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1st Level Red Feather
Aug 30, 2002

With her sister gone, Lili finally started to relax. There was a new porn site she found that she was itching to check out. There's no way her sister could understand the appeal of the type of porn she was in to. Her own mother would never understand. Who could possibly be in to tickle torture? Nobody would understand. Gotta be completely alone for this one.

The site Lili was aching to get to was a live webcam site. Specially made porntickle fetishists. Lili plopped down on her couch, kicked of those gorgeous stiletto shoes, rubbed her nylon clad feet together, working out all of the aches and flipped on the laptop.

The first link she went to was pretty enticing. A beautiful naked blonde was tied down to a adjustable bed. She was only wearing thigh high stockings. The foot of the bed was elevated, exposing her feet to a machine with robotic hands. When the hands were positioned at the soles of her feet the fingers danced wildly across her soles. Faster than any human fingers could go. The sound of the torturous laughter was like candy to Lili's eardrums. She untied her belt and reached down toward her throbbing clit and gave it a good rub. The wild tossing of the girls hair and the pained smile and uproarious laughter made Lili stroke faster....

Suddenly an alert popped up on the lower right hand part of the screen. Lili groaned as she thought something stupid was disturbing her session. She quickly looked for the X to make the pop up go away but then spied her full name in the window. Her heart raced a little. She read the pop up. It wasn't an ad. It was an invite.

Curious and a little creeped out, she clicks the link. It goes to a n old school chat room style window. Nobody is in the room. Lili once again looks for the close window button when suddenly a person pops into the room and begins typing...."MzL: Wanna play?"

Lili, still intrigued but already liking the goods on this site, smirks a little then begins clacking away at the keyboard. "Sure. Lol. This better be good. I'm already getting a little jaded by this stuff. Hope you got something good to offer lol"....She leans back and awaits a response. "MzL:*?
" a link quickly follows that response...

Lili smirks again, thinking that a private invite must mean she's gonna watch something GOOD. a video player pops up and begins buffering. Lili starts salivating at the prospect of this. The video stops buffering and starts up. It's a closeup of a shackle. "Oohhhh this should be good" suddenly it cuts to camera 2, a different shackle. Then camera 3, another shackle...."wait a minute....that...that looks...familiar..." Camera 4 the last shackle. Lilis heart beats a little faster...camera 5 Lilis eyes widen and she gasps...that's...that's...her guest bedroom. Only there seems to be bondage devices all over the room...

Lili buttons her pants and zips them up. She slowly gets up not wanting to conceal her trembling legs. For as she was skeptical and 'knew' she was alone in her home, the creeping thought of what might be which festering in her brain controlled her movements. She tried to shake it off as best she can, even saying aloud "well, time for bed" perhaps as a way to will her body out of mild paralysis. 'A drink! That will do the trick!' She thought as she reached for the Luke warm wine glasses her and and her sister were partaking. She reached for the one with the candy apple red lipstick stain on the rim knowing it was hers. Her disobedient hands lightly sloshed around the ruby liquid that made its way haphazardly into her lips and down her throat. The burn she felt as it slid down her throat and into her now empty stomach relaxed her a bit. She wriggled her toes still encased in nylon freely. She wanted to feel calm and relaxed again. But that was all short lived when she heard the lock to her back door cleanly unlatch and the door slowly creaked open...

Lili stood paralyzed in her spot. She couldn't fight logic. Something definitely opened up the door. 'Why isn't the dog barking?! Dear god why isn't she barking?!' She screamed inside her head. 'No no no no...why is this happening?!' Her face was contorted with fright but she summoned all the courage within her and scurried as quietly as she could be to the kitchen. She reached into the dark room, gently patting the wall looking for the switch. When she found it, she slapped the light on. She peeked into the lit kitchen and to her comfort and dismay, everything was how she left it. The faucet dripped a little. The rest of the lasagna she cooked for her sister was still on the counter. And *even more troublesome, the back door was shut and in the lock position. The dog appeared to be sleeping under the dining room table. 'Huh. If something were here, the mutt would've barked...maybe I'm hallucinating'. She was still in a frightened state and so grabbed a kitchen knife and carefully tip toed around. Looking around and under the counters for someone hiding. Opening the big walk in pantry. Nothing. 'Hmmmm. I swear I heard something but I'm glad its nothing'. She wiped the sweat off her brow and closed the kitchen light and headed back for the living room... *"Hey there" a deep voice woman called to Lili as soon as she stepped foot into the living room. Lili's heart jumped and she almost flew backwards back into the kitchen....

Lili's mouth and throat and anus ran dry as the Sahara. She could literally feel the blood rushing to her head and her heart pumping wildly. She was shaking very hard and her mouth was agape. She couldn't scream. For some reason she couldn't scream..."can't scream, dear? Don't worry, you will be" the woman said with a wink and sliding a forkful of lasagna into her plump lipped mouth. "Wha... wha...what..." Lili stuttered and huffed while wiping a handful of cold sweat off her forehead...."Geh...geh..."...she swallowed hard and cleared her throat..."GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!!" she said angrily, pointing the kitchen knife in her wobbling hand at the woman... The woman just smiled and chuckled "is that how you talk to guests?"..."NOW!!" Lili screamed, feeling the veins pulsate in her brain... The woman looked down at her plate and took another small bite of lasagna and swallowed it shortly thereafter. "That's not how you talk to people online, I know that..."

Lili and that woman stare at each other in silence for a few moments. Lilis face and mentality are that of shocked, angry, confused. The woman just has an impish smile on. She raises her eyebrows and gives Lili an all knowing look. After what feels like eons, the woman scoffs...."ohh don't make me spell it out"... Lilis mouth runs dry as a bone again. 'No...no..no...that's impossible...' ..."would you like to share what you're thinking over there?" Snickers the woman...."muh...miss..L?...f-from the website?"....MzL tips her imaginary hat toward Lili "very good, peasant! Killer lasagna by the way!" she says as she puts her plate down beside the laptop on the coffee table. "I don't know how you found where I live but you need to get out of here!"..."but wait I"...."NOW!" Screamed Lili, with a ferocity she didn't know she had. Under more comfortable circumstances she might be more inclined to invite the beautiful stranger to stay but the dubious nature of her presence knocked some sense into Lili. That creepy creature is quite stunning but this is too much.....MzL just started chuckling. "Bitch, you funny. Thinking you can tell me what to do" she said as she picked a little parsley out of her teeth ...."oh I can't?" Lili said enraged, picking up the knife she dropped. She pointed it angrily at MzL. "You get the fuck out or I'll cut you! I know my rights, bitch. I'll get you out of here somehow"...MzL laughed roaringly which bemused Lili. "Temper temper little tickle slut! Calm yow widdle titties down! You'll put yourself into a coma with that temper....or...you know...something will"

Lili's eyes bulged out of her sockets"Oh? What...what do you...what?" She stuttered. *"Haha i don't need any protection from you at all, you little bitch. First of all you dont have it in you to hurt me anyway! hahahaa...b-but do tell me, you horny little tickle freak...have you ever seen The Princess Bride?" ... "Well of course, who hasn't? I....I.....oh. Oh! Ohhhhhh no!" Lilis trembling palm made it to her open mouth...her legs were visibly wobbling and she even wetted herself a little "HAHAHA the wine glasses. They're coated with my own special blend of niiiiiiiii....." And then it all fade to black. Lili's eyes rolled back in to her skull and she flopped backwards onto her backside, nearly missing the coffee table. The last thing she felt was steely fingers wrapping around *her dainty pinky toe and the pull from the nylon over her toes as she was dragged by her feet....

Lili woke up feeling first the pounding in her head and second the unmistakable sensation of goosebumps spreading all over her flesh which was completely exposed.... she was lying on her back feeling groggy and stiff. and perhaps a little sore. but she allowed herself to lay and gather her thoughts as opposed to moving around. She knew she was naked as she could feel nothing on. the room was unseasonably cold and her nipples were erect. *But she could feel the tightness of the elastic bands of her thigh high stockings around her leg. they pinched. these weren't the stockings she normally wears. these were a size too tight. which caused a surge of panic as she came to realize that someone else had dressed her. she immediately reached for her thighs but her hands were stopped short. She gasped and realized she was tied down to whatever she was lying on.

As she struggles through her restraints she knew all too well that this was different. when she tued herself up or had a apartment do it, the restraints were either cloth or soft nylon rope...but as she struggled she could here the crashing of chain into metal. The room she was in was dark and even as her eyes began to focus she could not gather where she was. It was all too unfamiliar. the fear and panic was slowly but surely gripping and choking the sanity right out of her. she thrashed and thrashed and began to yell. the bounce of the echo let her know she was in a large-ish room. suddenly she feels a slow but commanding grip tighten up her restraints that forces her wrists back down by her sides. Lili's heart beats out of her chest. "WHAT IS GOING ON?! THIS ISNT FUNNY! let me go! let me goooo!!" she cried pathetically.*

Suddenly she felt the surface that she was laying on shake. She fell silent and heard what sounded like a hydraulic lift...or...or...reclining chair?...and she felt herself moving backward. She was elevated? Lili began to wimper. she felt the hault of the lift and realized that she was on the ground. A tear came down her plump cheeks. Silence fell over the room. She was naked, only wearing stockings that weren't hers and bound to a lift in the dark.

A stong light flashed on, searing Lili's retinas...she gasped and closed her eyes reflexively and then opened them again to see where she was. The room was bare. but the walls were familiar. there was a camera mounted to the ceiling pointing straight at her. She looked in the corners and more and more cameras were set up, capturing multiple angles. "WHAT IS THIS?! wha--what...have you done to my guest room?! WHERE IS MY STUFF?!"

WHAT DO YOU WANT?! *rushes at you, GRABS right foot, sweeps your left leg with my heel knocking you to the ground, drags you across room by your right leg, fits you in a set of stocks, locks up feet, takes off shoes, presses fingers into sole while grinning menacingly. *...WHAT. DO. YOU. WANT?!

A high piched cackling filled the room and echoed in Lili's sensitive ears. She looked all around as far as her head could turn darting her eyes. She shrieked as if she saw a tarantula crawling towards her when she finally fixed her blurred gaze at the long legs of MzL shifting elegantly toward her, hips swaying...heel clacks being muffled by the beige carpet...

Lili started in angrily as MzL stood over the floor bound Lili. She patiently smiled and let her eyes feast over her glorious dominance of her prize. She *smoothly removed her right shoe during Lili's incoherent rant and rubbed her foot which made Lili sweat and her excited leg shake in its lock. she was turning bright pink as moisture built up in her nether regions. *She wouldn't let her captor see her joy so she kept on ..."ILL...ILL...ILL FUCKING HAVE YOU PUT AWAY FOR SO LONG!! ILL..." ...MzL continued to be calm as just smile which enraged her ward even more. She reached into the cleavage of her corset and took out a bright pink pill. She stuck it in between her big and middle toes..." YOU DISGUSTING BITCH! ILL HAVE YOU WHAWHAAAAA!!!--..." MzL slid the tip of her bare right foot into Lilis open gob "unh unh little biddy baby...that's no way to talk to mommy. Now take your medicine, like a gooooooood widdle guwl!" Lili *was never more simultaneously terrified and turned on in her life. She pretended to protest but was almost in euphoria. That, and she almost ready to suffocate. She inhaled deeply and enjoyed the pleasant smell of lavender body cream on MzLs smooth, supple foot....then reluctantly swallowed.

MzL finally withdrew her slender bare foot from Lili's small elastic *mouth before she could chomp down on her silken flesh. *She let out a small exasperated yell and sucked in as much breath as her oxygen starved lungs could take in. As she lie hyperventilating on the floor, She glared with contempt at mzl who was very calmly applying candy apple red lipstick to her full lips. Lilis eye scorched as sweat welled up over her eyes still she couldn't feel something tickle her insides as she watched MzL perfectly trace her lips. She looked down at Lili and smiled. She reached down and stroked her genitals lightly and puckered her lips and kissed the air in Lili's direction. Lili tried to look disgusted but instead calmed down enough to ask "WUH-Whuh...what did you give me, you sick fuck?!" Lili's voice shook as she suddenly felt light headed..."hahaha! Ohhh, you'll find out in a second you little ****." Lili summoned all her strength and kicked out and lashed forward screaming "WHAT ARR YOU DOING? LET ME GO YOU PSYCHO! RAHHHH--" Lili's back arched straight up. With no warning, even unbeknownst to herself, she felt the sudden onset of what felt like an orgasm come on. She moaned in ecstasy and when it was over her ass slapped back down against the hydraulic bed she was strapped to. She was breathing hard and breaking out in a cold sweat. Her heart was pounding so hard she could feel it...What the fuck was that?

"What is going on?" Lili asked almost tearfully. She always appreciated a good orgasm but not knowing where it came from caused a great deal of distress. Lili began to panic and in her stress she fidgeted and flicked her toes out and suddenly thereafter, felt a small rush of pressure tighten her genitals...almost like someone was masturbating her. Her knees shook but tried to keep perfectly still to make the sensation stop. she felt a small amount of fluid drip from her genitals. Her clit hardened a little. It felt good. Very good. She trembled a little and finally focused enough to realize MzL had been jumping and clapping at her plight. "Yesyesyesyes! Hahahaa! Wonderful! Its kicking in already!" MzL was elated but then was choked with a sense of panic. She gasped " I gotta hurry!" MzL rushed over to her laptop and began adjusting cameras ...."hey! What in the fuck is going on?! TELL ME! What's going on with my body, you bitch!" ..."unh uh! You'll see in a second, my little slut slut" mzL said as she threw on a lab coat "by the way, try not to move around so much, ok?" ...."whaa? WHY?!"... MzL knelt down and planted a kiss on Lili's damp forehead. She then wiped it off with a handkerchief and smiled devilishly again "you're gonna do great" she said before she shoved the entire handkerchief into Lili's mouth. Lili tried to scream through the cloth to no avail. "Now shhhhhh pet. Don't make me look bad". *"RUT? TAH HUUUUUFTH?" Lili tried to say ...."to who? Hahahaha hoho...don't make me look bad to our audience at home"...

"RUT?!" Lilis eyes widened open. She began to wrestle around but felt herself getting inexplicably excited sexually. MzL rubbed her head and shoulders "shhh shhhh shhh...come on big girl, you're only hurting yourself here. Calm down like a nice girl. Come on and be the good little girl we know you to be" She finally relented. MzL finallygot Lili to calm down enough to get up. She brushed herself off and spoke to someone on the video chat feature of her laptop "yeah finally got the bitch to settle down. Are we upnand running?!" ..."yes mistress. All cameras up and running. Ready to go?"... "Audio check, Harley. Don't forget about that, you amateur" MzL taunted..."oh sorry mistree. Im learning heehee...k..audio check. Say something" ... "Testing...testing...Welcome to the pleasure--" ..."that's good, mistress. The levels are perfect."...."excellent!"..."she's a screamer, right, mistress? Maybe test the levels on that so we can compensate. Don't want a audio blowout--" .... "Oh for fucks sake Harley" MzL said annoyed "just got the bitch to calm down and you're gonna make me--" MzL very lightly brushed the tip of her nail over Lili's nylon clad foot "AIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEE!!!! AHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAHAAAHHAAAAAA!!" Lili arched straight up off the table. Of she weren't shackled down she would float right off..."wow. Glad we tested that, miss! Now I know how to toggle the audio when she scre--" ..."Harley dear, time is money. Let's get to it, hmmm?"..."oh yes yes miss!just remember that the drug severely dehydrates the victim so don't let her drool too mu---"..."let's roll, Harley! Gah!" .... "Right. Ok miss, you're on in 5...4...3....2...."

Lili's face turned a ghastly pale white. Her mouth ran drier than the bottom of a desert floor at high noon in the middle of august. She was locked down in a contraction laid out by intruders in her own house. She was forcefully drugged with a substance that messed with her senses and caused her uncomfortably strong orgasms. She was apparently being filmed in this humiliating state..her eyes welled up and a small droplet streaked down her face..."psss! dont you cry, you little bitch or ill...." ..."mz! you're on!" ... mz L cleared her throat and struck a pose..."Good evening ladies and gentlemen" said MzL in the hokiest seductive voice Lili ever heard..."...and welcome to the pleasure dungeon"...under more plesant circumstances Lili would laugh but she lay there stoically. The oddness of MzL's excessively *"seductive" demeanor made the Lili ease up a little more. "tonight's a special night as I've been telling you all. Thank you so much for subscribing so you can see the event of the decade...thanks to your generous support and with the help of a few of my colombian friends" ...she said with a wink... "and also the help of our dear dr. wiley, we were able to procure the necessary means to produce the drug which was only once hypothesized about... 'Lytta vesicatoria *sildenafil' ...or as i like to call it, Spanish Fly X,,," Lili's eyes opened WIDE. What did she just say? What the hell is that? What does it do to me? The questions raced through her brain a mile a minute...
MzL made her way to the wall where she had sprayed black chalkboard paint on Lili's guest room wall and fashioned it into a blackboard of sorts. None of what was written on it made much sense but MzL continued, extending a retractable metal baton and pointing at the words on the blackboard, slapping at them with the baton..."Using a combination of the active ingredients in the most powerful blood medications, amphetamines, libido-boosters..." she said with a wink at the camera..." and natural herbs from the darkest reaches of the rain forest, my team of perverted professionals came up with a simple pill that not only increases touch sensitivity in every part of your body ten fold...Lili craned her neck up and peered up over her breasts. Her pupils were the size of tiny pin heads..."but also has the power to make you have orgasm when being touched at your most....ticklish... parts"...a devilish smile curled over MzL's plump candy red lips as Lili emitted a rather high pitched, fear induced groan...

"no" Lili whispered "thats against science and...no. she's lying. Shes just trying to scare me..." ..."but, you know, fuck it." MzL said as she tossed her baton in the air haphazardly. "Im no medical professional. Although, I did pharm rep right after college... I'm no scientist...what do i know..." she opened her faux lab coat and put her hands on her hips, revealing a finely made lace lingerie. She looked down at the ground and shrugged. "well, i guess Im going to have to SHOW YOU how this drug works" she whispered into the laptop "camera 2. NOW!" *as she walked over toward Lili who was now breaking out in a cold sweat. "please...don't" Lili whispered at MzL...She just gently kisses Lili and smiles. "Don't die on me now"...

"THIS is my little pet slut. She has been misbehaving. I mean, she doesn't invite me over for lasagna, she falls asleep on me mid conversation in the middle of my dinner, I bring her up to her own guest room and change her for her, provide her these beautiful silk stockings..."she runs the back of her fingernails over the length of Lili's leg, right over the stockings and Lili's legs jerk out like a donkey....'AAAAAIIIIIIIIIEEEEE HAAAAAA HAAA AHAHAHAHAA! you bitch! HAHAHA!!" ..."Aaaaand she starts cursing at me! Cant seem to find good submissives these days, ill tell ya"

"shheeeeeeeeeeees...a liar...she fucking lying....she broke into my house..Somebody HELP MEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"! Lili protested. "Unh uh, you silly bitch" MzL said as she used just her pointer and middle finger to paw twice at Lili's right sole to send her again into a heightened frenzied state..."AHHHHHHHHHHH HAAAAA HAAAH AHAAAAA!!!" Lili said fighting the retraints and kicking out as hard as she could, she was turing a noticeble reddish hue

"As you can see, ladies and gentleman, this isn't the normal level of sensitivity even the most naturally sensitive person would feel. This is on another level! Even a light...scriiiiitch..."..MzL lightly grazed the left inner side of Lili's curvy left foot *"NOOO NO NO HOOO HO HOOOOOOOOO!!! HAAAAAAAAA!" ...Lili screamed bloody murder until her lungs would no longer allow her..."...it induces sensation that no normal humans could experience without the drug." Mz L stopped and tugged at her crotch a little, wiping up the excess moisture. She set her sights back on Lili.."As you can see, my sweet little baby slut is very much in to us touching her widdle...itty..."...MzL tauntingly waved over her toes, coming close but not touching them. Lili gasped each time...."...bitty...baby..."...Lili * *gritted her*teeth.....in her head she was repeating over and over NOT MY FOOT......NOT MY FOOT...IT DOESN'T TICKLE....IT DOES NOT! COME ON! MIND OVER MATTER! MIND OVER MATTER!!"...

..."tootsie"...Lili let out a high pitch squeal of fear...then watch as time slowed to a crawl as she saw MzL's finger and thumb touch down on her left baby toe..."wootsie" ....."HAAAAAAA! AYYYYYYY!! AY YAY!!! STAAH HAAAAA HAAAAAAP PIIIT!!! PUHHHHH HU HUUUUH LEAAAA ZZZ!! CANT! NO! MORE!"

"Remember what I said, folks, about the increase of sexual gratification? Well, lets just pan over and see..." MzL took the small, security sized camera *off its stand and placed it inbetween Lili's legs. It pointed directly at her well groomed shorn vagina. MzL took just the base of her four fingers of her right hand and lightly dabbed over Lili's soaking genitals. Lili crunched forward as far as her restraints would let her. She let out a loud, involuntary moan and screamed in agonized ecstacy as if a 14" dildo was plunged into her. She thwapped back down against the table, now trembling and emitting more precious bodily fluid from her exposed vag... "MMMMMHMMMMM. Cant fake this. Look at all this lovely fluid!" MzL raised it to the camera, slowly prying her glued fingers apart to show off Lili's remarkable wetness. She then brought her pointer finger to her plump lips to have a taste. "MMMHMMM...tastes sweet." She said with another wink. "Here pet, taste how good you are" MzL wiped her hand over Lili's dried lips. Lili was still shaking and humiliated but seeing as she was suffering from dehydration, reluctantly tasted her own fluids. "Ohhhhh but we're not done with pet here, ladies and gentlemen. Not by a long shot....We're gonna have some fun....draining every last ounce of this precious fluid out of her...."

"Remember what I said, folks, about the increase of sexual gratification? Well, lets just pan over and see..." MzL took the small, security sized camera *off its stand and placed it inbetween Lili's legs. It pointed directly at her well groomed shorn vagina. MzL took just the base of her four fingers of her right hand and lightly dabbed over Lili's soaking genitals. Lili crunched forward as far as her restraints would let her. She let out a loud, involuntary moan and screamed in agonized ecstacy as if a 14" dildo was plunged into her. She thwapped back down against the table, now trembling and emitting more precious bodily fluid from her exposed vag... "MMMMMHMMMMM. Cant fake this. Look at all this lovely fluid!" MzL raised it to the camera, slowly prying her glued fingers apart to show off Lili's remarkable wetness. She then brought her pointer finger to her plump lips to have a taste. "MMMHMMM...tastes sweet." She said with another wink. "Here pet, taste how good you are" MzL wiped her hand over Lili's dried lips. Lili was still shaking and humiliated but seeing as she was suffering from dehydration, reluctantly tasted her own fluids. "Ohhhhh but we're not done with pet here, ladies and gentlemen. Not by a long shot....We're gonna have some fun....draining every last ounce of this precious fluid out of her...." Lol....I don't want the orgasms to distract from the tickling. ...pet ummmmm gets off on Mistress detailed ticklin'

"Let's take a suggestion from our audience...hmmm...ah! Perfect...." Lili was exhausted, she just wanted to pass out but forced herself to soldier on, so she could mentally prepare for what lie ahead.... MzL took a suggestion from the web audience ….this is what it was.....a feather. But not the stiff kind, the flaccid kind that flops around in her hand...she pinches it between her fingers and stands before your feet, staring menacingly before she positions her feather centimeters away from your trembling left foot and....whips the frail feather around like an egg beater, barely touching the surface of your foot. But with the Spanish fly x in your system, your heightened sense of touch can actual feel the microscopic fibers of the feather whip against your foot....

You howl with laughter.......the dullness that flaccid prop would normally bring is sending you into a frenzied laugh...you tittered at first trying with all your might to suppress your laughter but you can't hold it in...but like a sprinkler head just starting up, you hiss and hold in but...but....it spilled out of your mouth like water rushing out of a broken dam. You kick up giddily in your restraints that are already rubbed raw from your earlier resistance...but you can't help it, you feel the blood rushing up your leg to your genitals like a million teeny tiny snakes rushing after a rat...it's the purest form of ecstasy you've ever felt in your life

"See this is what you get from a normal ticklish person, but as you can see, I'm barely touching the little filth and she feels EVERYTHING!" MzL balked like an infomercial salesperson. She didn't have to paste a fake smile on because watching Lili jiggle and rattle and shake like an exuberant little puppy gave her great joy. She took the hard to handle feather and traced up the seam of Lili's stocking, watching the too drip forth from her overstimulated genitals. She stopped at the knee and really waved the feather over her right knee cap. Lili begged. "NOOOOOOOOO pl-AH!! PL-AH!! PLUUHHH-EAAASE!! Its...HAHAHAH....SOO...HAAAAA!!...TI-TI-TICLISHhhhh!! HAHAAAA!!" But MzL laughed along as Lilis knees shook back and forth trying to avoid the feather, trying to bend but giving up and slapping the backs of her knees against the table...

Lili was exhausted but as the seconds and minutes wore on she realized that her senses were only getting stronger. "Why?! Why me?! This is too much!!" She thought as she felt the set of another orgasm coming on as MzL feverishly swatted at her knee cap. She was growing tired so she stopped. Lili was finally able to relax her body after being so tensed up while trying to fight the maddening onslaught of tickles. The orgasm that would've drained her of more precious cc's of fluid was beginning to fade when suddenly mzL bent down, puckered her lips and blew air into Lili's exposed clit. Lili again tensed up and arched up, sending her limbs on a fit "AAAAIIIIIIIEEEEEEE!!! AHHH-AHHHH-AHHHHHHH!!" Lili slammed back onto the table and breathed hard in and out. Against her ass she felt the puddle of wetness that had been secreted from her. MzL laughed and went right next to Lili's head, wiping some of the sweat off. She whispered harshly into her right ear "don't think I'm finished with you yet, my lowly pet." ...she leaned in ever more so Lili could really feel the weight of her breathy over enunciations on her tender ear drums "your twat, izzzz MINE! You hear me you disobedient ****? I own your body. I'm gonna make your drain all of the cum right out of you. Hear me, little girl?" She kissed her on the temple, taking delight in Lili's fear induced bugged out eyes "I'm about to punish your clit with this here feather....HAHAHA!!

Lili tried again to cry out but her mouth was parched. She tried closing her mouth to re-saturate her tongue...but it would be too late. MzL took the feather, the pathetic, floppy, flaccid feather which on its own was good for nothing and gently waved it twice, making the wispy tip pet Lili's protruding clit...it swelled big for the camera and Lili gasped...she sucked in a bunch of air as again her reflexes forced her now burning red and raw ankles and wrists against the restraints..."no no no no no!!! Pleeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhh--seeehuuuuuhuh!!" MzL looked into the camera and mocked "I think she felt that one, folks! Hahaha! But don't worry. I own this here pathetic tickle bitch and under my care, she's fine! Trust me..." She struck a model-like pose, further humiliating Lili.."I'm a doctor!" She said with a wink. Lili didn't know how to make it stop. She shut her eyes, trying to will herself back into a safe and sane place. But it was still pure physical ecstacy. The funny, normally joy-inducing feeling of a gossimer light, soft surface tickling her clit was strangely very uncomfortable. It was like an orgasm inducing itch she couldn't scratch and it was driving her insane. MzL upped the ante by gently licking the tip of the feather making it like a small paintbrush and gently dabbed Lili's gushing clit. She opened her eyes wide and her mouth literally formed a perfect 'O' as she HOOOWWLLED !!!

Lili again flopped back down onto the table. Her fists clenched, her face contorted, her knees buckled as she involuntarily squirted more milky, mucousy wetness from her exposed vagina. Her skin at her joints that have been pressing mercilessly on her flesh were completely red and raw, burning like a 2nd degree burn. She was in a painful and humiliating situation. But in that immediate moment, it didn't matter: Lili just had the strongest orgasm she ever had. Her eyes crossed as she breathed hard in and out. She stopped for a second and actually smiled and giggled. The only thing that brought her back to earth was her almost choking on the extraordinary amount of drool she was emitting from her mouth.

"Shhhh-shhhh-ssstop....n-now...pwease" Lili said weakly. She couldn't deny the feelings of physical ecstasy. But she knew that no good from this continuing on. "HAHAHAHAHA!! OHHH--OH THATS RICH, YOU LITTLE RUNT! we've only got started!" Lili let the back of her head plonk back down on the stiff bed she was on. What more could there be? Lili was already dripping her vaginal fluids, drool, tears onto the floor..."while you were in a giddy stupor, pet, one of our viewers 'jobwelldumb' wanted us to use another toy from our toy box...and they decided...on...."...Lili was breaking out into a cold sweat. She was too tired to show any resistance but inside was pure terrified panic.

MzL bound toward her like an exaggerated easter bunny, taking long hops from foot to foot, all the whle saying in a sing songs way "iiii-its....theeeeee......rrrrrrake!!" She presented a small, brightly colored children's toy rake...one that Lili would've played with while watching her mother garden. Lili gave a quizzical look at mzL. What was she going to....."eeeep!" Squeaked Lili. "No" she whispered at MzL...."HAHAHAHA! Wememmer this, widdle guwl? Wemeber you playing with yo maahhh-meee wit this toy?" MzL mocked as she whimsically walked toward Lili's feet. They found life again as they nervously shook back and forth "awww...does itty bitty wiwi not wanna pway wit me?" She said as she positioned herself between Lili's feet

Just then Lili felt a presence behind her. It startled her a bit but considering she was already drugged and tied down and being humiliated sexually, what else could go wrong? It was Harley, putting a nylon stocking over Lilis mouth and tightening it around he head.. "MzL this should keep some of her *saliva in. If she loses any more she might--" just then mzL unleashed her retractable cane and whacked Harley across the bare chest with it. Harley let out an oof! And kneeled before mzL "DO YOU REALLY WANT TO DISOBEY ME? Do you really want to make me look bad to our audience? DO YOU WANT TO END UP LIKE THIS PATHETIC URCHIN HERE?!"..."no mistress! Please forgive my impudence" ..."good. Now position yourself for...the "London bridge"

Lili tensed up again...what hell was she to be subjected to now, she pondered. What was..."the london bridge"? She was too lost in her thoughts to notice harley had turned a crank that slowly moved the platform Lili's arms were on and shifted them so that her arms (that were originally shackled at full extension at her sides, like she was on a cross) above her head. Her sides, and specifically arm pits were now exposed.

Lili was now shaking like a shitting dog...having her senses heightened and her feet tickled was absolute torture. But another even more insanely ticklish spot on her fleshy body was her very tender, sensitive arm pits. She had a sudden flashback of that one fateful afternoon when she was a child and she and her childhood friend Melissa were playing in the yard when she ran and tackled her and *then sat on her chest and held her arms at the wrist against the grass and said with a grin "are you ticklish Lili?" Lili shook her head no frantically, trying to throw her off...Melissa, still grinning, blew a raspberry in Lili's face. "liar! we'll see!" Melissa held her wrists down with one hand while tickling her arm pits with the other. Lili squealed "S-S-Stop! SSSSSS-SSSTOP, MEL!" she sputtered. "SSSHHHH-SHHHHTAHHHP! IM GONNNA TELL!!!"...Melissa unrelented, going more furiously than before "hee hee hee hee! tickle tickle tickle, Lili!! are you ticklish? yes you are!" ....Lili was emitting a very high pitch squeal that she couldnt control. It was uncomfortable being held down and even more so being touched in a very ticklish area. Suddenly, Lili *felt something in her loins that she couldnt figure out. She felt funny. She couldnt stand being tickled yet she felt a strange warm, passionate affection for it. Suddenly her laughter gave way for heavy breaths and a scream. With all her might she tossed Melissa off of her and quickly and discreetly as she could felt her crotch. it was wet.

Little Lili looked ashamed. What just happened. She was relieved to see Melissa was fine, face down in the grass and still laughing. "man Lili you're ticklish! you sound like a dog whistle when you get tickled! haha!" .. "good she doesnt know im wet. mustn't let anyone know!" Lili said to herself. "I dont like tickles, Mel, If you're gonna play like that, I dont wanna play with you anymore"... "jeez! fine, bossy lady! take a chill pill, lil! lets go get some candy then..." A look of utter panic fell over Lili's face as she came back to the present. She flinched hard, further injuring her aleady raw wrists. Harley sticking her pointed nose into Lili's arm pit and breathing deeply. Her breath tickled Lili and she fidgeted some more. "AAAAAHHHH! AIIIIIIIIEEEE!! LIGH!!" Lili suddenly screamed as Harley licked her armpit. Harley's long, slick tongue coated her pit in one fluid motion. that feeling sent reverberations up and down Lili's body and again, more ovarian mucus flowed out of her.

Harley licked the drool off her lips and smiled. She came up right next to Lili's ear and spoke slowly and passionately...."hmmm. you know that they say when you want to know how a someone's pussy tastes without actually going down on them, you...just...liiiick...their armpit...ahaha...you have a beautiful scent and flavor by the way..." MzL threw one of Lili's shoes, striking harley right on the back. Harley quickly got back in to groveling position and apologized "Im sorry, miss! i just wanted a taste..." MzL's sneering visage let Harley know she should quickly get back into postion. Suddenly the red light on the camera came on and MzL began to speak "Ladies and gentlemen, you've heard of the sex act known as the eiffel tower..but i bring you...the London bridge..."

*to be continued? mmmhmmm
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