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TS - Day 04 - Tharagyan Peninsula.

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(ooc... I'm presuming there is a road to the watch tower. Tandy certainly isn't going to walk there.)

"What do you think? Surely not bandits or barbarians...", Tandy offered.

"Not for me ta know, m'lady." The coachman wasn't paid to think, but a suggestion here wouldn't have hurt.

The interrogator had her own fish to fry... well, to tickle. Still, one was obligated to respond to emergencies. There could be injured needing attention, and one always could make a new friend in the strangest places.

"We have to respond. Head north until we reach the tower."
"But what if it is bandits?" Tandy didn't pay the coachman enough for that either.

She handed the coachman a glass vial filled with a brackish liquid. "This is essence of smoke. If there is trouble, throw it to the ground. There'll be enough smoke to cover an army's escape. Certainly enough for us to make an exit."

Tandy looked at the light again. It winked at her as if to say "Ha! Nothing's easy for you." Boy was it right.

Turning to Rilina, she took a length of cloth and gagged her with it. "I'm sorry, Rilina, but our interview will be delayed a bit longer. Do be patient with me, won't you?"
Rilina definitely takes the opportunity when it is given to here, although she shudders just a little bit when they stop. Her mind immediatly goes to bandits as well; given the luck she's been having, can you blame her for thinking the worst of the situations she finds herself in?

Rilina definitely wishes she had some of those earlier mentioned lockpicks right now, but she busies herself with trying to wriggle her thin wrists out of the cuffs they are in; she didn't manage to halt her actions when Tandy comes in, so now Tandy even sees her trying to get away.

"Wait, I can help fight if we g-mmph!" Rilina is then, of course, gagged. She mmphs loudly in to the gag, looking at her captor with angry, and scared eyes. "MMPH!" She mmphs again.
OOC: Unfortunately I won't be posting for a while, being occupied with other hobbies and slowly losing interest in this one. Which is ironic because I was the one who suggested this RPG idea.

Don't worry Kalamos, I will still be around to add new characters to the char sheets thread and I will take control of Rachel when I regain interest. In the meantime, leave her on autopilot.
(( Hope I wasn't the one what turned you off to this RPG, Cassandra. I know about being busy with other things; I'm quite addicted to WoW at the moment, but this is a fun little diversion for when it's down, or I just feel like being a little more creative than an MMO allows. Anyway, hope you regain your interest soon.

I'll probably keep on posting; it just feels sort of lonely, though. I don't know how active TNT is, but it sort of feels like this particular branch of the SL just lost it's driving force. Meh... ))
We must thank you for proposing the idea in the first place.
I'll take care of things.

/me 's eyes gleam with a greedy light...
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Tandy smiles just a bit at Rilina's suggestion. "You can fight AND steal, eh? Oh yes. That's why you got captured by those guards in Bisanthium... and that bard... and by me, in fact. And no angry looks! You should be smiling like good girls do."

To encourage this, she digs in to those sensitive underarms with probing fingers. "Much better. There's a happy smile... No, dear, it's best that we run very fast if there's trouble... we'll be safe enough in here, and I don't want you running off now do I?"

Despite the squirming and twisting, Tandy could still see a hateful look in the apothecary's eyes. "Tsk, tsk... now I have to keep an eye out the window here to see if there is trouble so I have to leave you be just now. But to keep you busy, we'll play a game. See that drawer there? There's one more lovely little toy in there besides the brush. Now after this little issue gets taken care of, I'll give you one guess as to what it is. If you guess right I'll let you rest all the way to Bisanthium. If not, well... then you find out the hard way."

Letting Rilina relax, Tandy winked slyly before looking out the window. "Think hard now, Rilina dear."

(ooc... well I'm happy enough so far... I hope Rilina is happy too...)
((Im very happy, but I can't pose until Kalamos does something to us. Rilina will just be sitting there squirming, and thinking about what's in the desk :)))
So, are you going to investigate the Watch Tower? :)
I assume you are. I'll post an Action. Later...
(ok... 3 days and no Kalamos? Back to my original intentions then...)

It wasn't long before an obstacle presented itself. The carriage stopped abruptly.

"The road is blocked, m'lady."

Tandy looked out and sure enough, several large trees had fallen across the road. Going by carriage would be impossible, and a lady certainly did not walk except under the most dire circumstances.

"Head back to the main road, and to Bisanthium. We will inform the local guard as to the situation."
"Yes, m'lady."

Tandy turned to see Rilina suddenly stop moving. The apothecary had been trying to escape, and had that guilty look of someone trying to get away with something. She "mmph"'ed in resignation.

This only made Tandy smile, of course. It was just ever so amusing watching ticklish girls trying to get out of being tickled. "Still fidgeting, are we? Oh, I must be a terrible host not paying attention to you." She undid the button over Rilina's navel and slowly crept a finger in to do a little exploration. "But don't you worry, when we get to Bisanthium we'll have plenty of time to resolve all these little issues."

Remembering the game she left unfinished, she also undid the apothecary's gag. "Now, you get one guess. What wonderful little toy is in the drawer?"
Rilina has been trying to escape, and sighs that Tandy knows it. Rilina's sigh only gets bigger when she feels the finger teeaaasing in to her navel, whimpering and squirming. When the gag is undone, she licks her lips.

"A...a feather?" She asks somewhat embarassedly, squirming from the feeling of the chastity belt that still torments her private parts. "A feather." She says, figuring that is the only thing it can be.

Despite the fact that, while in Bisanthium, she saw slaves tormented with everything from feathers to the extraordinary, like puppies and caterpillars and other slaves and itching powder...
Hey, I usually post Actions once in a week. :D
Twice for really good players. ;)

Anyway, no need to change your posts. :)
I'll settle things for Sethos and Vega someway else.
Northern Tharagya - The Road to Bisanthium.

The coachman spits and curses: fallen logs block the lane, effectively barring the passage to the watch tower, on hill side.

It was only a matter of time: this Galthari war thing is bad for business, and even worse for everyday life. Tharagya is coming apart at the seams: anything outside Bisanthi sphere of influence, is effectively of nobody's concern.

Tanandra mentally notes down to send repair teams to clear the block: troops can easily pass around it; carriage and cart, with prisoners or privisions can't.

The carriage heads back to the main road. Whoever signalled for help from the tower will have to wait for a while.

Back on main road, Tanandra resumes interrogating Rilina: she is about to show her the benefits of well-applied physical stimulation, when the coachman slows down and knock again.

"How dare you..."

The carriage driver points to the east: a light pulses thrice in a row, then pauses, the pulses again.

"A beacon".

Somewhat reassured Vigiles in Bisanthium received the message from the watch tower, Tanandra sits back in the cart, recovering her tools.

"This time, you are not going anywhere..."
Northern Tharagya - A Watch Tower.

"They received it, Dominus."
Bedas is panting from climbing down from the beacon tower.

"You've been slacking, Bedas." smiles Denwyn, patting the Vigil's shoulder.
"A simple ladder and you're winded already."

"I used to eat myself sick, in the winter, Dom..." grins the man, slapping his bulging paunch.

"My new Hybetic ankyra..." his eyes wander off "ah... the delicacies she can cook."

Denwyn smiles back at his daydreaming soldier.

"And she is not too shabby a pet to lie a man's eyes on!" he chuckles wickedly.

"Be careful where you put your hands on, though." smirks Denwyn, leading Bedas on.
"Or she'll gouge those eyes of yours out..."

"She's tried!" Bedas's laughing turns into guffaw "She tried already!"

Sending the Reinforcements In.

The Vigilarkos in charge, at Bisanthium, is promptly warned trackers from the Barakis Hills sent a message.

The coded call, conveyed through light pulses, confirmed the capture of wanted criminals, and solicited for assistance in their transport.

A squad of Vigiles is quickly assembled, and a armed escort with a cart sent forth; they are expected to reach the watch tower about two hours after sundown, and be back before midnight.

While it is not advisable to travel after dusk, Vigiles are fully trained to fight even in adverse conditions, and nobody in his right mind would attack a prisoners' cart.
Not even rebels desperate for food or supplies.

Morean citizens eye the armed group quizzically, as the squad heads out of town.
Must be somebody really important, if Vigiles moved their lazy bums this late.

The cart wheels off, as Vigiles march by.
Nobody breaks Morean Law without suffering the consequences.
Northern Tharagya - A Dark Cabin.

Active Character:
- Vega.

The lean cloaked individual strode in, without speaking a word.
He studied you for a while, then fished for a gemlike object, in his pocket.

You couldn't do much, not even stare back defiantly, since you could barely see his outline, against the doorframe.

He knelt, and started brushing the smooth stone over your forehead, your chest, and your still numb legs.

You tried to protest, but you were still to groggy from the medication, and too parched to even spit saliva, let alone curses.

The round object let out a faint pulse, and a tingling sensation spread around your body: it felt odd being palpated this intimately, by a complete stranger.
You couldn't help wondering what kind of procedure was that, involving stealing a feel, on a bound prisoner.

Apparently satisfied by the examination, the cloaked man put the gemstone away, and walked out.
The door creaked shut, behind him.

You slipped into a dreamless slumber, too weak to struggle against your chains, or even cry out for help.

Northern Tharagya - The Road to Bisanthium.

Active Characters:
- Tanadra.

You are enjoying every single moment of torment you are dispensing on Rilina.
She squirms and wiggles, alternately fighting to keep the laughters in, and letting them out, in a crystal-like stream of delightful feminine notes.

In the last few hours, her endurance has been mercilessly taxed, but you are fully determined to sap her willforce, and finally have her resistances fall.
She must yield to you!

While you are concentrating on a juicily weak spot, you spy a squad of Tharagyan Vigiles marching by, on the right side of the carriage.

They are escorting an empty cart, and they coming from east, heading west, to the watch tower you presume.

You wonder who is so dangerous, as to require a full squad to lend its assistance.
Tanandra noted the cart and guards... who knows, perhaps they had a prisoner needing interrogation. Perhaps another job? Well, the powers that be knew where she could be found.

"A feather?", Rilina whispered. Tandy knew that'd be what she would say. Ticklish girls always had feathers on their minds even when one wasn't teasing their body.

"No, dear. I'm sorry. It's this little jar of ointment here." She presented the ointment like it was being offered for sale. "After all, I can tell how much you've enjoyed it on that Kathic belt I gave you... and that was diluted quite a bit. So I thought we should try just a dab of the pure stuff."

Wearing a leather glove, she took a dab of the ointment about the size of a pea on one finger. "You've just tired my poor fingers out today so now you can just torment yourself for a bit." And with that, she applied it in Rilina's navel.

"Oh, I do have an antidote here too. I know... we could trade for it! Now let's see... what would you have to tr- ah! I know! Apothecaries always have wonderful secret recipes that they just NEVER tell anyone else about. I know your guild threatens to tickle secret-tellers to death but, c'mon... you can tell me."

Already the teasing warmth from the belt seemed to be joined by a tickling from poor Rilina's navel... she just couldn't give up her valuable secrets, could she? It would be the end of her life as an apothecary! What was a tickly girl to do?
Rilina is tired; she is both physically exhausted from the tickle torture, and she is tired of being tickled in general. After about five minutes of flopping around wildly from the glob and the belt, she decides to try to parlay.

"If I gihihihive yohohou thehe secrehets, yohohou hahave to keep me saahahaafe from the guild!" She cries out desperately through the ticklish tears, whimpering submissively.

Of course, what could be safer than getting a dye job on her hair and being locked up naked in the stocks with all of the other soft footed merchandise in Bisanthium or the Slaver's Keep? After all, Rilina walked right by all those poor ticklish girls every day and paid no heed to them, why would anyone else?

And Tandy could make good money off of this; not only could she turn in a criminal wanted in dozens of robberies and an attack on guards for a reward, she could also make the money from Rilina's sale to the guild.

Rilina doesn't think of any of this of course.
Tandy shakes her head with amusement. "Rilina, you are about as ticklish as they come. It just makes my job a pleasure." The apothecary is hers now, spirit broken by soft touches and gentle teasing.

After enjoying another minute of flailing and begging, the interrogator placed the antidote on her finger and wiggled it in Rilina's navel. The relief was near-instant, and manic energy was replaced by exhaustion. The poor girl slumped in her bonds.

Tandy decided to rub it in. Taking Rilina's chin in hand, she looked her square in the eye. "Alright dear, I'll consider that a trade. Tomorrow we can take down all that valuable, valuable information of yours. I'd do it tonight, but you know... you look exhausted."

She smiled. "You can stay at my house tonight. I have a servant who'll just be tickled to meet you." Uh oh.

Bisanthium was coming into view.
Ended Action in this Day/Location for Rilina and Tanandra.
Day/Location still open for Sethos and Vega.
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