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Down In Alabama Circa 1836 Part 2: Meanwhile, Back At Finiterre


2nd Level Yellow Feather
Jan 21, 2006
Down In Alabama; Circa 1836 Part 2

Matty left Weathered Oaks as soon as he caught the high sign from his dad, Matthew Senior that things there were well in hand. He flew down the rural roads like a thunderbolt on his spirited stallion. Matty was eager to get back to his new home, Finiterre on the Gulf coast.
In particular, Matty was eager to meet his new private bed slave, Lorna the half/octoroon. Even at his young age of 16, Matty had heard women, some well older than he, tell him they were ‘his’. He had never actually owned one before.
Just like his dad, Matty had a powerful need to tickle the females he made love to. With Lorna, he didn’t have to use persuasion, cajolery or bribery. He could just order her to his bed, bind her into helplessness, and tickle! He hoped she was as beautiful as Arthur Wilkes’ letter had said she was!
When Matty walked into the entry parlor at Finiterre, Lorna had just climbed to the top of the stairs and was turning to enter the servant’s wing. She paused a moment, looked down at Matty with just a hint of disdain in her gaze, and disappeared into the servant’s wing.
Matty turned to the butler, Jeffrey, whom he had met the previous day; “Was that woman at the top of the stairs Lorna, Jeffrey?”
“Yass, Massa. That gal was Lorna.”
“Was it my imagination, or did she seem a bit disdainful as she looked at me?”
“Massa, dat gal been puttin’ on airs since she git heah. Tain’t propah.”
“Jeffrey, two things. First, I am Matt or Matty, unless my father is present. If my dad is here, I’m Matthew Junior, while he is Matthew Senior.
“Yassa, Massa Matt.”
“Second, I know you speak better English than that. I overheard you. I expect you to speak the best, most correct English you’re capable of at all times while in my service. God gave you intelligence, I do not want you to hide it. If anyone else has objections, they can discuss them with me. You work for me, no one else. Clear?”
“Yes, Master Matt. That is perfectly clear.”
“Lorna will dine with me, on the balcony of the master suite, in, let’s say, 90 minutes. Notify Cook, and see that Steward has the table set for two and the chairs in place. Once the food has been brought up, he is to leave. Lorna will serve. I do not want her to get the idea that she has some right to be waited upon by my other servants.”
Jeffrey, with a clear note of approval in his tone, replied; “Oh, very good sir. I’ll see to everything.”
“I do believe you will. Have the kindness to inform Lorna at once that she is to present herself at the door to the master suite, attired for dinner, in 75 minutes.”
Matt had started home from Weathered Oaks with the intention of charging in and taking Lorna. His first sight of her breathtaking beauty had stopped him in his tracks and changed his mind. He wanted her to respect him before he dominated her, and he fully intended to do that.
75 minutes later, Matty had stripped, bathed, dressed in fresh clothes for a casual dinner with no non-family guests. He was seated in front of the open doors to the balcony, leaning back, sipping a glass of fine brandy and finishing a thin cigar, when Lorna arrived at the hallway door of the suite and rapped on the doorframe to announce her presence. Matty waved her to enter and sit across from him. When she had done so, he asked; “Have you developed a taste for fine brandy?”
“Not the stuff Master Arthur drank. It’s a raw, unaged, inferior local product.”
“I wasn’t aware. This, in my glass and the decanter, is a 15 year old Armagnac which I brought with me from New York.”
“Truly? In that case, sir, with your permission, I will have a taste.”
“Of course. Help yourself.”
As she did so, Matty said; “ if I recall correctly, your languages are English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Creole, Cajun, Greek and Choctaw?”
“Correct, sir.” Sipping; “Oh, this is excellent!”
“Well, Lorna, we have English, French, Spanish and Greek in common. Other than those, I speak Iroquois, Patois, Latin, Italian, German, Russian and Gaelic.”
Lorna’s eyebrows rose. She was rapidly revising her opinion of her new owner, in an upward direction.
Lorna had been very upset when she learned that Arthur had purchased her as a gift to a 15 year old street gang leader from New York. She had expected a stupid, ignorant boor, who would clumsily paw her in graceless rut. Instead, she was meeting a tall, handsome, well set up and impeccably attired young man.
He was at least as well spoken as any of her tutors. He seemed to have an exceptional education by the standards current in the south at the time. He was taking the time to converse with her over drinks and dinner, when she had half expected to be knocked to the floor and leapt upon on the spot.
All in all, Lorna was finding her new owner a pleasant surprise. Jeffery leaned his head in to announce dinner, and they went out to the set table. As Jeffrey and Steward left, Matty said; “Lorna, kindly serve us.”
With a wry twist to her mouth, Lorna realized that Matty was subtly, and quite properly, reminding her of her place as an owned chattel, whom he was choosing to treat with politeness and grace when he did not have to. She served and shared the dinner with him. They finished with coffee, brought up fresh and hot from the kitchen at the right time, and a small pastry each.; “ Oh! This coffee isn’t what we usually drink here. More of your New York sophistication, Master Matt?”
“Yes, Lorna. I brought about twenty pounds of beans imported from the Blue Mountain plantations of the island of Jamaica. Some esteem it the world’s finest.”
“Mmmm. Yes. I see why you had no cream or sugar provided. The flavor is so rich!”
“That’s right. I did have a small flask of Appleton’s special dark rum sent up, there at the side of the tray. It, too, is Jamaican. After we savor our first cups straight, we should use it to sweeten the second.”
As their wide ranging conversation continued, they took no notice of the passage of time. The black rum sweetened their second cups, and their thirds. They both had a mild, pleasant buzz on while remaining wide awake and alert due to the caffeine in the coffee.
Lorna had long since decided that this was a master worthy of her talents and abilities. She was now looking forward to spending the night in his bed. After all, it had been dinned into her ears all her life, that her entire purpose in existing was to be the bedmate and companion of a wealthy man. Time to put all that training to use!
When Matty rose, took her by the hand, lifted her from her seat and led her to the master bedroom, Lorna was ready to go. When they entered, she saw something that upset and frightened her. The head and foot boards of the ornately carved bed, and all four of the corner posts, had grown an assortment of straps and cuffs of thick leather.
Even though Arthur had never used her, she had been in this room before. She knew these were new additions. With a sudden rush of terror, Lorna believed she had become the property of a sadist, a boy who would savagely beat her until she was no longer good to look, at, and then discard her. She had been told that such men existed. Matty said; “Don’t be afraid. These are not to hold you for pain. They are to hold you for pleasure so intense and long lasting that without them you would never be able to hold still to fully enjoy it.”
Lorna’s eyes opened wide. She had been told that there were men like that also. She believed him. After all, he owned her. He had no need to lie to her. Matty said; “Let us disrobe now”.
They were both healthy, attractive and young, and they unashamedly stared at each other as they undressed. Lorna saw a massive young man, especially by the standards of the time. He stood an inch taller than his six foot one inch father, but was 50 pounds lighter than his father’s 270. Matty was broad of shoulder, deep of chest, sturdily solid at the waist and hips.
Matty’s massively muscled thighs were each wider than Lorna’s slim hips. Each of his solid calves was bigger than one of her thighs. Matty’s upper arms were as large as Lorna’s waist, and his forearms bigger than her calves. His big hands looked strong and capable, but were clean and well groomed, without visible callus or scar.
Matty’s hair was thick, rich and reddish brown, with his brows and moustache the same shade. His cheeks were clean shaven, with regular typical Welsh features, a strong jaw and chin, and a lightly tanned ruddy complexion. His eyes were a very dark emerald green, like his mother’s. All in all, Lorna thought, this was the handsomest, most masculine young man she had ever seen, and during the years of her training she had seen many. If he was versed in the pleasure arts that required a girl to be bound to enjoy them to the full, this might be a far better experience than she had feared.
Matty saw a stunning young woman, slender and shapely. Her skin was the color of cafe au lait made with extra heavy cream, the kind that was actually yellow with butter fat. Her palms and soles looked like the amount of cream in the coffee had been doubled. Her tilted, almond eyes were obsidian black, as was her medium textured, slightly wavy, waist length, glossy black hair. That healthy, shining hair was of the black so deep that the highlights were blue, not red.
Lorna’s fingers, hands, arms and shoulders were slender and feminine. Her neck was long and elegant. Her ears were delicate and intricately formed. She had high, tilted cheekbones, smooth cheeks, tiny, pointed chin, and a mouth of average width but with wide, sensuous lips.
Lorna’s hips had that sexy curve like a small guitar. She had a lovely, firm, rounded ass. Lorna’s breasts were the size and shape of large grapefruits. Her flesh was just enough to sleek the shape of her ribcage into smoothness, except when she inhaled deeply or arched her back. At those times each rib could be seen.
Lorna’s waist was narrow, her hips womanly wide. Her thighs, knees and calves were smooth, soft looking and exquisitely formed. Her delicate looking ankles were perfectly turned, and her feet were short, average width for their size, and incredibly high in the arches. Her toes were pretty round puffs on the ends of short, wide stems.
Lorna’s skin was smooth and looked invitingly soft all over her body. The skin looked especially soft and enticing on Lorna’s palms and soles, fingers and toes, where the color was lighter, with more of the yellow tinge of her Chinese mother.
Matty stepped forward and lifted Lorna by the hips, with no apparent effort. He placed her gently on the bed, and began to fasten her limbs in place. Matty fastened Lorna’s wrists below the level of the mattress top. A broad strap had been fastened around the mattress just where Lorna’s shoulders would lie on it. It had two wide leather cuffs, which Matty moved into place to fasten around the middles of Lorna’s upper arms.
Matty fastened restraints around each of Lorna’s lower legs at two points. One was just below the bulge of each calf, the other just above each ankle. The two restraints on each leg were linked by a leather encased iron rod. A long, L shaped bar held each rod suspended about 14 inches above the mattress, linked to the footboard of the bed.
Never had Lorna felt so helpless. With a flash of panic, she wondered if Matty was telling the truth about the restraints being for pleasure, not pain. Matty sat on the side of the bed, alongside Lorna’s hips, looking up the bed at her face. He shifted a bit until his right hip contacted hers.
With a dreamy smile on his face, Matty leaned forward and whispered to Lorna; “Tell me my dear.......are you ticklish?”
The horrified look on her face was more than answer enough, but he wanted to hear her say it. His smile widening to a grin, Matty said; “Answer my question, girl. Tell me, are you ticklish?”
Lorna gulped, and said; “Yes. Yes master, I am ticklish. I am dreadfully, terribly, awfully ticklish. But please don’t. I’m begging you, please master Matt. Please please don’t.”
“Don’t what? Please don’t what, Lorna?”
“Tickle me. Please, please don’t Ahhhhhhahahahahahaha!”
“Tickle you? Certainly. I thought you’d never ask!”
Matty had started by tickling her smooth rib cage, feeling his way to the ribs under the flesh. Within seconds he had Lorna gasping for breath between peals of laughter. Every gasp expanded her rib cage, outlining every rib clearly with each gasp, making it easy to find them and tickle them.
This was wonderful. Matty had bound and tickled women before, but never anyone nearly so beautiful as Lorna. He also thought Lorna just might be the most ticklish girl he had ever enjoyed.
Matty sternly warned himself to take things easy on Lorna. This was her first time for tickling, and he knew he might just get carried away. He didn’t want to push Lorna over the edge into madness. After all, she was his. If he kept her both healthy and sane, he could enjoy her whenever he wanted to forever.
It was intoxicating, watching Lorna’s perfect breasts bounce on her chest as her body tried to move her ticklish ribs away from his probing fingers. The sight mesmerized Matty so that he continued the rib tickling for much longer than he had intended.
Breaking the spell, Matty leaned back, his shoulder against Lorna’s raised right knee, and watched in rapt admiration while she regained her breath and her composure. When Lorna had her breathing regular again, Matty scooted back on the bed, leaning against one of the corner posts of the footboard. He then began teasing Lorna’s lovely calves with the fingers of both hands.
At first Lorna seemed unaffected, but after a minute her beautiful lips began twitching. A minute later she was smiling, then grinning more and more widely. Matty saw that the top curves of Lorna’s calves, just below the knee hollows, were much the most sensitive part of her calves.
When Matty concentrated his gentle teasing there, Lorna held out about 30 more seconds and then began giggling. Her face wore a look Matty had seen on the faces of other tickled women; Lorna, to her own great surprise, was enjoying her tickling! She actually liked how it felt to be lying there helplessly giggling while masculine fingertips played with her legs.
Now Matty moved his hands up to the hollows behind Lorna’s knees. That very soon had her laughing again. Lorna was quite ticklish there at the backs of her knees.
Lorna found herself involuntarily pulling and tugging against the immovable bondage for minutes at a time, then giving up and just laughing for several minutes, and then uncontrollably pulling and jerking again. During the times when her body gave up the useless struggle and just laughed, Lorna found the tickling relaxing, pleasurable, almost comforting in some odd way.
After bout 20 minutes of letting his fingertips dwell in those cute, ticklish nooks, Matty leaned back and let Lorna rest again. Watching her taking deep breaths was it’s own sort of fun. Once again, he allowed her to fully regain her composure. Then Matty reached out to tease the exposed lower third of her buttocks with both hands.
Lorna’s sleek body arched upward in surprise, and when she came down she was wildly giggling! This was some serious fun! Matty followed her arching and bucking body with his fingers, keeping the sweet giggles pouring from Lorna’s lush lips.
On Lorna’s part, she was confused. She was actually having fun, bucking and struggling and giggling like this. She was out of control, and she loved it! In fact, it was starting to make her aroused, which surprised her all over again. Deliberate, prolonged tickling was something that none of her training had covered. She suddenly felt the arousal factor turn up by several notches, as Matty’s hands moved from her ass to the backs of her thighs!
This didn’t tickle as much, though it did keep her steadily giggling, but oh, my, what a huge turn on! Lorna lay happily giggling. Her luscious thighs wriggled and squirmed in her ticklish enjoyment. And then his hands moved to her tender inner thighs, and Lorna was suddenly, desperately trying to close her spread knees.
Oh, God this tickled SO MUCH! And it was making her SO HORNY! Lorna let go and allowed herself to writhe, buck and laugh in sheer ticklish delight. It was wonderful! How could her trainers not have known?
Matty just loved the way Lorna responded to his tickling. As he kept on teasing those lovely thighs, Matty was watching her nipples and labia swell up.
Her labia also were moistening nicely. Again, after driving her mad for about 20 minutes, he leaned back and just watched her breathe.
By the time Lorna had her composure again, Matty had moved himself back down the bed to alongside her hips. When she had herself under control again, Lorna was still smiling happily up at her tormenter. Smiling back, Matty reached out and began making swirls on her flat, tight belly with the tips of all ten of his fingers.
Lorna instantly broke out in wild, happy giggling. She thought; “This is nuts! This guy is torturing me and I love it! Have I lost my mind?”
Matty leaned forward. His left hand crept upward to tease Lorna’s breasts while his right hand moved downward to play with her groin, and she suddenly felt Matty’s tongue in her deep inny navel. At that Lorna let out a squeal of wordless delight combined with ticklish agony! God, these sensations were just SO INTENSE!
With a clever tongue tormenting her frantically sensitive bellybutton, five fingers teasing her breasts and another five tickling her groin, Lorna was starting to lose it completely. She felt as if she was in heaven and hell at the same time! And she wanted to cum now. Oh Lord, how she wanted to cum!
After several minutes of this treatment, Lorna received a brief break while Matty shifted position. Lorna’s sweet face was still wearing a helpless, maniacal grin when she suddenly realized Matty was no longer sitting up on the bed. He was lying alongside her. His handsome face was just inches from her face. Okay. This looked promising.
Matty gently lifted Lorna’s head and slid is massive left arm underneath, shoving the pillow aside. Lorna discovered anew a truth that women have known since the first generation of humankind; a resilient, warm, masculine shoulder makes an absolutely wonderful place for a woman to rest her head. Then the big bastard started to tickle her sides.
Lorna instantly started to laugh, loud and wild. Feeling the heat radiating from his body as it lay along the length of hers made it all feel incredibly sexy. Ten fingertips, touching as lightly as feathers and wickedly teasing her ticklish flesh. Grazing endlessly up and down the feminine curves of her flanks, making her laugh uncontrollably.
Lorna was starting to really get into the rhythm of helplessly laughing and writhing in time the ever moving fingers when Matty did something unexpected. Again. He leaned over and planted a long, deep, sensual, sexy kiss on her wide open mouth.
Lorna was feeling his lips possessively caressing hers, feeling his tongue gently stroking the tender inside of her mouth, teasing her wickedly, WHILE SHE CONTINUED TO LAUGH UNCONTROLLABLY! God, this was so damned EROTIC! The helpless girl felt her own growing arousal.
She knew that her nipples had grown to their maximum size. That her labia were fully engorged. That her clit was demandingly erect and about to peek out from the small hood of flesh that it hid under. That all three now felt like they had to be visibly throbbing!
That was when moved his hands from her sides to the cute little nooks of her underarms. Lorna’s entire body galvanized up from the bed. Lorna’s laughter became sheer hysteria. Her laughter rose a full octave in pitch, and a couple of decibels in volume.
As she felt Matty’s mouth on her nipples, deliciously nibbling and licking and teasing them almost beyond her endurance, her level of arousal went up by an order of magnitude. As the first tears of laughter began trickling down from the corners of her beautiful eyes, in her mind she was desperately begging her master to please let her cum.
But her mouth produced no words, just laughter. He kissed her again, and it felt so incredibly, impossibly wonderful! Oh God, she wanted him! Wanted to feel him inside of her. Wanted to feel him cumming inside of her!
Dear lord, she felt so completely submissive right now! Matty’s ruthless dominance, his merciless tickling was making the man even more irresistibly sexy and desirable. Then she was no longer thinking, completely consumed by sensation.
Matty had gently turned her head, and was teasing the intricate whorls of her ear with tip of his tongue. With his fingers now dancing around in her underarms, Lorna’s scream comprised equal parts outrage, torment, delight, and ecstasy. Matty was driving her out of her mind, and she loved him for doing it.
Matty had made love to women before; he could tell it was time, and his own mighty, throbbing arousal required attention. He swung his legs up over Lorna’s right leg and down on the bed in between hers. He leaned back, reclining against the footboard, and straitened his legs out along Lorna’s sides.
Matty eased his hips forward and soon he could feel himself entering Lorna. Lorna had gotten her breathing back under control in the brief interlude, and the pleasure she felt made her gasp again. Yes! This was good. He was very thick, not overly long, and moved her flesh in just the right way. Then as he firmed fully into her, she felt a new source of pleasure awaken; “ my spot!” She thought. “His thing is rubbing my spot! Oh, that feels SOOOOO GOOOOOD!!!!”
And then Matty reached up with both hands and started to tickle her feet. If she hadn’t been bound to the bed, Lorna would have launched through the roof and gone sailing right into the sky! She just couldn’t believe it could tickle so bad and still feel so good.
Matty began with his fingertips poised at the tops of the balls of her feet, and then drew them down, agonizingly slowly, until they broke contact by leaving her heels. Then he positioned them back at the starting point and did it again. And again. And again and again.
Lorna was laughing like never before. It felt so impossibly ticklish, and so irresistibly sexy and hot! Lorna’s hips bucked and writhed uncontrollably, and that was what made Lorna cum, as her own movements rubbed her spot against his cock and moved the flesh around her throbbing clit. It was bigger, and better, and went on far longer than any of the climaxes she had been given in practice.
But Matty had not cum, and he kept on tickling her feet! Lorna suddenly felt the sensations, both tickling and sexy pleasure, nearly double in intensity. Her wild laughter grew into howls of hysterical agony. This was unbearable. This was amazingly wonderful. This was both at once, and was driving the defenseless beauty out of her mind!
Matty changed tactics. Rather than breaking contact at Lorna’s soft heels and taking a couple of seconds to reposition, he now maintained contact and simply reversed his direction. A slow downward stroke from the balls of her feet to her heels was followed, without any respite at all, by an equally slow, equally torturous upward stroke from the heels to just below the toes.
The psychological effect on poor Lorna was devastating. Her mind had begun to depend on those short breaks while Matty reset his fingertips. Having them suddenly taken away sent her mind into screaming, ticklish panic. Her body convulsed with unbearable tickling sensations, and one minute later she climaxed again, even more powerfully than before.
Now Matty started to tickle her cute little toes. Lorna found herself laughing so hard she just couldn’t believe it, and yet she could feel her next orgasm building inside her. For the third time in her life, Lorna came laughing.
With a fiendish grin, Matty began slowly grazing those fingertips all over poor Lorna’s high, tender arches. The pitch of her laughter ascended and ascended until it was silent.
The sheer volume of air being pumped through her throat by her straining lungs was so great that, as a survival mechanism, her vocal cords folded back out of the airway to avoid getting damaged. The result was that even though Lorna thought and felt like she was laughing louder than ever, no actual sound was emerging.
This time when Lorna came, Matty just increased the speed of his fingertip’s wanderings over those desperately sensitive arches. When she climaxed again, Matty’s fingers began to fly over that warm, tender, butter soft skin.
Lorna’s mind was already turned off at this point. When Matty’s toes suddenly started to tickle her armpits while fingers continued to tickle her arches, and Matty’s tongue started to play with the toes on her right foot, which he had observed to be more ticklishly vulnerable than those on the left foot, Lorna went wild.
Her entire luscious body just arched up impossibly, off the bed, held in place only by bondage straps. Lorna had been tickle tortured into a wild, mindless female animal, lusting for her male dominator. Her broad, sexy hips were now working furiously, thrusting up and forward, then down and backward at a furious pace. During this time she had multiple ticklegasms, arriving closer and closer together and each lasting longer and longer.
But she was determined. Something inside her would not rest, would not be satisfied, until she could feel her man come inside of her.
Then, it was happening. Lorna felt Matty pumping what felt like a truly vast volume of thick, hot fluid inside of her,. Lorna’s insides writhed with pleasure and she came again as well. When they both reached their peaks and began to subside, Matty stopped tickling.
The two healthy, young human animals relaxed. The sweat of their happy exertions began to dry, cooling their overheated bodies. But then something happened that Lorna hadn’t expected.
Matty was 15 years old. He was young, strong and healthy. Lorna was both the most beautiful girl Matty had ever seen, and the most ticklish girl Matty had ever touched. As they lay there and started relaxing, she felt Matty starting to harden and lengthen inside her again!
With a wicked grin, he resumed tickling her beautiful feet. She resumed laughing and bucking and thrusting and twisting. Before all was done, Matty reached climax two more times that night. Lorna came so many times she completely lost count.
All she was sure of was that she was happy and sated when she fell asleep as the sun rose outside, with the straps that had held her in bondage removed and her new master holding her tight in his arms.
At the same time as Lorna and Matty were finally falling asleep, Matthew Senior was waking up, well rested and content, in Melanie’s bed at Weathered Oaks. He reached for the glass of rose water Melanie’s servants had left on the night table, gargled a bit of it, spat in the basin, and then dripped a few drops from the glass into Melanie’s mouth.
Melanie, still asleep, worked the rosewater around in her mouth, and then swallowed. Matthew grinned, and leaned in to wake his love up with a long, tender kiss. When Melanie’s lovely eyes opened up, Matthew leaned to kiss her again. This time, fully conscious, she shyly kissed him back. Matty reached up and started to tenderly tickle her under the chin with one gentle fingertip. As he kissed her a third time, she felt herself growing excited. She loved the way it felt. She thought; “This is what a marriage bed is supposed to feel like.”
Then, as if reading her thoughts, Matthew Senior whispered into her pretty little ear; “Melanie darlin’, would you like to marry me? I’d sure purely love to marry you.”
Feeling her heart swell with joy, Melanie whispered back; “Yes. Yes, my love. Oh my dear, yes!”
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