge along the graveled road. On the left, separated from the Lodge by a rocky outcrop, was a big two-story frame building with a covered porch all the way across the front – “Alouette”, sixteen guest rooms. A little further along was a similar two-story building, smaller than Alouette – this was “Bobolink”. Across the track from Bobolink, near the lake shore, was a building the size of a walk-in closet – the well house. Past that to the north were two double cabins, looking like something out of a 1930’s tourist court – “Chickadee” and “Goldfinch”. Beyond the cabins was a tall hedge, with a gap closed by a gate. The track continued through the gate to Bob and Sue’s house a little further north.

The shore here was lined with silver birch trees and armored against winter ice with suitcase-sized gray stone rip-rap. They approached the shore near the well house – at this point, someone had laid three of the stones as steps and upended two others, one on either side. Twenty yards offshore was a huge granite boulder, mostly submerged, with a few water lilies on each end. The area above water was about 10 ft by 7 ft. This was where the staff went swimming – the beach was for the guests.

The girls kicked off their flip-flops and went down the steps. There was a narrow strip of sand at the bottom, thin over the granite bedrock that formed this part of the lake bottom. The water was shallow, no more than 4 ft deep at the shore side of the boulder and a foot or two deeper on the other side. They splashed around in the lake, enjoying the summer day and the warm water.

Meghan and Andrea climbed out onto the rock after a while and laid down to get some sun. The warm sun made Meghan sleepy. She felt herself dozing off...

“Better give the spit a half-turn,” Melissa said.

Meghan rolled over and raised up on her elbows, rubbing sleep out of her eyes. It must be close to 4 PM, she thought. Melanie, Tammy, Melissa and Meredith were standing in the water on the shore side of the rock. She stood up and stretched, and the Devil bit her on the butt.

“Cannonball!” Meghan yelled.

SPLASH! She surfaced, grinning, and saw Andrea sitting upright, dripping wet. “You looked like you needed cooling off,” she said.

“You are so gonna get it!” Andrea said.

“You’ll have to catch me first!” Meghan replied, and splashed her. Andrea dived off the rock and gave chase. It took a while, but eventually Andrea managed to grab an ankle. Melissa grabbed the other, and they turned Meghan upside down and dunked her.

Meghan surfaced, blowing. “Good one!” she said. “I need a rest after that.” She swam over to the rock, climbed out, laid down on her back and closed her eyes. Andrea and Melissa joined her and stretched out too, with Meghan in the middle.

“This beats the hell out of an office job,” Melissa said on Meghan’s left.

“It’s nice here at the lake,” Meghan answered. “I always had to make do with a concrete beach at home – the town pool.” She paused, considering. “Kinda like this rock, but more crowded. In fact– OH SHIT!” she yelled. “HAHAHAHA-HAHAHA-HAHA-HAHAHAHA!”

She was on her back, feet up – Andrea had both of her ankles trapped in an arm lock, and stood over her tickling her feet with skill and enthusiasm. I let down my guard, Meghan thought as she laughed like a maniac, eyes closed, tears of laughter running down her cheeks. Stupid! She blinked away tears, still laughing like mad. Melissa sat up too, she saw – she got her feet under her and stood up.

Andrea’s tickling fingernails flicked and scratched the balls of both feet, forcing stream after stream of helpless laughter. She tickled in Meghan’s arches, drew circles and other tickling shapes on both heels, while Meghan laughed like a madwoman. Meghan wasn’t struggling – the tickling sensation had completely overpowered her.

Melissa padded over next to Andrea and grabbed one of Meghan’s ankles. Andrea shifted her grip, holding on to the other ankle, tickling the trapped foot mercilessly. Melissa added her tickling fingernails to the effort. Meghan’s feet were beyond ticklish now, all over – she laughed at the top of her lungs. Andrea stopped tickling, grabbed Meghan’s ankles with both hands and held them while Melissa got them in an arm lock of her own. Andrea gave Meghan one more burst of two-handed tickling, forcing another wave of helpless laughter, then left the tickling in the capable hands of her sister. Tag-team tickling, thought Meghan through a haze of tickle torture – I’ll have to remember that.

Melissa tickled Meghan’s heels, then up her arches to her soles – Meghan’s toes twitched and curled as she laughed and laughed. Melissa tickled side to side across both arches, tickling just behind the soles, and Meghan laughed with wild abandon. She worked her way down the arches, tickled them just in front of the heels and onto the heels behind, and Meghan laughed at the top of her lungs. Melissa speeded up, tickling fiendishly, and Meghan’s laughter went off the scale.

Good enough – Melissa quit and released her victim. Meghan laid there gasping and red-faced. “How was that, girlfriend?” Andrea asked.

“I’ll... get you... for this,” Meghan said breathlessly. She knew that the others would get her too, if she wasn’t careful… “Hehehe!” she giggled. She sat up in a hurry, pulled her feet back and doubled her legs under her.

Meredith grinned up at her from the water – she had made a sneak attack while Meghan was distracted. Meghan felt fingernails flick her upturned sole, giggled again and rounded on the new attacker – Tammy had come around behind her and repeated Meredith’s tickle attack.

“It’s about time for us to go back to work, Tammy,” Andrea said, interrupting the tickle play.

Melissa checked her shoulders. “I’ve gotten enough sun,” she said. “I think I’ll go too.”

“Meghan and I have kitchen cleanup,” Meredith said. “We’ve got a little more time.”

The others left. Meredith and Melanie stayed in the water, but Meghan had had enough swimming. The season was in full swing – there was plenty of boat and ski-doo traffic, enough to raise a chop on the lake. She sat on the lake side of the boulder, feet dangling in the water, watching the activity and enjoying the day.

“Eep! Hehehe!” Meghan pulled her feet out of the water and backed away.

Meredith surfaced at the edge of the rock, grinning. “Gotcha again!” she said. “You should know better by now than to give me an opening,” she said. “C’mon, Meghan, time to go to work.”

Meredith and Meghan cut between Bobolink and the cabins to a graveled parking lot, then followed the graveled driveway across the back of the camp behind Alouette and the Lodge. They would come on duty just before dinner, wait tables, and then clean up afterward.

Meredith and Meghan went to work at 5:30, joining Andrea and Tammy, all four setting tables and helping with last minute dinner preparations under Bob’s direction. At 5:45, Bob flipped a switch in the kitchen – somewhere, a siren gave one long blast. Bob’s wife Sue came in to lend a hand – she was the general manager of the place, but in a small business like this one, everybody does what’s needful without worrying overmuch about job descriptions. She was in her mid-40’s like Bob, still trim, with brown eyes and a few streaks of gray in her brown hair.

Bob gave one more siren blast at 6 PM, and the guests started filing in. Waiting tables here wasn’t too difficult – this was a dining hall, not a restaurant. Everybody got the same meal, served family style. All the waitresses had to do was set out the serving bowls and platters, take drink orders, make sure the drinks stayed full, and bring dessert afterward. The fare was tasty but nothing fancy – among the guests were people who thought ketchup was just a tad too spicy.

Once the guests were served, the girls could eat their own dinners at a table in the kitchen. Bob and Sue joined them. The four waitresses checked the dining room in relays – there was always at least one of them in the dining room. They rotated every few minutes.

The guests were mostly finished and gone by 6:30. Meredith and Meghan stayed until 7:30, cleaning up. Finished, they tossed their aprons into the laundry bin and headed back toward The Swamp.

Melanie had guests – she was with them on the porch because The Swamp was a guy-free zone. Meghan and Meredith had already met them. Gordon McKenzie was Bob and Sue’s son – he was tanned and fit-looking, with brown hair and blue eyes. Melanie’s brother Marc was tanned even darker, athletic-looking, with hazel eyes and brown hair with a few lighter sun streaks. Both were 20 or so – they roomed together at college. They wore wife-beater shirts, cargo shorts and ratty sneakers – the barefoot rule didn’t apply to guys. They both worked at the Collishaw House – Gordon’s parents and the Collishaws had traded heirs for the summer.

Marc grinned and made tickling motions. “Melanie tells me Meghan decided to get with the program. Are you turning into a tickler like her?” Like his sister, he sounded like a New Englander.

“Not really,” Meghan said. “Mostly, they tickle me.”

“Broke her in Saturday,” Meredith said, grinning. “She’s got such a pretty tickle laugh – you ought to try her.”

“It’s not so bad,” Meghan said. “I’m used to it.”

“Yah, I know all about your sadistic sibling,” Gordon said. His mom and Meghan’s had worked here together years ago, and had stayed in touch – Meghan had gotten this job through the most basic form of networking.

“You don’t know the half of it,” Meghan said. “Oh well – it was good basic training for working here, eh?”

“That’s the spirit!” Marc said. “And you got off easy compared to Melanie. Our cousins... ”

“Ashley, Stacy and Shelly Haviland,” Melanie interrupted. “The Terrible Trio. All older than me. They used to tickle me ‘til I didn’t know my own name.”

“You got good enough to pay ‘em back with interest, sis,” Marc said. “Especially Ashley. She’s the oldest – the bossy one,” he explained to Meghan and Meredith. “But tickle her and she’s helpless.”

“I had to do the same after I came here last summer,” Meredith said. “Otherwise, they would’ve tickled me to death.”

“Like you do to us,” Meghan said.

The screen door opened. “Do what to us?” Ashley asked.

Ashley Collishaw and Holly Nicholson were back from their day off. Both were local – Ashley’s family owned the Collishaw House Resort across the lake, and Holly had been her best friend since the Third Grade. Ashley was 20, a pretty girl with straight light brown hair in a pony tail, blue eyes, a cute shape and a summer tan. Holly was Ashley’s age – she was another cutie, not quite medium height, fit and trim looking, with curly shoulder-length brown hair, blue eyes and flawless fair skin.

“Three guesses,” Gordon said. And the first two don’t count, thought Meghan. Ashley loved to be tickled, and Gordon was always more than happy to oblige. They had been friends and tickle buddies for years.

“Won’t have to guess if I go inside,” Ashley said. “I’ll know.” She kicked off her shoes into her cubby and went inside to change.

“Well, so much for that,” Gordon said. “How about you, Holly? Gonna join us?”

Dumb question, thought Meghan. Holly had the hots for him – it was obvious to anybody but a guy.

“Thought you’d never ask,” Holly said. She dragged up a chair, put her feet in Gordon’s lap and crossed her ankles. “How about a foot rub?”

Uh-oh, thought Meghan. Surely Holly knew that this was asking for it!

“One fingernail at a time?” Gordon asked, confirming Meghan’s suspicions. He rested one hand on the crossed ankles and gently tickled the soft soles with the other. Holly started giggling softly, a cheerful girlish sound, but she didn’t pull away.

“Private party, or can anyone join?” Meredith asked.

“Hahaha! Don’t you– haha! –ever– hehehe! –get enough?” Holly asked and giggled. “AH-HAHA! Go tickle– heha-hehe! –Ashley– hehehe!”

That was clear enough. Meghan and Meredith excused themselves, kicked off their shoes into their cubbies and went inside to change. Ashley and the others were kidding around – she hadn’t wasted any time. She insulted everybody outrageously and tickled every upturned sole she saw. Pretty soon, the “outraged” girls would gang up on her and “punish” her, which was the whole idea behind their little game.

Meghan changed into shorts and went back out onto the porch – she wasn’t all that interested in playing. Holly was still giggling, sometimes with solid laughter mixed in when Gordon got on an especially ticklish spot.

Meghan sat down. “That would drive me crazy,” she said.

“Haheha! It’s not– HAHA! –so bad– hehe-hehe!” Holly said and giggled and laughed. “I can– hahaha! –go like– hehe-AHAHA! –this for– haha! –hours– hahaha!”

Another one like Ashley? “So how did you meet Holly?” Meghan asked Gordon.

“We’ve known each other since we were kids, just like Ashley,” Gordon said. He tickled a little faster – another sudden burst of laughter escaped Holly’s lips. He eased off, and Holly dropped back to giggles again. “Ashley’s my tickle buddy, but it’s nice to have some variety, eh?”

“Is she enjoying that, or just putting up with it?” Meghan asked.

“She’s not complaining,” he said. He tightened his grip on the uppermost ankle and guitar-chorded Holly’s sole. Holly threw back her head and laughed like mad, her fair skin turning pink. “Having fun?” he asked, flicking his nails in her arch. Holly nodded her head – she was laughing much too hard to speak. “Want me to stop?” he asked, tickling the back of the arch and onto the heel. Her tickle laugh was a musical contralto – she laughed harder, and this time, she shook her head.

Gordon eased off – back to giggles again. “Too hard to talk with all that racket,” he said. Was it possible to look indignant while giggling? Somehow Holly managed it.

“Interested in going to a party Saturday night?” Melanie asked. “Andy Franusz called and invited all of us.”

“Yah, we’re invited too,” Marc said. “Should be fun – I imagine it’ll be pretty big.”

“Hehe! Couldn’t– haha! –keep me– hehehe! –away– WAH-HAHA!” Holly got out. She squirmed a little. “Sta– haha! –ap! HAHAHA! Gotta pee– hehehe!”

Gordon quit, and considerately rubbed Holly’s soles to get the tickle off. “There’s your foot rub,” he said. “We need to get back to Collishaw House, Marc – 5 AM comes awful early.”

Holly wiped away tears. “That really got the blood flowing,” she said.

“Were you really enjoying that?” Meghan asked. “It would’ve drove me crazy.”

“Used to drive me crazy too,” Holly said. “But I really like him, and... well, you know.” She stood up. “I really do need a bathroom,” she said. “Anyway, it depends on who’s doing it. It’s fun with Gordon, or with Ashley. Everybody else, it’s an excuse to get even, and that’s not so bad either, eh?”

All three girls went inside, and were greeted with a sudden wave of laughter. The game was progressing nicely. Ashley had sneaked up on Melissa, sitting in an armchair with one leg crossed over the other. She had grabbed the dangling foot – she covered it with tickling nail flicks. Melissa laughed like mad, struggling to pull loose. Holly and Melanie headed for the bathrooms, but Meghan came over to watch. It wouldn’t be long now...

Holly came out of the bathroom and hand-signed something to Meredith – they took up positions on either side of the other bathroom door. Melanie came out, and let out a startled yelp as Holly and Meredith bushwhacked her and bulldogged her down to the floor.

Ashley stopped tickling Melissa and let go. She saw the look on Meghan’s face. “Stay out of it, Meghan,” she advised.

Melanie is my friend, Meghan thought – I should help her, at least even up the odds. She moved toward the struggling girls – Ashley grabbed her from behind.

“I told you to stay out of it,” Ashley said. “Game’s over, everybody!” she called out. “It’s my turn to do some tickling, and I’m gonna tickle ‘em both. Melissa, help me tie Meghan up. Holly and Meredith, bring Melanie over here. We’ll do a chair tie. Andrea, set ‘em up – you know the drill.”

Holly was sitting on Melanie. Meredith leaned over. “Gonna behave?” she asked.

“Yah, you got me,” Melanie said in a resigned tone. Meghan didn’t struggle either – she was had either way, and she knew from long experience that there was no sense starting off tired.

“Good thinking,” Holly said. “Let’s go.”

Andrea set the straight chairs up in side-by-side facing pairs next to the table. Meghan and Melanie ended up side by side, hands tied behind their backs, bound to the chairs around their waists and shoulders. Their ankles were tied together, feet through the open backs of the facing chairs, ankles tied off to the canes above. Andrea and Melissa tied their big toes together with string. Ashley fetched a canvas tote from her footlocker and spread the contents on the floor near the girls’ bound feet. She dragged the footlocker over and sat.

Andrea and Melissa dragged up another footlocker and sat down. “I’m not sure how you’re gonna work this, but I’m sure it’ll be worth watching,” Andrea said.

Holly approached the two ticklees. She gave both girls’ feet a quick tickle, and was rewarded with a stereo giggle. “Meghan deserves this anyway – teach her not to interfere.”

“My thought exactly,” Ashley said. She picked up a paint brush in each hand from the pile at her feet. “Now then – how long do you think I should tickle you?”

“Five minutes?” Meghan said hopefully.

“Nah, I was thinking 10.”

“But shouldn’t you deduct 5 minutes because you’re doubling up?” Melanie asked.

Ashley laughed. “Nice try. OK, 10 minus 5 is 5. But just for that, I’ll multiply times 5. That makes it 25 minutes.”

“Oh NOOO!” Meghan wailed. “I’m too ticklish! I couldn’t stand 25 minutes!”

“Should have thought of that before you tried to weasel out,” Ashley said. She gently brushed Meghan’s soles, then Melanie’s – side to side, then up and down. Both girls started giggling, a steady stream of girlish giggles.

Ashley started brushing in circles. The girls lost it – they laughed like maniacs in two-part harmony, tears of laughter rolling down their cheeks.

Ashley was an artist with the brushes. Meghan and Melanie laughed and laughed as she flicked them back and forth across their toes and soles, up and down from toes to heels and back again, then figure eight's on both pairs of feet. Ashley started brushing in big circles covering both feet, and that was the worst, because once on every circle it got THE SPOT – the balls of Meghan’s feet, just behind the big toes, and the soft skin under Melanie’s toes. Every time the brushes flicked the sweet spots, Ashley gave them a few extra quick strokes, and their laughter went off the chart. Both girls laughed their heads off, red-faced, streams of laughter pouring out of them.

“Wow! I didn’t know you were this good,” Meredith said, grinning. “Can I be your disciple?”

Ashley grinned back at Meredith. “Kind of a role reversal, eh? Sure, why not?” she said, and concentrated her efforts on THE SPOT, on both pairs of feet. The tickling bristles flicked their soles, side to side, up and down. Melanie and Meghan threw back their heads and howled with forced mirth. They were past being able to struggle, unable to resist the fiendish tickling or even form a coherent thought. Their toes twitched and curled as they laughed and laughed.

Ashley stopped and checked her victims out – she seemed a little disappointed in what she saw. “I need a break,” she said.

“YOU need a break!” Meghan gasped.

“If you’ve got breath enough to complain, you’ve got breath enough to laugh,” Holly said. “Move over, Ashley.”

“Hey, I helped you catch Melanie,” Meredith said. “How about some tickle time?”

“Be my guest,” Ashley said, and stood up.

Holly sat facing Meghan’s trapped feet, Meredith selected Melanie. Tammy dragged up another foot locker. “Dibs on Melanie’s right foot,” she said. She flicked her manicured nails up and down Melanie’s right sole, along the crease.

“Hehehe! No– haha! –more!” Melanie begged and giggled. “HAHAHA-HAHAHA-HAHAHAHA!” Meredith joined in, and Melanie’s laughter went up a notch.

“Meghan, don’t think I’ve forgotten about you,” said Holly. “Hey, does this tickle?” She zig-zagged a single nail down the right sole crease and circled it in the arch just behind.

“Eep!” Meghan squealed. “WAH-HAHAHAHAHA! AH-HAHA-HAHAHA!” It tickled horribly, much worse than before – every square inch was a sweet spot now.

Holly held back Meghan’s toes and tickled side to side across the stretched out soles, over and over. Tammy and Meredith did the same to Melanie – their tickling fingernails flicked and scratched, covering both feet with unbearable tickling. Both ticklees laughed like madwomen, their stereo laughter filling the room.

Holly flicked her nails on Meghan’s heels, then tickled two-handed up the arches to the soles. She spread Meghan’s toes apart two by two, tickling between each pair. Meghan laughed her head off, tears of laughter running down her face. Holly held Meghan’s toes back and scrabbled her nails on the soft skin underneath, then across both soles, side to side and back again. Then two fingernails, drawing circles around and onto the balls of both feet – Meghan laughed at the top of her lungs.

Holly backed off a little – she didn’t want to tickle Meghan out too soon. Meghan blinked away tears and looked at her friend, laughing madly beside her. Melanie’s eyes were closed, tears running down her cheeks as she laughed and laughed – Tammy and Meredith were really giving her the treatment! But Holly dug in again, and Meghan howled with forced mirth.

Holly tickled Meghan’s arches and heels until Meghan thought she would go mad. Then holding back Meghan’s toes, Holly spider walked her nails along the crease in the exact center of the right sole – four fingernail strokes in succession, three times a second. Meghan laughed helplessly as Holly tickled across the balls of both feet to the left sole, flicking and scratching. She released the toes and tickled two-handed in the middle of Meghan’s soles – Meghan went crazy, bucking and squirming, laughing her head off.

“Breather – thirty seconds,” Ashley said, and mercifully the tickling stopped. “Hanging in there?” she asked.

Meghan sat there gasping, trying to get her breathing and heart rate normal again. “Oh Ghod!” she said. Beside her, Melanie took long deep breaths. She was in no real distress – she’s got lots more endurance than I do, Meghan thought.

“Anybody gonna use the rest of that stuff?” Melissa asked.

Tammy grinned. “Just getting to it. Hey Holly, let’s trade. C’mon, Meredith.”

“Nah, I got her earlier,” Meredith said, flexing her fingers. “Help yourself.”

“Watch this!” Holly said. She picked up a hair brush, the sort with round plastic knobs on the bristle ends, and scrubbed Melanie’s soles. Melanie laughed at the top of her lungs, helpless to resist the well-techniqued tickling.

“Not bad, eh?” Tammy said, raising her voice over the ticklish laughter. “But I bet this’ll do even better.” She picked up an electric tooth brush.

“Hey!” Meghan said. “Is that my tooth brush?”

“Nope, belongs to The Swamp,” Tammy said. It was an old one, Meghan saw now – it could even date back to her mother’s time here. Tammy flicked it on – it buzzed menacingly.


“Ooh! That really, really tickles!” Andrea said. “My sister tickles me like that. Go easy!”

“It won’t hurt her,” Tammy said, and ran the bristles up and down the crease in the middle of Meghan’s left sole. Beside her, Holly was hairbrush-tickling Melanie’s heels. Meghan and Melanie laughed their heads off, tears of laughter running down their cheeks.

Tammy made sideways figure-eight’s on the balls of Meghan’s feet, covering every square inch of ticklish flesh with unbearable tickling. She ran the brush between the toes, tickling between each pair – Meghan let out a wild burst of helpless laughter each time. Tammy tickled her way down the right sole crease to the arch, zig-zagged to the heel and circled the brush on the heel – Meghan was losing it, she couldn’t take much more. But Tammy backed off a little, and kept her laughing until she thought she would go crazy.

Holly gave up her place to Melissa and Andrea – poor Melanie laughed with wild abandon as they covered her soles with fiendish and well-techniqued tickling. But Meghan had problems of her own – Tammy looped the brush onto her left heel and zig-zagged upward, tickling horribly. Meghan laughed at the top of her lungs as Tammy’s tickling brush glided up the middle of the right sole crease, then side to side under the toes.

Now both feet were being tickled – Meghan blinked away tears, laughing madly, and saw Ashley leaning over Tammy’s shoulder. Ashley was using her nails, flicking the ticklish skin. Ashley said something to Tammy, who slid to one side and stood up. Ashley stepped over, took the vacated seat and kept on tickling, two-handed now in both arches. She never missed a stroke. Neither did the sisters – they were using the paint brushes now, Meghan saw. Melanie’s laughter had an edge of desperation, she was very near the limit of her endurance.

Meghan was well past hers, but her ticklish torment wasn’t over yet. Ashley held back her toes – Meghan laughed and laughed as Ashley tickled under all ten toes, then back across the stretched out soles. Ashley kept it up, tickling mercilessly, spider-walking her nails from the soles into the arches behind. She tickled the left sole crease, then the right, forcing a solid stream of wild helpless laughter. Finally, mercifully, she finished Meghan off, nail tips flying on the balls of both feet, and tickled her breath away.

“Good one!” Tammy said. Meghan gasped for breath, looking around through a haze of tears. Melanie laughed with wild abandon – Andrea and Melissa were still tickling her.

“I bet that really tickled,” Holly said sympathetically. She had gotten her share of attention from Ashley over the years, and knew all about it from the inside.

“You have... a real talent... for understatement,” Meghan said breathlessly. She took a deep breath. “You’re a fiend, Ashley!”

“I do my poor best,” Ashley said, all false humility. She raised her voice. “Finish Melanie off, you two,” she called out to the sisters.

“Party pooper!” Melissa called back. “Oh, all right. Both hands, sis!” They speeded up, and Melanie’s laughter went off the charts. It was more than she could endure – she laughed herself breathless.

“You’re game, I’ll give you that,” Ashley said as she untied Meghan. “Still doing OK?”

Meghan winced as she put her feet down – her abs were pretty sore. “Could be worse,” she said. She rubbed her wrists and took stock of herself. “Has been worse, a few times. Right now, I feel pumped, believe it or not.” She belched – she had swallowed a lot of air. “Must be all that aerobic exercise.”

Again Ashley looked her over. “Glad I could help,” she said. “Maybe now you’ll be motivated to return the favor, eh?”

Meghan showered and changed into her nightgown. By the time she finished, it was time for lights out. That suited Meghan fine – the glow had faded, and she was exhausted. She climbed up into her bunk and curled up under her blankets. Sleep came immediately – it was like being hit on the head with a rock.
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Meghan stirred in her sleep and came half awake. It was still dark, but the eastern sky was starting to pale. She heard a faint sound – a beep? But it wasn’t repeated. She drifted off again.

Suddenly she was wide awake, laughing her head off as tickling fingernails danced in her arches. She felt constriction across her middle, tried to sit up. No good – somebody had grabbed the edges of her covers from underneath, pinning her to the bunk. It tickled unbearably!

“Good morning, everybody!” Meredith caroled from the end of the bed. Helpless laughter poured out in a solid stream as her tickling fingernails drew counter-rotating circles on Meghan’s heels. “This beats an alarm clock, don’t you think?”

Melissa threw a pillow at Meredith from the next bunk. “Hoser! I could’ve slept in another hour!” she protested.

Andrea sat up in the bunk above her sister. “She does have a pretty laugh, though, doesen’t she?”

“That she does,” Tammy said below Meghan – she was the one holding Meghan down. “This was a good idea, Meredith. I think we’ve just invented a new Swamp tradition.”

“OH NOOOO!” Meghan got out. “WAH-HAHA! AH-HAHA! HAHA-HAHA-HAHAHAHA!” The transformation was complete, she realized despairingly – this morning, her feet were beyond ticklish everywhere.

Ashley padded over, raking her hair back with her fingers. “That’s enough, Meredith,” she said. “You’re enjoying this too much.”

“Spoil sport!” Meredith said. She gave Meghan a final burst of nail flicks, tickling the sensitive soles and forcing another flood of helpless laughter.

“Let her go, Tammy,” Melanie said. She was sitting on the edge of her bunk, the upper one closest to the bathrooms, bare feet dangling. Tammy reached out and tickled a foot. “Hehehe! Quit!” Melanie said, and pulled her feet away.

Ashely and Holly bunked together, in the bunks closest to the east windows. Both wanted the top bunk, so they took turns – this week, Holly was on the bottom. Meredith walked over to Holly and reached under the covers. “C’mon, Holly, wake up.”

“HAHAHAHA! I’m awake!” Holly said. “That was mean!”

“But lots of fun,” Meredith said with a grin. “This was the perfect start to my day off.”

Everybody was wide awake, so, early or not, they got dressed and ready for work. The kitchen setup crew – Meghan and Melanie today – needed to go in pretty soon anyway. The other two kitchen staff – Tammy and Andrea – started an hour later. The housekeepers would start as soon as the guests went to breakfast.

“That exercise last night was about the pecking order here,” Melanie said to Meghan while they cracked eggs into a big bowl. “We’re gonna have to get even, or they’ll tickle us to death.”

“They will anyway,” Meghan said. “Especially now that they see how ticklish I am. I’m lots more ticklish than I was – I can’t control it any more, not even a little.”

“Remember my cousins, the three girls I told you about?” Melanie asked. “They’re all older, they were always bigger and stronger, so they tickled me all the time. Know why they let up?”

“Why?” Meghan asked.

“Because I got sneaky,” Melanie said. “I’d catch ‘em at a disadvantage, one at a time, and tickle ‘em silly. Oh, they never quit completely – family gatherings were always lots of laughs for me. But it got to where I could live with it.” She grinned an evil grin. “And besides, getting even was fun. Especially after I figured out how to drive ‘em wild.”

“How’d you do that?” Meghan asked.

“From the inside, mostly, at first,” Melanie said. “I figured what worked on me ought to work on them. But it was so much fun that I experimented and practiced, every chance I got. Tickling’s a skill that can be learned, like any other.” A Gallic shrug. “They were tickling me to death anyway, might as well, n’est-ce pas?”

“I suppose so,” Meghan said uncertainly. She glanced up at the wall clock. “I’ll finish scrambling these,” she said. “Go ahead and start on the bacon.”

Meghan volunteered to sweep the Lodge after breakfast. She wanted to think in private, and a mindless task like that was perfect. She fended off all offers of help, and the others didn’t press her – they had only offered out of guilt anyway, she figured.

Meghan exited the kitchen through the inside door. Across the corridor was an office and a service closet. She got a broom and swept her way along the corridor toward the front of the building.

The building was H-shaped, with a screened porch that completely filled the space between the lake-side legs. The interior of the place was painted a sunny yellow. The linoleum tile floor screamed its 1940’s vintage: alternating squares of teal green streaked with burnt orange, and burnt orange streaked with teal green.

Meghan paused where the corridor intersected the crossbar of the H and disposed of the collected dirt. Here was another corridor at right angles to the first – it held an old-fashioned dark wood hotel registration counter. On the north end, near the intersecting corridor, an archway gave onto the dining room, with the kitchen behind it to the west. To the south, another archway opened into a lounge. She swept southward along the crossbar and disposed of the dirt again.

A sign on the counter proclaimed that fishing licenses were sold here, and there was a sales rack of summer stuff: post cards, cheap sunglasses, ball caps, sun block, bug dope. There was no one there, but the door behind the counter was open to the office beyond – Sue must be doing paperwork, thought Meghan. Might as well be thorough – she got a rag and dusted the registration counter for good measure.

“Hi, Meghan,” a young voice said. She turned and saw a skinny kid in camp clothes, 12 yrs old or so, with a shock of fiery red hair, a mouthful of railroad tracks and a mass of freckles all over, like a turkey egg. He had reached that stage where a boy shoots straight up, eating 10,000 calories a day without putting on any appreciable body mass. His hands and feet were too big for the rest of him – he would be a big man when he grew into them. Edward Sinclair, his name was – his family ate at one of her tables.

“Hello again, Edward,” Meghan said. “What can I do for you?”

“I’d like a Snickers bar.”

Meghan laughed. “Hungry again so soon?” she asked. “My brother was like that too, at your age. Guys are lucky – if I ate like that, I’d weigh 300 lbs!”

He blushed – with his coloring, he turned tomato-red. He had a crush on her, Meghan was sure of it. Stop teasing the kid, she thought – being that age is bad enough without added aggravation.

Meghan cut through the office, nodding to Sue as she passed through, and went behind the counter. She sold him the candy and sent him on his way, then took her broom into the lounge to finish up.

The lounge filled the whole south upright of the H. The room was bright and sunny, with lots of big windows, open to the summer air. At the end away from the lake was a stone fireplace with a dusty deer-head mount over the mantel. On one side of the archway was a book case filled with tattered summer-reading castoffs; on the other was a shelving unit that held rainy-day activities – board games, chess and checkers sets, playing cards and so forth. There were two card tables, each equipped with four straight chairs. The rest of the furniture was the ugly but indestructible sort found in the lobbies of budget hotels everywhere. Time for a break, Meghan decided – she sat sideways on a sofa, slipped off her shoes and stretched out her legs.

Maybe I shouldn’t have joined in the tickling games, Meghan thought. They didn’t force me, or even apply any pressure – I was free to join in or not, as I saw fit. I could have stayed out of it, worked out the summer, and then just found someplace else to work next summer. They wouldn’t have thought worse of me.

But I like it here, I like my co-workers, and I wanted so much to fit in! Now, there’s no going back, and I’ll have to make the best of it, tickling and all...

“Eep! Hehehe!” Meghan giggled, and curled her legs up under her.

Sue grinned at her. “Earth to Meghan,” she said.

“Sorry,” Meghan said guiltily. “Need me to do something else?”

“Nope, I just came to see how you were doing.”

“Right now I’m taking a break and thinking things over,” Meghan said. “Or I was, anyway.” She stood up and picked up her broom – she didn’t bother with her shoes. “I’m almost finished here, Sue. I’ll check back in with you in the office before I leave, OK?”

“Wait, Meghan,” Sue said. “I wanted to talk to you anyway.”

“Is something wrong?” Meghan asked.

“You tell me,” Sue said. “I should’ve asked your mom to prepare you for this place,” she added when Meghan didn’t answer. “All the tickling that goes on here can be pretty overwhelming at first. Was for me, anyway, and her too, I think.”

“She never mentioned it until I called home Saturday, after... after... ”

“After the other girls initiated you,” Sue said.

“It’s funny,” Meghan said. “My brother tickled me for years, and I thought that was bad. But since I started here, I’m lots more ticklish than I used to be, and the more they tickle me, the more ticklish I get.”

“That happens sometimes to newbies,” Sue said. “Your mom was the same way. After a while, you could just say “tickle”, and she laughed.”

“But my brother– ”

“Your mom has a brother too, eh?” Sue said. “And so do I. This is different. It’s a girl thing.”

Meghan thought that one over. “That’s what Mom said. And old Mrs. May, the first week we were open. I guess you’re right about it being a girl thing.”

“Y’know, we had one like Meredith – Peggy, her name was,” Sue continued. “She made a special project out of tickling us newbies – I thought she was gonna tickle me to death.”

“Mom mentioned her too,” Meghan said. “What did you do?”

“We got even,” Sue said. “She didn’t like that anywhere near as much. Liked it even less when we got good at it.” She paused, remembering. “She had a great tickle laugh.”

“But everybody tickles me,” Meghan said.

“Except Melanie,” Sue said. “That’s how it was with your mom and me, at first. Later... well, your mom’s tickle laugh is pretty too. A lot like yours, as I recall.”

“How did you two start tickling each other?”

“Oh, we tickled everybody else too,” Sue said. “But we started with each other, and taught each other. When we found something that worked really well – tickled like crazy – we applied it to the other girls. Especially Peggy. And like I said, we got pretty good.”

“Just from tickling each other?”

“Best way to judge is from the inside,” Sue said. She checked her watch. “I’m expecting a phone call, so I’ll let you get back to work. But think about what I said, won’t you?”

“You’ve given me plenty to think about,” Meghan said. “Thanks for talking with me, Sue. I feel a lot better.”

“Good,” Sue said with a wicked grin. “Because there’s gonna be a next time, and they’ll show no mercy.”

Even Sue got me, Meghan thought as she swept the lounge. Just like she got Mom, back in the day. Maybe there’s something to what she and Melanie said. If I don’t at least try to get even, they’ll tickle me to death.

She managed to stretch out the task until it was time for her lunch shift in the kitchen. Most of the kids bolted their lunch, then sat there fidgeting until their parents relented and let them go back to the beach. And why not? After all, it was a beautiful summer day, with a gentle breeze and just a few fluffy clouds. The kitchen staff finished early, all four of them – they decided to go swimming. Melissa, Ashley and Holly joined them after their housekeeping work was finished. Ashley left after 20 minutes – it was her turn to wash clothes. Tammy and Holly stayed 10 minutes more, then they left too.

Meghan and Melanie floated on the lake side of the rock, facing the rock and the shore beyond, toes barely touching the bottom. Melissa and Andrea were sunning themselves on the rock, laying face up, oblivious to their surroundings. Meghan checked out their bare soles. Ought to tickle ‘em, she thought idly. But the odds are against me – they’d gang up on me and tickle me silly, just like yesterday...

A faint splash behind her. “Check this out!” Melanie said quietly.

Meghan looked around and saw the tips of two snorkels moving purposefully toward the rock. Holly surfaced briefly – she put a finger to her lips, pantomiming “Be quiet!” Meghan nodded, and Holly submerged again. The other aquanaut must be Tammy – Meghan saw long dark hair trailing behind the snorkel, just below the surface.

Those two were up to something, and Meghan had a pretty good idea what. She paddled backward out of their way.

Melanie grinned. “This ought to be fun to watch,” she said. “Wish I’d thought of it first.”

“Should we warn ‘em?” Meghan asked.

“Nope,” Melanie said. “Try it, and I’ll tickle you – and invite everybody else to help.”

Another faint splash, a sound a fish striking an insect might make. Andrea raised her head, looked out over the lake, but the two raiders were already too close – their snorkel tips were below her line of sight. She closed her eyes again and relaxed. Holly and Tammy surfaced silently and ditched the dive masks, snorkels and fins, letting them sink to the bottom.

Holly boosted Tammy onto the rock and scrambled after. Andrea yelped and tried to roll away, off the rock, but Tammy blocked her and sat on her. Melissa was half asleep – she sat up, eyes half open, but Holly grabbed her, rolled her face down and got hold of both wrists. A zipping sound, then others – Holly and Tammy had bound the other girls’ hands behind their backs and their ankles together with electrician’s plastic zip-ties.

“Hey! Dammit all! Let us GO!” Andrea yelled, struggling furiously against her bonds.

“Not likely,” Tammy said. “Not after we went to all this trouble.”

“You’re gonna tickle us silly, aren’t you?” Melissa asked. From her tone, she knew the answer. She didn’t bother to struggle. She knew she was had – the only choice remaining to her was whether she would be well-rested or tired when they started on her.

“Yup,” Tammy said cheerfully. “You had fun tickling me yesterday – time to return the favor.”

“Why not tickle Ashley?” Andrea asked desperately. “She’d volunteer.”

“We will tonight,” Holly said. “But she’s not up here on this rock right now, and you are.” She sat cross-legged, put Melissa’s feet in her lap and grabbed her ankles. Tammy did likewise with Andrea.

“Give it up, sis,” Melissa advised. “They got us – next time, we’ll post a lookout. C’mon, get it over with.”

“Glad to see you’re such a good sport,” Holly said. She used two fingernails to draw fast, looping figure-eight’s around the balls of Melissa’s feet – Melissa arched her back and laughed her head off.

“You’re awful quiet,” Tammy told Andrea, and applied appropriate correction. Andrea bucked and squirmed, laughing at the top of her lungs. “I think I’ll tickle your soles – I like seeing your toes twitch.”

The loops Holly was drawing on Melissa’s soles got smaller and faster, then bigger again, covering every square inch of ticklish flesh. Tammy just tickled Andrea’s soles mercilessly. The sisters laughed their heads off at the top of their lungs.

“Quit for now,” Tammy said. “Everybody doing OK?”

“That really, really tickles,” Andrea said, blinking away tears. Melissa was too breathless to answer – she just nodded and took long deep breaths.

“It’s supposed to tickle,” Tammy said. “Ready for more?” Without waiting for an answer, both ticklers started in again.. They tickled two handed down the girls’ arches to the heels, fingernails flicking and scratching. Both ticklees were laughing harder now – the tickling had sensitized their feet. The tickling fingernails roamed, covering all four feet with unbearable tickling. Neither ticklee was moving now – the tickling had completely overpowered them. They laughed and laughed, red faced, tears streaming.

Meghan drifted, watching. Melissa and Andrea had great reactions and pretty tickle laughs. Tammy and Holly and were having a great time, making the sisters laugh like this, and not a thing their victims could do about it. Melanie and I could’ve done that, she thought. Too bad it never occurred to me.

“Breather,” Tammy announced. Both ticklees giggled as the tickling sensation faded. “Still doing OK?”

“Yah,” Andrea said. “Woo! That really tickles!”

“Glad to hear it,” Tammy said, grinning. “Swap with me, Holly.”

Holly looked at the angle of the sun. “We don’t have much time,” she said. “Let’s have a tickle race – see which one loses it first.”

Tammy had Melissa now, Holly had Andrea. The two ticklers drew circles, squares, figure-eight’s and other tickling shapes while both girls laughed and laughed. Holly held Andrea’s toes back and tickled the soft skin underneath, then onto the stretched out soles. Tammy attacked the center of Melissa’s soles and the balls of her feet, forcing a steady stream of helpless laughter. Both girls laughed with wild abandon as the fiendish tickling filled their universe. Andrea lost it first, but it was a very near thing – Tammy tickled Melissa’s breath away just a few seconds later.

“OK, that’s it,” Holly said. “One of us needs to get our stuff off the bottom of the lake. Scissors-paper-stone. One – two – three! Shit!” she said, and slipped into the water. “Be right back,” she said. “I’m sure you can think of something productive to do ‘til I am.”

Tammy had already shifted Andrea – she had all four feet in her lap. “Way ahead of you,” she said, and laced the ankle ties together with another. “Tickle tickle!” Andrea and Melissa laughed like mad, sweaty and red faced, their hair in tangles around their heads.

“Hey! Enough!” Meghan yelled.

Holly surfaced with the dive gear and piled it on top of the rock. Tammy winked. “We’re just leaving,” she said. “Unless you want to play too?” she asked hopefully.

“Might be fun,” Melanie said. “What d’you think, Meghan?”

It would hardly be fair, Meghan thought, and that mattered to her. “I don’t think so. Quit it, Tammy,” she said.

“OK, OK!” Tammy said. She got on the sweet spots and tickled mercilessly for 30 seconds, and the girls’ laughter went off the scale. She quit, and Holly handed her a pair of dikes out of somebody’s tackle box. Tammy used the tool to cut them loose. “Hope you two enjoyed that as much as we did,” she said. “No, huh? Well, we’ll try again some other time.” She stepped off the rock into the water and helped Holly gather up their gear. “Bye!”

“I’ll come with you,” Melanie said. “Might as well,” she added a little sourly.

Meghan climbed up onto the rock. Melissa and Andrea rolled onto their backs and drew their legs up Both were a mess – red faced and sweaty, hair in tangles, gasping for air. “Why didn’t… you tickle us?” Andrea asked, still a little short of breath. “We did it to you last night.” She wasn’t the least bit upset.

“It would’ve been piling on,” Meghan said. “And I know all about it from the inside, so I know how bad that could be. Are you both OK?”

Melissa sat up and winced. “Yah, no problem,” she said, rubbing her ankles. “It’s just tickling. Andrea and I do that all the time.” She grinned. “We’re pretty good at it too – we’ll get even. Want another demo?”

“I’ll pass,” Meghan said hastily. “It’s about time to go to work, Andrea. C’mon, let’s go and get dressed.”

The sisters took a lot of good-natured joshing from Tammy and Holly in the dinnertime conversation at the staff table in the kitchen. Tammy recounted some of their more enjoyable reactions – she had really enjoyed tickling them, it seemed. They responded in kind – they planned to tickle her extra-hard next time, they said. Ashley wanted to do a re-enactment, with herself as guest of honor. Meredith came in, back from her day off, so they went through the story again – this time, the sisters added their version. Meghan said little, but took it all in. Melanie and Sue were right, she decided. She had to get with the program.

Ashley didn’t wait for Andrea or Tammy to finish the cleanup, but started her teasing game as soon as the others got back to The Swamp. For a while, the place was alive with girlish giggles and fake annoyance. Meghan watched it from the couch, arms resting on the back looking backward, with her legs curled up under her.

Fingernails flicked Meghan’s sole. “Hahaha!” she giggled, and twisted back around. Meredith reached out again, grinning – Meghan switched her legs over to the other side to protect her feet. “Ahaha!” This time, Melissa was the attacker. She crossed her legs, tailor-fashion. Now both of them reached in to tickle from opposite sides. She put both feet flat on the floor.

Holly let out a burst of laughter behind her. She turned to look, saw Holly kneeling at her open foot locker. Melanie had sneaked up and tickled the upturned soles. Holly swatted at Melanie and missed.

Someone snatched up Meghan’s ankles in an arm lock. She whirled, tried to pull loose–

“Kitchey koo!” Ashley said, and suited her actions to her words.

“Hey! Haheha! Let me– hehe! –GO!” Meghan protested, struggling furiously. “NOO! HAHAHAHA-HAHAHA-HAHA-HAHAHAHA!” as Ashley dug in, tickling Meghan’s feet with verve and gusto. Meghan’s feet were hyper-ticklish all over – she no longer had a sweet spot. She laughed like a maniac, eyes closed, tears of laughter running down her cheeks.

Ashley’s tickling fingernails flicked and scratched under and between the toes, forcing stream after stream of helpless laughter. She tickled the balls of both feet, zig-zagged down the arches, drew circles and other tickling shapes on both heels. Meghan wasn’t struggling – the tickling sensation had completely overpowered her. She laughed with wild abandon – it was all good, and it tickled really bad!

Ashley quit and looked back at Meghan, nail tips just touching the sensitive soles. “Have I got your attention?” she asked sweetly.

“Gah! Get her!” Meghan got out. The girls piled on – Ashley struggled just hard enough to keep it interesting. She ended up hogtied on the carpet.

“OK, ya got me,” Ashley said, wiggling her toes. “I deserve everything you’re gonna do to me, so make it good. Who’s first?”

Meghan made a decision. “Me,” she said. “Care to join me, Melanie?”

“Sure, why not?” Melanie said. The girls kneeled facing each other, with Ashley’s trapped feet in between them. “Time to laugh, Ashley,” she said. “Any preference?”

“Start at my toes and work your way down,” Ashley said. “Come on, tickle me– Eee! Hehe! HAHAHA! HAHAHA-HAHAHA-HAHAHAHAHA!”

Meghan scratched between Ashley’s toes, tickling between each pair, getting a wild burst of ticklish laughter each time. Melanie held Ashley’s toes back and tickled the soft skin underneath, then the stretched out soles. Ashley arched her back and laughed her head off.

Meghan released the toes and covered the arches and heels with tickling nail flicks while Ashley laughed and laughed. Melanie drew triangles, squares and other tickling shapes on the arch and heel, then counter-rotating circles with a single nail each. Ashley laughed like a madwoman, tears of laughter running down her cheeks.

Meghan tickled a sole again, two handed – Ashley’s toes twitched and curled as she laughed her head off. Melanie held back Ashley’s toes again and tickled side to side on the stretched out sole, paying special attention to the crease in the middle. Ashley’s face turned red as she laughed at the top of her lungs.

“Technique could use a little work,” Meredith said critically. “Especially Meghan’s. Ashley’s not laughing near as hard as she could be.”

Melanie looked up, still tickling. “We’re just getting warmed up,” she said. “Watch us now!”

Meghan tickled back up to Ashley’s sole – Ashley’s toes twitched and curled as she laughed and laughed. Melanie held back the toes on the other foot and tickled the soft skin underneath, then onto the stretched out sole while Ashley laughed in helpless reaction. Ashley laughed wildly as Meghan tickled the arch, nail tips flicking and grazing the ticklish flesh. Melanie got on the other heel and dug in, fingernails flying, and Ashley’s laughter went off the scale.

“That looks like fun,” Holly said. “Me next!”

Melanie looked up. “Tickler or ticklee?” she asked. Neither tickler missed a stroke – Ashley kept on laughing, enjoying every bit of it.

“Tickler, just like you,” Holly said. “Go ahead and finish her off.”

Meghan speeded up, tickling Ashley’s arch just behind the sole. Melanie tickled in the back of Ashley’s arch and onto the heel, getting great reactions and stream after stream of helpless laughter. Ashley lost it and laughed herself breathless.

“Not bad!” Tammy said. Meghan looked around – Andrea and Tammy were back, finished for the day.

“They didn’t wait for us,” Andrea grumped.

Holly tickled Meghan’s upturned soles – Meghan squealed and giggled and shifted them away. “Quit!” she said, and stood up. “Tickle her, not me!”

“Good... advice... ” Ashley gasped out – she was red faced and sweaty, but in no distress. “HAHAHA! HAHA-HAHA-HAHA! HAHAHAHA!” she laughed as Holly got to work. Melanie moved away too – Holly kneeled, still tickling, and redoubled her efforts. Ashley arched her back and laughed at the top of her lungs.

“Doing OK, girlfriend?” Holly asked. But Ashley was laughing much too hard to answer, or even form a coherent thought – just the way she wanted.

There was plenty of bondage material left over. Meghan snagged a handful and motioned to Melanie. “C’mon, let’s go out on the porch,” she said. “It’s a little stuffy in here.”

Melanie saw the things in Meghan’s hand. “What d’you have in mind?” she asked.

“I’ll tell you outside.”

“OK, what’s up?” Melanie asked a moment later.

“You told me you learned your tickling technique from the inside,” Meghan said. “This morning, Sue told me the same thing.”

“And?” Melanie prompted.

“I suck at tickling,” Meghan said. “So I want you to tickle me silly,” she added in a rush. There! She couldn’t back out now!

Melanie looked appraisingly at her. “You sure?”


Melanie nodded. “Right,” she said. “How much tickling can you stand?”

“I lose it after a few minutes,” Meghan said. “I’m hopeless.”

“Nobody’s hopeless,” Melanie said. “I can tickle you out in three minutes, or I can keep you laughing for 30,” she added, flexing her fingers. “Your choice.”

“You better keep it down to five minutes,” Meghan said. “At least for now. I know I can stand that.”

Melanie set up one of the white plastic chairs facing the arm of another from the side. “OK, Meghan, over here,” she said, and tied Meghan’s wrists behind her back. Meghan sat in the side chair – two more straps around waist and shoulders bound her to it. She put her ankles on the arm of the other chair. Melanie tied them together and tied off to the arm – that way, she could tickle with both hands. The final touch – she tied Meghan’s big toes together with string.

Melanie sat and cracked her knuckles. “Ready to laugh?” she asked.

Meghan nodded – she was too nervous to speak. Melanie spread Meghan’s left little toe apart from its neighbor and flicked the sensitive skin in between. Meghan threw back her head and laughed at the top of her lungs, eyes closed, tears of laughter running down her cheeks.

It was horrible! Melanie tickled her way across between each pair of toes, getting a loud burst of helpless laughter each time. She held the toes back and spider-walked her nails back right-to-left, then down onto the stretched out sole and tickled left-to-right. Meghan laughed and laughed, red faced and sweaty, lost in ticklish delirium.

Melanie released the toes and tickled Meghan’s soles two-handed, watching the toes twitch and curl. She tickled down the arch and onto the heel, drawing circles, squares, figure-eight’s and other tickling shapes. Meghan laughed helplessly as the flying fingernails scratched and flicked. Melanie drew zig-zag lines back up both arches, tickling unbearably, then held back the toes again and tickled the stretched out soles, paying particular attention to the creases in the middle, getting great reactions and wave after wave of laughter. Finally, she flicked their fingernails on the balls of both feet, fast as she could. Meghan’s laughter went off the scale – she laughed herself breathless.

“OK so far?” Melanie asked, grinning ear to ear.

Meghan nodded and took long deep breaths, still too breathless to speak. Oh ghod how it tickled! But all things considered, she felt pretty good, like being high.

“OK then, time for a change of pace,” Melanie said. “Let’s try some implements.” She got up and went back inside. Indoors, Ashley was still laughing like mad – she was getting a real ticklish workout tonight!

“Meghan?” someone called from outside, a little hesitantly.

Meghan blinked away tears and looked out through the screen. “Hi, Edward,” she called back. “What are you doing here at the back of the camp?”

“I heard somebody laughing and came to check it out,” he said. His voice was uneven, changing timbre as he spoke – another embarassment at this awkward age. He came closer, just outside the screens. “Why was that other girl tickling you?”

“To make me laugh,” Meghan said – a true statement, but not the full story by any means.

“How come you’re tied up?” he asked. “Did she capture you?”

Meghan laughed, and his face clouded over. “Sorry, Edward, I’m not laughing at you,” she explained. “Some tickle reactions are reflexes – they can’t be controlled. It’s to keep me from hurting her or myself.”

“So you don’t mind?”

“Depends on who’s tickling me. It can be fun sometimes. Other times, it’s torture – my older brother does it to aggravate me.”


“Daddy told him that real men don’t hit girls, no matter what the provocation. It’s how he gets even when I aggravate him.” Meghan winked at him. “Or sometimes he does it out of meanness, just because he’s older and he can get away with it. You know how that goes, eh?”

He certainly did. His sister was 15 yrs old, and rode his ass like a rodeo cowboy.

“Edward!” a female voice called out. “Come back here and stop bugging the staff.” The girl came closer. Brittany Sinclair would be a rare beauty in a few years – she was well on the way already. She was a petite girl, shorter than her younger brother. Like her father and brother, she had bright coppery hair, sky-blue eyes and Celtic-fair skin. Must use SPF 1,000,000 sunblock, thought Meghan – there wasn’t a freckle on her. She wore a tube top, gym shorts and flip-flops. “I’m sorry, Meghan,” she continued. “He ought to know better. Hey, is somebody laughing in there?”

Somebody must be doing something inventive to Ashley, Meghan thought – she was laughing her head off. “Laugh track,” she lied. “We have “The Lucy Show” on DVD.”

Melanie came back outside with a cup of soapy water and a bunch of stuff. She spotted the two kids outside. “These are not the droids you want,” she said smoothly, in her best Obi-Wan voice. “You can go about your business.” She waved them away. “Move along.”

Edward grabbed his sister in a head lock. “Dutch Rub!” he said gleefully, and scrubbed his knuckles on her scalp. He let go and took off running.

“Hoser!” Brittany shouted angrily. She gave chase, got tangled up in her flip-flops, pulled them off and ran after him barefoot. “I’ll get you for that!”

“Spectators – that’s all we need,” Melanie said. She hooked another chair with her toe and dragged it over. “Although... maybe we could sell tickets. You put on a pretty good show.”

“Not a chance!” Meghan said.

“Too bad – a little extra cash never hurt anybody,” Melanie said. She arranged the things she had brought on the seat of the extra chair. Meghan checked it out – a hair brush with round plastic knobs on the bristles, a ball point pen, a paint brush, an electric tooth brush, two guitar picks and a short piece of knotted string.

“You’re gonna tickle me with those too?” Meghan asked, horrified.

“Yup,” Melanie said, and selected the string. “Just part of the service.” She threaded the string between Meghan’s left little toe and its neighbor and pulled it back and forth. The knots slid over the sensitive skin, tickling like crazy. Meghan threw back her head and laughed like mad.

Melanie tickled between each pair of toes, getting a burst of helpless laughter each time. She held the toes back and drew tickling shapes on the stretched out soles with a guitar pick – Meghan’s laughter was a non-stop flood. She released Meghan’s toes and brushed the soles with the tips of the hair brush bristles – Meghan’s toes twitched as she laughed with wild abandon. Then the paint brush, gently dusting from soles to heels and tickling unbearably.

Meghan got a break, just long enough to take a deep breath, while Melanie switched to the pen. “We call these “foot notes” – tickles like crazy,” Melanie said. Meghan cringed – she knew all about it from inside, “foot notes” were one of her brother’s favorite tickle tortures. Melanie applied the tip to Meghan’s sole with a flourish – Meghan bucked and squirmed and laughed at the top of her lungs. “Works better with two ticklers, because they can do like this,” Melanie said, tickling the exact same spot on the other foot with her free hand. Meghan’s laughter went off the charts.

“Hey, I want some of that!” Holly said from the doorway. “Can I go next?”

Melanie eased off a little, using just the pen tip now. “No, not tonight,” she said, raising her voice over Meghan’s helpless laughter. “Go tickle Ashley some more.”

Holly started singing:

Every party needs a pooper,
That’s why we invited you–
Party pooper!
Party pooper!

“Oh, shut up!” Melanie said, writing her way across both soles – Meghan lapsed into ticklish delirium, laughing her head off. Melanie wrote down one arch, across the heels, back up the other arch. Meghan laughed uncontrollably. She was losing it – she knew she couldn’t take much more.

Melanie eased off again. “No ink in that pen,” she said, and exchanged it for the electric tooth brush. “And if there was, this wouldn’t do much to get it off, but it sure does tickle.” She illustrated, running the tip along the left sole crease. Meghan howled with forced mirth, red faced, tears streaming. “And the soap makes it tickle worse, see?” She dipped the bristles, held back Meghan’s toes, tickled the soft skin underneath, then circled the brush on the balls of her feet. That finished it – Meghan laughed herself breathless, and mercifully the tickling stopped.

Melanie started untying Meghan. “You OK?” she asked.

Meghan nodded, too breathless to speak, drifting back from the tickle high. Holly was gone, she saw, and she still heard Ashley’s sweet laughter – maybe Holly was tickling her friend again. She was sweaty, her ribs and abs hurt from laughing, her lungs felt like she had run a race.

And she felt great. Almost like– She stomped hard on that thought. It was just too weird!

“Think you learned anything?” Melanie asked.

“Dunno,” Meghan said. She took a deep breath. “I think I zoned out. I knew what you were doing, but it all... It just really, really tickled!”

“It was supposed to,” Melanie said. “Rest a while – I’ll bring you a bottle of water. We’ll ambush somebody tomorrow and give you a test drive.”

Meghan and Melanie stayed on the porch, just passing the time. The others left them alone, a necessary courtesy among people living at close quarters. The others kept Ashley laughing until just before lights out. When they finished, Meghan went straight to bed and slept dreamlessly.


Andrea had Tuesday off – she was up and gone before Meghan woke up. Nobody tried to tickle Meghan awake. Just as well, she thought – her abs were still a little sore.

She was working cleanup today with Melanie. They entered the kitchen through the back door. Tammy and Meredith were already setting the tables, so they helped Bob with the meal prep – scrambling eggs, frying bacon (Canadian style, not the thin stuff they ate in the States) and potatoes, stirring big pots of oatmeal, buttering the biscuits Bob took fresh out of the oven.

The second siren blew, and the guests filed in to get their breakfast. Meghan and her co-workers went out to take drink orders. Each girl was responsible for three big round tables, each seating about a dozen guests. Meghan’s tables were along the north wall, near the windows.

The Sinclair family were at the middle table. They shared it with two other families: the Millers, with two adolescent boys a year on each side of Edward Sinclair, and the Ciesinskis from Buffalo, who had a dark-haired son about 16 yrs old. Meghan took their orders and returned momentarily with a tray of coffee and juice.

“Here’s your orange juice, Edward,” Meghan said. “Hold you for a few minutes, anyway.” She figured he would eat his own breakfast and half of his sister’s, and be hungry an hour later. “It was nice of you to come visiting last night,” she added.

“Was he bothering you?” Mrs. Sinclair asked. She was petite, dark-haired and brown-eyed – her kids got their coloring from their father. “We told him– ”

“I bet he farted, or picked his nose,” Brittany interrupted.

“Ow!” Edward protested. “Stop kicking me!”

“Brittany!” her parents both said sharply.

“Oh, put a sock in it, Edward!” Brittany said. “I’m barefoot – I couldn’t have hurt you.”

The Devil bit Meghan on the butt again. “No, Mrs. Sinclair, he was very pleasant,” she said. “Well mannered too. We had a nice conversation. Remember what we talked about?”

“You mean– ”

Meghan cut him off. “Sibling rivalry. But my brother and I found ways to get along,” she said. “You can too. ‘Scuse me, folks, I’ve got to get back to work.” The Ciesinski boy signaled her as she moved away. “Yes, Francis? Excuse me, it’s Frank, isn’t it?”

“Yah, like my dad,” he said. “Could I have– ”

“An extra helping of fried potatoes?” Meghan smiled. “Coming right up – all the plate will hold.” Brittany looked daggers at her – the redhead was crushing hard on him. Proximity probably had a lot to do with it, Meghan thought – there were no other guys close to Brittany’s age in the camp this week. He looked like a young Dilbert, with glasses and an unfashionable haircut, and less hair on his chin than old Mrs. May. A technogeek too, she figured – even here, on vacation, he was wired for sound six different ways. His father had the same look – something about the man said electrical engineer.

The guests cleared out fast again – like all Canadians, they tried to cram as much summer as possible into their vacations, the better to sustain themselves through iron winter. “Melanie and I can finish this,” Bob said after a while. “Somebody dropped a triple-dip ice cream on the dock last night. Get a mop and clean it off, and I’ll see you at lunchtime.”

Meghan changed to shorts and flip-flops. She got a mop from the Lodge service closet and walked down to the beach area – no need for a bucket, with the lake right there. The morning was still a little chilly, but already the beach was filling up with guests. She saw Brittany Sinclair in a bikini, sitting on a towel under a big beach umbrella near the dock – she was smearing her fair skin with sunblock. Edward was nearby with the two Miller boys, tossing a frisbee in a triangle path.

Brittany flopped onto her tummy. “Hey Edward!” she said imperiously. “Make yourself useful and put some of this stuff on my back.”

“Would it kill you to say “please”, sis?” Edward asked. But he moved to do as he was told.

Brittany giggled. “Hey, what are you doing?” she demanded, and giggled again. Meghan kept on walking – it was none of her business.

“Putting some on the bottoms of your feet,” Edward said. “You can get burned there too, you know.”

“It tickles! Stop it!” Brittany protested. She giggled some more. “Quit! Noooo!” Meghan checked them out – she saw and heard just what she expected. Kid caught my meaning and learned the lesson well, she thought with satisfaction.

“Edward! Leave your sister alone!” Mrs. Sinclair ordered.

“Aw, Mom!” Edward said. “I’m just– ”

“I see what you’re doing, young man! Stop it right now!”

“Hoser!” Brittany said angrily. “I’m outa here!” She stood up, walked into the water and swam out to the anchored oil-drum raft.

Meghan dunked her mop and got to work on the spill. It was dried on hard – it took ten minutes of soaking and scrubbing before it was gone. She rinsed her mop and leaned on it, looking around.

More people were in the water now. Brittany was sitting on the drum raft with Frank Ciesinski, hugging her drawn up knees – the breeze was stronger out there, so she was probably a little chilled. She said something that got a laugh out of him, then stretched out her legs. Meghan shouldered her mop and headed back toward the beach.

“NOOO! NOT THAT!” Brittany wailed. Meghan looked back. Brittany must really like the guy, Meghan thought – he had her ankles in an arm lock, and she wasn’t trying to get away. Looks like he’s another fast learner – three guesses what’s coming next, and the first two don’t count. Hehehe! Brittany’s gonna have lots of laughs this week, and it serves her right for being such a bitch. My work here is done!

Back at The Swamp, Meghan found Tammy reading on the porch, bare feet propped up on a facing chair. She gave the feet a quick tickle on her way past, kicked off her flip-flops and went inside. Melanie was reading too, sitting sideways on the sofa with wads of tissue between her toes, a capped bottle of nail polish in her hand.

“Where’s Meredith?” Meghan asked.

“She took one of the bikes and went to Collishaw’s Store for a patch kit, so we can patch our float,” Melanie answered. One of last week’s guests had abandoned a leaky beach float – the girls had salvaged it. “She’ll be back in time for her lunch shift.”

“Want some help with those tissues?” Meghan asked – she reached down fast and tickled Melanie’s feet. Melanie giggled but didn’t pull them back.

“I think I can manage,” Melanie said. She tested the nails. “OK, they’re dry. Is it my imagination, or are you feeling mischievous today?”

“Imagination,” Meghan said, and tickled Melanie’s feet again. This time, Melanie did pull away.

“In that case, imagine the opportunity we have right now,” Melanie said, with a nod of her head toward the porch. She stood up. “Help me move this carpet in front of the door,” she whispered.

“Now we’ll stand on either side of the door,” Melanie whispered when they were finished. She took her cell phone out of her footlocker, took station next to the door and dialed – the old wall phone rang twice. Melanie hung up and pocketed the cell. “Tammy! Telephone!” she called out.

Tammy came inside, her eyes still dazzled by the sunlight. The girls grabbed her, dropped her on the carpet and rolled her up like a burrito, with just her head and feet showing.

Tammy was had, and she knew it – she didn’t bother to struggle. “All right, get it over with,” she said.

“Such enthusiasm!” Melanie said sarcastically. “Happy-happy-joy-joy, Meghan! It’s time to apply last night’s lesson. Let’s give her 10 minutes each.”

Meghan sat cross-legged and trapped Tammy’s ankles in a leg lock. She flexed her fingers, then scratched the balls of Tammy’s feet. “Eep!” Tammy squealed. “HAHA! HAHAHA! HAHA-HAHA-HAHAHA!” She laughed her head off, squirming and trying desperately to pull her feet away. The technique was nothing fancy, but it seemed to Meghan that it was getting pretty good reactions anyway. She spider walked her nails in Tammy’s arches. Tammy laughed like mad, tears rolling down her cheeks.

Meghan held Tammy’s toes back and tickled the soft skin underneath, side to side under all ten toes. Tears of laughter ran down Tammy’s cheeks as she struggled and squirmed. Meghan tickled both soles two-handed – Tammy’s toes twitched and curled as she laughed and laughed. She tickled Tammy’s arches, then in the back of both arches and onto the heels. Helpless laughter poured out in a solid stream. She’s got a pretty tickle laugh, Meghan thought – not bad at all. Focus! Tickle her silly!

Tammy laughed wildly as Meghan’s tickling fingernails explored her soft soles, flicked in her arches, scratched and scrabbled her ticklish heels. Meghan tickled a zig-zag path down Tammy’s arches, flicking her nails onto the heels behind. Meghan put on a burst of speed, tickling both heels mercilessly. Tammy laughed and laughed, but she hung in there, nowhere close to her limit.

Meghan gave it her best, covering the trapped feet with tickling nail flicks. She tickled Tammy’s heels two handed, lingered in the ticklish arches, then the soles, covering both from side to side. Tammy laughed harder, helpless laughter pouring out. Meghan speeded up, and Tammy laughed her head off, tears running down her cheeks. But Meghan’s best effort wasn’t enough. Melanie called time, and Meghan quit.

“Good one,” Tammy gasped out. But Meghan knew better. Last night’s tickle torture had been too overpowering – she hadn’t learned a thing. She still sucked at tickling.

“Your turn,” Meghan said, and relinquished her place to Melanie.

Melanie flicked her nails on Tammy’s heels, and Tammy burst into helpless laughter. It was obvious from the start that she was a much better tickler – Tammy was laughing lots harder and lots louder. Melanie tickled two-handed up the arches to the soles, then spread Tammy’s toes apart two by two, tickling between each pair. Tammy laughed like a madwoman, tears of laughter running down her face.

Melanie held Tammy’s toes back and scrabbled her nails on the soft skin underneath, then across both soles, side to side and back again. Then two fingernails, drawing circles around and onto the balls of both feet – Tammy laughed at the top of her lungs. Melanie backed off a little – she didn’t want to tickle Tammy out too soon. But then she dug in, and Tammy howled with forced mirth.

Melanie tickled Tammy’s arches and heels until Tammy was red faced and breathless, right on the edge of losing it. Then holding back Tammy’s toes, she spider walked her nails along the crease in the exact center of the right sole – four fingernail strokes in succession, three times a second. Tammy laughed helplessly as Melanie tickled across the balls of both feet to the left sole, flicking and scratching. She made a claw of her right hand and raked the nails down Tammy’s left foot, drawing four fast parallel zig-zag lines and using just enough pressure to tickle unbearably. She repeated the foot rake, left-right-and-repeat, over and over. Tammy’s laughter went off the scale.

“Thirty seconds,” Meghan said.

Melanie held Tammy’s toes back and tickled the balls of both feet at once. Tammy went crazy, bucking and squirming, laughing her head off at the top of her lungs. She ran out of air just as Meghan called time. Melanie had tickled her breath away.

Tammy laid there gasping, trying to get her breathing and heart rate normal again. The others unrolled her – she drew up her legs, winced, and shuffled her feet to get the tickle off. She sat up on the second attempt – her abs must be pretty sore.

“Woo! You got me good!” Tammy said. “Good thing Meghan went easy on me, Melanie – you just about tickled me to death!”

But I didn’t go easy, thought Meghan. I just suck.

Nevertheless, the tickle attack earned the respect of the other girls. Tammy described it from the inside at lunchtime – it had really, really tickled, she said. Melanie amplified, giving Meghan much more credit than she figured she deserved.

Meghan didn’t say much. She felt like a fraud. She said so to Melanie as they walked back to The Swamp after lunch.

“I noticed you were kinda weak this morning,” Melanie said. “Your lesson last night didn’t take, did it?”

“Not at all,” Meghan said unhappily. “I’m way too ticklish. I couldn’t sort it all out. Half the time, I felt like I was high.”

“Mmm, that presents a problem,” Melanie said. “But there’s a Plan B. In fact... no, let me think about it for a while. It’s gonna take just the right opportunity to make it work. Just hang loose and be ready to move when I give the sign.”

They all went swimming again after the housekeepers finished for the day. Meredith wanted to test the patched float – she launched it, tethered it to the big rock and laid down on it to get some sun. Ashley and Tammy spread their towels on the rock and did likewise. Melissa sat on the edge of the rock with her feet in the water, watching the boat traffic on the lake.

The warm sun and gentle wave action put Meredith right to sleep, and unsurprisingly Ashley and Tammy weren’t far behind. The other girls splashed and played in the warm water. Meghan put on swim goggles and explored the lake bottom near the rock. The water lilies at the ends of the rock were rooted in small patches of soil, potholes and crevices in the black-figured pink granite bedrock. A few bluegills sheltered there, idling among the stalks – the roots were home to crayfish and fresh-water mussels.

Meghan looked up and saw the underside of Meredith’s float. Hmm. She surfaced behind the rock, took a deep breath and sneaked up on the float underwater. She drifted down to the bottom, maybe 6 ft below the surface, gathered her legs under her and pushed off hard. She broke the surface, hooked her arm around Meredith’s ankles and flicked her nails on her soles. Meredith let out a whoop of startled laughter, bucked violently, upset the float and went under. She surfaced spluttering.

“That was mean!” Meredith said indignantly.

Meghan grinned. “Couldn’t resist. You have such a pretty laugh.”

“Let it go, Meredith,” Melanie said. “Fair’s fair.”

Wet now, Meredith joined the girls who were already swimming. Meghan knew that she really wasn’t mad – this was an everyday occurrence. Nobody got mad – they got even.

And that wasn’t so bad, thought Meghan – now that she had taken her revenge on Tammy, she discovered that she was kinda-sorta looking forward to it. She laid down on the rock next to Ashley and relaxed, soaking up rays, mind adrift.

Suddenly hands grabbed her ankles, her toes were held back and fingernails spider-walked on her ticklish soles. Meghan laughed helplessly, trying desperately to pull her feet away – she blinked away tears and saw Meredith and Holly tickling her, grinning like thieves. They held on tight and kept it up for a minute or so, and were rewarded with a wild stream of ticklish laughter. Meredith speeded up, flicking the ball of Meghan’s foot, just behind the big toe – Holly flicked the other like chording a guitar. Meghan laughed at the top of her lungs, all power of resistance tickled away. They gave Meghan another minute of nail flicks, forcing more bursts of ticklish laughter, then quit.

“Woo! Good one!” Meghan said, and blinked away tears of laughter. It was just starting to get good! NO! she thought. Don’t go there!

Ashley and Tammy had sat up and moved toward Melissa, out of the way – they were watching with amused smiles. “It’s too dangerous to lay out like this,” Ashley said. She stood up and made a cannonball into the lake, splashing Tammy and Melissa.

The two girls yelped and jumped in after Ashley. They splashed and struggled, trying to duck her, but having little success. Holly submerged, grabbed one of Ashley’s ankles and tickled the foot. Ashley let out a burst of laughter, and the others pulled her under.

It turned into a free-for-all after that, with a lot of squeals, quick tickles, giggles, and various foul blows. They all got dunked a time or two, and ended the contest breathlessly.

Andrea came back not long after supper, and immediately became the sole target (pun intended) of Ashley’s tickle-teasing. Andrea put up with it for half an hour and half a dozen attacks, but eventually she had enough. She jumped Ashley, her sister joined in, and the others piled on. This time, they tied Ashley up face down on Holly’s lower bunk, with her feet hanging off the end, ankles tied to the crossbar.

“I call first dibs!” Andrea announced. She shifted a footlocker and sat facing Ashley’s trapped feet. “Get ready to laugh, Ashley!”

“I was born ready!” Ashley said. “AHAHA! HAHEHA! HAHAHAHAHA!”

Meghan wasn’t in the mood to be a spectator. She felt restless. She excused herself, found her flip-flops and walked down to the beach.

The beach wasn’t busy this time of day. There were some kids on the playground, with their dads pitching horseshoes in front of the boathouse nearby. Further toward the lake, an old couple sat in folding chairs watching their grandkids on the dock, fishing for perch and bluegills. The Miller boys and a few other kids about the same age were playing in the lake. Meghan watched for a while, exchanged a few words with the old folks, then moved along.

She ambled north along the shore, taking her time. The sun was down below the ridge behind the camp by now – sundown wasn’t far off. The front porches on Alouette and Bobolink were populated with guests. She saw Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair at Alouette – they were staying there. Young Frank Ciesinski was there too, probably waiting for Brittany to come down from their room.

A guest on the porch at Bobolink started lighting citronella candles against the mosquitos. Citronella would be tolerable if it worked, Meghan thought. But it didn’t – instead of just bugs, you got bugs and stink. Meghan slapped one off her neck, another off her leg. Time to head back to the barn – next time wear bug dope.

She cut between Alouette and the Lodge, across the granite outcrop. Girlish laughter drifted out of an open upstairs window. Meghan paused, listening, then swatted another mosquito and moved on. It might be a while before Frank got to see Brittany tonight.

The other girls, all but Ashley, were in their pajamas when Meghan got back to The Swamp. Ashley was still tied up on the bunk. She was rumpled and sweaty – her hair had come out of its pony tail and hung loosely around her face.

“Welcome back, sister – you’ve just got time to tickle me before lights-out,” Ashley said cheerfully. Her voice was a little rough – the others had spent the last hour ticking her. “Come on, tickle me silly.”

Meghan grinned. “No problem,” she said, and sat facing Ashley’s bound feet. She noticed that someone – Meredith probably – had inked a spider web on the bottom of one foot with a ball point pen. That must have tickled like crazy.

“Ready to laugh some more, Ashley?” Meghan asked.


The girl had great reactions and a pretty tickle laugh – tickling her was fun. Meghan traced a fingernail along the strands of the web, bearing down just hard enough to tickle like crazy. She covered Ashley’s feet with tickling nail flicks – Ashley laughed and laughed, red faced, tears streaming. Meghan tickled two handed on the arches just behind the soles, fingernails flicking and scratching. Ashley was laughing harder now – the overload of tickling had sensitized her feet. Meghan’s tickling fingernails roamed, covering both feet with unbearable tickling.

The others gathered around, kidding Meghan and Ashley and making helpful suggestions. Meghan tried some of them. Love it or not, Ashley wasn’t moving now – the tickling had sucked away her strength, all she could do was lay there and laugh. And for the first time, Meghan felt truly accepted, a full member of the Sisterhood of the Feathered Foot.
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Meredith’s “foot notes” Monday night had given Meghan an idea. Her accidental conversation with Edward had started the wheels turning in his head – maybe she could help it along. She knew that his relationship with his sister was none of her business, but she couldn’t abide a bully. Furthermore, she was a younger sib herself. The sibs would come to an accomodation, just as she had with Adam, and be the better for it.

Melissa had Wednesday off, so Andrea filled in on housekeeping duties with Ashley and Holly. Meghan was working kitchen cleanup with Melanie again, so they were the last to leave The Swamp. She paused at the door. “Hey Melanie, d’you have any more of those fake tattoos like you were wearing last week?” she asked.

“Waal, pilgrim, I dunno,” Melanie said in a John Wayne drawl. “Ya gotta be tough ta wear them iron on tattoos.” In her own voice: “There’s a few left. Top tray of my footlocker. Why?”

“I’ll let you know if it works out,” Meghan said. She opened the footlocker and sorted through the tattoos. Here’s a Celtic Knot design – perfect, she thought. “Help me put this on the bottom of my foot.”

“You’re up to some mischief, aren’t you?” Melanie asked. “C’mon, give!”

“Nope, let’s see if it works first. Hehehe! That tickles!”

At breakfast time Wednesday morning, Meghan noticed right away that the Sinclair family dynamic had changed. Edward was in a cheerful mood – he even winked at her. Brittany was a little subdued, and much more polite. It looked like she had learned an important lesson too, one that would probably be reinforced many times.

Meghan pressed her friend about Plan B, but Melanie demurred. “I’ve got a Plan B, right enough,” Melanie said. “And Plans C, D and E. Don’t worry about it. I’ll fill you in when the time is right.” And she would say no more.

Meghan detoured to the front of the Lodge before heading back to The Swamp. As she anticipated, Edward was coming up the front walk to buy his morning snack. She fiddled with something, back to the front door, and turned when he called her name. “Another Snickers bar today?” she asked.

“Kit-Kat today,” he said.

“Coming right up. Ouch!”

“What’s the matter?’ he asked.

Meghan balanced on one foot. She took off the other shoe, flashing her sole at him, and shook the shoe. “Picked up a rock somewhere,” she said.

“What’s that on your foot?” Edward asked, pointing.

Meghan shook her head. “My co-workers like to play tricks on me,” she said. “It’s felt tip pen – tickled like crazy while they were doing it,” she lied. She put the shoe back on. “Could’ve been worse, though.”

“How’s that?” he asked.

“Ball point tickles a lot worse,” Meghan said. “Oil in your skin makes it skip, so they have to go over each line two or three times or it won’t look like anything. My brother does it to me too – “foot notes”, he calls it.”

She went behind the counter to sell him the candy. His room in Alouette had a phone, note pad and one or two ball point pens – all of the guest rooms did. From his expression, she knew the wheels were turning inside his head. Time to reinforce the lesson.

“Y’know what’s even worse?” Meghan asked.


“You can’t scrub it off yourself, because it tickles too much,” she said. “Somebody has to do it for you, and that tickles even worse.”

Now to destroy the evidence, she thought. The rest of the kitchen staff were on the porch at The Swamp. “Hey Meredith,” Meghan said. “Melanie put this thing on my foot. D’you think you could get it off for me?”

Meredith grinned. “Sure. Lay down on my bunk, on your tummy. It’ll ruin my manicure, but I’ll get it off.”

Meredith took the foot in her lap and got to work with nail polish remover and her nail tips. She made a production of it, scratching and scraping the ticklish flesh. Meghan howled with forced mirth, completely overcome, unable to move or even form a coherent thought. It tickled horribly! Meredith drew the process out for maximum tickle torture. Even so, it only took a few minutes, but to Meghan it seemed like it lasted forever.

Her own opportunity for revenge came that afternoon, after the housekeepers were finished for the day. Andrea didn’t feel like swimming – she stayed behind in The Swamp to work on her needlepoint. Today was Ashley’s father’s birthday, so she took one of the camp bicycles and rode off to her home across the lake – she would be back in time for work tomorrow, she said. The other six girls changed into bikinis and flip-flops and trooped off toward the stone steps.

Meredith only made it half way. “Oops! Forgot my sunblock,” she said. “I’ll see you there in a little while.”

A likely story, thought Meghan – by now, Meredith was tanned a golden brown. Melanie nudged Meghan. “Plan C,” she whispered. “Wait ‘til we get to the steps, then unhook my bikini top. Try not to be obvious doing it.”

They hung back a little. At the top of the steps, Meghan reached up quickly and unhooked Melanie’s bikini. “Shit!” Melanie said, hugging the top to her breasts. “I think the hook just broke.”

Meghan picked up her cue and played along. She inspected the loose straps. “Yup, it’s gone,” she said. “You’re gonna need a safety pin or something.”

Melanie sighed. “Well, let’s go take care of it. C’mon, Meghan.”

Meghan re-hooked the top after they were out of sight of the others. “What’s Plan C?” she asked.

“Meredith was gonna jump Andrea,” Melanie said. “She’s sneaky, so she probably succeeded. But either way, one of ‘em is gonna be tickling the other. We’ll jump the tickler and tickle ‘em both.”

And sure enough, Meghan heard Andrea laughing her head off as they approached The Swamp. They slipped up onto the porch, taking care with the screen door so it wouldn’t make noise. Not that Meredith was likely to hear it anyway, as hard as Andrea was laughing. Shoes off – at the inside door – Melanie counted down with her fingers, three-two-one...

Meghan snatched the door open, Melanie bolted inside with Meghan right behind. Andrea was sitting in one of the straight chairs, laughing helplessly. Meredith sat in another, Andrea’s feet in her lap, tickling skillfully and enthusiastically. Meredith tried to jump up, but Melanie grabbed her and Meghan did too.

“OK, how d’you want to do this?” Meredith said. She didn’t try to escape. She was had, and she knew the only choice she had left was whether she would be rested or tired when they tickled her.

“Chair tie, same as Andrea,” Melanie said. “Get the rope, Meghan.”

“Hey, check this out!” Meghan said, pointing toward Andrea. The camp staff had some old inner-tube floats. Two were big, from truck tires. The third hardly ever got used – it was much smaller, from a car tire, and was probably older than Bob and Sue. Meredith had jammed it down over Andrea’s shoulders and the chair back, pinning her to the chair.

“Pretty slick,” Melanie said. “I like the way you think, Meredith. Not that it’s gonna save you.” She tied Meredith’s hands behind her back, bound her to the chair, and tied her bound ankles to the top curve of a facing chair with her feet through the back. Meghan tied the girl’s big toes together with string.

“Gonna behave?” Melanie asked Andrea.

“Might as well,” Andrea said, resigned to her fate. They tied her up like Meredith, sitting side by side.

“How’s this gonna work?” Meghan asked when they were finished.

“I’ll give you a tutorial,” Melanie said. “A demo, then plenty of practice, and then a final exam, just like in school. Andrea, you’re gonna bottom for Meghan. Meghan, I want to confirm my observations from yesterday, so see how hard you can make her laugh. Then I’ll tickle Meredith and show you how to improve your technique, and you’ll tickle Andrea some more. We’ll take a break after that, and then you’ll practice what you learned on Meredith. We’ve got plenty of time.”

“Cool!” Meredith said. “The Lakeshore Academy of Vellication.” She wasn’t the least bit upset.

“Be nice to improve the quality of the tickling around here,” Andrea said. “D’you guarantee results?” She was getting into it too.

“I guarantee improvement,” Melanie said. “How well she does depends on the effort she puts into it. Now hush.” She turned to Meghan. “OK, let’s see what you’ve got. Start at her toes and work your way down.”

Andrea wiggled her toes. “Yah, tickle me– Eee! Hehe! HAHAHA! HAHAHA-HAHAHA-HAHAHAHAHA!” she laughed as Meghan dug in.

Meghan kept it up, fingers flying. She scratched between Andrea’s toes, tickling between each pair, getting a wild burst of ticklish laughter each time. She held Andrea’s toes back and tickled the soft skin underneath, then the stretched out soles. Andrea laughed helplessly, tears of laughter running down her cheeks. Meghan released the toes and scrabbled her nails on the soles, watching the toes twitch and curl. Then down the arches and onto the heels, making Andrea laugh like mad.

“Quit, Meghan!” Melanie called out. “I’ve seen what I need to see.”

Meghan quit immediately. “How’d I do?” she asked.

“You suck,” Meredith said.

“Not helping,” Melanie said. “But she’s right – could be lots better,” she continued. “You favor the Spider Walk technique, and you’re pretty heavy-handed. Sometimes, less is more. The secret is control. Watch this – I’m gonna use just the very tip of just one nail.” She scratched tiny overlapping circles along the crease in Andrea’s soft sole. Helpless laughter poured out of Andrea – her toes twitched and curled as she laughed her head off.

“Wow!” Meghan said. “I knew Andrea was ticklish, but... ”

“Not this ticklish?” Melanie completed the thought. She stopped tickling and continued. “Good technique makes a difference. First, I’ll show you some basic techniques. Then I’ll show you how to drive her wild. Ready?”

“I’m always ready,” Andrea said. “Shut up and let Meghan tickle me!”

“Any time,” Meghan said. She got ready, nail tips barely touching Andrea’s soles.

“OK, first lesson is, do some exploring first,” Melanie said. She lightly flicked her well-manicured nails on Meredith’s heels. Meredith threw her head back and laughed like mad.

“You’re looking for the sweet spots,” Melanie continued, raising her voice over the laughter. “That’s where you can really drive her wild. Most people try to control it, so you have to pay attention.” She drew overlapping circles up Meredith’s arches. “Listen to her laugh,” she said. “And I’m not even trying very hard.” Now fast, looping figure-eight’s around the balls of Meredith’s feet – the loops got smaller, tighter, covering the sensitive skin with unbearable tickling. “Try some of this on Andrea.”

Meghan copied Melanie, tickling Andrea’s heels. She traced zig-zag lines up both arches, then drew tiny circles in the arches just behind the soles – she got great reactions and a flood of ticklish laughter. She circled a nail on the ball of each foot, then gently flicked it along the soft skin under the toes. That worked pretty well too – Andrea laughed even harder. Meghan drew circles on the soles, watching Andrea’s toes twitch and curl, then scratched lightly along the creases in the middle of the soles. Suddenly Andrea was squirming like a worm and laughing at the top of her lungs.

“Hey, check this out!” Meghan said happily. “No, wait – here it is!” She shifted her tickle target slightly, stroking her nail tips along the sole creases and into the arches just behind. “This is the place, see?”

Melanie watched, tickling Meredith on autopilot and teaching by example. “Good for you!” Melanie said. “Now try some Secret Writing in her arches – it’s a game I play with my cousins, tickles like mischief, and the lee has to figure out what it says or she gets more.” She demonstrated on Meredith – LOL;-D – and was rewarded with an extra-loud burst of laughter. She paused and asked, “Hey Meredith, what does that say?”

“Hehehe! I don’t know! HAHAHAHAHA! HAHA-HAHA-HAHA!” Meredith laughed as Melanie started in on her again. By then, Meghan was “writing” in Andrea’s arches – tickle, in fancy script – and the two girls howled with forced mirth, singing a ticklish duet.

“OK, you’re ready for four-finger techniques now,” Melanie said. “Try some toe tickles.” She slipped the nails of one hand between Meredith’s toes and scratched lightly. Meghan copied her. Andrea and Meredith were completely helpless, red faced and sweaty – all they could do was laugh like mad. “Now hold her toes back and tickle underneath.” The helpless stereo laughter went up a notch. “And this works great too,” Melanie said. “Just extend the nail strokes down onto the soles.” Andrea and Meredith laughed at the top of their lungs.

“Now pretend you’re chording a guitar,” Melanie said. “Easy does it! Just your nail tips.” Meredith and Andrea were a mess, red faced, eyes closed, laughing helplessly with tears running down their cheeks. “And finally, the foot rake.” Melanie made a claw of her hand and drew four fast, parallel zig-zag lines on the right foot, from sole to heel. She did the same on the left foot, then alternated left-right-and-repeat. Meghan did the same, grinning ear to ear. Their victims laughed, and laughed, and laughed some more.

“Finish her off,” Melanie said. “Use the Spider Walk in her sweet spots. But don’t bear down so hard. Like this.” She held back Meredith’s toes and tickled the stretched out soles mercilessly. Meredith lost it and laughed herself breathless.

Meghan held back Andrea’s toes and spider-walked her nails along the sole creases and into the arches – Andrea’s laughter went off the scale. “Faster!” Melanie said. Meghan speeded up and tickled Andrea’s breath away.

“How was that?” Meghan asked. She felt uncommonly pleased with herself.

Andrea blinked away tears and took a deep breath. “It tickled like crazy,” she said.

“And that’s good,” Melanie said cheerfully. “That’s what you want. Think you could do it again on Meredith?”

“Sure, no problem,” Meghan answered. “But she looks pretty wiped out.”

“Trust me, she can go lots longer,” Andrea said.

“Hey!” Meredith protested.

“But let’s not overdo it,” Melanie said. “Let’s give ‘em a breather. No, leave ‘em tied up – we’ve still got a long way to go.”

Meghan paired off with Meredith after the break, and Melanie with Andrea. “OK now, apply what you learned,” Melanie said.

Meghan did just that, drawing counter-rotating circles on both heels with a single nail each, and Meredith laughed with wild abandon. She spiraled the nails up Meredith’s arches, tickling like crazy, then gently flicked the arches just behind the soles. She spared a glance at Andrea, laughing like mad beside Meredith – Melanie was flicking her soles, getting great reactions and plenty of musical laughter. Then onward and upward, scratching Meredith’s sole creases. Meredith’s toes twitched and curled as she laughed her head off.

Meredith was laughing harder now as the tickling fingernails roamed her soles. Meghan held back the toes and tickled side to side underneath, then onto the stretched out soles. Then tickling between each pair of toes – Meredith was losing it, laughing at the top of her lungs, tears running down her cheeks. There didn’t seem to be a sweet spot, Meredith’s feet were off the scale ticklish everywhere.

Guess I’ll just have to try again, thought Meghan, and tickled Meredith’s soles. Meredith’s laughter went off the scale. Meghan tried the arches, using just her nail tips, but Meredith was just too ticklish. She laughed herself breathless.

Meredith was gasping for air, eyes closed, tears streaming. Andrea was still laughing. Melanie looked over from her tickling. “Pretty ticklish, isn’t she?” she asked.

“Couldn’t find a sweet spot,” Meghan said. “I looked, but...”

Melanie gave Andrea the foot rake, and was rewarded with a wild burst of laughter. “She’s like you. There isn’t one – it’s all good,” she said. “Good for you too, it’ll teach you control. See how long you can keep her laughing.”

Meghan did her best. She tickled Meredith out twice more before she mastered the technique, and had a great time doing it. Before, tickling had just been something fun to do. Now, tickling was performance art, like playing a musical instrument. Melanie gave Meghan some extra coaching from time to time, but mostly just observed, tickling Andrea on autopilot.

“Now try the implements,” Melanie said, raising her voice above the stereo laughter. “Like this.” She string-tickled between Andrea’s toes, Meghan copied her, getting great reactions and a flood of laughter. They dusted ticklish soles with the paint brushes, making little contact but tickling horribly. Meghan tickled Meredith breathless with the hair brush – she tried again after the blonde caught her breath.

“All in the wrist,” Melanie lectured, demonstrating on Andrea. “Easy now!” Meredith laughed and laughed as Meghan gently flicked the bristle tips on her soft soles. Meghan tried the guitar pick, keeping pace with Melanie – basically a fingernail technique, she decided, but useful if you broke a nail. Then foot notes, writing across the ticklish soles – Meredith and Andrea were red faced and sweaty, laughter pouring out, tears streaming down their faces. Finally the electric tooth brushes, in a zig-zag pattern from heels to soles and driving their victims wild.

Meredith was limp and tickled out when Meghan finished. Andrea’s endurance was way above average – not too surprising for someone with an older sister. “Is that it?” she asked when she had her breath back again.

“Almost,” Melanie said. “If we turn you loose, are you gonna mess with us?”

“Nah, I had that coming,” Andrea said. “But it would help if I had something to occupy my hands.”

Melanie started untying Andrea. “You’ve got your needlepoint,” she said.

Andrea grinned wickedly. “I had something else in mind.”

“I figured you did,” Melanie said, grinning back.

“Hey, isn’t anybody gonna untie me?” Meredith asked, shifting uncomfortably.

“Nope,” Andrea said, and sat facing Meredith’s feet. “Better get right with God, ‘cause I’m gonna tickle you to death!”

Meredith lifted her eyes up to the heavens. “Oh Lord, I thank Thee for that which I am about to receive... Well, come on, Andrea, tickle me,” she demanded, wiggling her toes. “HAHAHA! HAHAHA-HAHA-HAHA! HAHAHA!”

“I still haven’t figured this place out, Andrea,” Meghan said. “Meredith’s every bit as ticklish as I am. That would drive me crazy, but she was egging you on.”

“She’s pumped,” Andrea said. She tickled Meredith’s soles, forcing solid stream of ticklish laughter. “But she’ll get even, and so will I. Don’t worry, you’ll pay for our help pretty soon.”

“I figured as much,” Meghan said. “Well, it hasn’t killed me yet. What’s next?” she asked Melanie.

Melanie grinned. “Final exam,” she said. “I’m gonna check you out from the inside. Tie me up.”

“Any preference?” Meghan asked, raising her voice over Meredith’s helpless laughter.

“Everything I showed you,” Melanie said. “And if you can think of any– Hee! WAH-HAHA! HAHA! AH-HAHAHAHA!”

Melanie was great fun to tickle, Meghan discovered as she explored Melanie’s ticklish feet. She wasn’t as ticklish as Meredith, but more than Ashley. Or was she? Maybe it’s better technique, she thought, tickling Melanie’s heels and forcing a solid stream of helpless laughter. She spider-walked her nails up both arches, and found an especially ticklish spot just behind the sole creases. She held back Melanie’s toes and drew fast figure-eight’s around the balls of both feet – that worked even better. Then side to side across the stretched out soles, and Melanie laughed with wild abandon.

Meghan made a Peace sign and zig-zagged the two nails down Melanie’s sole creases. Andrea was tickling Meredith’s arches two handed, using just her nail tips, not making much contact but getting great results. Meghan tickled between Melanie’s toes and got burst after burst of helpless laughter. Then side to side again under all ten toes, stroking down onto the stretched out soles, and she struck gold. Those were Melanie’s sweet spots – she laughed her head off at the top of her lungs, red faced and sweaty, unable to struggle or even form a coherent thought.

Meghan gave both heels a flurry of guitar-chord flicks, and then gave Melanie alternating foot rakes. Melanie was laughing harder, but Meredith’s laughter was off the charts – Andrea was spider-walking her nails in the back of her arches. Andrea speeded up, and tickled Meredith to gasping silent laughter.

Meghan held back Melanie’s toes, picked up a pen and wrote her name across the stretched out soles – Melanie was losing it, laughing at the top of her lungs. She caught her breath while Meghan switched to the hair brush, then laughed madly as the bristle tips flicked and tickled. Meredith started laughing again – Andrea was string-tickling her toes. Meghan copied her, and Melanie laughed like a crazy woman.

Meghan tried the paint brush, gently brushing from soles to heels. She found a good spot in Melanie’s arches and gave it a minute or so of tickle torture, then brushed in a big figure-eight, crossing over in the arch spot and giving it a few extra flicks that drove Melanie wild. Then the tooth brush, under and between Melanie’s toes, bristle tips flicking and scratching. Melanie laughed herself breathless.

“There now, wasn’t that fun?” Andrea said. She was tickling Meredith’s heels with a hair brush – the girl was laughing like mad. “Hey Melanie, did that tickle?”

“Oh... ghod... ” Melanie gasped. “Like you... wouldn’t believe... ”

Meghan flicked a sole, got another long burst of laughter. “So did I pass?” she asked cheerfully.

Melanie took a deep breath. “Flying colors,” she said.

“Fingers tired?” Andrea asked, still brush tickling. Meredith laughed wildly, red faced and sweaty.

Meghan shook them. “A little,” she said.

Andrea quit tickling Meredith. “Mine too,” she said. “That’s the other reason we use implements.”

“They have their uses,” Melanie said – she had her breath back again. “But fingernails work as well or better, and you can’t forget to bring ‘em. So practice your fingernail techniques. HAHA-HAHAHA-HAHAHA! NOOO! I didn’t mean right now!”

Brittany had her flip-flops off when Meghan brought the serving platters out at suppertime. The redhead had one leg crossed under her, foot dangling off the side of the chair. Meghan checked it out – the bottom was covered heel to toes with a fish-scale pattern in ball point ink. The ink was a little faded, as though somebody had tried to scrub it off. Brittany was especially polite to Edward. Mission accomplished, thought Meghan.

A wave of ticklish laughter greeted Meghan and Melanie as they approached The Swamp after they finished.

“Sounds like Andrea,” Melanie observed.

“Yah, substituting for Ashley, I guess,” Meghan said. “I wonder who’s tickling her?”

They found out when they went inside. Melissa was back from her day off. She had her younger sister trapped in the figure-four leg lock, tickling the upturned soles fiendishly and inventively. Melissa knew from long experience where all the best tickle spots were, and how to get the best reactions. Andrea laughed her head off, red faced, tears streaming, helpless to resist the well-techniqued tickling.

Melissa held back Andrea’s toes. Andrea knew what was coming, and tried to pull loose, but Melissa tickled faster and Andrea subsided, laughing like mad. Melissa tickled the soft skin under the toes, then onto the stretched out soles where it tickled unbearably. Andrea laughed at the top of her lungs as Melissa’s nails scratched and scrabbled, flicking the ball of her foot. She lost it and laughed herself breathless.

“Good one!” Melanie said. “Is Andrea gonna sub for Ashley tonight?”

Melissa dismounted, stood and gave her sister a hand up. “Nah, that was because she let herself get caught and tickled today,” she said. “I’m trying to encourage her to be more careful.”

“So who’s our substitute lee for tonight?” Meghan asked.

“Eager, aren’t you?” Melissa said. Lightning fast, she jumped Meghan and took her down. She grabbed up Meghan’s ankles in an arm lock and covered her soft feet with tickling nail flicks. Meghan was laughing her head off before she quite knew what had happened.

“This is what you get for tickling my little sister,” Melissa said. She tickled both heels, using just her nail tips, not making much contact but tickling like crazy – Meghan squirmed like a worm, laughing at the top of her lungs, tears running from her closed eyes. “That’s my job, and don’t you forget it!” Melissa added, and tickled a zig-zag path up Meghan’s arches, then side to side just behind the soles. By now, Meghan was helpless, laughing like a wild woman. The sensitive soles were next. Meghan’s toes twitched and curled as she laughed and laughed – reflex action, she was no longer capable of coordinated movement.

Melissa shifted around, sat down fast and extended her left leg straight ahead of her. She trapped Meghan’s ankles again – resting on Melissa’s left thigh, right thigh over with the right foot tucked behind the left calf to lock it in place. Meghan lunged forward, trying to grab Melissa’s hands. But Melissa held Meghan’s toes back and tickled the balls of both feet at once. Meghan laughed her head off and collapsed onto her back, completely overcome by the tickling sensation. Her face was turning red under the tan, tears of laughter ran down her cheeks, she was unable to move or even form a coherent thought. All she could do was lay there and laugh.

“Hey, go easy, Melissa!” Andrea said. “I had it coming – you know that as well as I do!”

“Maybe so, but I’m enjoying this too much to quit,” Melissa said. She tickled from toes to heels, fingernails dancing on the ticklish flesh, getting great reactions and wave after wave of wild helpless laughter. “How am I doing, Tammy?”

“Not too shabby,” Tammy said. “Try a foot-rake next.”

Melissa nodded – she made a claw of her hand and raked it down the right foot, drawing four parallel zig-zag lines and making just enough contact to tickle unbearably. Meghan’s laughter went off the charts as Melissa got on the balls of her feet again and lingered, drawing circles and other tickling shapes. Melissa repeated the whole foot tickle on the left foot, then right, left, over and over.

“Hey, Andrea’s right,” Meredith said. “Fair’s fair – she just got even with us like anybody else would.”

“Maybe I’ll tickle you next, if you’re so concerned,” Melissa said, raising her voice over Meghan’s laughter. “But first– ”

Melissa guitar-chorded Meghan’s soles and arches – Meghan howled with forced mirth. Melissa held back Meghan’s toes and tickled the stretched out soles side to side, enjoying the laughter. Then fast and furious flying fingernails on the balls of both feet. Meghan was losing it – she couldn’t endure much more of this...

Andrea grabbed Melissa’s ankle and guitar-chorded the sole and ball of the foot. Melissa let out a startled yelp and burst into ticklish laughter. She lost her leg-hold – Meghan pulled loose and scooted backward, out of tickle range.

“Dammit, sis, that’s enough!” Andrea said, still tickling the foot. Melissa kicked, still laughing like mad. Andrea dodged, but she lost her grip and Melissa pulled loose.

“She’s right,” Holly said quietly. “Meghan’s one of us now. Don’t treat her any differently than you would anybody else.”

Melissa looked around and saw that the others all agreed. “All right then,” she said. “I’ll make a deal with you, Meghan. Tie me up and tickle me. If you can tickle me out in, say, 10 minutes, then I’m Ashley tonight. But if you can’t, you’re gonna be the guest of honor at tonight’s tickle party. Agreed?”

Meghan hesitated. Melissa’s endurance was on a par with Andrea’s – those two had been tickling each other for years. Meghan would be competing way out of her class. Or would she? Maybe, just maybe, Melanie’s tutorial would do the trick. What the hell, worth a try, she thought.

“You’re on,” Meghan said.

“OK, then tie me up,” Melissa said. “Chair tie, like you did Andrea this afternoon. Let’s go.”

Meghan sat facing Melissa’s trapped feet. Meredith leaned in close and whispered, “Same tickle pattern as Andrea.”

“Got it,” Meghan said. “Here it comes, Melissa!” She flicked her nails on Melissa’s heels, making little contact but tickling like crazy.

“Hee! AHA! HAHA! WAH-HAHAHA-HEEHEE-HAHA!” Melissa laughed, squirming like a worm and laughing like mad. Meghan kept it up, guitar-chording both heels and tickling horribly. She tickled up into Melissa’s arches and lingered there, drawing circles and other random tickling shapes. She tickled Melissa’s soles next – Melissa’s toes twitched and curled as wild laughter poured forth. Meghan held back the toes and tickled underneath, flicking onto the stretched out soles. Melissa laughed harder, her wild ticklish laughter filling the air.

Meghan made a Peace sign and scratched the balls of both feet, just behind the big toes – Melissa laughed her head off, howling with forced mirth. Meghan spread the fingers wider and scratched both sole creases. Bingo! Melissa went wild, squirming, laughing at the top of her lungs, trying desperately to pull her feet away.

I better ease off a little, Meghan thought. She took hold of Melissa’s right foot and made a claw of her other hand. Melissa laughed at the top of her lungs as Meghan raked her nails down the foot, drawing four parallel zig-zag lines and applying just enough pressure to tickle unbearably. Tears of laughter ran down Melissa’s cheeks as she struggled and squirmed. Meghan repeated the tickle half a dozen times or so, then did the same to Melissa’s left foot, forcing wave after wave of helpless laughter. Then two-handed tickling on both soles – Melissa’s toes twitched and curled as she laughed and laughed.

“Thirty seconds,” Andrea said.

Meghan nodded – she held Melissa’s toes back again and tickled side to side across the ticklish soles. Melissa laughed her head off at the top of her lungs, completely overcome by the tickling. Her face was red, eyes closed, tears running down her cheeks. Meghan speeded up, and tickled Melissa breathless.

“Oh... ghod...” Melissa said. “That was... horrible...” A deep breath. “You’ve had lessons,” she said accusingly. “From Melanie, probably – that was her style. How’d you manage that?”

“Friends help each other,” Melanie answered for Meghan. “Looks like you’re our new lee for tonight, Melissa. Ready to laugh some more?”

Melissa looked apprehensive. “Hard to believe,” she said. “I never figured... ”

“I know,” Meghan said with a wicked grin. “You thought you had a sure thing. Well, now you’re gonna pay for that mistake.”

Andrea called dibs on the next round. Meghan sprayed herself with bug dope, found her flip-flops and left – she wanted to think it all over. Melissa’s helpless laughter followed her as she walked down the gravel drive toward the beach – Andrea knew all the best tickle patterns too.

Not many people on the beach tonight – it was starting to get chilly. Brittany Sinclair and Frank Ciesinski had one of the camp canoes pulled up on shore. Brittany tossed her flip-flops inside, climbed in and kneeled in the midships position. Frank pushed off and kneeled in the stern. They paddled out into the lake. That would have been suicidal earlier on, but by now the daytime powerboat traffic had died down to nothing.

The sun dropped behind the ridge to the west, casting twilight shadows across the lake. Lights started coming on at Collishaw House. The resort had a bar with a dance floor and an outside patio overlooking the lake – laughter and conversation drifted over the water, the words too faint to make out. The canoe drifted, more or less in line with the patio. Frank leaned forward, pointing down into the boat. But the canoe was too far out for Meghan to hear his words either. Brittany turned around, leaned back against the forward top brace and propped her ankles on the after brace, inky bare soles toward her friend.

A ski boat idled past, headed for the south end of the lake. It passed between Meghan and the canoe. She checked it out. Melanie’s brother was driving – a gust of wind caught his companion’s long red hair and streamed it like a flag. Gordon Mckenzie was in the back seat, with a young woman with shoulder-length dark hair. Trouble brewing, thought Meghan – that’s really gonna piss Holly off.

Marc’s boat moved past. Meghan saw Frank reach toward Brittany’s feet. He did something – Brittany threw back her head and grabbed onto the sides of the canoe in a death grip. More laughter from across the lake, or was it closer? None of my business, thought Meghan, and headed back. She heard another boat a long way off, a small one from the sound of it – probably somebody looking to do some night fishing.

The tickle-fest was still going on at The Swamp. Meghan took another turn when everyone else had finished, and tickled Melissa breathless again. No hard feelings – tickling was just part of life here, as it had been for 60 yrs and more. By then, it was time for lights-out. Meghan dropped right off, and slept the sleep of the just.


The sound of distant bagpipes woke Meghan just as the sky was turning pale to the east. Old Mr. Stansfield at the cottage at the end of the lake, she thought. He was a veteran of World War II – he would never see 80 again. She was glad to hear him again – he hadn’t played the last few mornings. She wondered if he had been sick.

Everybody else was still asleep, but Meghan was wide awake now. After a few tosses and turns, she gave up on sleep and climbed down from her bunk, taking care not to wake her bunkmates. The morning was chilly – she grabbed a hoodie, zipped it halfway up and went out onto the porch to watch the sunrise. I’ll come back next summer if they’ll have me, she thought. I like this place. Even – especially? – the tickling. Who woulda thunk it?

She checked her watch – it was about time for the other girls to wake up. Maybe I can beat the alarm clock, she thought. Holly was a sound sleeper, hard to rouse – she could certainly do with a dose of misery. And besides, if I tickle her, I’ve made a clean sweep. I’ll use the Ankle Rope Ambush, she decided, like Melissa and Andrea used on Tammy.

Meghan stripped the tie out of her bathrobe and made a loop and slip knot in one end. She padded over to Holly’s bunk and put the plain end of the tie over the bar at the end of the empty upper bunk. She kneeled and carefully worked the covers off the end of the bed, folding them back to expose Holly’s feet. This part was touchy, but Holly was a sound sleeper – Meghan gently pushed the girl’s ankles together and worked the loop over them, one at a time. She eased back, stood, and grabbed the other end of the tie. With one hard pull, she yanked Holly’s ankles together and pulled them up to the bar, and knotted the robe tie.

She had pulled Holly under the covers – Holly thrashed around, still half asleep, and threw them off. “Hey!” she complained. “What the– ”

“Good morning, Holly!” Meghan caroled, and got to work, well-manicured nails flicking ticklish soles.

“OH NOOO!” Holly wailed. “Hehe! HA-HAHA! HA-HAHA! HA-HAHA-HAHA-HAHA!” she laughed as Meghan dug in.

Let’s give her the complete treatment, Meghan thought confidently as she tickled between Holly’s toes. The toe-tickles were getting great reactions – Holly was laughing pretty hard. Time to play a little – she held back Holly’s toes and tickled the soft skin underneath, and that was good too. The stretched out soles were even better – Holly laughed like a maniac, bucking and squirming, tears of laughter running down her cheeks. Meghan flicked her nail tips on the stretched out soles, drew overlapping circles on the creases, circled the balls of both feet. Holly had a musical tickle laugh – it really is like playing a musical instrument, thought Meghan.

Meghan guitar-chorded the balls of both feet, flicking into the arches – that got especially good results. Then down the arches, flicking lightly, forcing stream after stream of ticklish laughter. Just in front of the heels, she hit the sweet spots, where Holly’s feet were off the scale ticklish – Holly arched her back and laughed at the top of her lungs. Meghan explored the heels with tickling shapes – the laughter went down a notch. Then back to the arches, tickling the sweet spots on both feet, and Holly’s laughter went off the scale.

That’s more like it, Meghan thought. She tickled mercilessly, getting great reactions and forcing a wild stream of helpless laughter. Holly was red faced and sweaty, laughing like a madwoman, losing it. Meghan gave it her very best, tickling the sweet spots at warp speed, and tickled Holly’s breath away.

“How was that, girlfriend?” Meghan asked happily as she released Holly’s ankles.

Holly laid there gasping. “Ohhh!” Holly got out. “That was... that tickled... so much!” A deep breath. “Fink! I’ll get you for this!”

“Promises, promises!” Meghan said happily. She felt great. What a wonderful start for the day!

The others were all awake – how could they not be? – and watching. Melanie was the first to speak. “You learned your lessons well, Grasshopper,” she said in a horrible fake-Korean accent.

“I had a good teacher,” Meghan answered.

“And I had an apt pupil,” Melanie said in her own voice. “There’s just one thing I need to teach you. See that over there?” she asked, pointing over Meghan’s shoulder.

Meghan turned. “What’s that?” she asked.

Melanie grabbed the open neck of the hoodie from behind – she pulled outward, back and down. The material bunched up around Meghan’s elbows, pinning her arms to her sides. Still holding on, Melanie hooked Meghan’s ankles out from under her and took her down. Melanie rolled Meghan and scooped up both ankles in an arm lock – Meghan was on her back, feet up and gravity working against her, before she quite knew what happened.

“The most important lesson of all,” Melanie said. She drew fast, looping figure-eight’s around the balls of Meghan’s feet, tickling like crazy. Meghan bucked and squirmed and laughed her head off. “I’ll let you figure it out,” Melanie added. The loops got smaller, faster, covering the sensitive skin with unbearable tickling. Meghan’s ticklishness reached a new peak – she was helpless, the tickling had sucked away her strength. All she could do was lay there and laugh – and laugh – and laugh some more.

Melanie made a claw of her right hand, then raked it down Meghan’s right foot, making four fast zig-zag parallel lines and applying just enough pressure to tickle unbearably. Melanie repeated on the left foot, then the right, then left again – Meghan laughed with wild abandon.

“Tickles like crazy, doesen’t it?” Melanie asked. She tickled Meghan’s heels, and Meghan’s laughter went off the scale. “Have you figured it out yet?”

Meghan felt herself losing it, riding the tickle high, laughing at the top of her lungs. She knew what the lesson was now: What goes around, comes around. Her last coherent thought before she laughed herself into ticklish delirium was that there was another lesson here as well:

Trust No One.

***THE END***
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A truly wonderful story! Great foot tickling descriptions as always. :D
One for the heart...

Strel, you've done it again...given me another of your characters to fall hopelessly in love with...to feel every one of the ticklish strokes she endures and, ultimately, the satisfaction of the fruits of her summer's education. <br> Meghan grew so much and so plausibly in the course of "Apt Pupil," from hapless tickle victim to a confident cootchy-coo celebrant, that the coda to the story brought a broad smile to my puss. As usual, you were careful to sketch your supporting laughing lovelies as distinct individuals. I found them all irresistible, with a particular soft spot for Andrea and, naturally, the warm, knowing Sue.<br> A terrific tale, so beautifully capturing the rhythms of summer and the cleverness and passion of your young (and now, not so young) cast.<br> Bravo!
Well it took me longer than normal to read this, but I have to say, another great story from my favorite tickle author.
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