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It Watches */F f/*


TMF Regular
Jan 29, 2006
Samantha stretched and rubbed her sore muscles. The spry twenty something year old brunette had just finished working out in her small home gym after dinner. She was getting married in just over two months and despite already being in very good shape, didn’t want to be too careless. Her fiancée Adam was out having dinner with some old high school friends of theirs they had run into a few days earlier.

“Are you sure you don’t want to come too? It’s been years since we saw them and you remember how much of a riot they were back then.” Adam had asked her as Sam finished rinsing out her glass and putting it in the dishwasher. Sam smiled and shook her head, making the excuse that she still had more wedding details to finalize and that he should go enjoy himself without her. Truth be told Sam was friendly with the small group but remembered a few of them being a little too rowdy whenever they drank.

“All I know is he better not stay out too late, we have a meeting with the wedding planner early tomorrow.” Sam sighed while grabbing a fresh towel from the closet before heading to the bathroom for a relaxing hot shower. She closed the bathroom door and set the towel down on the sink, leaning close to the mirror and checking her face for any early signs of acne and running her fingers through her rather short cropped hair. A shiver ran down her spine as she got the sinking feeling that she wasn’t alone. Sam rubbed her bare arms and gave her head a little shake, she had been getting these weird vibes over the past month that someone was watching her around the house but chalked it up to just a case of pre wedding nerves. Little did she know how right her instinct was.

It grinned as Sam began to strip off her workout clothes, grabbing the bottom of her tank top and lifting it up over her head to expose her skinny lightly tanned frame. Of course Sam couldn’t see it, the demon able to stay invisible to the naked eye for as long as it wanted. Like all demons it fed on the suffering and fear of humans, each hell spawn having a different preferred method of extracting its nourishment. It continued to watch as Sam wiggled off her athletic shorts and underwear before slipping off her bra and taking another look at her naked body in the mirror again.

Not yet. I’ll wait until after her shower. I want her skin nice soft and clean before I get my hands on it. The demon whispered to itself. Sam sighed and pushed her petite breasts together a few times then went over to turn on the shower and wait for it to warm up. It grinned and went to check in on a few of the other victims it had planned for the night. The demon could easily pop from one house to another as long as it had one of its handprints somewhere in the room, making the trip from one meal to the next near instantaneous. It checked in on Lisa, a slightly pudgy thirty five year old nerd still single and living on her own. Lisa was seated at her kitchen table with the small D&D group she had invited over, all with their noses deep in their stat sheets. She most likely wouldn’t be done for a few hours which means the demon could take its time with Sam and the other two victims. It popped over to an empty home a few miles away, one where nineteen year old Indian sisters Shanti and Jaya went to hide from their parents and drink.

Not here yet, of course not. One more hour and they’ll be sneaking in the basement window. The demon grinned. It had been watching for over six months, silently planning and watching its victims go about their daily lives with no idea what was in store for them. Unfortunately for these four, it chose tonight as the night they would experience its terror. Of course not everyone it watched was suitable for this demon’s form of torture which is why it spent so long waiting and watching, looking for that special something it needed before adding them to its list of potential food sources. With a pop it returned to Sam’s bathroom, the woman letting the hot water run down her back. If it had to choose the victim it was most looking forward to tonight than Miss D&D would be its choice but Sam would do for now. The thin woman was very much a tomboy, her brown hair cut short in a layered pixie cut. She normally acted like one of the guys whether joking around with her fiancée or competing with him in video games to see who could get the most kills. It was this attitude that attracted Adam to Sam in the first place and he couldn’t get enough of it.

“Which one to use?” Sam sighed aloud while looking from a bar of Dr. Sasquatch to the fairly new bottle of almond body wash she had bought. Normally Sam would just steal Adam’s soap, not giving too much thought to it but with the wedding coming up she was feeling extra feminine and decided on the body wash. It watched as she lathered up and rinsed off, the bubbles sliding down her toned body softening her skin and making it extra soft and sensitive. It waited eagerly until Sam had finally finished with her shower, the brunette leaning down and turning the water off. As soon as the showerhead turned off it attacked. Everything went pitch black as Sam stood back up. “What in the hell?” Sam sighed. “Must have blown a fuse somehow. OOOOH I hate having to go into that closet and moving stuff just to get to the breaker.” She groaned and stretched her arms high above her head. Out of nowhere two strong hands grabbed Sam by the wrists and slammed them against the wall of the shower. Sam gasped and gave her arms a few quick tugs, her breathing beginning to quicken.

“Hello there little Sammy.” A jumble of voices spoke gleefully. “I’ve been watching you for quite a while.” Sam gasped as two round blank white eyes appeared less than a foot away.

“What the FUCK?” Sam shouted and began to thrash around wildly while she screamed for help. The demon grew a third arm and covered the woman’s mouth, muffling her cries. A giant bright cheshire like smile spread in the darkness, full of long sharp teeth.

“Now now, let’s not go and get ourselves worked up in a tizzy just yet. I like it better when they break over time and we still have about an hour to play so why not take things a little slow?” The demon chuckled, its many layered voice echoing off the tiled walls.

“W-what do you want?” Sam mumbled under the demon’s large hand. The horrific face bobbed up and down as a hiss exited its teeth while it laughed.

“I want to have some fun, so why don’t we play a little game Sammy baby? One of your favorites to watch on Youtube as matter of fact. TRY NOT TO SCREAM!” The demon shouted, causing Sam to shut her eyes tight and look away, waiting for those sharp teeth to end her life. One second, two, five, ten seconds of silence and Sam was still alive.

“What?” The brunette stammered, opening her eyes and looking around. The face seemed to disappear along with the hand covering her mouth though her arms were still being held tight high over her head. Tears began to slowly drip down her cheeks as Sam looked out into the darkness.

“Naughty naughty Sammy, crying so close to your wedding. You should be happy. Let me help.” The voice chuckled. Sam gasped when she felt something poke her in her right side. A few seconds later another poke to her left, then both simultaneously.

“Hehey!” Sam squeaked loudly and gave a sudden jump. This was the last thing she expected to feel and was completely thrown off. The demon hissed again, growing another few hands and gently resting a single finger directly under each of Sam’s underarms.

“So soft, so….sensitive.” The multi-voiced creature whispered teasingly. Sam could feel both fingers start to slowly trace their way down the top of her ribcage, causing her body to instinctively tense up. Down her ribs the fingers travelled, sending a constantly growing tickling sensation back up her body. Was it doing this on purpose or was that just in Sam’s imagination? “Come on dear Sammy, be like me and smile.” The demon hissed, its sharp teeth appearing once again about a foot away.

“No, l-leave me a-alone.” The woman grunted while looking away from the terrifying grin. Despite feeling exposed and scared for her life the brunette was having a hard time keeping a smile off her face, the corners of her mouth jumping higher and higher the further down her ribs the sharp nails traveled.

This is insane, why am I feeling ticklish when I’m literally on the verge of being eaten alive? Sam shouted in her mind as she began to fidget around more and more. The young woman couldn’t help but keep glancing at the rows of pure white sharp teeth floating in front of her. Flashes of those teeth ripping and tearing into her flesh danced in her mind, her dead bloody body found by her fiancée so close to their wedding day.

“Please. Please don’t eat me. I-I just want to see my Adam again.” Sam whimpered as the fingers finally moving away after reaching her hips, which allowed the naked woman the freedom to let out a small sigh of relief. The demon’s smile grew even bigger as it spoke again, its multilayered voice rising in pitch so it sounded like a group of children.

“Sammy fammy, afraid I’ll bite her skull! Scared the demon’s gonna eat her till it is full!” The voices sung in unison. “That’s ok! No need to cry! I’m only going to………TICKLE YOU TILL YOU DIE!” Sam let out a loud gasp as the two hands returned to her body and began viciously kneading up and down her soft sides.

“EEEEK! WAHAHAT? HAHAHAHA WAHAHAIT! WAHAHAHAAIT!” Sam was once again caught completely off guard as she burst into a fit of loud laughter.

Tickle me to death? It’s going to TICKLE me to death? Oh GOD! Sam thought with dread head while twisting her naked body rapidly from side to side. The tomboy had always hated being tickled, being forced to show off her girly laughter and giggles which was far from how she acted. She was tough, able to play tackle football with the other boys in her neighborhood when she was younger. Able to get into a wrestling match with Adam and make him tap out on her own, she shouldn’t be ticklish. Yet here she was, laughing like a schoolgirl while the unseen hands tickled her silly.

For minutes on end the demon’s hands clawed and squeezed up and down the wet, slender, heaving sides. All while leaving Sam powerless to escape let alone stop herself from laughing. The naked brunette begged and pleaded through loud peals of high pitched girly laughter while twisting her body violently from side to side.

“Sammy, Sammy, ticklish little Sammy. Watch her dance and flail while she wiggles her little fanny.” The high pitched voices continued to sing in their melodic taunt. This made the ordeal even more maddening for the woman, the teasing and singing making her feel even more weak and helpless. It hissed happily and moved the fingers up into its victims stretched hollows, skittering and spidering the sharp nails wildly.

To many people this wouldn’t seem like too big of a deal, after all it was just some tickling. That thing for kids or your boyfriend did to flirt with you, there was no way it could be used as torture. The average person however tends to forget. Forget the feeling of helplessness and panic that comes over the body when one is tickled for an extended period of time against their will. That however was what made this form of torture so fun for the demon, the look of fear and terror as those memories made their way back to the front of its victim’s mind.

“Plehease! Hahahahaa! Okhay stahahahap! S-stohop tihickling me!” Sam chuckled loudly while the fingers continued their dance in her underarms. Maybe try kicking her feet? Attempt to make contact with whatever was holding her there? It was worth a shot however no matter how hard Sam tried, all she kicked was air. Finally after five minutes of relentless underarm tickling the hands finally pulled themselves away. Sam gasped for breath as she struggled to keep her legs under her, the powerful arms the only thing keeping her from toppling over.

“Look at this, even with working out every night you’re nothing but a sensitive, ticklish widdle girl.” The demon teased, its voice returning to its original low tone. “This must be torture for you. Forced to laugh and squeal while my fingers wiggle, wriggle, and tiggle you all over. Sam the tomboy. Sam just one of the guys. Sam whose younger sister looks up to and aspires to grow up to be like. Reduced to a giggling mess after just a few minutes of teasing tickles.”

The brunette coughed and shook her head, the teasing and name calling only making her mind swim even more. “Let me go! I swear once I get free I’ll get you! I’ll call a priest, an exorcist! I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure you end up back in hell!” Sam spat back angrily. The demon however just hissed happily, its eyes and mouth getting so close to the woman’s face that she could almost smell the brimstone.

“What makes you think you’ll survive long enough to do that? My dear Samantha you won’t survive the night, no, the next thirty minutes. I meant what I said you know, I really am going to tickle you until you die. Now I’m done playing with you. It’s time to get serious, and I know just where I’m going to start.” The demon grinned. Sam’s heart began to race, the white eyes had no pupils yet she could still somehow sense exactly where they were looking. Sam’s legs began to tremble and sweat started to drip down her already damp face. She felt the two hands return and grip her waist, pinning it back against the damp tile wall. Two more hands grew from the abyss and laid their palms flat against Sam’s firm muscular stomach.

“P-p-please! Please not there! ANYWHERE but there!” Samantha begged as she tried to scoot away, but the hands on her hips held her perfectly in place. Another hiss and the hands slowly flexed their fingers so their nails were resting against her stomach. Then they began to tap. One finger at a time, then two. As each second past another finger would join and begin to tap and send a ticklish jolt up Sam’s body and causing her to suck in her stomach. The brunette held her breath as the tickling slowly grew worse and worse.

It grinned as Sam did her best to keep her composure. It began to drag its nails up and down her stomach, making the woman shut her eyes tight and clamp her mouth shut. A few minutes later and she was biting her lip, the dragging morphing into light squeezes. Back and forth, up and down, all across the sensitive stomach the pinching fingers traveled. Sam’s eyes flew open and her body suddenly lurched forward. She puffed out her cheeks and gave a quit spurt of air, the demon starting to wiggle its fingers deep into either side of her tense tummy.

Oh! Oh no! Oh no, no, NO! Sam thought as the tickling fingers started to move inwards. In past the outside of her tummy. In to the edges of her well defined ab muscles and over top of them. The closer they got to the middle of her stomach the further Sam puffed out her cheeks. The brunette’s stomach jumped and pulsed while choked back laughter filled her throat and clashed against her gritted teeth. Tears streamed down her face as she stared down into the dark abyss beneath her, all of her strength leaving her body. Finally after what felt like an eternity the seal on Sam’s lips finally broke, the brunette letting out a long loud hiss of her own before exploding into hysterical cackles.

“PFFFFT! NAAAAAAHAHAHAHHAA! NAHAAHT THE TUHUMMMY! GEHEHET AWAHAHAY! PLEHHEASE! PLEASE IT’S THE WOHOHOHRST!” Sam threw her head back and cackled at the top of her lungs while all ten fingers converged on the middle of her stomach. This was by far her most ticklish spot and always drove her up the wall crazy. She laughed and screamed, bellowed and roared. More and more hands slowly began joining in and went to tickle the rest of her body. One underarm, then both, the back of her ribcage, then the front. Six hands in total worked Sam’s naked bucking body while she suffered. It reveled in its ability to torment its prey, centuries of practice on countless victims helped hone its tickling skills to the max.

The worst part for Sam was while two hands specifically focused on her heaving stomach, the other four would tickle a spot before moving on to another, the poor laughing woman never knowing where she would be tickled next. One would skitter lightly across her wiggling behind while another slowly traced a finger around one of her nipples. No place was left un-tickled. Everywhere from behind her ears to the tips of her toes was tickled at one point or another.

Yes, it shouldn’t be long now. The demon grinned happily as it fed. The realization that she was really going to die laughing here in the shower sent waves and waves of panic and torment radiating from Sam’s body and the demon just lapped it up. Breaths were starting to become harder to come by for Sam, her eyes bugging out while her head lolled helplessly from side to side.

“STAHAHAHAHAHA! NAHAHAHAHHAA! PL-AHAHAHHAA!” Words were a thing of the past as Sam cackled helplessly. Her lungs burned and her sides ached as the tickling continued, ten fingers dancing in her under arms while another ten massaged her tummy and wiggled in her bellybutton. Her arches were scraped and skittered across as well, all torturous and never ending. After what felt like forever Sam began to feel a different sensation begin. With every laugh and exhale a small wisp of light left her mouth and floated towards the demon, and with every wisp Sam felt weaker and weaker while the tickling sensations seemed to weaken as well. After another minute Sam could no longer keep her eyes open and closed them tight. All at once the tickling sensations stopped as did her laughter, the only sound now a faint thumps as something heavy hit the floor.

Good, yes. Now who to attack next? Samantha thought happily. Wait, attack? Why would I want to attack anyone? Sam immediately opened her eyes and to her horror seemed to be staring down at her own naked body lying on the shower floor. Information poured into her mind as the realization of what just happened was brought to light. The wisps of light she saw wasn’t some trick of the mind, it was her soul! The demon had eaten her soul! Sam could feel the presence of others, thousands and thousands of souls trapped within the demon as well, all now forced to watch as it stalked and fed on its next prey. All of the demon’s thoughts and schemes, its bottomless hunger and mercilessness now shared with the minds of its victims. The worst part was Sam’s body was still alive, breathing gently but empty now, forced to be a vegetable for the reminder of its life while her soul would live on forever inside of the demon. It had lied. It hadn’t tickled her to death, at least not technically.

That was fun. So much fun. So……filling. Lisa, yes I want Lisa now. The twins can wait for a different day. This next woman will be a special treat for sure. It grinned and disappeared with a pop.


Lisa smiled and waved as the last of her Dungeons and Dragons group left for the night. That had been a good journey, the dark haired woman’s druid beekeeper turned adventurer managing to survive an encounter with a band of undead skeletons. “Now to get ready for the rest of the night.” Lisa said to herself and walked to her bedroom to change.

It glided into the bedroom right behind Lisa, waiting like a coiled snake. It had watched the last bit of her campaign and had grown very hungry despite its most recent meal. Lisa had joked and clowned around with her friends quite a bit, her rich deep laughter making the demon that much more eager to get its fingers to work. Lisa hummed happily to herself, pulling off her top and unhooking her bra. The woman’s soft pale skin almost glowed in the dimly lit room as she searched for an old comfy shirt. Her body wasn’t skinny and toned like Sam’s, was but she wasn’t overweight either, instead she was rather healthy looking with a full a round bosom and cute round deep navel.

Yes. She will be entertaining indeed. So soft, so sensitive, so……ticklish. It thought happily. It had been watching Lisa for quite a few months too, noticing the little tickle fights and flirty tickles she had with her many friends. It had originally found her through one of her friends, but after noticing her extreme reactions and loud booming laughter, it just had to have her instead. Lisa threw on an oversized t shirt with a holes in it and changed into a snug pair of pajama pants. She let down her shoulder length dark hair from its bun and peeled off her pink ankle socks with her feet, wiggling her adorable short toes in the carpet. This was it. It could wait no longer, it had to hear those deep sultry belly laughs as soon as possible. The dim light in the corner suddenly cut out, the demon using its presence to block out the moon and streetlights from shining in as well. The whole room went pitch black as Lisa let out a sudden gasp.

“Hello Lisa.” A myriad of low voices growled from somewhere behind her. Luckily for the woman she was already standing close enough to the door that she was able to grab the handle and dive out into the hall. “Aw don’t run little one. I just want to play a little.” The voice cooed. Lisa scrambled to her feet and dashed down the hall, the hairs on the back of her neck sticking straight up as whatever was in the room followed her out. Lisa took another few steps and flung open the door to her right, tripping and stumbling into the room. It followed her in, zipping in when the door suddenly slammed shut.

“I got you!” Lisa huffed in relief. She had done it! She knew this night was coming and now she was prepared. The space was lit by a multitude of candles that were scattered throughout the entire room. Salt and burning incense lined the walls, door, and windows as well.

“Lisa. What is this?” The demon asked curiously. The woman just smiled and picked up a bible and a small bottle of holy water from the floor.

“This you evil monster is my trap. You demon’s think you’re so crafty, leaving your near invisible hand prints in your victim’s houses so you can stalk them until you’re ready. Well you picked the wrong bitch to mess with. I’ve studied a bunch of witchcraft and demon lore so I knew right away what you were when I felt you enter my house. I set up this room and waited months for you to attack and now I can put a stop to you once and for all.” Lisa grinned triumphantly before beginning to chant in ancient Latin. As soon as she began the demon began to roar and swirl around the room.

“No! No! Stop that right now! Stop before I rip you limb from limb!” It howled, a slight wind starting to churn around the room. Lisa however ignored this threat and continued to chant while the demon roared louder and louder.

“Repent! Repent! Repent!” The dark haired woman screamed and began slashing the air with holy water. The demon cried out in pain, its body slowly starting to congeal together into a physical form. Lisa continued to chant and spray the liquid as the whole room began to shake. Slowly the demon began to take form until its shadowy body turned into that of a young tall blonde human in her early twenties. “Now demon I name you! Agrok! Agrok the foul! The lewd! The cackling calamity!” Lisa screamed.

“No! How? Damn you, you fucking bitch! No!” The demon screamed, its many voices still echoing of the walls. The demon stumbled backwards and fell onto a small mattress in the middle of the floor. Lisa dropped the bible and holy water, pulling out a small cross from her pocket and holding it in the demon’s face. The demon spat and cursed as Lisa secured the now fully human looking entity spread eagle on the mattress with heavy iron shackles.

“Now to make sure you don’t try and sneak away.” Lisa growled. Taking a red pen she pinned the demon woman down tighter and drew a large cross on its forehead. The demon gave one last loud roar before laying still, its eyes still blank and white. “There now you’re stuck in that human form.” Lisa nodded as she climbed off and knelt down on the floor.

“You silly girl! You may have found my name and trapped me in this body for now, but you don’t have the power to send me back to hell!” The demon spat angrily. Lisa just grinned and nodded her head, taking a good look at the evil entity now. The demon was certainly female, thin and lean but with thick thighs and small perky breasts. It wore an old button down white shirt and long black skirt, shoulder length dirty blonde hair splayed out underneath it.

“I may not have that power but I can make you leave of your own wishes!” Lisa stared at the demon and shook her head. “As soon as I found out your name I looked up everything about you. I know what you do to your victims. It may seem innocent to the naïve but I know all too well how tortuous tickling can be. So Miss Agrok, I think it’s time to give you a taste of your own medicine.” Lisa said with a smile. “Let’s start with your feet.”

“What? What are you doing? Leave those alone!” The demon spat angrily as Lisa scooted to the bottom of the mattress and peeled off the demon’s shoes, leaving its feet bare.

“I just told you, giving you a taste of what your victims go through before you kill them. I’m going to tickle you until you leave that poor woman’s body on your own, now coochie coochie coo!” Lisa cooed and began lightly skittering four nails up the bottom of the demon’s feet. The demon gasped and yanked hard on its ankles.

“EEEK! Ngh! Mmmf!” The blonde yelped and began to grunt and groan. The long feminine bare feet scrunched and wiggled under Lisa’s short fingernails. “Ah! Ah! Aaah!” The demon gasped as the nails scampered up along the middle of its arches. Its toes splayed wide before scrunching tight and opening again, a light fluffy feeling filling the demons human body.

“Good so that body CAN feel tickles. I was hoping so, now leave! Leave this body and go back to hell.” Lisa commanded as she scratched her fingers up under the now splayed toes and tickled in between.

“ACK! Mhmhmhm! N-N-Never!” The demon hiccupped, a wide ticklish grin starting to spread across its face. Lisa doubled down, scratching and pinching her fingers down the sides of the demon’s thin feet before quickly tickling back up the soles. For five minutes the dark haired woman worked over the demon’s feet, making them wag and jerk wildly.

“Hmm, you’ve done a lot of smiling but no laughing yet.” Lisa exclaimed seriously. “Maybe I need to go higher.” The dark haired woman pulled her hands away from the blonde’s feet and began feeling up around the demon’s waist.

“Hmhm! Eh-heee hmhmhmm!” The demon tittered under its breath with muffled giggles as the human’s fingers searched around.

“There.” Lisa nodded and unbuttoned the top of the demon’s skirt which allowed her to slip it right off and expose a pair of long slender legs. “Let’s see if these things are sensitive enough to get a giggle or two.” Lisa teased and slowly began to spider her fingers up the demon’s legs from its ankles up its calves. The demon’s legs jumped and kicked, rattling the chains holding its ankles down while small hisses seeped through.

“EEEK! Heheheehehee! Nohohooo!” The demon let out a sudden squeal and burst into high pitched titters when Lisa’s fingers reached the knees, a multitude of different feminine voices all sounding at once.

“Oh finally found a sensitive spot did I?” The woman teased happily. She began to play with the shaking knees now, lightly skittering around the sides and back while randomly jumping to the front and giving a few squeezes. The bound blonde demon squeaked and groaned, bursting out into quick fits of high pitched giggles. “Hmm what about up here?” Lisa questioned while crawling her fingers up the inside of the demon’s bare thighs.

“Oooh! Eheheheehehee!! EEEEEEheheheheehehee!”This proved to be very effective, sending the blonde into a flurry of high pitched giggles. “Aheheheeehehe! Stohohop heheheehehe! I-I sahahaid stohohop heeeehehehe!” The demon’s laughter was like eight or nine different people blended together which sounded rather interesting. Lisa grinned and continued to lightly tickle her fingers up and down the soft thighs, even giving them a few hearty squeezes for good measure. Minutes ticked by, the wiggling blonde demon feeling like it was drowning in a sea of its own giggles.

“Ready to give up and leave that body yet?” Lisa asked as she gave her fingers a quick rest after trying the feet again. The demon panted lightly, furrowing its brow and shaking its head.

“N-never! You weak pathetic human! You will never break me!” A chorus of angry voices answered back.

“Wanna bet? We’ve been at this for almost an hour and I’ve only ticked about half of you. I wonder if your top half is more sensitive than your lower half.” Lisa threatened and began unbuttoning the demon’s top. Button by button the blonde demon woman’s upper body was exposed, revealing a lengthy tight midriff with an adorable shallow oval bellybutton right in the middle. Its ribs were thin as well, the bones pressed tightly against the pale skin. After a few good tugs Lisa managed to rip the whole shirt off of Agrok’s body, leaving it in just an old small set of nude underwear. “Just to let you know Agrok I’m not going to stop. Not until you leave this body and go back to where you came from.” Lisa climbed over and straddled the panting blonde, resting her nails in the outstretched hollows.

“F-Fuck you.” Agrok hissed. Lisa just smiled and shook her head.

“Go to hell. Literally.” She responded coldly and began to quickly dance her fingers in the demon’s underarms. Unlike with her feet and legs the blonde reacted immediately, bursting out into loud sharp laughter.

“HAHAHAHAHAHA! STOHOHOP! NOHOHOHOT THE PIHIHIHTS! YOU’LL PHAHAHAAY!” The demon cackled as it threw its head from side to side. The demon pulled desperately on its slender arms, rattling the chains loudly while attempting to protect its poor pits.

“Come on! Give up! Leave you stupid demon!” Lisa grunted while tracing figure eights around and around the cupped underarms. The demon continued to shake its head, long blonde hair flying everywhere.


Lisa changed up tactics, moving her hands down to Agrok’s ribcage and wiggling her fingers deep into the soft flesh. The blonde chuckled heartily, twisting its body as much as it could from side to side. The longer Lisa tickled and the louder Agrok laughed and the fewer voices it laughed with.

It must be working! Just have to keep going! Lisa told herself and going all out to squeeze the demon’s heaving ribs from front to back and top to bottom. The blonde arched its back up high before bringing it back down, its body thudding loudly over and over against the thin mattress. Agrok looked up through blurry eyes and saw a big grin on Lisa’s face. She was enjoying this, and not just mentally either. The demon could see it, the dark haired geek’s nipples poking through her thin oversized shirt. Lisa made little noises that sounded like soft moans, her body becoming warmer and warmer.

Of course she would be enjoying this. The demon thought through its ticklish haze. She’s a lesbian. And the demon was right, Lisa was starting to enjoy herself more than she would have cared to admit, bouncing right along on top of the blonde’s bucking hips while a blend of ticklish female voices laughed loudly.

“NOHOHOHO HAHAHAHAAHA! NO NO NOHOHOHOHOHO!” The demon woman screamed when Lisa formed her hands into claws and began viciously kneading them up and down its thin heaving sides. Sides to ribs, to pits, to sides, to hips Lisa’s hands flew, tickling as fast and as hard as she could. The demon’s laughter was brought to a whole new level when Lisa reached the stomach, the blonde howling and bucking wildly like a wild animal. Ten minutes, fifteen, the time dragged on and on for both women, real and demonic alike. The longer the tickling went, the more voices faded from the demon’s laughter. Five, four, three voices now laughed together.

“Give up! I know this must be torture for you! My ears hurt just hearing your laughter.” Lisa said as both women panted, both tired and sore.

“N-n-no. N-n-never.” Agrok wheezed and shook its head defiantly.

“Alright, then we’ll keep going. There’s one more spot I haven’t tried yet anyway.” Lisa nodded, eyeing the middle of the demon’s heaving stomach. Agrok’s white eyes went wide, the demon shaking its head frantically.

“No! No no! Not there! Not in this body!”

Lisa grinned happily, she could hear fear and terror now in the three pleading voices. Now the demon knew what it felt like to be truly afraid of being tickled.

“Oh yes. Yes, yes, yes. I’m going to tickle you right in that sensitive little bellybutton of yours.” The older woman nodded evilly. She took her pointer finger and wiggled it menacingly in midair, slowly lowering towards the quivering stomach.

“No! NO! Mm-mm! Mm-mm! MM-MM!” The blonde protested, shaking its head frantically from side to side while sucking in its stomach as far as possible.

“Mm-hm, mm-hm, mmmmm-HMMMM!” Lisa nodded deviously and plunged her finger into the quivering bellybutton, wiggling it all around. The reaction was instantaneous, the demon throwing its head back and roaring hysterically. Ear shattering riotous laughter echoed off the walls as Lisa attacked what seemed to be the demon’s most ticklish spot.

“HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAA! AAAHAHAHAHAAAAA! NONONOHOHOHOO HAHAHAAAHAA!” The demon screamed in ticklish agony. Agrok picked up and slammed its head back against the mattress over and over again. The demonic woman thrashed and fought against its bonds so hard that Lisa thought the chains were going to snap and break.

“Repent! Repent and return to hell you evil bitch!” Lisa shouted over the deafening laughter which was now reduced to just two different voices. This was it, she had the demon on the ropes. Lisa just had to push her a little farther. The young nerd positioned herself to the side of the bouncing mattress, angling herself so she could continue to wiggle a finger in the deathly ticklish bellybutton while using her other hand to randomly tickle other spots from feet to ears even. “Leave this body and be cast back into hell!” Lisa shouted, tickling for all she was worth.

There was no snarky response, no sharp curse or resounding no. Instead there was only laughter, pure manic ticklish laughter, and it all thundered out in one steady high pitched voice.

“AAAAAAH HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!! AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA! HAHA-HAAHAHAA! HAHA-HAHA! HAHA-HA! HA-HA! AAAAAAAARGH!” With one final bellowing scream the blonde threw its head back and opened its mouth wide. Black smoke and fluid shooting out and dissipating against the ceiling. Lisa scrambled back and watched until the blonde’s body ejected all of the evil contents and lay still. The young woman slowly creeped over and looked, the bound woman still had her eyes closed but her chest was rising and falling gently with breath.

“Hello? Are you-are you ok?” Lisa asked softly, gently nudging the blonde’s shoulder. The tall thin woman groaned and shook her head as she slowly came to.

“What? What happened?” The woman moaned as she tried to wipe her eyes. “Huh? Why am I tied down? Wh-who are you?” She asked nervously while pulling against the chains on her wrists and ankles.

“It’s ok, you’re safe.” Lisa said with a smile. “My name is Lisa, this is my house. You were possessed by a demon. But it’s gone now. I-I made it leave and go back to hell.” Lisa was ecstatic. She had hoped that this would work and now that it was over she felt nothing but relief.

“Really? Well thank you. Thank you Lisa! I’m finally free! My name’s Beth. Please, please unchain me quick. I haven’t been able to use my own body in forever.” The woman said anxiously. Lisa grinned and nodded, quickly getting the key and starting to unlock the chain around one of Beth’s ankles.

“You’re welcome! I can’t believe I did it! This is great! Amazing, just like one of my D&D campaigns almost.” Lisa was so proud of herself that she didn’t notice it at first, a low rumbling sound coming from Beth’s chest. “Hey what’s that noise?” Lisa asked as she looked up. To her horror Beth’s eyes were still pure white, a multitude of voices rising up in malicious laughter.

“Silly Lisa.” It chuckled as it took in the look of absolute terror on the woman’s face.

“No, you’re still here. Repent! Repent and go back to hell!” Lisa shouted and began furiously trying to tickle the demon’s body again. But this time there was no ticklish laughter or desperate struggling.

“Poor Lisa. Did you really think all this would really work?” It grinned, standing up and dispersing back into a dark formless being. Lisa scrambled backwards on her hands and knees, shaking her head in disbelief.

“No! I did everything the books told me! I found your name, I-I used the bible and the holy water. The candles, the salt and incense!” The woman whimpered. The demon just laughed as two giant white eyes and a pointed cheshire like smile formed above her.

“Useless. A trick. Something humans came up with many ages ago to help them sleep at night. It has no name, no fears, no weakness, only hunger.” Lisa screamed as she was lifted into midair by an unseen force, the candles all going out with only the moon to light the room. “These voices? All souls I have collected over thousands and thousands of years. That body? A farce and a fake. I have no body, only countless souls. You thought you were tickling me but in reality you were just playing with some poor woman’s soul.” It grinned and with a flash, burned off all of its victim’s clothes, leaving her as naked as the day she was born.

“No. No please.” Lisa sniffled as the warm night air kissed her bare skin.

“Now now Lisa. I let you have your fun, but now it’s time for me to have mine. I think I’ll use this body for tonight.” It said coldly, transforming itself into a young naked red head with a rather generous chest and round behind. Lisa’s dream woman. “Oh I’m going to enjoy tickling every little millimeter of this delicious body.” The demon cooed while giving one of Lisa’s still stiff nipples a flick. With a pop a large table filled with feathers, brushes, dusters, pinwheels, and many other tickling tools appeared next to the two women.

“NO! NO HELP! SOMEONE HELP! PLEASE! PLEEEEEASE!” Lisa screamed in horror as the demon picked up a long wire scalp massager.

“Don’t be sad Lisa. You’re special, I normally only spend a few hours with my meals before eating their souls and moving on, but not with you. Oh no, it’s a new year’s weekend after all so no work or D&D for another three whole days. Lisa my Lisa I’m going to take my time with you so what do you say we ring in this New Year with plenty of ticklish torment, agony, and LOTS and LOTS of laughter.” It cheered and lowered the massager onto its meal’s soft sensitive tummy, drawing forth that sweet deep booming belly laughter it had waited so long to hear.

A big thanks to sageoftruth over on deviantart as well as well as primetime, PeterVincentTGVK, and serhazat on here for reading through the story and giving me opinions and edits before I posted it. If you haven't already, go check them out as they are far better writers than I. Hope you enjoyed my little story and feel free to leave a comment with what you thought of it.
Great spooky story! Will there be another one or was this just a stand alone?
This was very well done! I liked the upper body tickling... there aren't enough of these in the forum. Very descriptive, just what you'd want from a good tickle story.
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