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Ted's Big Break (F/m)


Jan 12, 2002
This is an F/m story. If that is not to your taste, don't read it. All of the characters in this story are 18 years old or older.

All of the characters in this story are fictional. Any resemblance to real people is a coincidence.

The Caribbean nation of Taukap is fictional. Any resemblance to a real country is a coincidence.

Ted's Big Break (F/m)
by Milagros

Part One
Ted Vaughn, at age 25, was hanging on to his dreams, grimly. He had graduated from college with a degree in theatre four years ago. He had settled in southern California, like thousands of others, and worked as a waitor while trying to get acting work.

The first year, things had gone remarkably well. He had gotten a small part in an independent film, and the film had, against all odds, gone on to get national distribution. This led to a slightly larger part (almost 8 minutes screen time in the final cut) in a studio film, and to membership in SAG, the Screen Actors Guild. Ted had played the role of the small, nervous guy who was the friend of the hulking football star in one of those inane summer comedies, with a cast all in their late teens or early twenties. At 22, standing only 5'7", and with a boyish face, he was easily cast as a high school junior. But he had had no paying acting work since that film.

Even now, at 25, Ted could easily be cast as a teenager. Which was why he was going to a cattle call. The Hansen twins' production company, TwinH, had advertised for minor roles in their new movie, "Beach Summer." One of the parts was for a male, under 5'8", under 140 pounds, able to appear to be a college sophomore. Membership in SAG was required to audition for any of the roles in their film. Ted hoped that this would be his big break.

After all, the Hansen twins were richer than God, and would likely go on making more films for many years. From age 5, managed by their parents then, they had been making successful movies. Successful at the box office, that is. Critics called the films bland crap, but the public flocked to see movie after movie starring the blonde little darlings, Alison and Candice Hansen, identical twins, the most popular child stars since Shirley Temple.

Out from under their parents' control at age 18, the twins had formed their own production company, and turned to making teen comedies, complete with toilet humor and bikinis, but rated PG. Grown to 5'10" as adults, the twins looked absolutely fabulous in their matching thong bikinis on the screen. They never showed their breasts, and, on screen, stopped just short of what would get an R rating.

With their early profits, in a trust fund, invested in internet stocks, the twins had had the good luck or brains to get out of the market near the top, in early 2000, when they were 20 years old. They were now billionaires, and TwinH was based on an island that they owned--their own island!--in the Caribbean nation of Taukap. They had renamed the previously uninhabited island "AliCandi," and built luxury homes for themselves and friends, housing for employees, and a modern film production facility. Candice had wanted their island paradise to be named CandiAli, but her older sister reminded her that, as 17 minutes older, she always got top billing.

So, Ted dreamed, all I have to do is get this part, and do well enough so that the twins want to keep me to be in their future films. Steady work! A chance to become known, and move up to starring roles.


Upon arriving promptly at 8am for the casting call, Ted felt that there was a good omen and a bad omen. The good omen was that the character's name in the film, the short, skinny sophomore, was also "Ted." The bad omen was the other 316 short, young actors who had shown up at 8am.

They were all paraded by Deborah Sims, which surprised Ted. Deborah had been both the screen writer and the director of half a dozen previous TwinH productions, and was one of the favored friends with a house on AliCandi Island. There herself! She was about 30 years old, with short black hair, and about Ted's height. A very tall, young woman sat next to her, and was saying "Da" or "Nyet" as each actor walked by. She had short blonde hair, and seemed to be about 6'1", with great legs. Ted didn't speak Russian, but knew enough to understand "Yes" and "No"; he was overjoyed to hear "Da" when he went by himself, and see an assistant write down a mark on her clipboard.
Most in line were getting a "Nyet" with no mark.

At 10am, Ted found himself among only 37 actors in a room filling out a questionaire. Besides age, height, weight, and SAG membership number, there were only two more questions, both multiple choice. The first was:

Filming will begin on August 1, 2002. For how long can you stay on AliCandi Island in the Caribbean?

a)1 month b)2 months c)3 months d)6 months e)as long as necessary

Ted circled e) without a thought.

The last question did give pause for thought. It was:

On a scale from 0 (not ticklish at all) to 5 (extremely ticklish), how would you rate yourself?

a)0 b)1 c)2 d)3 e)4 f)5

Ted wished that he could see a script before answering. If the part called for being tickled without laughing, then a) would keep him in the running. But if the part called for realistic laughter while being tickled, then f) would be the best answer. Finally, Ted realized that he may as well be honest, and anwered f)5, extremely ticklish. Testing him with a poke in the ribs, or, worse, under his arms, would soon reveal that a)0 was a lie. A stroke on his bare sole would be even more revealing, causing him to shriek and kick. So he circled f)5, and turned in his questionaire.


Ted had almost given up hope, ten days later, when he got a phone call to come back for an audition. On the specified day, at 8am, he was one of six actors in a room, reading the script pages that he had been given. His character was in five scenes, or at least that was what he had been given to read.

In Scene 64, he had no lines. He just peered through a picket fence, separating neighboring houses, saw the twins unpacking their suitcases from a car, dropped his jaw, and made a face showing lustful thoughts.

Scene 121 had no lines either. He was to walk over to their house when nobody was around, and remove one letter from their mailbox.

Scene 144 began three consecutive scenes for his character. Wearing only swimming trunks, he was to climb over the picket fence, the part of the fence that separated the backyards. He was to do so clumsily, falling onto the grass on their side of the fence. Both twins were to be in thong bikinis, lying on their stomachs on lounge chairs, the chairs in the flat horizontal position. Both twins were reading books. They were both to look up over their shoulders in annoyance at the sound of his falling on the grass. The dialogue went like this:

SAMI- Who are you?

TED- I live next door. [holds up letter] This was delivered to my house, umm, my parents house, they're away, umm, uh, by mistake. It has your house number on it. Are you Suzi?

SAMI- No, that's my sister. [points]

SUZI- Put it on the tray. [points, with her thumb over her shoulder, at the tray at the foot of her lounge chair]

[Both twins go back to reading, and ignore Ted completely.]

TED- [walks to tray] Sure, umm, I'm glad to help. My name is Ted. Uhh, I live right next door.

[Both twins remain lying on their stomachs, reading, and ignoring him.]

[Ted puts the letter on the tray. He hesitates. Close-up of the soles of Suzi's feet. He reaches down, and runs one fingernail from the back of her heel to her toes, along the whole length of her sole.]

SUZI- Hey! He tickled me. Let's get him!

[Both twins spring up, and Ted runs. They catch him, grab him, carry him to Suzi's lounge chair, and slam him down on it, on his back. As Suzi pins him down, knees on his upper arms, sitting on his belly, Sami takes down some clothesline hanging in the yard. She approaches with the rope in her hand, and a look of determination on her face.]


The next scene, Scene 145, opens with Ted securely bound to the lounge chair. He is streched out with his arms high above his head, wrists tied together and tied to the wooden frame of the chair. His elbows are connected by rope, and more rope ties each elbow to the sides of the chair's frame. His legs are tied together above the knees, and at the ankles. More ropes attach his knees to each side of the frame. His ankles are tied to the frame at the foot of the chair, near the tray, where the letter still rests. After describing the bondage, the script says only this:

[Both twins tickle Ted furiously, with no mercy, on his feet, ribs, armpits, and belly. He is laughing and shrieking, and thrashing as much as his bonds permit. He is laughing too hard to even beg for mercy; he can't speak. This goes on for two minutes.]


Scene 146 begins with pink lettering on a white background, saying "Two Hours Later" in a gothic font. Then:

[As before, the twins are tickling Ted. He is now inert, lying helplessly, making soundless laughing motions with his mouth. He is covered with sweat, and there are tracks of tears on his cheeks. His hair is disheveled, and his swim trunks are wet--apparently he has lost control of his bladder.]

SAMI- Is it enough? It's been over two hours.

SUZI- Yeah, I guess so. [to Ted] Let this be a lesson to you. We're going to untie you now. [She stops tickling him, as does her sister.]
Get back to your side of the fence, and stay there, or you'll get much, much more of our attentions. Got it, creep?

[Ted nods yes, still too weak to speak, as they untie him.]


[to be continued in this thread]
Part Two

Part Two

The actors were called away from the small room, one by one. They didn't return. Ted was the last one, called at noon. An assistant gave him a pair of swimming trunks to put on, and a bag to carry his clothing. She went with him to a room with a sturdy lounge chair, with a wooden frame, where Deborah Sims and the young tall Russian woman were waiting. The assistant gestured to the chair.

"They need to see if you answered the last question truthfully."

Ted, now glad that he did, lay down and put his arms over his head, wrists together. It took the assistant and the Russian woman about twenty minutes to tie him securely, as described in the script.

The assistant sat next to Deborah. The Russian woman knelt next to Ted, and smiled at him. It reminded him of the smile of his mother's cat, contemplating a dish of Fancy Feast Salmon, which had been the cat's favorite meal. Ted began to tremble in anticipation.

"You may begin, Marina. Audition, Scene 145, candidate Ted Vaughn, action."

Marina dug into Ted's ribs on both sides, twiddling each pair of ribs in sequence, from the bottom pair upwards. Even though there was only one tickler, not two as in the script, Ted had no need to act. He shrieked with laughter, he howled, and he thrashed as much as the ropes allowed, which wasn't much--the bondage was quite secure. Marina worked deliberately, up and down his rib cage, relentlessly, with no pause or mercy. Ted was going nuts, absolutely mad with tickle sensations. He realized, in the midst of his hysteria, that far more than the two minutes called for in the script had gone by. But he was laughing too hard to question it, even if he had wanted to.

"That's ten minutes," said the assistant.

"Stop," said Deborah, and Marina stopped.

"Very good," said Deborah to Ted, "you really _are_ extremely ticklish on the ribs. I don't stand for faking in my movies. If something can be real, it will be real, in my work. So, you haven't lied, in the hopes of fooling me, as some of the others did."

"Does that mean I've got the part?" asked Ted, in a tone of hope.

"Not quite yet. You need to be extremely ticklish in other places as well. It is in your favor that you didn't complain about the ten minutes. Most film winds up on the cutting room floor. It may take quite a lot of filming to get two minutes of usable action. Don't you agree?"

"Yes, Ms. Sims, of course. You'll find that I take direction well, and understand that only you, as the director, can decide when the scene is done."

"Good, Ted. You're the kind of actor that I like, cooperative, not with a big ego. I'm sure we'll get along just fine."

Marina now climbed up on the lounge chair, straddling him, and put her fingers near his armpits. She bent over, kissed his forehead, tenderly, and murmurred something in Russian. She raised her head, and waited.

"Audition, Scene 145, action."

Marina dug her fingers into his armpits, poking and poking. Ted went beserk. He shook the lounge chair, even with both their weights on it, by his struggles, his futile struggles, to escape her strong fingers. It was no use, he was trapped, and she was able to figure out, from his reactions, the perfect spots to poke. Tears ran down his cheeks, as he laughed and laughed, and his face turned red. Marina showed no mercy. As he tired and his struggles became less vigorous, she just grinned and continued to tickle him.

"Ten minutes," said the assistant.

"Thank you, Cheryl. Marina, stop. Stop, we have more work to do."

Marina reluctantly stopped, and Ted lay back, exhausted, and glad to be able to breathe.

"That was excellent, Ted. You're even more ticklish under the arms than on your ribs. Is that your most ticklish spot?"

"Uhh, no Ms. Sims. To be completely honest, which I should be, because I can see how thorough you are in your work, I have to admit that my most ticklish spot is my feet."

"Ahhh!" said Marina, unable to contain herself. She went over to Deborah, and whispered in her ear for several minutes. Deborah kept nodding, and then Marina left the room.

"Cheryl, take some notes. In Scene 81, in the backyard, add that Suzi is wrapping a package with twine--close-up of the ball of twine, to establish it. Also, in that scene, have Sami cleaning her ear with a Q-tip. Box of Q-tips on the table, and also a hairbrush. Make sure they're in Scene 81, and in Scene 145 they're still there."

Marina returned, with a ball of twine, a box of Q-tips, and a hairbrush. First, she tied Ted's big toes together with the twine, and then she pulled them back, and tied them, with more twine, to the ropes around his ankles. This flexed his soles. Then Marina tied all his other eight toes with twine individually, bending each one back, and tying it to the ankle ropes also.

"Now, Ted," said Deborah, as Marina crouched near his now totally helpless feet, grinning, "I want to thank you for being so honest. Let me be honest with you. The part is yours--you're by far the most ticklish candidate we've auditioned."

"Oh, thank you, thank you! I'm so glad. I'll-"

"Yes, of course," interrupted Deborah, "but I'm afraid that the producers, the twins, want notes on at least three ticklish areas, to prepare for this scene. So, even though you are already selected, I'm going to have Marina tickle your feet. In fact, she will explore them three times, with her fingers, the hairbrush, and the Q-tips, so that the twins will know exactly what works best on which spots. Do you have any objections?"

"No, Ms. Sims, of course not," said Ted, realizing that he did not yet have a signed contract. "You're the director, and Marina should explore and make notes for the twins until you are satisfied that the job is done well."

"Good. You have the right attitude. I'm sick of actors with big egos, who tell me what they want. But don't be so informal--you are to call her Ms. Ivanova. I guess you didn't know her surname, so I'll accept an apology, but now you know it. And if you need to address Cheryl, she is Ms. Cheng."

"I do apologize, Ms. Sims. And I apologize to you, also, Ms. Ivanova, I meant no disrespect."

"Not a problem," said Marina, poised at his feet.

"Marina, you're to explore his feet three times, as I said, and map them. Make three maps. Red for the most ticklish areas of all, and yellow for the second tier. Mark his feet in magic marker with those colors, and take photos for Ali and Candi."

"Sure, Deb."

"I have a lot of work to do, can you do this while I'm in the office? Also, have him sign the contract, and give him one copy. Come to the office when you're done. Can you finish in two hours?"

Marina laughed. "Two hours on each foot, maybe. I'll meet you in the office, with our copies of the contract, and we can go to dinner then."

"Fine," said Deborah, and, to Ted, "It will be a pleasure working with you. I'll see you next on the island."

As Deborah left the room, Marina traced just one finngernail along Ted's left sole, from heel to toe, slowly. It was as if an electric shock had been applied to him--he jerked his head back, and let out a loud guffaw. Marina smiled, and began to scratch all ten fingernails, slowly, up and down his left sole. He went nuts, thrashing in his bonds, and screaming with laughter. With all his toes tied back, there was no escape from her nails, which seemed to have a mind of their own, endlessly wandering up and down the sole, never stopping, tracing slightly different paths each time, so he would not become used to the tickling sensations.

After half an hour, Ted was a wreck. Totally exhausted, unable to utter a sound, in silent laughter, a lump of ticklish flesh, subject to Marina's scratching nails. As tears flowed from his eyes, Cheryl came over to his head, and began to taunt him.

"Poor little Teddy. So ticklish. So very, very ticklish. Marina's not even done with her warm-up yet, she's still doing your whole sole. Soon she'll switch to working on particular small areas, one after another, to find your best spots. Worst spots for you, that is. Ahh, she's just switched to doing that now. She has a great memory for this, for tickling, and she'll remember each ticklish crevice and wrinkle, to be mapped for the twins. Poor little Teddy-poo! I'll be going to get some coffee. Enjoy!"

Cheryl left, and Marina was much too intent on her work to even notice. She proceeded methodically on his left sole for another 45 minutes, until she had mapped it all in her mind. Knowing that Ted was near to unconscious, she gave him a break, while she colored the most sensitive spots with red magic marker. There were two: an oval area at the base of his three middle toes, and a dime-sized spot where his heel blended into his arch. She marked four more spots in yellow magic marker on the sole, and also marked the grooves between his toes in yellow. Ted, getting his breath back, giggled lightly at the touch of the markers.

Marina snapped a photo of the sole, close up, with a digital camera. Then she left, returning in a minute with a bowl of warm water, some soap, and a washcloth.

"Now I'll have to clean it off, to get ready for the next map."

Ted groaned, but the soapy washcloth tickled much less than her fingernails had, and he only giggled as she scrubbed, and then rinsed and dried his foot.

The hairbrush, however, was just as bad as her nails. As she scraped the plastic bristles up and down his sole, he went completely nuts again, struggling as much as he could. In short order, he was reduced to a quivering mass of ticklish jello, twitching feebly and making silent laughing motions with his mouth. After another half hour, he fainted dead away.

He awoke, with Marina kissing his forehead, stroking his hair, and murmurring to him in Russian. She saw he was awake, and gave him some cola to drink, holding his head up with one strong hand, and the straw to his lips with the other.

"Um," said Ted, after his drink, "Ms. Ivanova, could I ask what you were saying to me? I don't speak Russian."

"Oh, Teddy, it's hard to translate exactly. I called you, 'my dear little Teddy-tickle-doll'. The good news for you is that I marked your left foot with the best tickle spots for the hairbrush while you were asleep, and took the photo. So now I'll just have to wash it off. Are you alright?"

"Sure, Ms. Ivanova, I'm OK. I can take it, now and for the film, when we get to the island. Umm, I was wondering, could I ask you a personal question?"

"Sure, Teddy."

"You seem to enjoy this so much, that is, tickling me. Did you maybe have an older brother, who tickled you often, very often when you were a child, and so this is your way of getting revenge?"

Marina laughed. "No, just the opposite. I have a yonger brother--just two years younger, he's now 17, and grown to be 6'4". But up until he was 13, I was always taller and stronger. My greatest joy as a child was tickling him. Tying him up helpless, and tickling him until he begged, and cried, and wet his pants. It was so much fun! Too bad that he grew up. He's back in St. Petersburg, just about to start college. But enough talk. We have work to do! Time for the Q-tips."

Taking a Q-tip in each hand, she returned to his left foot. The Q-tips were not as effective as the hairbrush or nails had been on his sole. But they turned out to be devastating between his toes, absolutely devastating. Upon discovering this, Marina just tormented him on the bottoms of his toes and between the toes, endlessly. Already weak, he was unconscious again in just half an hour, and his bathing suit was wet with his urine.

Ted awoke to Marina stroking his hair again, and Cheryl had returned.

"A very simple map for the Q-tips," said Marina. "His toes are all marked in red, and no other spots."

She went over to his left foot, and began to wash off the red magic marker. Ted giggled.

"Only one foot done? It's almost 4pm," said Cheryl.

"Not to worry," said Marina. "A full treatment of his right foot will be finished by 7 o'clock. Tell Deb that I'll be at her office here by 7:15, ready to go out to dinner, with the signed contract. Is that alright with you, Teddy?"

"Of course, Ms. Ivanova. I always give my full cooperation, and I'm most grateful for the work."

Cheryl laughed at him. "It's so touching, how desparate an actor can be, and how cooperative he can be, after a few years of waiting on tables."

Cheryl tickled him under the chin as she left, and told him, again, "Enjoy!"


A solid hour of her nails on Ted's right sole had produced an almost identical map to his left, and Marina enjoyed the process greatly. Not so for Ted, who wet his swimming trunks again--cola with caffein is a diuretic--and fainted yet again.

Marina continued with the hairbrush, and Ted would have begged her for mercy, if only he had had the breath to utter a sound. Her cruel scratching of his already red sole went on, and on, and on. When he finally fainted again, she smiled at his inert form, again the contented smile of a cat enjoying her favorite dinner.

The Q-tip session on his right foot now proceeded, with his toes as the prime target. Ted was too weak to make much noise, but it was obvious that he was in tickle hell, in utter misery, a mass of helpless ticklish flesh, toes endlessly tormented by the skilled Marina.

When she finished taking the last color-coded photo, and washing off his foot, she finally untied him. Ted was too weak to get up off the lounge chair, and too sore to want to do so. Marina adjusted the back of the chair to the sitting position, and presented him with the contract from TwinH, already signed by Alison Hansen. Ted was surprised and pleased to see that he was to be paid double the SAG minimum daily rate for a speaking role--he would have gladly signed for the minimum. The twins' reputation for generosity to their low-level employees was true, then. The contract did give TwinH the option to continue him at the same salary for up to three more films. Ted signed eagerly, all three copies, and handed them to Marina.

She handed him back one copy, and said, "Very good, very good. Now make sure that your passport is in order, and expect your airline tickets to be mailed to you within the week. Be ready to fly to the Caribbean on July 30. My dear little Teddy-tickle-doll."

This time she had said it in English.

[to be continued in this thread]
Part Three

Part Three

It took Ted an hour before he felt recovered enough to get up and get dressed, after the long ordeal of the audition. He went home, clutching his copy of the precious contract. Over the next week, he applied for a new passport, and told the landlord of his cheap furnished apartment in the Hollywood district that he would be moving out on July 30.

"Actors!" muttered the landlord, familiar with them leaving whenever they got a part out of town, with or without proper notice to him.

Ted was able to store the few boxes containing his meager belongings with a friend, and boarded the plane at LAX with just one suitcase. From LA to Dallas, then from Dallas to Sigdu, the capital city of the Caribbean nation of Taukap, gave Ted time to read his pages in the script over and over. Ted was excited about the part. Playing a horny little nerd, who annoys the main characters, and serves as comic relief to their main romantic plotline, may not seem like much, but it was a speaking part in a film by a major company, TwinH, and Ted was excited about it.

At the Sigdu airport, the customs official who stamped his passport told him that he was on the list of TwinH employees, and that he should go to gate 6 for transportation to AliCandi Island. At gate 6, there were two young women waiting, talking to each other in the local language, Taukappi, which, Ted knew, had elements of English, French, Dutch, and Spanish in it. He had read a bit about Taukap in the library the week before. Pirates from those four nations had fought over these dozens of islands during the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, sometimes with the backing of their respective governments, and sometimes in their own interest. All unified as a British colony from 1870 to 1962, Taukap had been granted its independence in that year. It was now known for private banks, private islands for the super-rich to buy, opulent casinos, beautiful beaches, and government corruption. Unlike some Caribbean nations, however, no drugs were tolerated. The government, corrupt as it was, treated all drug offenses most harshly, and without the possibility of bribery. Ted was glad that he didn't use anything stronger than beer.

"Hello, I'm Ted Vaughn, and I'll be acting in the film," intejected Ted, when there was a lull in the conversation between the two women.

"Glad to meet you," said one of the women, "we're Clara and Evita Duncan. We're joining the kitchen staff at AliCandi. The twins pay very well, better than anybody else in Taukap, so we're glad to get the jobs. The private plane should be here for us in about 15 or 20 minutes."

"Private plane?"

"Yes," said the other woman, "the only way to get to AliCandi is on one of their private planes to their own airport, or one of their yachts, to their own dock. Nobody but the twins' employees are allowed on their island."

Ted stared at the women, impressed at what wealth could do here--your own kingdom, or, in this case, queendom. The Duncan sisters seemed to be in their late teens, and were quite pretty. Ted thought he would like to get to know them. After an awkward pause, he spoke again.

"You both seem quite young to be going off to work away from your family."

"Oh," laughed Clara, "most people in this country go to work at age 17 or 18, very few go to college. I'm just 18, and my sister is a year older. We have two older sisters, too. The twins won't hire anybody under 18. And you," she countered, "seem quite short to be an actor."

Ted flushed. "I am only 5'7", but that did help me get this part, playing a college student, at my age, 25, because I look younger. I'm looking forward to acting with the twins in their movie."

The sisters seemed unimpressed, and as the small plane arrived at the gate, got up without replying. As they stood up, Ted noted sadly that they were both about two inches taller than him.

They were the only three passengers on the flight, with 13 empty seats, and a crew of two, the pilot and co-pilot. They had to carry their own luggage. In just 20 minutes, Ted saw AliCandi Island in front of the plane, about two miles long and one-half mile wide. Most of the shore was cliffs, high about the water. One end dipped down to sea level, with a lovely beach, and a dock, where two yachts were berthed. The yachts had the same TwinH logo as the plane.

After landing, a young woman drove Ted, in a golf cart, to his quarters. The Duncan sisters were taken off in another golf cart. Tired from his travels, he had a day to relax and adjust to the new time zone. His quarters consisted of a bedroom and bathroom on the third floor of a dorm-like building, with no kitchen. There was a cafeteria on the first floor, he discovered, where all the food was free. In the hills, beyond the film studios, he could see some large estates, for the twins, and Ms. Sims, among others.

He was to report at 6am on the first day of shooting, August 1, so he went to sleep early on July 31. For the first three days, Ted was not really needed; none of his scenes were shot. But it was exciting to be on the set, once again an employed actor. Ted noticed that all of the scenes in the backyard set, except his three scenes, were filmed in the first three days.

On the afternoon of the fourth day, Ted was called upon to do Scene 64, oogling the twins through the fence. This was done in one take, to Deborah's satisfaction. Then Scene 121 was shot, where he stole one letter from their mailbox. This also required but one take.

On the morning of the fifth day, Ted reported at 6am, as usual, and was given a bathing suit to wear. Scene 144 was filmed, and the director was quite pleased with it. Deborah went so far as to praise Ted, in front of the whole cast, for having just the right look of both lust and nervousness on his face when he tickled Candi's sole.

"Let's get ready for Scene 145," said Deborah. "Tie him to the lounge chair."

It took a full 30 minutes before she was satisfied with his bondage, as described in the script, now including having all his toes tied back with twine. Even from his position on the lounge chair, tied securely flat on his back, Ted could see that a much larger crowd than usual was on the set, all watching him. They had gathered while he was being tied up. There were no men in the crowd, just women. Candi sat on the grass at his feet, fingernails poised, with the hairbrush and Q-tips at hand. Ali straddled his chest, fingers ready near his armpits. Ted trembled in anticipation. Four cameras were ready to film, from all angles.

Deborah said, "Scene 145, take one, action."

The twins tore into him without mercy. Ali's fingers kept poking at his armpits, relentlessly, while Candi, who had clearly studied Marina's maps of his soles, was scratching her nails over the extremely sensitive oval at the base of his middle toes. Ted went beserk--he had no need to act. He thrashed, the few inches that his bondage would allow, and shrieked, and howled. There was no escape from their attentions, and they grinned in obvious satisfaction as they tickle-tortured him, their fingers moving, poking, and tickling, over and over, and over again.

After ten minutes, Candi switched to the hairbrush, and Ali got off of him, sat on the ground near his side, and attacked his ribs. After twenty minutes, the twins traded places, Candi going to his ribs, and Ali to his feet, using her nails. After 30 minutes, Ali switched to using Q-tips on his toes, and between them. After 40 minutes, Candi got up on the lounge chair, straddling his chest, and dug in under his arms. At the one hour mark, Ted was in the silent laughter stage, unable to make a sound, just a mass of quivering jelly, a lump of ticklish flesh under their control, utterly helpless. They continued, smiling in triumph as they continued to tickle, and tickle, and tickle him even more.

After 80 minutes, Deborah said, "Cut," and the twins, with seeming reluctance, did stop, and moved away from him.

"We've got enough good film for Scene 145. That's the only take that we'll need."

Ted breathed a sigh of relief. He had greatly feared many takes, but his worries were, apparently, groundless. The twins had been driving him insane, and he was so glad that the scene was over, and in one take, too. Now they would further mess up his hair, and dump some water on his suit, to simulate loss of bladder control, and then they could film his last scene, Scene 146.

"He hasn't peed yet," said Deborah. "I want realism for this--no faking." She smiled at Marina, and then went on.

"Ali, Candi, and I will go to the swimming pool set, to film Scene 133. Marina, you stay here, and keep tickling Ted. When he's peed in his trunks, and is totally exhausted, as described in the script, then send a messenger to me, to let me know. Then we can come back and film Scene 146."

As Marina advanced towards him, Ted shouted, "No!" He soon shut up, as he saw Deborah glaring at him.

"Do I understand that you refuse to take direction, young man?"

"Sorry, so sorry, Ms. Sims. Of course, I'll follow your direction. I do share your belief in realism."

"OK, Teddy, but never forget that I am the boss on this set. I'm the director, and my judgement is final around here."

As Ali, Candi, and Deborah left the set, Marina, already at Ted's feet, began to rub the hairbrush over the balls of his feet, back and forth, over and over again. After 30 minutes, after she had switched to her fingernails, Ted did lose control of his bladder, and wet his trunks. The large crowd of women had stayed to watch his tickle-toture, and not gone to watch the filming at the pool set. With no filming going on here, they were free to be noisy, and they applauded loudly when Marina got him to urinate in his trunks. Some made comments.

"Way to go, Marina. Tickle him even more now."

"Yes, lots more."

"He's not exhausted as much as described in the script, is he?"

"Nowhere near," answered Marina. "I've hardly begun to tickle him."

Ted groaned at hearing this, and Marina got up from his feet, climbed onto the chair, avoiding his soiled trunks and sitting on his chest. As she dug her fingers into his armpits, she looked into his eyes, and spoke to him.

"My dear little Teddy-tickle-doll! You're not ready for Scene 146 until I say you are, and I've hardly begun to tickle you today. In my opinion, your trunks aren't wet enough, not nearly. So I'll tickle you for at least three more hours, then give you a liquid lunch, say two large ice teas, with sugar. Then I'll tickle you for several hours more, until your trunks are quite soiled. How does that sound to you, Teddy-poo? Do you like my plan?"

Ted was unable to answer, being out of breath, grimacing in silent laughter.

"To not answer when I speak to you is impolite," said Marina, "so you're going to be punished. Betty, Carla, come over and tickle his feet, while I continue up here."

Two of her friends stepped out of the crowd, crouched by his feet, and added to his torture. As the morning became the afternoon, Ted fainted twice, but each time was revived with water in his face. Marina stayed at his armpits, and eventually allowed half a dozen other women turns at his feet. Ted was in tickle-torture hell, and they kept him there for hours.

Finally, at 1:30pm, when he fainted for the third time, Marina bade them all stop. She revived him, and held his head up as he drank a pint of iced tea. The first pint he drank willingly, being very thirsty. He didn't really want a second pint, but the look on Marina's face convinced him to drink it all down. She gave him a bit more rest, as she ate her own lunch.

At 2:30pm, Marina went back to his feet, and told the other women that they could form four lines, to tickle his ribs and armpits, on each side, with turns lasting half an hour.

Clara and Evita, having worked breakfast and lunch in the cafeteria, were free for the day, and among the crowd. They recognized Ted, and took delight in getting on the lines on his right side. At 4pm, it was their turn, and the sister happily dug into his ribs and underarm, respectively. Clara decided to speak to their victim.

"Well, Teddy, you tried to hit on us at the airport, two total strangers to you, and young women from a respectable family. How rude of you! Now we get to tickle you, which you deserve. Tickle, tickle, tickle. Tickled all day long! Poor baby, tickle, tickle, tickle is what you get. How you do now stink! All that urine and sweat--nobody would be attracted to you now. Tickle, tickle, tickle. So sad for you, Teddy, and so much fun for us!"

Ted tried to look into her eyes as a wordless plea for mercy, being out of breath and unable to beg. But all he saw when he did make eye contact was the sadistic glee of a young woman taking revenge on a disrepectful young man. There was no pity for him, and no mercy. Not from Clara, nor from Evita, nor from Marina, who revived him each time that he fainted.

At 6pm, she sent a messenger to find Deborah, and report that Ted, still under tickle-torture from five women, was ready. Deborah arrived at 6:45pm, and regarded the scene she found with approval. Ted was an utter wreck, covered with sweat, tear tracks on his cheeks, and trunks soaked in urine. He quivered in helpless torment, as five women continued to tickle him, relentlessly, with no mercy, with others waitng for their turns.

"Excellent, excellent, well done, this is perfect, this is just perfect for scene 146."

Upon hearing this, in his torment, Ted had hope that his long ordeal would soon be over. But Deborah's next words made his heart sink.

"Too bad that Candi and Ali have gone to dinner, and are done for the day. How long does it take to get him like this, to get him looking just like this?"

"About ten hours of tickling, with help," said Marina, as they continued to tickle him.

"Fine. It's a good thing that we don't need this set, the backyard set, for any other scenes. Here's what we'll do. He'll report at 6:30am tomorrow, so he can be tied down and ready for you by 7am. You, and as many of these fine volunteers as are free from their other duties, will tickle him into this state for ten hours, until 5pm. Then the twins and I will come over to film Scene 146."

"Sounds fine, Deb," said Marina, as she and the other four women continued to tickle Ted, without any pause.

"So, since we're not filming any more today, why are you all still ticklling him?"

Marina answered for them all, saying, "Just for fun. He's so ticklish, and so helpless, and it's so amusing to tickle-torture him. It's hard to stop--like eating potato chips."

"OK, dear," said Deborah, "but do let him go at 10pm, so he can get some dinner and enough sleep."

Marina glanced at her watch, and spoke to Ted. "Just three more hours today, my dear little Teddy-tickle-doll, but you do have a big day coming tomorrow."

When they finally stopped and untied him at 10pm, Ted was too weak to move, much less get up. He just lay there, trembling. Clara and Evita were enlisted to carry him back to his quarters, clean him up, get some food in him, and tuck him into bed. He slept soundly, exhausted.

[to be continued in this thread]
Part Four

Part Four

Ted awoke on the morning of the sixth day of filming at 5:30am, very scared. He decided to try to hide--he no longer cared if he was fired, or even blacklisted from working. He just couldn't bear another full day of tickle-torture, as Deborah planned for him, and Marina would gladly execute. He went to the bathroom, and dressed. Just as he was thinking about what his chances would be trying to sneak aboard one of the yachts, and hide until it sailed, his door opened. Clara and Evita came into his bedroom.

"Good morning, Teddy-poo. Marina has gotten us relieved from kitchen work to be your escorts for today," said Clara, grinning at him.

As Clara stepped forward and grabbed his left arm, Evita grabbed his right arm, in a firm grip. Ted was marched to the backyard set, the sisters never letting go of his arms. There, they unceremoniously stripped him naked, and put fresh swimming trunks on him, identical to the pair he had worn the day before. He was humiliated as they mocked his nudity, and remarked that he was not particularly well endowed.

By the time that the sisters had him tied down to the chair, there were 40 women, in four lines of ten, waiting for his day of tickle-torture to begin. Clara and Evita cut in, taking the first positions in the two lines at his armpits. Nobody disputed the sisters' privileged status.

Marina arrived at 6:45am, and had him fed, a nutrition shake and a pint of iced coffee, both sipped through straws. Promptly at 7am, she knelt by his feet, picked up two hairbrushes, and began stroking both of his soles. Clara and Evita dug into his armpits, and two other women into his ribs.

Knowing from the beginning that he was to be tickled without mercy for ten hours made it worse. He couldn't believe that he would survive the day. By the end of the first hour--he could tell by the second advance of the four lines--he was already in the jelly state, able only to quiver, diaphragm aching, wrists and ankles sore, lungs burning, swim trunks soaked in urine. He wondered why there was a woman stationed near his head; when he fainted, at the two hour mark, she sprayed cold water in his face. She smiled at him, and showed him that she also had smelling salts.

"I'm a registered nurse, here for your safety, you poor ticklish thing. I'll check your pulse from time to time, as they tickle you, poor baby."

The sadistic glee in her eyes belied her sympathetic words. Ted suffered, in complete misery, as the tickle-torture went on and on. At 12 noon, they paused to let him drink his lunch--another nutrition shake, a pint of iced tea, and a pint of water. He felt quite bloated, as they began again, and soon urinated copiously.

By 3pm, with Clara taking her third turn tickling him, she decided to taunt him.

"Poor Teddy-poo! It's so much fun to tickle you, you know. Because you're so very ticklish, and so very helpless. Utterly helpless, actually, as helpless as a newborn baby. As you squirm so, it's clear that you're desparate to escape from us, but you can't. What a delicious situtation! You want us to stop, and we know that, and we won't stop, and you know that. We won't ever stop. You belong to us. Ours to tickle, and tickle, and then tickle even more!"

Finally, 5pm came, and the twins and Deborah arrived, with the camera crews. The twins looked down at him with obvious amusement.

"He definitely looks as totally exhausted, sweat-stained, tear-stained, and pee-soaked as called for in the script. Well done, Marina. I'm ready to film," said Alison.

Ted, as he was still being tickled by five women, once again had hope that his ordeal would soon end. But then Candice spoke.

"But I have a headache, so I won't be at my best."

Ted groaned, but was unable to speak, being out of breath, as fifty fingers continued to tickle him, relentlessly.

"Well," said Deborah, "I've worked with you two long enough to know that that simply won't do, Candi. I need you at your best. If you have a headache, then we'll just have to try again tomorrow."

Ted managed to say two word, softly, "No, please," as they continued to tickle him.

"Again questioning my judgement and authority! It seems that you never learn, young man. It seems that you have a big ego, after all."

She turned to Ali and Candi, and asked, "Do I have your authority to make him cooperate in filming this scene for your movie?"

"Absolutely," said Ali, "complete authority. Why don't you go and give the orders to set things up for handling him, and Candi can go lie down and take some Excedrine for her headache. I'll stay here and get some practice for the scene."

Candi, Deborah, Marina, and the camera crews went away, and Ali dismissed the other women, except for the nurse, Clara, and Evita. As she sat by the foot of the lounge chair, scratching Ted's soles in their most sensitive spots, she spoke to the Duncan sisters.

"He's going to have new quarters, and he's going to have to be guarded 24-7, that's 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Most of the time both of you, but all of the time at least one of you with him. Your salaries will double, as of today. Is that acceptable to you both?"

"Absolutely, your highness," said Evita.

"It will be an honor to serve you in a more responsible capacity, your highness," said Clara.

Ali laughed. "You don't have to call me that." But a certain glow in her eyes showed that she liked it.

"You are like a queen to us, your highness," said Evita, "and we love you dearly for your generosity."

"Alright," said Ali, with a warm grin, as she continued to tickle-torture his feet, "but now make yourselves useful by going back to his underarms, and tickling him with no mercy."

It was almost 10pm when Ali had her fill of tickle-torturing Ted, and bade the Duncan sisters untie him. Clara and Evita did so, and carried him to the golf cart which arrived then. Ali said good night to them, and the driver took them to Ted's new quarters.

Marina was waiting there to receive them. The new quarters were a 6-room house, a few hundred yards beyond the dorm-like building where he had been staying. They stripped off his trunks, showered him, and fed him. Marina acquainted them with the routine that was to be followed. The three of them secured him for the night. His new bedroom had barred windows, and a sturdy, 4-poster brass bed, with rings attached to the four bed posts. Marina showed them the padded wrist and ankle cuffs to lock onto him, and then they put him in a loose spread eagle, with chains used to lock all four cuffs to the four bedposts. It was loose enough to allow him to sleep, but did not allow him to turn over onto his stomach. The diaper that they put on him insured that the matress would not be soiled. The three of them retired to the living room after shutting and locking his bedroom door.

"From now on, he stays in bondage, 24-7," explained Marina. "When he goes to the bathroom alone, it's always with his wrists locked together, and his ankles attached together with a 3-inch chain, to hobble him, so he can only take baby steps. You'll have to bathe him, feed him, and have him at the backyard film set, every morning, tied up and ready, at 7am. Every day, OK?"

"Sure, Marina, we're happy to do it. It's much more fun than working in the kitchen. Can we tickle him every day at the set?"

"Yes," said Marina, "certainly. That's a fringe benefit of your new jobs, tickling him every single day, day after day if you want to, week after week."

"Week after week?" asked Clara, with joy in her eyes.

Marina laughed. "Certainly. Did you think that Candi really had a headache today? One of the twins, or Debby herself, will be indisposed at 5pm, every day, day after day, week after week, while little Teddy-tickle-doll suffers and suffers."

All three of them laughed and laughed at the prospect, as Ted slept, exhausted, in his bedroom prison.


After five more days of tickle-torture, Ted realized that there was no hope of filming his last scene, at least not before the entire film was completed. Candi's headache had been followed by Ali's sore neck the next day, and then Candi's tired wrists, Ali's tired feet, Ali's headache, and Debby's pains in her lower back. Worse, whichever twin was not pretending to be indisposed (or both of them when Debby was the one pretending not to be able to work) stayed on the set to 'practice the scene'. He got at least three more hours of tickling, sometime more, from one or both twins, Clara, and Evita. On the day of Ali's tired feet, Cheryl Cheng joined them. Ted had not seen her since his audition, and she came up with a new suggestion: That the twins be filmed shaving his armpits, remarking that it would make him more ticklish.

So that day, there was actually film shot at the set, Scene 145B they called it. It still began with the pink lettering "Two Hours Later" on a white background, in gothic font. But the twins' dialogue now went like this:

SAMI- Is it enough? It's been over two hours.

SUZI- No way! Let's shave his armpits--it'll make them more sensitive.

SAMI- Sure!


Scene 145C had no dialogue:

[The twins, each with a safety razor, shave Ted's armpits, as he is frozen in fear. Close up of shaved pits. They throw the razors away, and gleefully resume tickling him with no mercy.]


The script for scene 146 was suitably altered, so that it was preceeded by pink lettering that said "Two More Hours Later", and SAMI's first line was changed to "Is it enough now? It's been four hours."

After that day, Ted was awakened fifteen minutes earlier each morning, so that Clara and Evita had time to shave his armpits. It did really make them more ticklish. There were no other changes in his ghastly daily ordeal, except that Cheryl sometimes joined his tickle-torture at 5pm.


On the 44th day of his tickle-torture, Deborah asked the twins, as usual, if they were ready to film at 5pm. Ted had no idea why they went through this farce, but they did. Candi remarked that she had a twinge of pain in her shoulder, and wouldn't be at her best. Debby said, as always, that they would try again tomorrow. Ted, in a near comatose state, began to sob, uncontrollably.

As this had never happened before, they all turned to stare at him. It was Marina who dried his tears with a tissue, kissed him on the forehead, and spoke to him.

"Dear little Teddy-tickle-doll, dearest one, tell us what's wrong. Tell us. I promise that you won't be punished. I promise. Speak, the twins will listen to you."

Ted got control of himself, and spoke, slowly and softly, exhausted.

"Ms. Hansen and Ms. Hansen, your highnesses, I am begging you. I am broken, I can't take any more, I just can't. I will do anything you wish, anything, just please stop the tickling. Anything, anything you wish. Please."

"Silly baby," said Ali, "silly Teddy-poo, you have nothing to offer us. You're _already_ doing exactly what we wish, serving as our tickle-slave. That _is_ what we wish. For Marina, you reprent a replacement for her little brother, even better, one who will never be taller or stronger than she is. For the rest of us, the same desire, but not quite as strong as for her. To tickle you, to enjoy tickling you, when you're utterly helpless, while you know that you're under our control. That mental part is crucial. That you know that we are powerful, and in control, and that you are helpless, and unable to escape us. That you know it well, and realize that we can tickle-torture you endlessly, and that you have no defense, and no hope. Day after day, week after week, knowing that you are helpless and defenseless, and knowing that we realize your helplessness, and that we will take full advantage of it. Oh, the joy of it! You are already doing what we wish--serving as our helpless, ticklish slave, our living little tickle-doll. Poor Teddy-poo."

Ted began to sob again, but Allison was not moved, and she spoke again.

"Candi, go and rest your shoulder. I'll take his left foot, with Marina to do his right foot. Clara and Evita, get his rib cage. Cheryl, do both of his armpits."

"My shoulder feels a little better," said Candice, "so I'll take one of his armpits."

"Sure," said Alison, glancing at her watch. "It's only 5:15, and I feel like making today an epic experience for him. So let's go until midnight tonight. Ready? Start!"

As Deborah left, the six women began to tickle him in earnest.


On the 93rd day of Ted's tickle-torture, the rest of the film having been completed, they actually did film Scene 146. It required 23 takes, lasting until 11pm, until Deborah was satisfied, but she did declare the film finished after the 23rd take.

Ted was wavering between hope and dread. Would they now let him go? Would they use the contract to demand that he stay for another film, or even three more? He resolved to promise to go quietly, and make no trouble at all, and tell nobody what they had done to him. He was afraid to ask anyone what would happen next, and was led to his quarters and locked down for the night as usual.

The next morning, Clara and Evita let him sleep late. At about 10am, they woke him up, and unchained his cuffs from the bedposts, as usual. His wrists were locked in front of him and his ankles hobbled, like always. His diaper was removed, and he was allowed to go to the bathroom himself, as usual. They bathed him, and fed him breakfast, also as usual. He knew better than to ask them anything--the sisters had made clear that he wasn't allowed to speak to them. He realized that they had not shaved his armpits after his bath, and that was, he thought, a good omen.

Then the sisters put a new diaper on him, a bad omen. They removed his wrist cuffs, and put him in a straight jacket, something that they had never done before, a very bad omen. Then the worst sign: They put a large ball gag in his mouth, and strapped it on tightly. They carried him outside, impatient with his hobbled baby steps, and put him in the golf cart that they always used. But this time they went up the hill, to a large mansion there, and carried him out of the cart, inside. Soon he could see that he was in a courtroom.

Clara and Evita sat on either side of him, and a blonde woman sat next to Clara. Two policewomen were present, and a court reporter at her station, and a few women he did not know in the spectators' area. A tall woman with gray hair entered, and all rose, Ted being yanked to his feet by the sisters. The tall woman sat in the judge's chair, without ceremony, and spoke.

"Ted Vaughn, I am Henrietta Reese, Judge for the Prefect of AliCandi. For your information, our nation, Taukap, is divided into 32 Prefects, each of which has its own judicial system. I am the only judge for this Prefect, and there is no appeal from my decisions. I have been appointed by the Governor of the Prefect of AliCandi, the Honorable Alison Hansen. I repeat that there is no appeal from any decision that I make in this courtroom. You Americans are so provincial, and think that all courts are like your own. Not so here."

Judge Reese considered some papers in front of her. She looked up again, and spoke.

"Police Sargeant Grimes, is this your deposition?"

One of the policewomen came over and looked at the paper.

"Yes, your honor, it is."

"Defendent Vaughn, this deposition says that cocaine was found in the luggage that you left in the quarters that you were first assigned when you arrived on this island. We don't tolerate illegal drugs here in Taukap."

Ted tried to speak through his gag, but only muffled grunts came out.

"Shut up!" said the judge. "You have been gagged precisedly because we don't need to hear your lies and excuses; you are here to listen. It is well known that our police never lie, so there _was_ cocaine in your luggage."

At this statement, there was general hilarity in the court; even the two policewomen were laughing. The judge frowned, and continued.

"I hereby find you guilty of drug posession. There can only be one sentence for this crime: You are sentenced to death by hanging."

Ted began to sob, and the blonde woman next to Clara stood up.

"Go ahead, counselor," said the judge.

"My client certainly deserves to hang, your honor, but he may qualify for leniency."

Judge Reese feigned shock. "That can only come with a guarantee from the Governor herself," said the judge, as Ali, Candi, and Marina enterd the courtroom.

"The court recognizes the Honorable Alison Hansen, Governonr of this Prefect," said the judge, with a nod of respect to Ali.

"I am willing to guarantee the future good behavior of this dreadful felon," said Ali, "and I have prepared a six-room house to be used as his jail. It is secure, and he will be confined there, away from the innocent residents of our Prefect. These two," she pointed to the Duncan sisters, "good citizens of Taukap will be his jailers, along with their two older sisters, who arrived here this morning. No fewer than two of the four sisters will be guarding him at all times."

Ted began to sob again, and wondered if he could ask to be hanged, after all. But he was still gagged.

"Very good," said Judge Reese. "He is released to your custody, under those conditions. If he ever misbehaves, or if you just get bored with him, then return him to this court, and I'll have him hanged the very next day. Court is adjourned."

As Clara and Evita carried him out of the courtroom, Marina walked along side them, and spoke to Ted.

"My dear little Teddy-tickle-doll, you are now truly ours forever. I've had several interesting bondage devices installed in the other rooms of your house--a rack, a suspension hoist, and a nice, solid chair with stocks for your feet. That's just for now; the twins have given me an unlimited budget. We'll have so much fun together!"

As Clara and Evita put him in the golf cart, the twins came over and both grinned at him. Alison spoke for them both.

"Now you're ours forever, Teddy-poo. And the fact that you know it makes it all the more delicious. Endless tickle-torture, Teddy. By us when we're not busy, by the four Duncan sisters when we're away. But always, day after day, week after week, year after year. Forever, Teddy-poo."

The End
This was one of my favourites of yours, milagros. I especially liked the first scene between Ted and Marina.
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