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ToS TK: Interrogation Training


TMF Expert
Sep 16, 2008
ToS TK: Interrogation Training


It was another gruelling day in the world of Sylvarant. After a long day of adventuring, Sheena Fujibayashi, Colette Brunel, Presea and the entire group headed to a nearby inn where they could recuperate from the rigours of the day. After agreeing to rendezvous later in the night, the group separated, with most of the boys heading out to a tavern or to visit the local merchants.

Preferring to rest at the inn from the long day of travel, the three girls all pulled up stools at the inn and started to chat and gossip. They shared their experiences and misadventures as they sat comfortably in armchairs around a roaring fireplace.

“So what’s the strangest thing you’ve seen in your time as a ninja, Sheena?” Colette asked, her eyes wide. “And not a story that’s too gory, please,” Colette added, her tone indicating her squeamishness. As a girl so devoted to benevolence and kindness, she found herself somewhat intrigued by this dark, mysterious ninja girl whose world was so different to hers. They really were light and dark in a sense, even visually, with Colette’s golden hair contrasting with Sheena’s jet-black curls.

“An interesting story that’s not too bloody… hmm, let me think,” Sheena paused, stroking her chin as her eyes wandered across the sitting room of the inn. There were paintings and a few other patrons, but the sight of their companion pink-haired Presea relaxing in her chair, with her bare feet propped up on the arms of the armchair drew her attention.

A mischievous grin grew on Sheena’s finely featured face as she and flicked one fingertip against the exposed bare foot – just a quick stroke down the arch, but even that little movement bore fruit.

“Hey! Don’t do that!” Presea exclaimed, her face with a hint of a blush, quickly pulling her feet out of reach.

“Apologies, Presea,” Sheena smiled, but her tone was still playful. “You just happened to inspire me. Ready to hear the story?”

Colette nodded eagerly, clapping her hands in excitement. With her foot stilling tingling slightly from the tickling, even Presea had to admit she was curious about this tale of Sheena’s. What did this have to do with tickling?

“Well, this story was a while ago. So we captured this merchant lady on a ship. I’m sure you know the kind – really bratty spoiled princess type?”

“I think I can see where this is going…” murmured Colette.

“Well, she was a real tough nut to crack. She was yelling cussing at us, and just generally refusing to play nice. Her father, another high-class merchant type, had offered to pay her ransom, but we wanted to find out where she had put the keys to chest on the ship first. Now we tried all the usual stuff, but she just wouldn’t tell us!”

“No way!”

“Yes way. Then what happened next was… Presea?”

“Um, yes?” Presea said, surprised to be suddenly spoken to during this story, which she had actually been following quite closely.

“I think I need your participation for this part of the story,” Sheena said, with a grin. “May I have your feet please?”

“My feet?” Presea repeated, her expression that of supreme reluctance.

“Come on, Presea, I want to hear the rest of the story!” Colette urged.

Chewing on her lip, Presea slowly and with a great deal of hesitation, deposited her petite, milky-white feet in Sheena’s lap.

“Hey, I never knew you painted your toes,” Sheena exclaimed, wiggling one of Presea’s tiny toes, admiring the pink polish that matched Presea’s hair. “That even fits the story!”

“Just keep going… please…” Presea said, pursing her lips as Sheena’s fingers teased her toes.

“Anyway, as I was saying. So we get the idea to give this pampered fancypants something she’s never tried before! So we pull off the expensive shoes and the silky stockings and shove her bare feet in the padded stocks we keep for dangerous criminals. I gotta say, it was a pretty sight, her sitting there looking nervous as we wondered why we took her shoes away. She asked us what were we going to do to here… ”

“And?” Colette asked. She had to know. The suspense was killing her!”

“We asked her if she had even been tickle tortured before!” Sheena laughed, as she began lightly stroking the bottom of Presea’s small feet with her nails. Immediately, Presea’s toes curled up, as giggles began bursting from the corners of her lips. “Good acting, Presea. Now, I can tell you – it definitely looked like she was regretting all those pedicures now! Her feet were as soft as the silk she traded, and she was laughing like crazy within seconds!” Sheena intensified the strokes on her Presea’s small, soft soles, and soon she was giggling hard too.

“it must have been the first time in her life she has experienced tickle torture, and trust me, I can speak from experience, that’s a lot worse than it sounds! Not everyone can endure it!” Sheena said, digging her fingers deep into Presea’s arches for emphasis. This was more than enough for the poor girl, as she pulled her feet from Sheena’s grasp, giggling and snorting.

“Haha, apologies for that Presea. Couldn’t resist,” Sheena said apologetically.

“So what happened next?” Colette said, bouncing up and down in her seat.

Sheena pointed at Colette’s feet, clad only in stirrup-like leggings and Colette realized it was her turn.

“So, where was I?” Sheena asked, as her fingers began to trace across Colette’s slender, shapely feet. It seemed the blonde girl was fond of pedicures too, as the toes were painted a sky-blue. “Now I remember. Her feet were super-soft. Even softer than yours,” Sheena giggled, as she skittered her fingers down Colette’s soles, making the blonde girl hide her hand behind her mouth to try and stifle her girlish giggles.

“We knew she was almost beaten, and she just needed one last push…” Sheena said, pausing for effect. “So we took a paintbrush, and began brushing those high, smooth arches of hers, and wow, she went haywire!” Sheena did not have a brush at hand, so she improvised with a lock of her dark hair, which she dusted along Colette’s flexing toes to marvellous effect. Colette was letting loose adorable little squeals from behind her hands at this point.

“She told us everything we wanted to know, and then we ransomed her back to her father for a nice tidy profit,” Sheena said, finishing her story and giving Colette’s toes one last tickle before returning them to their owner. “Don’t you love a happy ending?

“Hehe, definitely. What did you think of the story, Presea?” Colette said, still giggling and slightly breathless.

“I’m not sure I believe it. It’s just tickling,” Presea said, though her words were at odds with her body, as she was still rubbing her feet – the same feet which has just been tickled!

“Hmmm, I guess. It does seem just like just good fun! Can’t believe it would ever really work as an interrogation method!” Colette agreed, nodding her head.

Sheena just smiled at them. “Let’s give it a try then, shall we?” she said, looking from Presea to Colette.


“You know, suddenly I’m not so sure about this…” Colette said, from her position tied eagle-spread to the tavern bed. Sheena and her ninja skills had proven herself to be quite adept at bondage, and the scarves that were being used to bind Colette’s limbs to the bed posts held her firmly in place for the tickling which was to come.

“Tell me about it,” Presea added, who was tied and eagle-spread on the same bed (Sheena had convinced the innkeeper to let them borrow the largest bed available for their ‘training session’.)

“Well, it’s too late to change your minds now!” Sheena said, with a playful smile on her face so her two ‘captors’ knew she was not quite serious. “I mean, if I stumbled across these two pretty pair of tootsies, I know I wouldn’t let them go tickle-free!” she said with a giggle as she used just one finger to lightly trace down one foot each, just to see how the girls would react to their first tickle under restraint. The girls did not disappoint. Presea’s toes instantly scrunched up, wrinkling the sole in an adorably defiant fashion, while Colette’s feet bounced up and down on the feet, flexing and curling like the feet were dancing.

“Gosh, I just don’t know where to start… pink or blue…” Sheena said, her tone teasing, as her fingers descended upwards to tease the colourful toes. Just using her index fingers, Sheena began tickling every toe in line. She would tickle the same toe on each of the girls’ feet, just to gauge how different their reactions were, like a fun little experiment.

And the girls did not let her down! As soon as Sheena began pinching the wiggling toes, both girls erupted into high-pitched laughter as soon as their felt their tender digits being played with, though they each had their own distinctive flavour of laughter. Colette’s laughter was sweeter, more melodic and higher-pitch, especially when the fleshy pad of her big toe was under attack, which Sheena quickly discovered to be quite a soft spot. In contrast, Presea’s laughter was more boyish, intersparsed with a colourful variety of yelps, squeaks and squeals. The webbing between those pink toes was Presea’s magic spot, as her laughter always got especially wild when Sheena’s fingers quested along there, which naturally, Sheena did all the time once she discovered how fun it was to tease Presea around that spot.

“Really, they are both just so amazingly ticklish. I just can’t decide!” Sheena confessed, as she gave their toes once last playful tweak and let the two ticklish ladies caught their breath.

“How are you enjoying the warm up so far?” Sheena asked, as she rubbed the girls’ feet with a trained, tender hand, helping the girls cool down from their first bout of tickle torture.

“This is just the warm-up?” Colette exclaimed, her mouth agape and her cheeks flushed. Her open mouth rapidly coalesced into a wide smile as she wiggled her blue-painted toes challengingly, spreading them wide as if to invite fingers, feathers, and all manner of diabolical ticklish tools through them. “Well then, bring it on! Right, Presea! We can take it!”

Presea gnawed on her lower lip, looking like she was thinking about saying she’d had enough and wanted to be let out(and Sheena would have acquiesced, had that been the case), but to Sheena’s surprise, Presea nodded with a determined look on her face. “Let’s do it!”

Sheena grinned. “That’s the spirit, girls!” she said, as her fingers suddenly flew across the soles of both feet, jolting the surprised girls into giggles once more.

“I thothohohought you wohohohould hahahave tohohohold us!” Colette stuttered, as her right foot, which was under ticklish siege from Sheena’s skilled fingers, twisted and danced. Presea tried to chime in her complaints that Sheena had not given them time to prepare for the next round of tickling, but Sheena just smirked and suddenly shifted both fingers to Presea’s poor, ticklish soles, overwhelming the feet with double the roving fingers.

“Oh nohohohoho!” Presea squealed, as her toes curled down in response to all the fingernails that were skating into the soft, flushed-pink flesh of her soles. After sliding her fingertips across Presea’s silky soft arches for a while, Sheena dove her fingers upwards to go right at those ticklish toes which she had gotten to know so well during the warm-up.

Sheena lodged her fingers in between those small, squirming toes, and with them firmly wedged in place, she began to wiggle them, scratching at the unthinkably delicate skin between each digit where Presea was so inconceivably ticklish. Howling with laughter, all Presea could do was shake her pink-hair from side to side as Sheena alternated between stroking under the toes or the arches, going from spot to spot as soon as Presea’s wild laughter began to lessen – it wouldn’t do to desensitize her!

Meanwhile, Colette was sitting there, wiggling her toes as she enjoyed the show. She had that unsteady smile of trepidation and excitement on her face as Presea was transmuted into a ticklish storm of laughter. She knew it would be her turn soon, and she wasn’t quite sure how she felt about that – excited, definitely, but also a little nervous. She could feel her toes and arches tingling as she saw the number Sheena was doing on Presea’s sensitive soles. Gosh, if only it could be her turn already!

Sheena seemed to read her mind, as after giving Presea’s toes one last parting tickle, she slid over in front of Colette.

“So, are you ready for your turn?”

“Yes,” Presea said, as she panted and gasped, a ticklish smile still on her face.

Just like that, Sheena suddenly pounced on Presea’s feet again. “then again… if this was a real interrogation, I probably wouldn’t give you time to recover!” she said, as her nails a fingernail spidered along the very centre of Presea’s soft arches on both feet, making the surprised girl burst into fresh peals of hysterical laughter. After a few seconds, Sheena relented though, giving a little kiss on Presea’s poor tickle abused feet.

“Just joking. I’ll let you rest! Thanks for being a good sport about it!” she said, with a giggle, as Presea panted for breath.

“I’ll… get you back for this…”

Sheena winked at her. “Fair’s fair… my feet might be even more ticklish than you, just saying… but you’ll need a lot of skill to ambush a ninja!”

“Now where were we?” Sheena asked rhetorically, skittering her nails down Colette’s pale soles, making the blonde girl giggle. “I remember now! A certain chosen one with super ticklish feet…” Sheena said, as her fingers danced along Colette’s soles.

“Thahahahahat’s meehehee!”

Sheena chuckled at that, as she continued wiggling her fingers across the soft soles. “Your stirrups are very fashionable, but they seem to be blocking some of your fun spots,” Sheena said, stopping the tickling so she could tug at Colette’s dark blue stirrups which hugged her high arches. She pulled them up till they went around the toes, working as toe-ties which pulled the toes back and extended the arch. “No toe-curling for you, Colette!” Sheena teased, as she put her fingers to work on the more-vulnerable soles, really drilling her nails into those high arches that were so lovingly exposed by the stirrups.

“Gahahaha! Thahahahat’s sohohohoho cheheheating!” Colette said, as she craned her neck so she could see the way her own stirrups had pinned her toes back. It was adding insult to injury to have you own fashionable attire used against you!

“Had enough yet? Ready to give up?” Sheena said, her tone teasing as her fingers continued to flicker across the soft feet.

“Nehehehever! Thihihihis is nothihihing!” Colette said through gritted teeth, trying to keep herself from whooping with laughter as Sheena’s nimble fingers started to spider along her heels instead of scratching in her arches, the contrast in sensations somehow making it tickle even more than it had before.

“Oh, are you sure about that?” Sheena said, with a grin that suggested she hadn’t even unleashed her full arsenal yet.

“Mahahahaybeeee!” Colette said, in between squeals, as Sheena had just jumped to the toes, whose tops were held in place with the stirrups, and teasing across the bubbly pads of each toe, two at a time.

Sheena had a suspicion that based on Colette’s giddy grin, that maybe the chosen one was enjoying the tickling a bit too much for the torturous aspect to be effective. She would have to try something new…

“Let’s try this on for size, shall we?” Sheena said, reaching into pocket and pulling out a toothbrush. Colette’s eyes grew as wide as saucers at the sight. It was her spare toothbrush, because even when you were out adventuring and saving the world, that was no excuse to neglect your teeth. Poor dental hygiene was the real crime! “Oh, and don’t be jealous, Presea,” Sheena said, noticing Presea’s wide-eyed glance at the bristly, bristly brush.

As Colette introduced the toothbrush to the bottom of Colette’s right foot, the savvy Ninja could see that she had made the right choice. The brushes quickly overwhelmed the ticklish blonde, sending her laughter to wilder and higher pitches hither to unreached. The dozens and dozens of tiny bristles were really having a powerful effect, as each miniscule prickle sent a new ticklish signal roaring through Colette’s body, and when the spot being scrubbed in question where those hyper ticklish arches, which were a massive cluster of tickle spots at the best of times, the end result was Colette laughing more than she ever had.

Yet after treating both of Colette’s arches to a thorough brushing, Colette still seemed no worse for wear, though her blonde hair had gotten a bit tussled and her cheeks were flushed a shade darker.

“Well, how are doing, Colette?” Sheena said, as the blonde panted for breath. “Still holding out?” Sheena reached down and after a quick stroke down Colette’s arch, loosened the stirrups so Colette’s toes could curl up and relax after the involuntary straining.

“Just fine,” Colette said, with a wide smile. “I hope you’re not finished,” she said with a giggle, wiggling her toes teasingly.

That made Sheena laugh. The girl had fire, there was no denying that.

“Don’t worry, it’ll be your turn soon…”


“Yeah,” Sheena pointed the toothbrush to Presea, whose feet flexed at the sight. “Wouldn’t want Presea to feel lonely and left out, would we?”

“That’s true,” Colette said, chuckling along with Sheena as the ninja girl took her seat in front of Presea’s petite feet, brush in hand.

“Oh… just do it,” Presea said, scrunching her face up in anticipation of the tickling blitz that was about to befall her.

“Accepted your fate, huh?” Sheena said, quirking an eyebrow. “Or is someone starting to enjoy it…” the shrewd ninja girl said with a knowing smile, dragging a finger down Presea’s arch. The pink-haired girl had no reaction aside from a repressed snort, though the flush in her cheeks grew to match her vibrant pink hair.

“Guess we’ll have to tickle the truth out of you then!” Sheena said.

“You can try...” Presea said, in a voice full of confidence. She even opened her toes wide, as if to dare Sheena to do launch her most ferocious tickle attack yet. And she did.

“Enough talk, time to hear you laugh!” Sheena said, as she introduced the toothbrush to the bottom of Presea’s left foot, while Sheena’s fingers kept the right occupied. Presea surged forward in her binds as she felt the bristles make their first kiss on her tender soles, before collapsing on the bed again, giggling with reckless laughter. Okay, she hadn’t expected the toothbrush to be that bad… Ten fingers had been bad enough, but each bristle felt like a tiny finger in itself!

After scrubbing her left foot for a while, the toothbrush switched feet, just so the right foot could get a taste of it too, making Presea’s laughter, which had diminished slightly as she got used to the scratchy toothbrush, start roaring with laughter again.

When the dental-tool-turned-tickle-torture-weapon started brushing near Presea’s pink-pedicured toes, and under them, Presea immediately closed them, but luckily, Sheena knew just how to open them again. Sheena moved her other hand over to double team the foot in question, and clawed her nails at Presea’s rosy heels till the toes sprang open again, rewarding Presea for her defiance with a thorough cleaning underneath and between those bubble-like toes for her trouble.

After a while, Sheena began targeting one foot at a time, concentrating on mapping all the ticklish spots on each foot, pulling back the toes, and digging in deep.

“Looks like your left foot is more ticklish for some reason,” Sheena observed, after treating the left foot to a in-depth scouting session where every inch of ticklish foot was probed for its ticklish treasure.

“You know, with your pink hair, it would almost be an injustice to not play this little piggy…”


“Oh, yes…” Sheena said with a titter, as she started wiggling to the tiny toes on Presea’s right foot. She would save those deliciously ticklish toes on the left till the end.

Sheena teased the toes on by one, starting with the biggest toe, and spending the most time on the tiny, ticklish little toe, making sure to delay things to draw out the suspense.

“Do you know what the last piggy did?” Sheena asked, as she scratched insistently underneath Presea’s little toe.


“Good! It went wee-wee-wee all the way home!” Sheena said with a cackle, flying all ten of her fingers down Presea’s right sole, even adding the toothbrush in for her grand finale.

“Gahahaha!” Presea spluttered, tossing her head wildly as her ticklish little piggies did their desperate little dance. “It tihihihiickle sohohoho muhuhuhuch!”

“I guess that means you give up, huh?” Sheena said, her head raised high with pride. She had been out of practice, but she knew she hadn’t lost her touch. She was still the master of tickling.

Presea looked like she was about to nod and admit defeat, but suddenly she grinned and started laughing again. Sheena had just playfully tapped the toothbrush along the side of Presea’s feet to expedite the process of surrender. After the pink-haired girl panted for breath, she had one thing to say: “No.”

“No?” Sheena repeated, convinced she must have misunderstood somehow. Presea had been laughing her head off! Surely she wanted to give up!

Sure enough, even Presea didn’t seemed to know what she had said that, though she had the same quiet confidence air about her that she always had. “No. I can take it.”

“Way to go, Presea!” chimed Colette, her voice cheerful and encouraging. “We can take much of this! This tickling is nothin’!”

Bolstered by Colette’s words of encouragement, Presea even splayed her bubbly digits wide-open as a dare to her torturess. “Yeah! I could do this all day! Tickle my toes as much as you want!”

Sheena laughed; her laughter was a mixture of confusion and respect for her two ticklish friends. Both of them were off-the-charts ticklish, yet they refused to yield. Maybe they really were made of sterner stuff than those she had plied her craft on previously.

“You sure, Presea? Really want me to bring out the big guns?”

Presea licked her lips and nodded, fiery determination blazing in her eyes.

“Well, you got it,” Sheena said, with a nod. “Happy to give me a hand, Colette?”

Collete nodded, surprised by the invitation. “We’ll be double-teaming Presea, since she’s so confident in her skills,” Sheena explained, amused by the way Presea gasped at this new information. “It’ll be your turn after this, of course,” Sheena added.

Colette giggled. “And your turn after that, Sheena?”

“We’ll see…” Sheena said slowly, as she loosened Colette’s straps.

The blonde girl slid off the bed, rubbing her wrists before taking her place as Presea’s feet. “It’s annoying that they seem cuter than mine,” she pouted. “But they sure look a lot more ticklish!”

“Your arches are way more ticklish than mine!” Presea retorted, before gulping as Sheena suddenly straddled the pink-haired girl’s midsection.

“Less talk, more laughter!” Sheena said, as she started poking her fingers in and around Presea's hips.

“Fihihihihine!” Presea said, as uncontrollable laughter began flowing from her lips once more. With Sheena attacking Presea’s midsection with her marauding fingernails, Presea’s view of Collete was obstructed, which was very, very bad, as the blonde girl starting digging into the trapped ticklish soles on display with gusto.

Colette’s fingers were tentative at first, as fitting for a newbie tickler, but Presea’s ultra ticklish soles were the best starting place for a beginner, as just about everywhere was super vulnerable to just about everything.

Of course, Sheena’s expert ticklish touch was having no such problem, as they unleashed a ticklish storm on Presea’s upperbody. Sheena’s fingers were a whirlwind, flying from spot to spot in an earnest attempt to tickle the pink-haired heroine to insanity. The ninja would wiggle five nimble fingers in Presea’s stretched-out armpits for a few moments, and then darted downwards, poking the sides and ribcage, skittering across Presea’s toned stomach, before diving back into and then back up into her armpits.

Colette had also started to get the hang of things, using one hand to fold back Presea’s squirming, spasming toes, and the other to scratch her nails all over the vulnerable undersides of those deathly ticklish toes. True enough, Presea’s arches weren’t nearly as bad as her own, but those pretty pink-painted toes more than made up for it.

“Ready to give up yet?” Sheena said, over the din of Presea’s wild laughter. The pink-haired girl shook her head wildly. “If you can last five more minutes, we’ll stop,” Sheena said, jerking a thumb over her should to gesture to the clock in the room while her other hand dipped into Presea’s belly button. “Good luck!”

Presea barely had a moment to brace herself as Colette picked up the toothbrush, as the tickling began anew. But she knew one thing. She could take this. Much more of it too.

Little did the three of them know that their day of laughter was only just beginning.
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