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An Unanticipated Reunion (M/M Intense)


2nd Level Red Feather
Jan 23, 2004
Bedding your best friend's wife is a betrayal that can have drastic—and kinky—consequences! Just ask poor Darren…


An Unanticipated Reunion


T.T. Gore​

“HIIIIEEEE-HEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-HEE!!!” Darren squealed. The naked horndog’s balls swayed as he jerked his hirsute torso to and fro in a futile attempt to evade Marty’s scampering fingers. “OH PLEEEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-HEEEEEESE!!!”

“Please what?” Marty sneered in reply. “Please FORGIVE you for sleeping with my WIFE?” He dug his fingers into Darren’s defenseless ribs. “I don’t fucking THINK so, you fucking COCKSUCKER—!”

Darren responded with another girlish shriek of anguished hilarity. If he made enough noise maybe someone would hear—someone would come to the rescue—someone would bring this unendurable torture to an END—!

But as he knew all too well, Marty’s basement was thoroughly soundproofed. Darren was despairingly aware that he could scream his idiotic fucking HEAD off and it would do no good! With an energy born of desperation, he struggled to slip the bonds that held him helpless. But it was futile—FUTILE! He was helpless—utterly and completely HELPLESS—!

When Marty had flourished a pistol in his face after luring him down to the basement, Darren realized that the jig was up. Somehow his best friend and former college roomie had found out about the affair. And when Darren was commanded to take his clothes off, he knew that resistance would be futile. Once he was naked, Marty had strung him up by his thumbs and secured his ankles to a pair of widely spaced ring bolts set in the concrete floor. Darren thus found himself poised on his toes, legs spread, completely defenseless. Marty took a moment to survey his handiwork—and then he too took off his clothes! Darren’s eyes widened as the implications of that sank in…

There was history here. He’d met Marty at Unknown University and they’d been roomies…roomies and best friends…very special best friends, in fact, during their senior year. How THAT had come about, Darren could not now recall. True, Marty was good-looking in a slightly girlish way: blonde and slender but toned, with big brown eyes, silken skin, hot legs and a sexy fanny. But he wasn’t a FAG—and neither was Darren! Somehow, though, they’d found themselves entangled in a steamy, clandestine affair. UU was funny that way. Perhaps there was something in the water…

After graduation, though, that aspect of their relationship kind of faded out and Darren assumed that his bi-curiosity had been satisfied. As it happened, the former roomies landed jobs in the same city and so remained friends. But nothing was ever said about the past. True, Darren continued to entertain the occasional same-sex masturbation fantasy, usually featuring Marty, but his actual sex life was focused on the opposite sex…unfortunately including a voluptuous redheaded named Gloria…who happened to be Marty’s wife…

“Comfortable, are you?” Marty had inquired with a sneer after verifying that Darren was securely restrained. “Good! Because now it’s PAYBACK time, asshole! And I think you know just HOW I’m going to pay you back!”

And before the naked horndog could voice any protest—it began!

“EEEEYAAAA-HAA-HAA-AAAAH-HAA-HAA-HAA-AAAAH-HAA-AAAAH-HAA-AAAAH-HAA-HAA-HAA!!!” Darren howled as Marty raked his ribs with stiff, sharp-nailed fingers. “GAAAAAA-HAA-HAA-AAAAH-HAA-AAAAH-HAA-AAAAH-HAA-HAA-HAA-HAA!!!” The effort required to produce laughter loud enough to express the full, hilarious extent of his anguish made his fucking EYES bulge! Already he was covered with sweat and his sides were beginning to ache. And he knew that fucking Marty was just getting STARTED—!

This happened to be a game that they’d played before—albeit less viciously! One of Darren’s dirty little secrets was his ticklishness. It was that weakness that enabled Marty to seize the dominant role in the course of their college affair. And Darren found that he rather enjoyed being bound and tickled silly…

But this was just too much! Fifteen minutes of relentless torso tickling reduced poor Darren to a state of quivering, gasping exhaustion. He sobbed with relief when the torment stopped—but it proved to be but a momentary respite. With a grin and a wink, Marty strolled around to take up a position behind Darren…who whimpered as he realized what was coming next…

“That’s right, asshole!” Marty snickered. “Now we’re going to find out just how ticklish these family JEWELS of yours are!”

“Oh no!” Darren cried, squirming in his bonds. “Oh GOD no! Oh Marty PLEASE don’t tickle my BALLS! I’m SORRY, Marty! I didn’t MEAN to—!”

But Darren didn’t finish his plea, realizing that he’d been about to say exactly the wrong thing! Alas, though, it was too late!

“You didn’t fucking MEAN to?!” Marty yelled. “So you fucked my wife by ACCIDENT?! As fucking IF! But don’t worry, asshole, I’m going to fix HER wagon as well! First, though, I’m going settle YOUR hash, you two-timing BACK stabber!”


Darren writhed madly! His dangling balls were being delicately caressed, probably by a feather, and it was fucking UNBEARABLE! Thrill after potent thrill of indescribably horrific sensation shot through his body! His legs quivered—his belly convulsed—his asshole puckered! And he laughed. Oh, how he laughed! Poor Darren positively SCREAMED with laughter—until his face turned PINK—until his sides and belly ached like MAD—until his bare, squirming BODY was covered with oily sweat and a veritable PLAGUE of goose bumps—!

And then the naked horndog laughed some more!

“Tickle, tickle, TICKLE!” Marty sang mockingly as he caressed Darren’s bouncing scrotum with a stiff, pointed feather. “Who likes to be TICKLED?”


Darren writhed and wiggled his ass and screamed with demented laughter as his balls were mercilessly assaulted. And it was probably just as well for what little remained of his peace of mind that he couldn’t observe his tormenter—because the nude cutie was now sporting quite an impressive erection…

Not entirely to his surprise, Marty had become aroused…by the sight of Darren’s gyrating buttocks…by the sound of his nonstop laughter…by the way the hairs on his legs were made stiff by goose bumps…by the heady, musky aroma of his sweat… It was reminiscent of their college days, when the roomies were wont to play some rather kinky slap-and-tickle games together. And it posed a question for the nude cutie: Was he mad because Darren had fucked his wife…or was he simply jealous…?


“No MORE?” Marty sneered. “What’s WRONG? Are you a CANDY ass? Can’t you take a little TICKLING? Am I making you CRAZY—?!”

YES! Darren WAS feeling crazy—and he had no doubt that if the tickling went on much longer he’d go right the fuck out of his tiny fucking MIND! The naked horndog was laughing his stupid fucking HEAD off—his SIDES and his BELLY ached like a mad BASTARD—the sweat was flying off his fucking BODY as he writhed and wiggled—!

And his fucking COCK was getting hard—!

But it couldn’t BE! Darren insisted to himself. He was OVER that same-sex stuff and there was no fucking WAY that being tickled by Marty could possibly be turning him ON—!

Yet his joystick continued to stiffen…and lengthen itself…as a warm, loose, greasy sensation stirred low in his belly…

And unbeknownst to Darren, this sentiment was fully shared by Marty! Indeed, as the realization of his anger’s true source dawned on him, the nude cutie was finding it increasingly difficult to stay focused on his mission of revenge. The sound of Darren’s laughter, the sight of his shapely, squirming derriere, made Marty’s balls tingle with excitement. His free hand crept down to stroke his tumid tool and he squeezed out a tiny, precious drop of pre-cum…

“Mmmm…” Marty sighed as memories of times past flooded his mind. “Oh, you naughty, naughty boy…” he whispered, not sure whether he meant his squealing, struggling former roomie…or himself…

But with an effort the nude cutie refocused on the matter at hand. Later, perhaps, he and Darren might rekindle that old flame. But first the treacherous bastard must suffer! With a smile of satisfaction Marty readdressed himself to the not-unwelcome task of tickling his helpless victim’s swaying gonads!

“YAAAAAA-HAA-HAA-HAA-AAAAH-HAA-HAA-HAA-YAAAAAA-HAA-AAAAH-HAA-AAAAH-HAA-HAA-HAA!!” Darren bellowed in response to this renewed assault. It was too fucking MUCH—he absolutely couldn’t STAND it—it was making him CRAZY—he was going BUGFUCK—!

But Darren didn’t go bugfuck—not quite! Instead, after fifteen or twenty minutes of nonstop tickling—he simply blacked out! It was only a momentary swoon and when he came to, the naked horndog found that Marty was now standing face to face with him—smiling in a way that made Darren’s guts tremble! The nude cutie flourished a stiff pointed feather in his victim’s face.

“So how’d you like having your balls stroked?” Marty snickered. “I think you kind of ENJOYED it, asshole!”

“Gaaaa…gaaaa…gaaaa…” Darren gasped. “Oh God…no more…no more…”

“Oh, come ON!” Marty chirruped. “We’re just getting STARTED!” He flourished the feather again. “Now where should I tickle you next, hmmm?”

”No!” Darren cried. “Oh NO—!”

“Oh YES, asshole!” Darren shot back. “Let’s try this!”

And with no more ado the nude cutie thrust the feather into Darren’s belly button!

“YAAAAR-HAR-HAR-AAAAR-HAR-HAR-HAR-HAR!!!” the naked horndog howled. His torso jerked from side to side in a useless attempt to dodge the swirling feather. “NOT THEEEEEERE!!! OH NOT MY BUUUUT-HUT-HUUUUTON!!! EEEEYAAAA-HAA-HAA!!! IT TICK-HICK-EEEEEE-HICK-EEEEEE-HIIIIEEEE-HICK-HICKLES MEEEEEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-HEE!!!”

“DOES it?” Marty replied with mock sympathy. “Poor BABY! Then maybe I should STOP!”

But instead, he expanded the assault, swirling the feather all OVER Darren’s tense, convulsing belly!

”OH-HO-HO-OH-NO-OH-HO-HO-OH-HO-HO-HO!!!” Darren bellowed. His balls jiggled between his thighs as he squirmed and wiggled in response to the feather’s tormenting caress. “OH GAAAAW-HAW-HAW-HAW-HAAAAAAWD!!! NO MOOOORE-HOR-HOR-HOR-HOOOOOORE!!!”

Marty licked his lips. It was exceedingly difficult to concentrate on his task with the spectacle of his naked, convulsing…and handsome…former roomie before his eyes. Ah, how he longed to stroke his own tumid member! But no! Once again, the nude cutie admonished himself that there would be plenty of time for that sort of thing later—after this treacherous asshole had been subjected to the punishment he so richly deserved!

“Hmmm, let’s try down here…” Marty whispered. He dipped the feather lower to probe through the tangled curls of Darren’s pubic hair—and the naked horndog’s response was positively HYSTERICAL!


“Please what?” Marty snickered. “Please tickle you MORE? Please tickle your precious PENIS—?!”

And yes! That was EXACTLY what Darren wanted! He LONGED for the tormenting feather to caress the pee hole of his upright organ! He just knew he could DO it if Marty TICKLED him there! He just fucking KNEW he’d be able to cum his stupid fucking BRAINS out—!

But Marty wasn’t about to let the naked horndog off that easily! “Oh, no!” he exclaimed, withdrawing the feather when he saw that Darren had managed to produce a drop of pre-cum. “Only GOOD little boys get to cum—and you’re a BAD little boy, isn’t that right?”

“Yes!!!” Darren blubbered. “Yes—YES! I’m bad! I’m VERY bad! PUNISH me, Marty! Punish me MORE—!”

“But do you know WHY you’re bad?” the nude cutie asked.

“Because I screwed your WIFE—!”

“Wrong answer!” Marty cried. And with a sneering smile he swept the feather up to tease the naked horndog’s erect nipples!

“HIIIIEEEE-HEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HEE-HEE-HEE!!!” Darren screeched. He went up on his toes and writhed in a fit of anguished hilarity! It tickled! It tickled like MAD—and he fucking LOVED it! “HIIIIEEEE-HEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-HEEEEEE!!!”

“That’s right!” Marty cried. “SQUIRM for me, you two-timing asshole! DANCE for me! LAUGH for me! Laugh your handsome HEAD off for me! Laugh your sexy ASS off for me—!”


“Then maybe I should STOP!” Marty suggested. “Because you’re not supposed to be ENJOYING yourself, asshole!”

But it was obvious from his impressive state of arousal that the naked horndog WAS enjoying himself! It was all that Marty could do to keep from applying the feather to the swollen head of Darren’s member…all he could do to keep his free hand off his own throbbing joystick…

”YAAAAR-HAR-HAR-HAR-AAAAR-HAR-HAR-AAAAR-HAR-HAR-HAR-HAR!!!” Darren screamed. He took no notice of his friend’s conundrum. He was far too preoccupied with the scrambled, contradictory emotions that the feather’s caress had ignited…joy and pain…humiliation and lust… Somehow, despite his exhaustion, the fierce ache that gripped his sides and belly, the gasping struggle for oxygen, the sweat that covered his squirming body, the tears that stained his cheeks, he longed for more…

“So NOW do you know why you’re bad?” the nude cutie inquired.

“Yes!” Darren blubbered as the light dawned. “Oh YES Marty! You! You! I was unfaithful to YOU—!”

“Ah…” the nude cutie sighed. “That exactly right…but I just can’t stay mad at you, cupcake…”

Marty cast the feather aside and stepped close to his prisoner. The former roomies stared deep into one another’s eyes…and immediately recognized the expression buried there…

“How could I have been so foolish…?” Darren whispered.

“It’s all right…” Marty whispered back, toying with the naked horndog’s sweat-damp chest hair.

“Wait, though…” Darren bit his lip. “Don’t release me yet, sweet cheeks…”

“Why not?”

“Because I haven’t been punished enough…”

Much later in the evening the former roomies moved from the basement to the upstairs guest bedroom, there to consummate their reunion. Far into the wee hours of the morning, the rhythmic squeaking of the old brass bed sounded faintly in the hall. And once, when Marty recalled that Darren liked a little pain, a listener might have perceived a spanking sound and a series of girlish squeals. But the nude cutie and the naked horndog had the house to themselves that weekend. No one interrupted their tryst, nor overheard the plans they laid concerning Marty’s two-timing wife, Gloria…who, as he reminded Darren, remained to have her wagon fixed…

(To Be Continued!)​
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